We need two more 30's for Atheon on PS4.
Me. jaguwar
We need two more 30's for Atheon on PS4.
What's the quickest way to level up a new character? If it goes fast enough, I might consider it for a guaranteed 27 coins each week. It's the only way.
NO, there are already enough bubbles, and what happens after DLC II? More bubbles? Make the Gunsmith useful and let him rework the base gun level to 302 and have the last three bubbles unleveled. Leveling those will bring you up to 320, or whatever the max is for 32 content.
We need two more 30's for Atheon on PS4.
What's the quickest way to level up a new character? If it goes fast enough, I might consider it for a guaranteed 27 coins each week. It's the only way.
Gonna have to disagree with you there. There's a HUGE difference.What you call grinding, I call playing the game.
It's no different than playing Call of Duty online and playing the same maps over and over, shooting faceless people over and over.
There really is no difference. At least in Destiny I can throw some sort of variety into the equation.
My only real complaint with the game so far, is the weekly reset. I hate that I can only get rewards from these activities once a week. It's stupid. At least make the chests attainable over and over, give me some incentive outside of helping other people.
Other than that, I love every minute of it but I can see why it's not or everyone. Just like CoD isn't for me.
So code it that only fully leveled weapons can be traded in, but in return you get a weapon leveled up to where you were before, but with new bubbles to fill.
Same result. Anyone who hasn't fully leveled an Exotic isn't missing out because they'd still have to level up to a certain point anyway using what I suggest. Those that have, don't lose anything,
I'll join. PSN: captscience 28 warlock
I'll roll. Spyder_ur (we're friends I think). Might roll with my 28 hunter. Upgraded weapons. Need 10 mins or so tho.
Do all the bounties and story missions on hard. I have 2 characters and I remember it taking about 7 hours 2 hit level 20 on the 2nd one this way.
Story mode with bounty's along the way. I believe there was a guide, if I find it I'll link it here for you. But like I sad before you are looking at ~6hrs roughly. Give or take depending on how fast you are and bounties.
Here's the guide
Um NO. You and I man, Christmas we are doing this. We are going to suffer like everyone else and it will be fun in the long run.
Oh and I need to update my books and movies, thanks for reminding me.
I'm down if you still have a spot for me. Gen_hofI have an Atheon check point in HM on PS4. I'm only a mid-level 29 so it'd be nice to complete the raid with some 30's.
Thank you. I can't believe I'm willing to do this!
Is it wishful thinking to assume Bungie are reassessing this decision regarding Exotics?
Why ask the community what they think? Why not spin it, shut up shop and continue to pump out TDW PR?
They NEED to change it.
Old Legendaries becoming obsolete only effects the HM TDB, correct?
So all they have to do, IMHO, is make it so you have to pay Xur to open up the last bubble or two. No reset, but there's still a level of grind maintained. Best of both worlds. Bungie get to stretch their content more, and countless hours spent leveling weren't a waste.
Bounties and story missions. Some play harder missions but I found running the easy ones and bounties got me through it just fine.
Yes harder missions give more xp but they also take longer to run.
Thank you. I can't believe I'm willing to do this!
Hey new free DLC.
Frequent balance changes! Many of you hate these, but you know they make the game better.
Hey, here's an interesting weekend challenge that's not just an XP grind. Free loot crate for achieving community goals.
More packs to buy and expensive top end lootSo we're going to increase the number of credits you earn per match.
It's a thing of wonder that such a small piece of software can feel so much bigger and inviting than a full retail release. For a second Destiny managed to capture that feel. The new economy made upgrading feel less like a chore and more like a great chance to use end-game weaponry. Players were excited about the new piece of content coming soon. Anyone up for Glacier speed runs to prepare?
Now it just feels like ME3's single player ending. Bleh.
Man I'm really put off upgrading anymore of my exotics now any further because I'm actually going to have to upgrade them again next week. But from scratch. I'm not sure how any of this is a good idea. It doesn't reward people who've put so much time into the game... the games biggest fans in other words. Bit deflating if this all really is the case. If an exotic has been fully upgraded, there should be less of a grind to upgrade it again compared to someone who's not initially upgraded it at all.
Getting a new alt to level 20 is surprisingly fast. It's getting the gear and mats to upgrade later that's the problem.
I got my Warlock form 20 to 25 instantly with my extra gear, but due to time limitations, I've only gotten it up to 26 over the last couple weeks because my Main is still consuming all my mats to get to 30.
Thank you. I can't believe I'm willing to do this!
I'm down if you still have a spot for me. Gen_hof
I think its wishful thinking, even if they did change, it would take months
great; adding you now
I'm loading up now.
I just want to be able to run the weekly on hard for the coins. What's the level requirement for that?
Should i keep my hunter, or titan? I got raid gear to get another warlock to lvl 30. Idk which to scrap.
great; adding you now
Sorry, captscience just beat you. I'll send invite if someone no-shows
You can start to get coins at Lvl 22 Heroic, but it is a trickle at only 3 per week. Level 26 is 6 coins and level 28 is 9 coins.
Hudson, what I'm saying is add a column. To get to level 3(whatever).
So like I have Gjallahorn. It is 300.
I open up Destiny on Tuesday night and it now has one column of empty bubbles on the far right, which will let me upgrade it to level 360 (or whatever it is).
I don't have to spend coins. I don't have to spend marks. I don't have to sacrifice my first born.
I just have to grind with it like I normally do, playing NF's raiding or whatever.
The new weapons, if offering different attributes, will lead me to replacing old shiny ones. But my old shiny one shouldn't require me to put in another 24+ hours to get it where it already was (just to reach a new damage plateau). That's all.
I still love the game. I already bought the season pass. I will play it. I just hate doing things twice. And three times. Etc.
Complete the daily and Use a Xur telemetry right before it ends. Turn in ten bounties at once. Go put the item in the vault and change to another character. Repeat the process (without telemetry, it's not needed) and the exotic item is fully leveled from scratch.Hudson, what I'm saying is add a column. To get to level 3(whatever).
So like I have Gjallahorn. It is 300.
I open up Destiny on Tuesday night and it now has one column of empty bubbles on the far right, which will let me upgrade it to level 360 (or whatever it is).
I don't have to spend coins. I don't have to spend marks. I don't have to sacrifice my first born.
I just have to grind with it like I normally do, playing NF's raiding or whatever.
The new weapons, if offering different attributes, will lead me to replacing old shiny ones. But my old shiny one shouldn't require me to put in another 24+ hours to get it where it already was (just to reach a new damage plateau). That's all.
I still love the game. I already bought the season pass. I will play it. I just hate doing things twice. And three times. Etc.
Has it been confirmed that Xur will be able to upgrade the Mytho, Hawkmoon and Monte Carlo? I want to know if I should start upgrading my Mytho or not waste the time. .
Hell is the Mytho even better than the VoC? (I know I would have to stop using my Ice Breaker though)
You have to be level 28 to be invited to a 28 hard weekly? I figured you could join underleveled.
I thought Daily experience was confirmed to only work for armor.Complete the daily and Use a Xur telemetry right before it ends. Turn in ten bounties at once. Go put the item in the vault and change to another character. Repeat the process (without telemetry, it's not needed) and the exotic item is fully leveled from scratch.
Definitely won't take you 24 hours.
This really isn't as big a deal as people are makin it out to be.
Hmm not sure about that, it's just the process I followed. Might have been the weekly, I can't recall. It got the job done.I thought Daily experience was confirmed to only work for armor.
Play style? Better yet, what do you like to use more in PVE and or PVP?
Should i keep my hunter, or titan? I got raid gear to get another warlock to lvl 30. Idk which to scrap.
I think its wishful thinking, even if they did change, it would take months
Complete the daily and Use a Xur telemetry right before it ends. Turn in ten bounties at once. Go put the item in the vault and change to another character. Repeat the process (without telemetry, it's not needed) and the exotic item is fully leveled from scratch.
Definitely won't take you 24 hours.
This really isn't as big a deal as people are makin it out to be.
You have to be level 28 to be invited to a 28 hard weekly? I figured you could join underleveled.
Complete the daily and Use a Xur telemetry right before it ends. Turn in ten bounties at once. Go put the item in the vault and change to another character. Repeat the process (without telemetry, it's not needed) and the exotic item is fully leveled from scratch.
Definitely won't take you 24 hours.
This really isn't as big a deal as people are makin it out to be.
Complete the daily and Use a Xur telemetry right before it ends. Turn in ten bounties at once. Go put the item in the vault and change to another character. Repeat the process (without telemetry, it's not needed) and the exotic item is fully leveled from scratch.
Definitely won't take you 24 hours.
This really isn't as big a deal as people are makin it out to be.
Fair enough. The bounties take two nights of playing after work. The materials and glimmer are accumulated naturally through the process of completing them and the dailies/weeklies/etc.You make it sound like stocking up on 20 completed bounties can be done while making a sandwich. Plus you have to consider the time it takes to get all of the mats and glimmer required.
x5 or so fully level exotics.
huh. i bet old exotics you hold onto will be directly upgradeable to the next tier when it's raised again in whatever, the 2nd dlc. probably save some stuff in the vault til then and then do them all at once.
they definitely want you to prioritize which exotics you like most in order to keep them maxed and current. I get the frustration and feeling of being punished for time spent. I'm definitely not giving up my maxed Gjallarhorn up front, it's far too useful in its current state. Unless enemy HP is so dramatically spiked that being at-level and damaging them with my current loadout is non-functional in terms of damage, rather than just suboptimal, I'm not actually in a hurry to get the 31 extra attack.
I'm thinking I'll actually put my coins and shards toward any new Exotics Xur may or may not be selling, which apparently he can based on that screenshot... rather than upgrading any of my old stuff right away. I guess I'm not swimming in coins like a lot of you either, I've bought some stuff to collect, and my third character is juuust barely getting to level 26. Can't necessarily spend on everything I want when he first shows up.