anyone want to donate a ramaladni's gift pls eu hc
god is real
anyone want to donate a ramaladni's gift pls eu hc
So I'm levelling a DH, and is it weird that I prefer using Cluster Bomb/Strafe/Multishot for my Secondary instead of an actual Secondary? Like, if I have a hatred dump I'd rather use one of those instead of the secondaries there are.(Especially Chakram, most useless secondary ever)
So I'm levelling a DH, and is it weird that I prefer using Cluster Bomb/Strafe/Multishot for my Secondary instead of an actual Secondary? Like, if I have a hatred dump I'd rather use one of those instead of the secondaries there are.(Especially Chakram, most useless secondary ever)
1400 vit is nothing when you have 5000 ?
Those are the typical secondaries. Though while leveling, I prefer Elemental Arrow - Frost Arrows personally, it has very good coverage and the low cost makes it very manageable before you start getting good regen gear and bat companion+preparation and so on. But once you get to higher levels yeah it's basically replaced by Multishot and Cluster. Strafe people only use for speed clears of outgeared content. Like you can strafe T6 once you're REALLY geared, but for example in season on my DH I had to do the story once for Malthael's crafting drop and I strafed it all in normal for better speed, lets you get some xp and score some legendaries.
The main issues with Chakram and Impale is they hit such a small area of the screen and do kinda meh damage. Impale does pretty ok damage but the piercing one coverage is so small you need to cast it a ton of times and it becomes inefficient, and the other runes are basically unusable other than as single target damage.
Kinda wish they added legendaries that made those skills better. Like throwing 3 knives in an arc with Impale or all runes unlocked would make it a pretty solid contender, as for chakram I think something like firing chakram in all directions and a large damage increase set would be necessary. Maybe something like every mob you hit with a chakram creates a chakram too, though that might end up being super broken.
It will be good in patch 2.2. Top builds use the 2 piece bonus.got two more raiment pieces on my monk... is this even a good set? seems kinda crappy.
Flying dragon has no use in current builds. If you don't have a torch just want a slow weapon.Just got a Flying Dragon...
And it's not ancient so I can't really use it over my ancient Sultan of Blinding Sand.
Not right now, 2.2 it could be useful.got two more raiment pieces on my monk... is this even a good set? seems kinda crappy.
Just got a Flying Dragon...
And it's not ancient so I can't really use it over my ancient Sultan of Blinding Sand.
You don't need spirit regen on items if you have a torch. Like, not at all.Well no, but I'd rather sacrifice DPS on some other item in favor of spirit regen, since DPS is so limited by it.
Hey if you put 1400 vit on my shoulders I'd gladly take it. If you want to get max dps you have to take dps where you can, not cut it for survivability. Vit is the worst toughness stat and unless your vit is so low that the trash 1shots you then you don't need it. Most of the 1shot attacks against you are timed and can be avoided with good play so yes, vit is nothing when it's on a weapon.
You never expected to have it on there before and you shouldn't expect to have it on there now. If you do it also locks you in to having vit on future weapons before you can upgrade it because you're using a crutch. Might be different for other classes but as far as monk goes you don't need it.
And yeah Blizzard making Ancient weapon roll 30% damage higher was a big mistake. It should've just been stats like the Armor pieces that way it was just something you aimed for in terms of min/maxing stats. As it is the damage boost is so much that you are better off crafting an Ancient than sticking with your old nicely rolled weapon (with few exceptions of course).
You don't need spirit regen on items if you have a torch. Like, not at all.
Especially with the upcoming inna's 2p, but well that's out of the question for now, but just saying
Yeah say that when he dies because he plays in HC.
Also vit worst toughness stat ? Lmao please, 40% toughness increase is sooo bad right
+Armor affixes is the worst toughness stat because of how low the rolls are
Gem of Ease is insane. You get to level 20 in like 2 minutes. Left my new seasonal DH at level 55 after just over an hour of played time. Without any outside boost.
Ooooh this is great news, on the PTR they'll be adding a 7th piece to Vanilla sets so the weapons/jewels won't be needed to get the full set bonus! No need for NAT weapon anymore!
Didn't anyone notice this? I think it's pretty big!
These will be the other pieces they'll be adding:
The pieces conflicting with new class specific non set legendaries will be shifted, so DHs will get a new legendary belt instead of gloves, barbarians will get leg bracers and WDs will get leg belt
- Immortal King's Call - Legs
- Inna's Mantray - Hands
- Natalya's Vengeance - Hands
- Tal Rasha's Elements - Hands
- Zunimassa's Haunt - Legs
Yes, so we'll have to choose between the belt of the rain or the caltrops one. But if you're going for full Nat I suppose it's a no brainer to get the rain one =)Holy shit! This is cool. Dh was getting caltrop belt already, maybe two belts now?
Nice. Now I don't have to work to get an innas wep. I'll keep my 4300 dmg wep and like it.Ooooh this is great news, on the PTR they'll be adding a 7th piece to Vanilla sets so the weapons/jewels won't be needed to get the full set bonus! No need for NAT weapon anymore!
Didn't anyone notice this? I think it's pretty big!
These will be the other pieces they'll be adding:
The pieces conflicting with new class specific non set legendaries will be shifted, so DHs will get a new legendary belt instead of gloves, barbarians will get leg bracers and WDs will get leg belt
- Immortal King's Call - Legs
- Inna's Mantray - Hands
- Natalya's Vengeance - Hands
- Tal Rasha's Elements - Hands
- Zunimassa's Haunt - Legs
Jumped like 600 spots on the barb leader boards tonight. Not too shabby. Still can't believe that 44 though. Insane density + conduit
against Stonesinger.
Do you use phys % or fire % damage? Wondering what way to go, I have both SoJ's but I was thinking fire % would be better because of the ancients.
I use physical, then pylons on the RG. If I don't have the pylons, I'm not killing him in time anyways.
How should I reroll this SoJ?
Currently using a lightning tempest rush monk (+28% lightning atm) and rerolling the holy% to lightning% will
also benefit an ancient wall of light build.
It's also replacing a ring that had crit% chance so would rerolling the area damage to crit%
chance be a better option?
Don't use it, you can't get lightning and socket
You need socket no matter what, and a SoJ with just elite damage is pretty shit
Take a ring with dex/chc/chd/socket instead.
Yes, so we'll have to choose between the belt of the rain or the caltrops one. But if you're going for full Nat I suppose it's a no brainer to get the rain one =)
Pretty much hit my ceiling at 42 without pylon hunting. I'm hoping the new IK set will alleviate some of the single target issues Raekor has.
Pretty much hit my ceiling at 42 without pylon hunting. I'm hoping the new IK set will alleviate some of the single target issues Raekor has.
Gem of ease!I don't think I can level up any more characters. It's so boring...
Gem of ease!
Well you've got me best so far as I have yet to find a ramaladnis gift so mine is still chillin in the chestYeah. It rolled with 8% damage initially, which I rerolled to 10%, and used a Gift on. Not quite as high max damage as that Daibo that was posted earlier, but it still made my night.
I haven't played this game in ages but felt a sudden urge to start it up again, going to start a Season 2 character but I don't know which classes are fun and interesting anymore. What would you say is the most fun class with the most interesting skills and items?
Thank you in advance.
I would just save it for 2.2 season. You can roll off area damage to socket and that's about it. For Lightning Rush Monk it's pretty bad.How should I reroll this SoJ?
Currently using a lightning tempest rush monk (+28% lightning atm) and rerolling the holy% to lightning% will
also benefit an ancient wall of light build.
It's also replacing a ring that had crit% chance so would rerolling the area damage to crit%
chance be a better option?
For all the progress they've made on D3 since launch, I still feel like it's missing something to really create longevity. Patch 2.2 will be good for sure, but I'm thinking more about at least one more feature/system of something to do at endgame. Just pushing higher GRs doesn't interest me so much and gets stale. Ubers and Hellfire Amulets/Rings are so convoluted/time-consuming that they don't feel worth doing.
What should I roll on this?