Guess I'm gonna start watching UFC then. How does it work?
Guess I'm gonna start watching UFC then. How does it work?
Got lost in the shuffle last night, but look for some debuts tonight at Final Battle, including Willie Mack.
Guess I'm gonna start watching UFC then. How does it work?
Guess I'm gonna start watching UFC then. How does it work?
Stro or anyone, what can ya'll tell me about Karl Gotch?
He was dope as fuck, pretty much invented the World of Sport style but made it look legit. Inoki basically aped his style completely, which morphed into shoot style and then MMA. Also trained Tiger Mask and a few other dudes that would make shoot style/MMA popular in Japan. German suplex is named such in honor of him. Invented the cradle piledriver and Neutralizer (which is why Regal called it the Gotch-style Neutralizer on NXT).
Basically all the shit I've said in the past about how important Inoki was to both wrestling and MMA probably wouldn't have happened without the training he got from Gotch.
Whaaaaaat. The card is already 8 matches deep. Wonder if they'll be debuting a new faction or something.
And I thought Willie Mack was on the E's radar?
Oh shit, did he innovate the German suplex into a bridge? And I had no idea he helped train Inoki.
Does he have a good bio out somewhere? Was really impressed with him in that '73 tag with Thesz.
Gotch didn't invent the World of Sport style, he learned catch wrestling from Billy Riley at the Snake Pit in Wigan, which is where Billy Robinson and a lot of the British greats learned their craft also. Gotch incorporated what he learned into his own style, which he then taught to Inoki, etc. Watch some Billy Robinson matches, stro - legit catch-as-catch-can wrestling, no fancy Johnny Saint escapism.
Also, the German suplex is called a 'Geman suplex' in honour of Gotch, who was synonymous with the move.
Apparently Willie Mack told them he wasn't going to past the drugs test because he smokes so much weed, so that's that.
Gotch didn't invent the World of Sport style, he learned catch wrestling from Billy Riley at the Snake Pit in Wigan, which is where Billy Robinson and a lot of the British greats learned their craft also. Gotch incorporated what he learned into his own style, which he then taught to Inoki, etc. Watch some Billy Robinson matches, stro - legit catch-as-catch-can wrestling, no fancy Johnny Saint escapism.
Also, the German suplex is called a 'Geman suplex' in honour of Gotch, who was synonymous with the move.
Apparently Willie Mack told them he wasn't going to past the drugs test because he smokes so much weed, so that's that.
He didn't invent it, but the German part is a tribute to him. No idea if he has a biography or anything. He's pretty important to Japanese wrestling. "God of Wrestling" is what the Japanese called/still call him.
Fucking lol. I love how MMA fans look down on pro-wrestling. Fuck YOUR carny ass 'sport', douchebags.
Billy Robinson is also dope. Always seemed to be a mean piece of shit in the ring, though. Like he'd fuck someone up at any point because he was mad or just for fun.
I smell trouble.
Don't confuse UFC-GAF with MMA-GAF. Big difference and MMA-GAF is good people.
I smell trouble.
Don't confuse UFC-GAF with MMA-GAF. Big difference and MMA-GAF is good people.
Friend Heel would probably like the wrestling fans to come back to the MMA thread so they can have their first new one in 3 years.
MMA GAF can stick it, brother.
You in for Final Battle today, man? IPPV available on ROH's site.
Will you be poisoning your body with alcohol?
Of course! Still debating if I want to go the iPPV or PPV. But yeah, I will be in regardless.
If Punk wins, I will have a Pepsi in his honor.
Should I make an OT thread? Haha.
Bought the iPPV last night, really looking forward to it - I saw cheeseburger on twitter talking about how the set-up's bigger than anything ROH have used for PPV before, can't wait to see it. Also, that reDRagon/Time Splitters rematch.
Yeah man. You've got more chance of convincing random OT'ers to watch ROH than the sour fucks in WrassleGAF![]()
I smell trouble.
Don't confuse UFC-GAF with MMA-GAF. Big difference and MMA-GAF is good people.
oh wow and here i thought UFC was doing as well or even better than WWE.
Wow those numbers are quiet pathetic in comparison. I was under the impression it was doing so much better because when you ask the average person they'll be quiet willing to admit to watching UFC and not WWE.. And i always heard people talk about this "competition" between UFC and WWE (ratings not content)...
You'd better choose a side, Sunny-Mac. You're either with those UFC/MMA goofs or with WRASSLEGAF 4 LIFE, BROTHER.
Should I make an OT thread? Haha.
Fight Without Honor for the ROH World Championship
Adam Cole vs. Jay Briscoe (c)
ROH Television Championship
Matt Sydal vs. Jay Lethal (c) (/w Truth Martini)
ROH World Tag Team Championship
The Time Splitters vs. reDRagon
Special Challenge Match
Michael Elgin vs. Tommaso Ciampa
Revenge Match
RD Evans vs. Moose
Student vs. Mentor Match
Roderick Strong vs. Adam Page
6-Man Tag Spectacle
ACH and The Young Bucks vs. Cedric Alexander and The Addiction
4-Corner Survival
Hanson vs. Mark Briscoe vs. Jimmy Jacobs vs. Caprice Coleman
UFC is a PPV business, WWE is a TV business. Big difference.
my man
Friend, I buy so many games just to not play them. Recent offences include Retro City Rampage PS4 (physical copy), Class of Heroes 2G, and Biohazard Remastered Collector's Edition. These games are rare and will remain sealed forever.
It's a sickness. But I've gotten better. A little better.
WCW had great depth too, so you wouldn't need the same old shit all the time.
Rusev defends each week for a year? He's going to battle Kofi Kingston 40 times.
Should I tweet Dana and volunteer to be Punk's first scab opponent? I'm older than him, have no jiu jitsu background and am in far worse shape. Punk will easily be the favorite to win.
So I wake up to hear that Frail cry baby is joining UFC? Dana white gassed him I see.
Let me get this straight, he wines about getting hurt in tv wrestling, now he joins UFC did this clown read my rant?, Your frail ass will get exposed on Ufc.
These fighters are no Ryback they will actually kick your ass. All that pipebomb slick talking crap will get a UFC fighter pissed off and smack ya mouth for real now.
Who is he trying to prove wrong with this?
Is he sooo pissy at Hunter that he is went to Dana like a crying baby to let him try to "get back" at wwe?. Ya thats it.
So I wake up to hear that Frail cry baby is joining UFC? Dana white gassed him I see.
Let me get this straight, he wines about getting hurt in tv wrestling, now he joins UFC did this clown read my rant?, Your frail ass will get exposed on Ufc.
These fighters are no Ryback they will actually kick your ass. All that pipebomb slick talking crap will get a UFC fighter pissed off and smack ya mouth for real now.
Who is he trying to prove wrong with this?
Is he sooo pissy at Hunter that he is went to Dana like a crying baby to let him try to "get back" at wwe?. Ya thats it.
Fucking lol. I love how MMA fans look down on pro-wrestling. Fuck YOUR carny ass 'sport', douchebags.
Two men roll around on the floor while an audience of violence crazed man-children scream for blood. In that respect it's a lot like deathmatch wrestling, but without Zandig, so fuck it.
Alright Scott SteinerGood lord, HHH is so wrinkly. He looks like a Shar-pei.