Sweet, that's exactly what I wanted to see.
I know it's not OU, but damn, Togekiss is fun to use.
I forgot type matchup changes (mostly steel resistance):Sweet, that's exactly what I wanted to see.
anyone here have an extra eon ticket code? :/
There was a code giveaway from Maxsoft in America; they did it twice.Codes are only ones in Japan, since it was given out via a serial code in Corocoro a while back. So you'd have to have a Japanese one to even redeem it. Everywhere else it was given to a few people to spread, if I recall right.
There was a code giveaway from Maxsoft in America; they did it twice.
Just got alpha sapphire and I been out of the Pokemon loop for like 15 years. What are some things I should do? And does anyone have any good tips?
There was a code giveaway from Maxsoft in America; they did it twice.
Doesn't exclude the fact that American players were able to get codes from Maxsoft that worked. I got it this way.Maxsoft is Singapore and maybe more of Southeast Asia. The North American distribution was through League Leaders and Premier Challenge Organizers so over 1000 people got codes to distribute to their event attendees to then pass on.
Doesn't exclude the fact that American players were able to get codes from Maxsoft that worked. I got it this way.
Well I didn't know Maxsoft like you, but I didn't call it an event, just a giveaway. I singled out American to clear future confusion of region availability.Maybe, but think it's a bit stretching to say it was an American event.
Well I didn't know Maxsoft like you, but I didn't call it an event, just a giveaway. I singled out American to clear future confusion of region availability.
It's not like I keep up with NTSC regions.
SEA is NTSC, and we can play whatever the US can play, and vice versa. Nintendo doesn't have a SEA presense, so distribution is handled by Maxsoft, who is a 3rd party.
There are only 3 distinct regions for Nintendo systems: Japan, PAL (Europe and ANZ), and the rest of the world.
You can abuse Buzz nav by not saving after you get your Islands (from connecting to the Internet), you just keep soft resetting until the Island you want appears. Problem is I hate using the Dexnav where Ditto is in this game; caves are terrible in general and the grass one has tiny patches.Thanks, but there weren't any of those Mirage Spots when I was looking today.
I will be keeping my eye out for them, as I can imagine grass Pokemon are easier to catch that the water ones >___<
A big item change is gems are now a 30% boost rather than 50%. Yes the only Gem in Gen VI so far is the Normal Gem though (there is data for the rest).Thanks. Another question, is there a comprehensive list of changes from gen 5 to gen 6.
And by that I mean, things like moves having different base damage, abilities and items reworked etc.. I know special moves got nerved but that's pretty much it.
Yeah, you can set your region to all countries that get PAL systems on a PAL 3DS. Thats how Europeans were able to import a Australian New 3DS and use it with their region settingWow didn't realize rest of world was clumped together. Guess it's easier.
Thinking about that, does a PAL 3DS let you swap regions to show where you are from? (And if so, is it within EU and ANZ?) Seeing the regions like that, I'm assuming they tie where you show you "live" within region it is. At least that is my assumption right now.
Yeah, you can set your region to all countries that get PAL systems on a PAL 3DS
Woohoo! I finally got the flawless Feebas I wanted.
Even better, it has 0 Attack, so it's basically a 6 IV.
Only annoying thing is that it has Oblivious, but eh I'll just have to cough up for an Ability Capsule.
Speaking of Snivy, I just got a shiny one from a TSV giveaway : D
I am more excited about the HA Snivy (out this Friday?), but hey it's shiny and flawless so I'm not complaining.
I don't even check TSV Giveaways i'm never in there.
You can abuse Buzz nav by not saving after you get your Islands (from connecting to the Internet), you just keep soft resetting until the Island you want appears. Problem is I hate using the Dexnav where Ditto is in this game; caves are terrible in general and the grass one has tiny patches.
So there was a reason why the RNG gods hated me and wouldn't get me a flawless Poliwag. I just FINALLY hatched a flawless one... and it's shiny!! It even has the right ability! *faints* That's so cool. I will have a blue Politoed![]()
So there was a reason why the RNG gods hated me and wouldn't get me a flawless Poliwag. I just FINALLY hatched a flawless one... and it's shiny!! It even has the right ability! *faints* That's so cool. I will have a blue Politoed![]()
So there was a reason why the RNG gods hated me and wouldn't get me a flawless Poliwag. I just FINALLY hatched a flawless one... and it's shiny!! It even has the right ability! *faints* That's so cool. I will have a blue Politoed![]()
Yeah, I've experienced that too :lol That Poliwag was particularly annoying as I kept getting the wrong IVs passed down or getting the wrong abilities. It's only my second Masuda in ORAS and funnily enough both were unintentional. The first was a Bagon within the first couple of batches so quite the opposite compared to thisThe RNG can be awesome like that...very rare but whateves. Congratz!
So there was a reason why the RNG gods hated me and wouldn't get me a flawless Poliwag. I just FINALLY hatched a flawless one... and it's shiny!! It even has the right ability! *faints* That's so cool. I will have a blue Politoed![]()
Ahhhhhhh I finally completed my living dex!*
Young me is so proud
I've been sat on it almost complete for a couple of days, just short of Latias and patiently (heh) waiting for that one lucky EON Streetpass to come in.
Today I started tidying up everything and now have everybody with their correct English names and I'm the OT on everybody except the Y and AS legendaries I had to trade for.
I just finished doing this a few minutes ago and realised I hadn't checked my passes since getting in today..... and whadda know!? Eon ticket!
I caught Latias in a pink Heal ball.
So I'm now done, first time I've filled the dex on any game too
(*okay okay I'm technically only at 710 with only Jirachi, Celebi and Diancie of the mythical's gotten but shhhhhh, I'm not thinking about those right now)
Want a new challenge? Shiny dex with you as their OT.Sounds painful.
Lookie what Joey has
Question about Pokemon Bank, to complete my pokedex, I will be using it, but I haven't signed up for it yet, if I have a multistage Pokemon in one game, and have evolved it to its final stage, when I transfer it, will it register all the stages in the dex, or only the stage that I transfer? Should I sign up now and be transferring things back and forth before I evolve them so I don't have to catch a bunch more?
Question about Pokemon Bank, to complete my pokedex, I will be using it, but I haven't signed up for it yet, if I have a multistage Pokemon in one game, and have evolved it to its final stage, when I transfer it, will it register all the stages in the dex, or only the stage that I transfer? Should I sign up now and be transferring things back and forth before I evolve them so I don't have to catch a bunch more?
Only the stage that you transfer will be entered in the Pokedex - you actually have to see the Pokemon's evolution in your own game to have it registered.
Only the stage it is at. So if you want a complete Pokedex, you will need every Pokemon that evolves at each step along the way. It's best just to collect them that way for future games. Import it all, get credit for it, complete Pokedex.
Also, HA Serperior is live?!
I hope some of you guys gets access to that Contrary goodness and are willing to spread it![]()
Can't wait to get my hands on those HA starters.
Speaking of, are there any Turtwig with Shell Armor out there? I'd love to get a Torterra with that.