Diablo III: Reaper of Souls |OT2| Enchantress: Look! More hidden loot!

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Monk is the best class in the game.

When you hit that Palm in a crowd and it goes off... you KNOW it's real!

Plus the new Raiment Generator build makes you feel like a GOD!

Will be doing more testing on PTR tomorrow so if anyone has some Monk or DH requests I will try to get them in... if the queue permits.


I finally got a swk amulet that can be made into crit crit, but it is 52% chd lol. Fuck me. 1% higher than lowest roll.


Whoa new PTR up?

How is the new Tal set? I really like the concept of attacks triggering Meteor but the redesign looks really mediocre. The cooldown at 8 secs is way too long and the second ability is nigh useless since it's defensive in nature. 6-set bonus does not seem strong either. Do weapon damage type still trigger the Tal bonus or meteors? Do weapon procs (ie. Thunderfury) trigger the respective element's meteors?


Whoa new PTR up?

How is the new Tal set? I really like the concept of attacks triggering Meteor but the redesign looks really mediocre. The cooldown at 8 secs is way too long and the second ability is nigh useless since it's defensive in nature. 6-set bonus does not seem strong either. Do weapon damage type still trigger the Tal bonus or meteors? Do weapon procs (ie. Thunderfury) trigger the respective element's meteors?

The 6 piece bonus is really quite good, it's +300% damage (so 4x) damage on everything when you get to four stacks. Not even too hard to do.

Item-based procs and the like do trigger the meteors, however they don't trigger the elemental damage or resistance buffs. You have to actually use skills for those. Even hydra only triggers the buffs when you place it down, not when it hits enemies. In fact, attacks never have to hit enemies to give you the buffs.

What I did with it was get the boots that boost Meteor by 100% and another 300-400% when only hitting 3 or less targets. My meteors were hitting for hundreds of millions with the arcane meteor critting for upwards of 3 billion damage. I used a meteor for one of my active skills so I didn't have to rely only on the 8s cooldown meteors.
Fire hydra, ice blizzard (reduced cost most likely ? or the one that freezes), arcane meteor, and then you have several options for lightning


So any indication if Tal will replace firebirds yet or not?

There is way to run 6 piece firebirds 4 piece tal set bonus or vice versa, dont know if its worth it in the patch.


It's multiplicative? Lol wut.

But how do Wizards reach the four elements? I'm guessing Lightning/Frost Armour + Magic Missile + Hydra + Blizzard?

Fire hydra, ice blizzard (reduced cost most likely ? or the one that freezes), arcane meteor, and then you have several options for lightning

The armors don't give damage buff stacks. Hydra only gives the stack when you place it, not on its attacks, so you'd need to use it every 4-5 seconds or so. I can't really recommend using a hydra because of this, but it can work. (Note that they all do trigger meteors on hit). I also don't like using the arcane meteor because it uses up all your resource, and if it triggers the Tal Rasha meteor the second will be doing damage based on having 0 arcane power. Might as well use a signature skill and get the buffed star pact without the resource cost so you can use the resource on other stuff (or even just use a less expensive spell).

I used Electrocute - Forked Lightning, Magic Missile - Split, Shock Pulse - Explosive Bolts, and Meteor - Thunder Crash.

Basically I would just rotate my skills in the order of Shock Pulse -> Forked Lightning -> Meteor -> Magic Missile -> spam Meteor until damage buff wears off.

The reasoning for this is you want to use the skills that do more damage at the end when you have more damage buff stacks. This is including the Meteor procs from the set. So I do cold -> fire -> lightning -> arcane. Arcane is last because the arcane meteor does way more damage than anything else. Lightning is before it because it's a double meteor (one from using the skill, one from proc). Fire and cold are just less damage so they go earlier. I also only use the one arcane power spender so I can save all my resource for meteors.

I'm pretty sure this isn't optimal by any means, but it was working out well for me. Tons of fun too.

So any indication if Tal will replace firebirds yet or not?

There is way to run 6 piece firebirds 4 piece tal set bonus or vice versa, dont know if its worth it in the patch.

I tried running 6 piece Tal Rasha and 4 piece Firebird but the only way I could get it to work was to use a 1H weapon + source. Didn't seem worth giving up the 2H weapon, especially if you can get the staff that reduces the cost of meteors. I didn't try the other way around but that also doesn't seem worth the effort.

Personally I was getting better results from Tal Rasha on PTR than I was with Firebird on live, but I think I have better overall gear on PTR so it's not really a fair comparison. I do have to say that Tal Rasha is so much more fun (Firebird bores me) so there's that.


They did not add a sixth Tal piece to the game? So the only way to hit 6pc Tal is to use RoRG?

I am absolutely sure that you are wrong on that, there ARE 6 tal rasha pieces in the game.
(Quick edit, cause I googled: there is no 6 piece, BUT there is no 6 piece bonus either. It is a 4-piece bonus, and there is 5 pieces. So.... you can get the 4 bonus easily.)


I am absolutely sure that you are wrong on that, there ARE 6 tal rasha pieces in the game.
(Quick edit, cause I googled: there is no 6 piece, BUT there is no 6 piece bonus either. It is a 4-piece bonus, and there is 5 pieces. So.... you can get the 4 bonus easily.)

Well there is in the new patch and also on the PTR:

Tal Rasha's Elements 6 pieces: [Attacks increase your damage by 75% for 3 seconds. Arcane, Cold, Fire, and Lightning attacks each add one stack. Adding a stack refreshes the duration.]

So thats what he was getting at.
Mmm, got 2x Unity on my seasonal Monk. Both kinda crappy though. The hardest thing about being a Monk that I never noticed before is gearing followers. Nobody equips exactly like you - the Scoundrel needs a ranged weapon. So you're kinda fucked in that regard unless you play with/level your own Demon Hunter. Still don't have a token for him either.

Otherwise I got a bottomless potion today (finally). Mainly looking for the Inna's helm right now, and a RoRG to get the 4 set bonus there. Sorta stuck on Torment III/IV until then I think.
Personally I was getting better results from Tal Rasha on PTR than I was with Firebird on live, but I think I have better overall gear on PTR so it's not really a fair comparison. I do have to say that Tal Rasha is so much more fun (Firebird bores me) so there's that.

I think that last point is the most important aspect, assuming they perform the same, Tal Rasha will imo be superior if only for the fact it's not boring as hell to play. Firebird is blizzard+hydra+run around gameplay which was acceptable when trying to beat Diablo on Inferno back in the days, but as the primary gameplay it's boring as hell.

The slow time set also looks kinda interesting if they rework some stuff, having 3 viable different sets with a variety of builds(besides firebird) for each would be really great.


Just died solo and the revive menu just wouldn't appear so I had to restart, rip 96% grift


EP GG Cyclone Monks are the most satisfying class in D3.

Just pull and apply EP and see the whole screen explode.

Makes me just play T6 casually instead of GR35+.

And I got to equip ruby on helm too.


Mmm, got 2x Unity on my seasonal Monk. Both kinda crappy though. The hardest thing about being a Monk that I never noticed before is gearing followers. Nobody equips exactly like you - the Scoundrel needs a ranged weapon. So you're kinda fucked in that regard unless you play with/level your own Demon Hunter. Still don't have a token for him either.

Otherwise I got a bottomless potion today (finally). Mainly looking for the Inna's helm right now, and a RoRG to get the 4 set bonus there. Sorta stuck on Torment III/IV until then I think.

A crap Unity is still good, 4.5% crit and 12% elite as minimum roll. Lack of sec res is always a disappointment.

Scoundrel? Most use Templar with Azurewrath and ess of johan.

J. Bravo

EP GG Cyclone Monks are the most satisfying class in D3.

Just pull and apply EP and see the whole screen explode.

Makes me just play T6 casually instead of GR35+.

And I got to equip ruby on helm too.

Yeah I'm caving and making a monk right now actually. got myself a socketed thunderfury to use gem of ease on. unless 2h ancient skorn 3.8k dps is faster that is. we'll see.


They did not add a sixth Tal piece to the game? So the only way to hit 6pc Tal is to use RoRG?

I am absolutely sure that you are wrong on that, there ARE 6 tal rasha pieces in the game.
(Quick edit, cause I googled: there is no 6 piece, BUT there is no 6 piece bonus either. It is a 4-piece bonus, and there is 5 pieces. So.... you can get the 4 bonus easily.)

There are six pieces to the set now. I think they added a pants piece.

They also added another piece to the Inna set. Unfortunately said piece is boots so you never want to use it because you need to put Crudest Boots there.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
So I leveled my DH up to 70 using Rapid Fire and Bolas with sentries almost the entire way, I just liked it. So over lunch I looked up popular builds for the DH and I'm surprised to see that almost no one uses either. Sentries seems very popular, but looks like most DH's like Evasive Fire with Cluster Arrows and a Companion out too.

I think I'll try out the "popular" build tonight and see what all the hubub is...


So I leveled my DH up to 70 using Rapid Fire and Bolas with sentries almost the entire way, I just liked it. So over lunch I looked up popular builds for the DH and I'm surprised to see that almost no one uses either. Sentries seems very popular, but looks like most DH's like Evasive Fire with Cluster Arrows and a Companion out too.

I think I'll try out the "popular" build tonight and see what all the hubub is...

Those builds are based on incorporating the Marauder set bonuses.
So I leveled my DH up to 70 using Rapid Fire and Bolas with sentries almost the entire way, I just liked it. So over lunch I looked up popular builds for the DH and I'm surprised to see that almost no one uses either. Sentries seems very popular, but looks like most DH's like Evasive Fire with Cluster Arrows and a Companion out too.

I think I'll try out the "popular" build tonight and see what all the hubub is...

You need the Marauder set and it will make sense.

(2) Set:
Companion calls all companions to your side.
(4) Set:
Sentries cast your Hatred spender when you do.
(6) Set:
Your generators, Elemental Arrow, Chakram, Impale, Multishot, and Cluster Arrow deal 100% increased damage for every active Sentry.
EP GG Cyclone Monks are the most satisfying class in D3.

Just pull and apply EP and see the whole screen explode.

Makes me just play T6 casually instead of GR35+.

And I got to equip ruby on helm too.

Agree. I'm just waiting on an ancient azurewrath drop so I can go quasi-zdps. I really like crippling's freeze and Azure would make that incredibly survivable, I'd think.


How do you get good weapons for off class followers? Im playing a lvl70 DH. Won't almost everything i find or craft use smart loot and end up with dex? I'd hate to have to have to level up a str character too.


you can't put a price on sparks
My seasonal monk is getting like no legendaries. Pretty frustrating.

I can do t5 pretty okay, t6 I can't survive in my current spec.

I'll have to post my monk later and get some tips on what to do with my current gear.


RCR on gloves is the one that sticks out first.

So I've actually got a non-Ancient one that I could roll that onto, here that one is compared to the other one.

Worth losing the extra Dex for that? Thanks for the response btw!

Edit: Went ahead and replaced the gloves, I assume the differences in Dex/CHC/CHD ultimately won't matter. I guess my original question of what to do next is still open, then :)


guys how do you make it so you can see the cgi cutscenes again im thinking of doing a seasonal campaign play-through with my monk.... the cutscenes will not play anymore ??


It is really depressing how much slower my WD kills things compared to my DH while having to stand in melee putting myself in danger.


There was a time when WD was best class in the game. Their Gargantuans one shotted mobs. Balancing is cyclical in D3.

Anyonw know of ways to farm for Blue Nats on the PTR? For some reason you get a ridiculously low amount of Blue nats on there, I quickly ran out of my 2K mats and now I can't enchant shit.



Just gambled this on my Seasons DH (which I haven't really played yet, just got her to 70), should I even touch it? I've barely played DH since they changed the Mara set, I'm not sure if Cooldown is still king and I should re-rol the RCR to that, or if I should leave the RCR on there since we're spending now, or if neither one matters and I should re-roll it to AR. If I leave the RCR on there, guess I could just roll the Vit higher, or maybe the thorns damage to a secondary resist or something?


Blue Post just confirmed that immunity skills are being changed in the next PTR patch. No more invincible Monks, Crusaders, DHs etc.

IMO this is a good change because the Zodiac ring has resulted in a lot of cool builds but also some game breaking ones thanks to invincible skills. They were always a problem in D3 and players could always find a way to have enough CDR to gain perma immunity. This makes the Zodiac still very powerful for some builds while it makes sure that players still concentrate on toughness.

I guess the next order of business for Monks is to start investing in that new Bracer for Generator/Raiment builds because it's like having a Unity combo without taking up a Ring slot.


I knew the Zodiac ring would open up all sorts of insane builds the moment I saw it. It's like the Wizard's old Critical Mass passive but now applicable to all classes.


That is a good change. Making the entire group invulnerable 100% of the time as a Crusader just feels broken. Rather have those skills nerfed than the ring itself.


I knew the Zodiac ring would open up all sorts of insane builds the moment I saw it. It's like the Wizard's old Critical Mass passive but now applicable to all classes.
This ring actually enables Critical Mass Wizard now although aside from a support role I don't see CM Wizard being a thing anymore.

This ring will also make the Vyr's set very powerful if Blizzard ever decides to buff that set. You wouldn't need to sacrifice as much damage/survivability on gear to have Archon up all the time.
The example of the change seems pretty heavy handed though. Going from 20secs cd from usage to 16secs after the skill wears off is basically "the same" if you don't have cdr but is pretty terrible if you do. Not talking perma immunity but even with 30-40%cdr which isn't very much, you lose a ton. I would have expected them to actually buff the cooldowns to compensate a bit, say down to 12 instead.


The example of the change seems pretty heavy handed though. Going from 20secs cd from usage to 16secs after the skill wears off is basically "the same" if you don't have cdr but is pretty terrible if you do. Not talking perma immunity but even with 30-40%cdr which isn't very much, you lose a ton. I would have expected them to actually buff the cooldowns to compensate a bit, say down to 12 instead.

I'm OK with serenity.. whatever. This KILLS the one viable WD build though. How does jade doctor survive now? No sets in sight either. They haven't touched WD since RoS. I hope Blizzard has something up their sleeves lol


WDs are currently in a bad state compared to other classes. They are still working on the remaining sets so stay hopeful that stuff like Helltooth, Shadow, Zuni and Vyr's get buffed.
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