But I have played some Adventure mode and upped the difficulty to master, and just that change has really made the game come to life more. It's made me need to try different skills that I never touched in the regular game, simply because I didn't need to. And I'm enjoying that re-tooling and re-adjusting, and having more tense fights.
All that said, I simply wanted to ask, what do people generally suggest doing next? A new game with a new build on a higher difficulty? Or should I just stick with the monk? If I stick with the monk, do I just do the bounties until I get strong enough to raise the difficulty?
that damage (PTR)
Get legendaries or set pieces in all your slots.
Bump it up to Torment 1
Run Nephalem Rifts to get some keys
Run Greater Nephalem Rifts for better loot
When Torment 1 gets easy, bump to T2 and up
... don't look down or you'll notice this loot treadmill has neither purpose nor end.
... actually, i'd advise starting a character in Season mode. I had worked my Witch Doctor up pretty high, and was getting burned out. Then tried a Crusader in the new Season, and really, really liked her. Plays totally different from the WD. And with adventure mode unlocked, you can level up very, very fast.
that damage (PTR)
is that actually worth using?
It seems like the Monk community has come to the conclusion on what the best build for 2.2 is for the class....
It's combining SWK 4 pc with 2 pc Raiment then also using Gungdo Gear.
The idea is pretty simple. SWK 4 pc with Gungdo is the best AOE clear in the game. 2pc Raiment with Miranae and Flying Dragon is the best single target. Combine the two and you have the best build in the game.
Some streamer just passed 51 GR with ease. It's just obscenely powerful because it has everything you could want. You are immortal, you do both godlike AOE damage and godlike single target damage.
The build isn't even fully optimized yet as no one really knows what to put as the 6th slot for the build. Serenity, FoF, Dashing Strike, Mantra and Exploding Palm are all you really need... 6th skill you can use Cyclone Strike for crowd control or Sweeping Wind for a little bit of extra damage or Mystic Ally Fire Ally.
Most likely will not make it to live like this.
PS - Innas + SWK is also a very strong combination but that one focuses more on AOE than single target.
Haven't touched the game since release, friend convinced me to give it another go and now I'm hooked.
The game has come a long way since release. If only it was like this back then.
Problem is, it can quickly become boring because it's generally too easy to obtain gear now.
My monk is coming along nicely now:
Just need the Crudest Boots and SWK amulet. Got an Innas helm/Leorics Crown ready.
Got a 99% Fist of Az, the rolls are a bit meh (2k, -Res, Spirit regen and Vit) but I'll give it a go with gungdo - what other 1H should I try? Sunkeeper?
Is it worth dropping my Litany for a SoJ (18% fire, 26% Elite) wiht a socket (no CC/CD tho)?
Your passives are kinda crappy, take unity and beacon of ytar, drop the spirit regen ones they are bad
15% life on your chest
Dashing strike : get the rune with dodge chance instead
Looks like you have 0 cooldown reduction too, get a diamond in helmet, and CDR on gloves/spaulders and in paragon levels
The timer never changes, but it does seem to be an accurate count from when you started it.
It was never designed to work that way. DPS is just the weapon by itself, it can't factor in your skills.One question guys.
I haven't played DIII in ages, did Blizz patch the DPS Number indicator? I know last time i played, certain things like crit or +15% Firedmg did not "really" translated in a higher DPS number but you actually did more dmg... Did they fix that or was that never a problem and i imagine things?
It was never designed to work that way. DPS is just the weapon by itself, it can't factor in your skills.
One question guys.
I haven't played DIII in ages, did Blizz patch the DPS Number indicator? I know last time i played, certain things like crit or +15% Firedmg did not "really" translated in a higher DPS number but you actually did more dmg... Did they fix that or was that never a problem and i imagine things?
Isn't there a character Stat "DPS" that rolls everything together, or some version of "rolling together"?
Or araneae caverns (that includes the bounties you have to do in it that suck major ass, always quit and reload the game if it's in it)
Damn I'm getting spoiled by playing on the PTR. Go through literally hundreds of legendaries in just a couple hours.
To be honest, while the legendary drop rate is pretty good now, I feel with more and more legendaries being actually useful, it should be even higher so we could gear more than a couple of characters efficiently and test a few different builds. You can play PTR for a few hours which is the equivalent of like 2weeks of normal gaming and still not have the right stuff to test whatever you want to test, which is kinda annoying.
I mean, it's not terrible currently, I just wish playing multiple classes wasn't so handicapping unless you play 12hours a day every day.
Spliting up the categories would make a world of difference.Yeah ptr feels great, obviously base game will never come close, but the droprate going up a tad would be nice. I'd actually just settle for weapons actually being farm-able by making them easier to obtain from Kadala. Lower the shard count or split up the categories.
310, got 7 gifts
No torch, no unity, no SWK yet
Did about 12 caches in T6 today, 0 RoRG.. nice
The Raiment 2pc on the PTR is really strong. Makes a lot more builds viable. Although less geared anyway, my live S2 monk definitely feels significantly weaker without the 500% damage multiplier on primary attack.
It's not good with Shard of Hate because the proc doesn't do that much damage and it's on an IC. SoH however is very good with Tal Rasha's because TR buffs the damage of the procs.have you tested it with a shard of hate?