Super Smash Bros. for Wii U |OT2| Only Game Where You Can Beat Up The Duck Hunt Dog


Curious, what do people do here for their c-stick aerials? Do you have it to smash or to tilt? I can't decide which I prefer more, the tilt control and aerial movement more akin to melee more easily (as well as a quick access neutral while moving), or smash for the various cancels but with somewhat more difficult aerial mobility.
Curious, what do people do here for their c-stick aerials? Do you have it to smash or to tilt? I can't decide which I prefer more, the tilt control and aerial movement more akin to melee more easily (as well as a quick access neutral while moving), or smash for the various cancels but with somewhat more difficult aerial mobility.

Depends on the character for me. I do tilts for Wii Fit Trainer and Link. Smash for mostly everyone else I use.

edit: GGs JoeInky


Depends on the character for me. I do tilts for Wii Fit Trainer and Link. Smash for mostly everyone else I use

Can't make up my mind on how to play Marth, lol.

I love the a-stick set-up for his fast nair and controllable aerials, but I cry every time I can't jump-cancel an upsmash. :/
Can't make up my mind on how to play Marth, lol.

I love the a-stick set-up for his fast nair and controllable aerials, but I cry every time I can't jump-cancel an upsmash. :/

You wanna learn how to jump-cancel up-smash? Play Melee Fox. :p

Seriously though, just grind it out in training or turn on tap jump, which makes it a lot easier. Plus, I'd say in Marth's case you're better off setting the stick to smash anyway.


It pisses me off to no end how bad Ganondorf is against certain characters.

He's apparently some kind of hard counter to Diddy or something though, even though I'm sure you weren't playing seriously then.

GGs anyway.
It pisses me off to no end how bad Ganondorf is against certain characters.

He's apparently some kind of hard counter to Diddy or something though, even though I'm sure you weren't playing seriously then.

GGs anyway.

Yea, lol. I don't play as Diddy, so I wouldn't use mine as a measuring stick. That may have been the 2nd time I've played as him.

I think with medium to long range characters, you have to be careful about committing to your side or down b. Puts you in a very vulnerable state


You wanna learn how to jump-cancel up-smash? Play Melee Fox. :p

Seriously though, just grind it out in training or turn on tap jump, which makes it a lot easier. Plus, I'd say in Marth's case you're better off setting the stick to smash anyway.

No I meant, that you can't do a JCUS with a-stick, it has to be smash stick. :p So the quick nairs from a-stick (which lets you keep moving the control stick while putting out nairs) come at the cost of losing JCUS.

I know how to actually do it and do it regularly, its that its simply impossible as far as I am aware when you are a-stick rather than smash stick.

He's apparently some kind of hard counter to Diddy or something though, even though I'm sure you weren't playing seriously then.

Dunno how Ganon would be a Diddy counter, unless its got to do with the fact that its not safe to be floating under Ganon. His Wizard's Kick will definitely go through uair spam, and I think his dair might even out prioritize uair on Diddy.

Olimar is more of a hard counter if ever there was one, since he'll completely nullify the banana with Pikmin.
No I meant, that you can't do a JCUS with a-stick, it has to be smash stick. :p So the quick nairs from a-stick (which lets you keep moving the control stick while putting out nairs) come at the cost of losing JCUS.

I know how to actually do it and do it regularly, its that its simply impossible as far as I am aware when you are a-stick rather than smash stick.

Oh, is that so? i could've sworn I could pull it off myself with control stick+A, but perhaps I'm somehow extending running up-smash's reach. Hmm...
Its possible I am wrong... I will have to look into this. >.>

Do this.

Go into training with whoever. Hold shield, and then try inputting up-smash with Control stick+A.

Hold shield while inputting jump-cancel-up-smash using control stick+A.


EDIT: In fact, you could use this to practice punishing attacks on shield by jump-cancel-up-B with Marth. Seems to have a similar effectiveness to Doc's up-B OoS.


Yea, lol. I don't play as Diddy, so I wouldn't use mine as a measuring stick. That may have been the 2nd time I've played as him.

I think with medium to long range characters, you have to be careful about committing to your side or down b. Puts you in a very vulnerable state

That's all well and good saying that, but there's practically fuck all else Ganondorf can actually do to try and start something.

Shit dash, shit dash attack, incredibly slow walking speed means you have to commit to a dash to actually close in on someone and all of his options out of dash aren't great, options out of shield aren't good because his grab range is a holdover from Melee where he had chaingrabs that he doesn't even have anything close to in Smash 4.

His only good approaching aerial is reverse fullhop UAir and that's an awful approach.

Perfect shield reflecting being gone as well as the fact that wizard foot clanks with projectiles instead of beating them completely fucks up his game against projectile characters.

And you know what's the worst thing? He HAD a good approach option before the WiiU version was even released, his DACUS went the distance of flame choke and it was incredibly safe on shield due to shield push + low endlag, but that got patched out, so they made him worse before we even got to fully try out his toolbox.

Plus, to top it all off, his recovery is the worst in the game, he has awful rolls and he's not even that heavy.

Maybe there's something I haven't discovered about him yet, but I have no idea what that could possibly be. All I know is that 95% of the time I play him, all I'm thinking is "What the fuck were they thinking?"

I've always loved playing lower tier characters, but Ganondorf in Smash 4 feels like taking it beyond the joke.
I was going to make a fuss about how my remaining people haven't shown their face here in a while, but by the looks of it they'll be removed by the end of the day. Guess I'm done this season too. :)

Just in case though, if the following are here and want to complete their ranbat with me today, please PM me.

I am not going to be able to catch up on bans until next weekend. Crazy busy week for me with an event I have to run. So, the players that are behind will have an extra week to make up for their present shortcomings. Then I will ban so we can move on. :)

It pisses me off to no end how bad Ganondorf is against certain characters.

He's apparently some kind of hard counter to Diddy or something though, even though I'm sure you weren't playing seriously then.

GGs anyway.
I hear his customs make things a lot better.

That's not hard when half of bracket 3 is banned :p
Next season should, in theory, be better. We weeded out the hype-ers and just have dedicated players left.

your friends are jealous that you are better and are trying to save face. Tell them to get better

Yeah, I guess that could be part of it. One of them is a highly-ranked, super-competitive Ultra Street Fighter IV player (Juri), so he's not used to having the tables turned in another game.

That's competition for you. If your friends are whining about losing, start experimenting with other characters more, and going for fancy, unintuitive, and cool strategies. This gives you a chance to improve their odds while also letting you expand your knowledge of the game.

But trying to improve vs getting frustrated/burnt out is a really fine line to walk. Just make sure to remember that fun is the priority, not a side effect.

Yeah, I have to try really hard to do that. I'm always trying to balance caring enough to get better and enjoying the feeling that comes with that while not caring so much that I get salty and stop enjoying the game at all. It's a tricky thing to do!

And I already experiment with various characters that I like more than I probably should. I say "more than I probably should" because the matches I spend playing as Pit, Dark Pit, Toon Link, Jigglypuff, Mario, Lucina, or just straight-up random would probably be better spent just focusing solely on Mega Man and continuing to improve my game with him. But I just find it more fun to dick around with multiple characters! Which is just one more reason I'll probably never be tourney-worthy again (I was fairly competitive in Brawl tournaments and even won a few convention tourneys because I pretty much stuck solely to maining Kirby and rarely, if ever played other characters). :p

Your friends think like losers. That's all there is to it.

I don't think it's quite that simple! There's something to be said for losing out on the fun aspect in favor of only caring about winning and losing, and I don't want to go down that road. I've been down it before with Smash and with other games, and I hate it because it comes with so many negative feelings and a total loss of fun/just enjoying the game for its own sake. It's just a tough balance to maintain. If I was just playing to have fun, I probably wouldn't want to play with someone who's a maniac about the game either. It's just a different mentality and the two really aren't compatible.

That said, if I'm trying to push my own boundaries and get better on my own terms, I shouldn't let their not enjoying that hold me back either. I can't fault them for not wanting to share my level of dedication and competitive spirit (which, again, is all relative) and just have a good time, but yeah, I can't let that make me feel bad about getting better either. :p

Oh my God.

For the first time ever in the more than 2 months since the game came out, I managed to reach Master Fortress on Classic 9.0 without having lost a single life (for the challenge where you have to beat it all with no lives lost).

I was playing as Bowser. I've never been more careful playing anything in my life. I almost ran the clock out because I was cautiously taking out every single enemy in the fortress one at a time.

I made my way through, killing all the hearts. Finally I got to the very last chamber and killed every single enemy there was. I had to stifle a scream of joy. I finally did it.

I jumped up to the platform under the last heart..........and bumped into the danger zone on the wall. Dead. No win. Downgraded to 8.5.

This might seriously be the closest I've ever come to crying over a video game. Was probably my 100th attempt at that damn challenge (9 out of 10 times, I lose a life before I even get the Master Hand/Crazy Hand battle).


Gah, I felt sick reading this. I could feel your rage in that moment. I had a similar thing happen to me with the Marth 9.0 challenge, and it was just awful. It's so demoralizing. :(

I'm seriously considering trying to find a friend who's good enough at the game to try and grind out the Classic 1-stock challenge with me in 2P Classic. Yeah, it makes Master Core a little harder, but at least there's no fucking Master Fortress to deal with!


I hear his customs make things a lot better.

They do but... his default is what I'm going to be using 99% and it's just awful.

It feels like he's the laziest implemented character in the game by far, feels like all they did at times other than tweaking a couple of values was make his flame choke techable.

They basically nerfed the worst character in Brawl, all hail based Sakurai.
This weeks' been pretty busy for me so hopefully I can get my match today :/

I'm missing
Soul Lab (dude's from Europe so this match is kinda hard to arrange tho)

If any of you can play today just pm me please
They do but... his default is what I'm going to be using 99% and it's just awful.

It feels like he's the laziest implemented character in the game by far, feels like all they did at times other than tweaking a couple of values was make his flame choke techable.

They basically nerfed the worst character in Brawl, all hail based Sakurai.

Ah, I feel sorry for Dorf players. Feels like ever since Melee they just turned him into a slow, heavyset character who can't keep up with asshats like Sonic or, hell, even other heavyweights like DK and Dedede.

Do like I did, a former Doc main, and get out while the boat's still above water. :(

I am not going to be able to catch up on bans until next weekend. Crazy busy week for me with an event I have to run. So, the players that are behind will have an extra week to make up for their present shortcomings. Then I will ban so we can move on. :)

Ah, so there's still time then. Hear that, guys? Hurry and play me!


Can anyone recommend me good equipment to make stream for Smash Wii U? I run tournaments every two weeks and people have been asking for it to be streamed since its the cream of the crop in the region (Tijuana, Mexico. They usually play in california, the most famous name is TKD).

So yeah, anyone now of a good equipment that is not that expensive and gets the work done?
They do but... his default is what I'm going to be using 99% and it's just awful.

It feels like he's the laziest implemented character in the game by far, feels like all they did at times other than tweaking a couple of values was make his flame choke techable.

They basically nerfed the worst character in Brawl, all hail based Sakurai.
Yeah, Ganondorf has a lot of problems. No doubt.

I think his dash attack has super armor, though. At least, it has never lost an exchange for me. I don't think that gets used enough.

This weeks' been pretty busy for me so hopefully I can get my match today :/

I'm missing
Soul Lab (dude's from Europe so this match is kinda hard to arrange tho)

If any of you can play today just pm me please
I recommend PMing people to work out times if you are struggling here.
That's all well and good saying that, but there's practically fuck all else Ganondorf can actually do to try and start something.

Shit dash, shit dash attack, incredibly slow walking speed means you have to commit to a dash to actually close in on someone and all of his options out of dash aren't great, options out of shield aren't good because his grab range is a holdover from Melee where he had chaingrabs that he doesn't even have anything close to in Smash 4.

His only good approaching aerial is reverse fullhop UAir and that's an awful approach.

Perfect shield reflecting being gone as well as the fact that wizard foot clanks with projectiles instead of beating them completely fucks up his game against projectile characters.

And you know what's the worst thing? He HAD a good approach option before the WiiU version was even released, his DACUS went the distance of flame choke and it was incredibly safe on shield due to shield push + low endlag, but that got patched out, so they made him worse before we even got to fully try out his toolbox.

Plus, to top it all off, his recovery is the worst in the game, he has awful rolls and he's not even that heavy.

Maybe there's something I haven't discovered about him yet, but I have no idea what that could possibly be. All I know is that 95% of the time I play him, all I'm thinking is "What the fuck were they thinking?"

I've always loved playing lower tier characters, but Ganondorf in Smash 4 feels like taking it beyond the joke.

I've played some extremely good Gannondorf characters. A lot of his moves very cleverly chain into each other. His approach is intentionally slow. The key to his game, from what I've seen, are his tilts, his jab, and his up air. They are what lead to his combos. Good players tend to short hop and reverse direction a lot with him. And you should be anyway, but with Gannondorf especially you have to be very good at dodging and power shielding, as he is mostly a grounded character

Not the best example, but here is a pretty good Gannondorf player that does some of things I mentioned

Here is another good video


Ah, I feel sorry for Dorf players. Feels like ever since Melee they just turned him into a slow, heavyset character who can't keep up with asshats like Sonic or, hell, even other heavyweights like DK and Dedede.

Do like I did, a former Doc main, and get out while the boat's still above water. :(

The problem is, as a project M player, none of the characters I used to enjoy playing are fun to me in this game, and most of the new characters I don't really like so I don't want to play them.

Ganondorf - Don't get me started
Dr. Mario - Just awful
Roy - Non existant
Falco - Lasers are useless, stupid reflector kick, awful DAir.
DK - Cargo throw doesn't combo anymore, roll attack is a highly inferior version of the one in PM.
Ness - Can't do yo-yo shenanigans anymore, yo-yo hitbox in general feels awful and either straight up misses or hits them once and knocks them out of the hitbox.

In PM, even a scrub like me could do cool shit online against other players, it just doesn't feel like that's the case here 99% of the time.

Yeah, Ganondorf has a lot of problems. No doubt.

I think his dash attack has super armor, though. At least, it has never lost an exchange for me. I don't think that gets used enough.

I don't think it has super armour, I'm pretty sure it just clanks from what I remember, and it has awful startup.

I've played some extremely good Gannondorf characters. A lot of his moves very cleverly chain into each other. His approach is intentionally slow. The key to his game, from what I've seen, are his tilts, his jab, and his up air. They are what lead to his combos. Good players tend to short hop and reverse direction a lot with him. And you should be anyway, but with Gannondorf especially you have to be very good at dodging and power shielding, as he is mostly a grounded character

I know all about his tilts, jab and uair, it's just it never feels like I can execute them correctly in this game.

I think I'm just burnt out on Smash 4 at the moment, whenever I'm playing I have major trouble even concentrating on what it is I'm doing just because it doesn't feel like it's worth the effort, my internet sucks so it the already worse controlling game feels even worse when it's dropping my inputs all the time and I end up SDing or standing there jabbing when I was inputting a DSmash on the stick, or doing a dash attack instead of a pivot tilt or an upsmash instead of an utilt.

I'm just not enjoying the game at the moment, but I play because I have fuck all else to do with my spare time at the moment, no local PM scene to play with, an internet situation that basically makes it impossible to play any of my PC games with all my steam friends and I'm stuck in another part of the country separated from any of my friends for atleast 6 months.

Excuse the OT tangent, I almost feel like saying "Fuck Smash 4, I give up", but I know I'll be back on tomorrow anyway.

Smash 4 has just arrived within a perfect storm of shittiness in my life I guess, I was never even close to this bad in PM as I am now in Smash 4.


Bro, I think you just need to put the controller down and take a break. Find something else to spend your time on for at least a day or two. If you're not having fun with the game, well, it's not worth forcing yourself to keep playing.

I can kinda sympathize with you given that I'm a Melee player and I had a hell of a time adjusting my mind to a new style of play, let alone playing as characters I have never touched before. But whenever my enjoyment of Smash is lessened, I think it's best to just go do something else.

Don't say you have nothing else to do either. Watch tv, jerk off, work out, play board games, read books or some shit. Just something to take your mind off Smash for a bit. And if you want, I could play you in some PM netplay. :)

EDIT: Also hold the fuck on don't start shit-talking my man Falco he has a different downB for styling on fools

That bird is hot shit lemme tell you, when he says "you aren't worth the trouble" after a match he means it.

falco's reflector kick is amazing fuck you man :mad:

I like new Falco, he's actually a different character now. I'd recommend watching Keitaro's when he's not wasting his time easymoding on Diddy. He's got really solid aerial control/air game and edge guardian with his aerials now. His laser can KO now, also.



The problem is, as a project M player, none of the characters I used to enjoy playing are fun to me in this game, and most of the new characters I don't really like so I don't want to play them.

I mean, shouldn't that be expected? Its not like 64 plays like Melee plays like Brawl, lol. PM is even further removed from the original paradigm except for its attempts to ape Melee's mechanics. (Fucking Lucario.)

Odd that you'd say he's slower when, now, he's actually faster and heavier than he was in Brawl, I guess you mean his movement being lumbersome and slow? He's got some scary shit in his u-smash, but as far as I've seen him getting used, no one uses his Flame Choke for approach, they approach with jab and tilt. Warlock's Kick is used to get down on floaty characters since it will KO at like 60% from an aerial hit.

Falco - Lasers are useless, stupid reflector kick, awful DAir.

I like new Falco, he's actually a different character now. I'd recommend watching Keitaro's when he's not wasting his time easymoding on Diddy. He's got really solid aerial control/air game and edge guardian with his aerials now. His laser can KO now, also.

I don't think it has super armour, I'm pretty sure it just clanks from what I remember, and it has awful startup.

No super armor that I am aware of but it has higher priority than a lot of things. Palutena is the only character with an invincible dash, iirc.

I know all about his tilts, jab and uair, it's just it never feels like I can execute them correctly in this game.

I had this same problem with Marth/Samus, coming from Melee after basically never playing Brawl. Marth plays entirely different with a lot of emphasis on really getting his spacing correct, like with nair comboing into a lot of options if properly spaced. His fair/bair are a lot worse for wear from what they used to be able to do, but they really buffed the shit out of Dance and Shield Breaker.

Admittedly I still have fuck-all clue what to do with Samus.
Smash 4 has just arrived within a perfect storm of shittiness in my life I guess, I was never even close to this bad in PM as I am now in Smash 4.
The bigger question is why haven't you tried palutena?
no one plays palutena :(
but in all seriousness smash 4 also gives me a lot of highs and lows to the point where I want to quit.. but I still have enough fun to not want to quit ..
The bigger question is why haven't you tried palutena?
no one plays palutena :(
but in all seriousness smash 4 also gives me a lot of highs and lows to the point where I want to quit.. but I still have enough fun to not want to quit ..

I could play Palutena and then you could body me! :D

Except I don't like playing as Palutena, so oh well. :(
A scrub like me can style with B reverse chomps.

But really, learn the character's new tools in this game, every character is different one way or another, especially if you're coming from PM. I mained Doc in Melee, Wario in Brawl and Diddy in PM, and I was put off by all three of them in Smash 4 at first that I ended up looking for a new main (which was Yoshi for a while), but I ended up coming back to Wario and appreciating how he plays in this game and I'm not as bummed over his worse aerial mobility. (Which is STILL arguably the best in the game) Even Doc is a character I still use because I find him fun, even if he's awful. The reason I played Diddy was because I enjoyed his shenanigans with the bananas but that's gone anyway lol

If anything, this is the one Smash game where I keep experimenting with many different characters. Sorry to hear you're nothing having fun with it, take a break if you're feeling burned out.
The bigger question is why haven't you tried palutena?
no one plays palutena :(
but in all seriousness smash 4 also gives me a lot of highs and lows to the point where I want to quit.. but I still have enough fun to not want to quit ..

I don't care what anyone says, I refuse to give up on default Palutena.
Because I'm never going the even be able to use custom Palutena in a tournament.


The bigger question is why haven't you tried palutena?
no one plays palutena :(
but in all seriousness smash 4 also gives me a lot of highs and lows to the point where I want to quit.. but I still have enough fun to not want to quit ..

I think it would take me too long to get over the fact that I don't like Palutena being in Smash to give her a realistic chance, same reason I'll probably never try Dark Pit, Lucina, Rosalina or Miis.

I mean, shouldn't that be expected? Its not like 64 plays like Melee plays like Brawl, lol. PM is even further removed from the original paradigm except for its attempts to ape Melee's mechanics. (Fucking Lucario.)

It's not that I expected characters to play exactly the same, more that I didn't expect to have no fun at all with characters I used to enjoy, I think it's more the game play style than the characters Iguess.

Odd that you'd say he's slower when, now, he's actually faster and heavier than he was in Brawl, I guess you mean his movement being lumbersome and slow? He's got some scary shit in his u-smash, but as far as I've seen him getting used, no one uses his Flame Choke for approach, they approach with jab and tilt. Warlock's Kick is used to get down on floaty characters since it will KO at like 60% from an aerial hit.

I don't remember saying that he was slower than in Brawl, I said he feels nerfed since Brawl and that he's still to slow.

Is he heavier than Brawl? It feels like he dies too early still, personally I think most of the heavies should be living another 50% longer than they are currently.

I think the reason I rely on flame choke way too much is that's the only chance I get to do something fun with him, flame choke reads are fun, slowly closing in with shields and shit, jabbing them away and then repeating all of that is just something I can't find fun at the moment.

I like new Falco, he's actually a different character now. I'd recommend watching Keitaro's when he's not wasting his time easymoding on Diddy. He's got really solid aerial control/air game and edge guardian with his aerials now. His laser can KO now, also.

I've watched Keitaro's Falco and it's alright, I would like him more if his USmash and Rapid Jab connected properly, I'd also prefer to have his NAir be a proper multihit move or just get his sex kick back.

No super armor that I am aware of but it has higher priority than a lot of things. Palutena is the only character with an invincible dash, iirc.

I had this same problem with Marth/Samus, coming from Melee after basically never playing Brawl. Marth plays entirely different with a lot of emphasis on really getting his spacing correct, like with nair comboing into a lot of options if properly spaced. His fair/bair are a lot worse for wear from what they used to be able to do, but they really buffed the shit out of Dance and Shield Breaker.

Admittedly I still have fuck-all clue what to do with Samus.


Bro, I think you just need to put the controller down and take a break. Find something else to spend your time on for at least a day or two. If you're not having fun with the game, well, it's not worth forcing yourself to keep playing.

I can kinda sympathize with you given that I'm a Melee player and I had a hell of a time adjusting my mind to a new style of play, let alone playing as characters I have never touched before. But whenever my enjoyment of Smash is lessened, I think it's best to just go do something else.

Don't say you have nothing else to do either. Watch tv, jerk off, work out, play board games, read books or some shit. Just something to take your mind off Smash for a bit. And if you want, I could play you in some PM netplay. :)

Can't play PM netplay, which is part of the reason why I get so frustrated at times, got nothing else to play anymore.

Literally all I do currently is work, lie in bed on my laptop and play Smash 4. I have somewhat serious depression and motivation issues which which affects my ability to even do game dev anymore (which used to be my hobby) and being separated from all my friends as well as a few other people like my counselor doesn't help. Work is good atleast because I can just shut down and get on with things.


Went into a minor online community tournament recently and had a great time but got swindled out of a potential second place after my opponent switched to Diddy after the first round. The third round was a close one after he did another character switch. Ended up fourth all in all after losing a third place final.

I suppose fourth ain't too bad. I'm just really beating myself up because of that incredibly close Diddy round where I could have gone to finals. Contemplating whether I should pursue some competitive pastures eventually in the future.


Went into a minor online community tournament recently and had a great time but got swindled out of a potential second place after my opponent switched to Diddy after the first round. The third round was a close one after he did another character switch. Ended up fourth all in all after losing a third place final.

I suppose fourth ain't too bad. I'm just really beating myself up because of that incredibly close Diddy round where I could have gone to finals. Contemplating whether I should pursue some competitive pastures eventually in the future.
What online tournament is this?
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