The Lamonster
Anyone have Gorgon cp?
One spot available in Nightfall if anyone needs to do it. PSN: phantom8324
Even though it's already outdated I can't bring myself to dismantle my The Devil You Know. So many Dregs fallen to its bullets, I feel like I owe it something.
This guy knows what I'm talking about!
Managed to get the wife hooked on it so it made for a good excuse to rewatch. Been a few years, impresses me more every time I see it.
I think most people have bad sleeping habits this time of year. I'm still in holidays mode. In fact, I took off work today because I just felt like it.
Anybody with a 29 and lower wants me to carry them through first two phases of Crota. I'm bored so I feel like helping out.
So Valus is a confirmed no-burn NF at this point?
There aren't enough dicks in a bag in the world for Bungie to eat.
Who's doing fresh Crota in the next hour or so?
PSN: GibbShift
2 more and another bunch of quitters... Anyone up for running a few ROCs? No mics or anything, just someone that won't quit on me![]()
PS4, blewjayy
So Valus is a confirmed no-burn NF at this point?
There aren't enough dicks in a bag in the world for Bungie to eat.
Who's doing fresh Crota in the next hour or so?
PSN: GibbShift
One time I followed a guy on another team for a good 5 minutes. The whole thing he didn't know I was on the team until the very end I waved at him and killed him.
I'll join. Need to do it on my last character before deleting it.Anyone looking to do some nightfall?
Psn: Haybro_
Deleting my third Warlock and replacing it with another class.
Titan or Hunter?
The team got full because somebody randomly jumped in. We didn't invite him. We were going to kick him, but you never responded to us in the party. So once you left the party we went ahead.I decided to do my own thing after seeing the team was full. Not exactly my fault.
Titan, for sure.Deleting my third Warlock and replacing it with another class.
Titan or Hunter? Been leaning towards Hunter.
Just don't be the guy that flunks out because they slept through classes all semester from playing video games all night. I had a room mate who did that :/
I got a FR from another gaffer, so that makes three.I'd be down to raid. I'm on my way home so I'll probably be on in 30 to 40 minutes.
doing nightfall atm but am a swordbearer l32I got a FR from another gaffer, so that makes three.
Fresh CE
1. GibbShift
2. Palocca
3. Sicherlem
I have a 31 Titan, but no Sword experience. Hopefully anybody else we pick up might, though I need to get some reps in at some
We just wiped a few times (not that many really) on Crota then one guy left then we five manned Crota on the next run. Sorry guy who left!
Anyone looking to do some nightfall?
Psn: Haybro_
I got a FR from another gaffer, so that makes three.
Fresh CE
1. GibbShift
2. Palocca
3. Sicherlem
4. Gdt
I have a 31 Titan, but no Sword experience. Hopefully anybody else we pick up might, though I need to get some reps in at some point.
Have you considered they were the reason you wiped?
I got a FR from another gaffer, so that makes three.
Fresh CE
1. GibbShift
2. Palocca
3. Sicherlem
I have a 31 Titan, but no Sword experience. Hopefully anybody else we pick up might, though I need to get some reps in at some point.
Count me in. Ps4? NotjadedLooking to start a fireteam for the VoG hard or the Crucible. Which are you guy interested in?
I'd like in on this.I got a FR from another gaffer, so that makes three.
Fresh CE
1. GibbShift
2. Palocca
3. Sicherlem
I have a 31 Titan, but no Sword experience. Hopefully anybody else we pick up might, though I need to get some reps in at some point.
I got a FR from another gaffer, so that makes three.
Fresh CE
1. GibbShift
2. Palocca
3. Sicherlem
4. Gdt
5. cloud945076
I have a 31 Titan, but no Sword experience. Hopefully anybody else we pick up might, though I need to get some reps in at some point.
I got a FR from another gaffer, so that makes three.
Fresh CE
1. GibbShift
2. Palocca
3. Sicherlem
I have a 31 Titan, but no Sword experience. Hopefully anybody else we pick up might, though I need to get some reps in at some point.
This dude told his friends that if he ever got a Hawkmoon, he'd dismantle all his exotics, and he actually did it lmao
doing nightfall atm but am a swordbearer l32
I was busy getting my ferret off the street. By the time I came back, you guys already started. I didn't had my headset on as I was arguing with my brother who kept the door open for my ferret to escape. I didn't realized an invite was sent and by the time I did, it was already too late.The team got full because somebody randomly jumped in. We didn't invite him. We were going to kick him, but you never responded to us in the party. So once you left the party we went ahead.
Trying talking it helps yah know.
Anyone up for Nightfall?
PSN: EroticSushi
Fresh CE
1. GibbShift
2. Palocca
3. Sicherlem
4. v1br4t1ons
Welcome aboard.