So looks like his podcast was just a PR stunt now.
Punk's physical peak was probably right before he got signed to WWE. He was pretty cut and lean with some actual striations. Once he got to WWE, he tried to bulk up and it looked like shit.
PreachLets press the rewind button, can you believe that bleached blonde frail doofus in a cheap ass gym doing micless promos, He will be in a
Octagon with actual professionals With Men who actually do this to feed their children? seeing this guy trying to get "back at wwe"
by eating off their lives work should make them beat his ass yesterday.
In case you Phil marks have forgotten, this fool bragged about being super rich in the podcast interview, so clearly he is doing this NOT
because he has to is because he can, some UFC fighters live for this to feed their families.
This aint a god damn bucket list moment like this Frail guy is doing.
Joeki11a is right. It's likely that CM Punk fans will distribute #HijackUFC flyers in an attempt to bring over shitty wrestling chants, thinking they're a part of the show.
Lets press the rewind button, can you believe that bleached blonde frail doofus in a cheap ass gym doing micless promos, He will be in a
Octagon with actual professionals With Men who actually do this to feed their children? seeing this guy trying to get "back at wwe"
by eating off their lives work should make them beat his ass yesterday.
In case you Phil marks have forgotten, this fool bragged about being super rich in the podcast interview, so clearly he is doing this NOT
because he has to is because he can, some UFC fighters live for this to feed their families.
This aint a god damn bucket list moment like this Frail guy is doing.
Lets press the rewind button, can you believe that bleached blonde frail doofus in a cheap ass gym doing micless promos, He will be in a
Octagon with actual professionals With Men who actually do this to feed their children? seeing this guy trying to get "back at wwe"
by eating off their lives work should make them beat his ass yesterday.
In case you Phil marks have forgotten, this fool bragged about being super rich in the podcast interview, so clearly he is doing this NOT
because he has to is because he can, some UFC fighters live for this to feed their families.
This aint a god damn bucket list moment like this Frail guy is doing.
David Ferrier, professionally known to pro wrestling fans as Jimmy Backlund in the Florida independent scene, "Gigolo" Jimmy Del Rey to WWF and Smoky Mountain Wrestling fans, and Jimmy Graffiti to WCW fans, passed away last night following what is believed to have been a heart attack, has confirmed. He was only 52 years old.
It's punching people really hard, lets not pretend he's building a Mars Lander or anything. There's no reason to believe with 6 months of prep he can't go one-on-one with another prelim guy.
Prelim guys have been grinding for years for the right to earn 8k/8k. He's not going to fight anyone on the roster. It'll be a handpicked bum to keep this carnie hustle going more than one fight.
And it will bring more eyes to UFC than it has seen in years and all the UFC elitist fans blowing their lids over it alone will make it the best thing ever.
It's punching people really hard, lets not pretend he's building a Mars Lander or anything.
he is a loner mark for himself 100%.
is there a difference between MMA and UFC?
What exactly dont you understand?
He doesnt need to feed himself by doing this
He was bragging about being super rich a few days ago.
Many Real UFC fighters live for this, Phil Brooks never has. if they dont make it, they are done for, again it isnt a damn bucket list moment for them.
Frail Phil is out to "get back" at wwe with this move not trying to actually help MMA, he like always is out to do business for himself, he is a loner mark for himself 100%.
is there a difference between MMA and UFC?
And the runners up are Joeki11a and Data West if you ask meTired? My ASS. Heel is in the running for Community MVP.
Can't wait for some UFC dude to go on a podcast and talk about how these mother fucking part timer dudes who just showed up are getting the main event.
Guys, I'm buying a sweater from the WWE store for $30, but when I got to checkout it goes up to $66. Wtf is that about? Shipping is $24
That can't be right can it?
Better than being a loner mark in a forum thread.
where are the dirtsheetz with the scoops on how the locker room feels about this
im sure meltzer knows a guy or two who said a thing about how another guy might have felt
Tired? My ASS. Heel is in the running for Community MVP.
bjork is a human graphing calculatorwow look at the big brain on bjork