Welp. Since it's that time of the year (and work's dead).
Player of the year:
It's safe to say..
So much
was handed out this year its crazy.
1st Place: Evo 2014
1st Place: Chengdu Tournament (Chinese tournament)
1st Place: Red Fight District
1st Place: Gigacon 2014
1st Place: Lockdown 2014
1st Place: Dreamhack Valencia 2014
1st Place: Armor Break 2014
1st Place: DreamHack Stockholm 2014
you see where I'm going with this?
Runner Up:
I'm not sure who peed in this dudes cereal but.. they turned son into an animal b. He makes Zangief's bad matchups look
Most improved player:
At the beginning of 2014.. it was lookin real
. I don't even know if we ever heard of him. He's went from Zero to Hero ninja real quick. Went from barely winning any NLBC's/Tournaments to taking home many trophies AND he makes Dudley look
Proof is in the pudding brehs:
1st Place - NEC 15
1st Place - Resistance 3
1st Place - Summer Jam
4th Place - Canada Cup
If only he knew how to play Footsies
Runner Up:
jesus christ. I remember watching him beat Daigo at TGS14 and having another
moment. He might've been another one of the unknown Japanese killers in their scene, but I never heard of this dude. Came from no where breh.
1st Place - Canada Cup
1st Place - TGS14
2nd Place - NEC14
5th Place - TFC/DreamHack Winter 14
Fuerte comes at you fast breh
One knockdown and welp..
Most unimproved player of the year:
Mago-san. Nothing been the same since they nerfed Fei Long.
Fighting Game Of The Year: Pretty sure USF4 was the only fighting game that mattered this year. What I'm saying is:
Most hype event:
Blazblue finals were amazing
Marvel finals were amazing
USF4 finals were amazing
Melee finals were amazing
amazing brehs.
Runner Up: Capcom Cup.
Great matches throughout the day, but was plagued with some really.. really..
really bad ideas. 2/3, intermissions, terrible bands, iPAD DJ, bracket screw ups. great matches tho
L of the year:
I don't even know who's still on EMP going into 2015. So many lost members. Sanford, Yipes, Dieminion, M2K and Armada..all gone. Welp. I guess it's rebuilding time.
Runner Up:
Anyone that still mains Deejay after Ultra dropped is a total HEEEDIOT.
THE DREAM IS DEAD. HE WILL NEVER BE DECENT EVER. GIVE IT UP. If you have any ambitions to actually win something in USF4, then pick up somebody else. It's over. Capcom hates you, you hate yourself for playing Deejay. Its done over nada done boom.
Shoutouts to Elena and Rose for salvaging my soul from the deep depths of hades.
Biggest blow up:
Runner Up:
Set/Match of the year:
Runner Up:
Runner Runner Up:
Choke of the year -
Runner Up:
Best Commentator: Late contender but.. BOOLIT BOOLIT
Pie Sci da GAWD
Best stream:
They're on at a clutch time of right when I get to work. They rotate constantly of who's on the sticks and you get to see them beast on some XBL scrubs.
You're all set free for the New Years. Have a good one brehs.