Anyone up for knocking out the Weekly Heroic on Hard for the 9 Strange Coins?
PS4, Level 30 Hunter, PSN: WheelHoss1
PS4, Level 30 Hunter, PSN: WheelHoss1
The easiest way to get a Ghorn has just to beat the game at it's own tricks. Just go ultra cheap mode. It worked twice for me in the past.
You can add me to the list of the people that should not read the spoiler, next time.My second Gjallarhorn dropped today.
Don't read the spoiler Poker, Ice and Blue.
I don't get what this is suppose to mean. Ultra cheap mode I mean.The easiest way to get a Ghorn has just to beat the game at it's own tricks. Just go ultra cheap mode. It worked twice for me in the past.
No the game would be trolling you if it kept giving you cruxes instead of gjallarhorns. Nechrocasm is fkn terrible.Two Gjallarhorns this week, still no Crux. This game is just trolling me now.
You can't do the first one anymore (but it got me my Hawkmoon :3), and the second one is harder to get to now.The easiest way to get a Ghorn has just to beat the game at it's own tricks. Just go ultra cheap mode. It worked twice for me in the past.
Or you could just play as Trance and say, "I'd like exotics to rain down on me today"... Seems to work for him lol.The easiest way to get a Ghorn has just to beat the game at it's own tricks. Just go ultra cheap mode. It worked twice for me in the past.
Or you could just play as Trance and say, "I'd like exotics to rain down on me today"... Seems to work for him lol.
My second Gjallarhorn dropped today.
Don't read the spoiler Poker, Ice and Blue.
Only if you transfer in and seat at the second desk till the end next to the window row.Will crux-senpai read the letter I left him in his shoe box?
It doesn't help when I have 4 of them.
I'll trade you... oh wait.
RNG is stuuupid.
RIGHT?!?!Or you could just play as Trance and say, "I'd like exotics to rain down on me today"... Seems to work for him lol.
His worst week he's had in destiny probably EVER, is this week.. and he's probably had 5-6 exotics drop so far. Which is equivalent of course to one of my best ever.
Dude is super lucky. Kind of fascinating to watch. Ever seen an exotic fatebringer? Trance has one. Ever see a void gjallarhorn? Trance has one. Ever see an icebreaker that can change from exotic to legendary just so he can use another exotic with it? Trance has 6.
Seriously though. His last two exotics he needed were just delivered on a silver platter and now they're just raining from the skies on him. He isn't physically able to shard them fast enough before more drop.
I'm pretty sure I saw him get a Vex from a white engram...
pro-tip: don't have a house fire. Even a small one. Uggggghhhhhh
Gonna upgrade them all and put them in the vault for the lols.I am waiting for my third to drop. I think I would max it out like I did with the first two lolz.
;___________;You can add me to the list of the people that should not read the spoiler, next time.
I don't get what this is suppose to mean. Ultra cheap mode I mean.
You can't do the first one anymore (but it got me my Hawkmoon :3), and the second one is harder to get to now.
But yeah, I "ultra cheap" quite everything in this game, and still no Horn... or maybe they also patched out your little trick? ^^
Everything all right, man?
His worst week he's had in destiny probably EVER, is this week.. and he's probably had 5-6 exotics drop so far. Which is equivalent of course to one of my best ever.
Dude is super lucky. Kind of fascinating to watch. Ever seen an exotic fatebringer? Trance has one. Ever see a void gjallarhorn? Trance has one. Ever see an icebreaker that can change from exotic to legendary just so he can use another exotic with it? Trance has 6.
Seriously though. His last two exotics he needed were just delivered on a silver platter and now they're just raining from the skies on him. He isn't physically able to shard them fast enough before more drop.
I'm pretty sure I saw him get a Vex from a white engram...
He didn't ask for this curse.
Ultra cheap mode is just my laugh at the joke of a loot system. There's no reason to actually try in this game when things are so random and so broken. I got 2 of my Horns from hiding under a platform (you can still do this if you can jump properly into the rear) and from looting the first raid chest in CE normal pre-patch to deathsinger. I get like 4-5 exotic weapons a week and have no use for them. Other people get 400 shards a week.
The loot system is broken. Don't let it drive you insane. I'm glad I got the last exotic when I did because it was frustrating me to no end. I feel better now that I don't feel like I need to play anymore. Anyone on XB1 that needs gorgon HM cp I still have it. I'll also be helping a friend out over the weekend with a nightfall/heroic or 2 if anyone needs help they can tag along. Besides that I won't log in anymore unless someone needs a hand killing something or to hold the gorgon cp or any other cp people want me to save.
Lol why are you so afraid of children Phaethon.
Yep. Wife got back from running an errand and kitchen was filling w/ smoke. Luckily she showed up in time and got the fire department out there. Could've been much worse. Basically it's a matter of getting the house professionally deodorized and deep-cleaned, which is a lot more expensive than I imagined. Thank God for Homeowners Insurance.
He doesn't ask for it... that's true. He prays to RNGesus every night before bed however... just not while in party chat.He didn't ask for this curse.
Prediction for today's update:
Tune in next week for more info!
Ultra cheap mode is just my laugh at the joke of a loot system. There's no reason to actually try in this game when things are so random and so broken. I got 2 of my Horns from hiding under a platform (you can still do this if you can jump properly into the rear) and from looting the first raid chest in CE normal pre-patch to deathsinger. I get like 4-5 exotic weapons a week and have no use for them. Other people get 400 shards a week.
The loot system is broken. Don't let it drive you insane. I'm glad I got the last exotic when I did because it was frustrating me to no end. I feel better now that I don't feel like I need to play anymore. Anyone on XB1 that needs gorgon HM cp I still have it. I'll also be helping a friend out over the weekend with a nightfall/heroic or 2 if anyone needs help they can tag along. Besides that I won't log in anymore unless someone needs a hand killing something or to hold the gorgon cp or any other cp people want me to save.
He probably sold his soul to the devil.He doesn't ask for it... that's true. He prays to RNGesus every night before bed however... just not while in party chat.
One time he left his mic on and I heard it. "Please RNGeebus, I've gone far too long without a Suros. All of the Auts have theirs maxed and I have yet to see oneThis makes me very upset I would be forever grateful if you would bless me as you have done for them so many times. Yes, I know you have bestowed 100's of exotics upon mi familia and I over the course of my destiny career, and for that I am grateful and appreciative. But, I can't help but feel slighted that you do not feel me worthy of a Suros. I will handle it with great care and also never fire it one time since Bungie made AR's absolute poop from a butt with their latest nerfage. Please consider my prayers."
*skies open and a waterfall of Suros' (surii?) rain on Trance's dome for all of eternity*
No, like getting the smell of smoke out of the house. That shit's like an anchor once it sets in, need professionals to make it go away.Deodorized? Like, making sure flammable chemicals aren't floating around the house?
Regardless, glad to hear everyone is safe!
Deodorized? Like, making sure flammable chemicals aren't floating around the house?
Regardless, glad to hear everyone is safe!
I see myself slowing down until The House of Re-Leveling Exotics DLC drops. Of course, I do need a Titan 36 chest piece...
I've been playing this fucking game since the alpha... I don't even want to know how many hours I've dumped into it.
Still no fucking horn. I've watched countless people get it. Literally every week some asshole gets it to drop while I watch and get shards or some shit vendor auto rifle for my trouble. Unfuckingbelievable.
Oh, you're missing the crux? Boofuckinghoo. I have 3 of them. That Necrochasm is so fucking amazing that I'm not sure how you sleep at night without one. Oh, you're missing Plan C, too? Cool, have one of the 40 that have dropped for me. It's a sweet gun... oh wait, no it's not, it's shit and no one cares about it.
Raids, strikes, chests... you name it, I am dumb enough to keep doing it. I actually want to physically fight Crota, in real life, and torture him until he gives me a Horn. I know he has them, I've seen him give them out.
I am so hung over and pissed off today. Please don't take the aboveseriously.too
I know the feeling real well.!@(@&*(#&!%@(!)*&#&&)(*#%#!$
I've been playing this fucking game since the alpha... I don't even want to know how many hours I've dumped into it.
Still no fucking horn. I've watched countless people get it. Literally every week some asshole gets it to drop while I watch and get shards or some shit vendor auto rifle for my trouble. Unfuckingbelievable.
Oh, you're missing the crux? Boofuckinghoo. I have 3 of them. That Necrochasm is so fucking amazing that I'm not sure how you sleep at night without one. Oh, you're missing Plan C, too? Cool, have one of the 40 that have dropped for me. It's a sweet gun... oh wait, no it's not, it's shit and no one cares about it.
Raids, strikes, chests... you name it, I am dumb enough to keep doing it. I actually want to physically fight Crota, in real life, and torture him until he gives me a Horn. I know he has them, I've seen him give them out.
I am so hung over and pissed off today. Please don't take the aboveseriously.too
I've been playing this fucking game since the alpha... I don't even want to know how many hours I've dumped into it.
Still no fucking horn. I've watched countless people get it. Literally every week some asshole gets it to drop while I watch and get shards or some shit vendor auto rifle for my trouble. Unfuckingbelievable.
Oh, you're missing the crux? Boofuckinghoo. I have 3 of them. That Necrochasm is so fucking amazing that I'm not sure how you sleep at night without one. Oh, you're missing Plan C, too? Cool, have one of the 40 that have dropped for me. It's a sweet gun... oh wait, no it's not, it's shit and no one cares about it.
Raids, strikes, chests... you name it, I am dumb enough to keep doing it. I actually want to physically fight Crota, in real life, and torture him until he gives me a Horn. I know he has them, I've seen him give them out.
I am so hung over and pissed off today. Please don't take the aboveseriously.too
I've been playing this fucking game since the alpha... I don't even want to know how many hours I've dumped into it.
Still no fucking horn. I've watched countless people get it. Literally every week some asshole gets it to drop while I watch and get shards or some shit vendor auto rifle for my trouble. Unfuckingbelievable.
Oh, you're missing the crux? Boofuckinghoo. I have 3 of them. That Necrochasm is so fucking amazing that I'm not sure how you sleep at night without one. Oh, you're missing Plan C, too? Cool, have one of the 40 that have dropped for me. It's a sweet gun... oh wait, no it's not, it's shit and no one cares about it.
Raids, strikes, chests... you name it, I am dumb enough to keep doing it. I actually want to physically fight Crota, in real life, and torture him until he gives me a Horn. I know he has them, I've seen him give them out.
I am so hung over and pissed off today. Please don't take the aboveseriously.too
I've been playing this fucking game since the alpha... I don't even want to know how many hours I've dumped into it.
Still no fucking horn. I've watched countless people get it. Literally every week some asshole gets it to drop while I watch and get shards or some shit vendor auto rifle for my trouble. Unfuckingbelievable.
Oh, you're missing the crux? Boofuckinghoo. I have 3 of them. That Necrochasm is so fucking amazing that I'm not sure how you sleep at night without one. Oh, you're missing Plan C, too? Cool, have one of the 40 that have dropped for me. It's a sweet gun... oh wait, no it's not, it's shit and no one cares about it.
Raids, strikes, chests... you name it, I am dumb enough to keep doing it. I actually want to physically fight Crota, in real life, and torture him until he gives me a Horn. I know he has them, I've seen him give them out.
I am so hung over and pissed off today. Please don't take the aboveseriously.too
I got a plan c from rahool during the original loot cave era. Since then I have never gotten an exotic from an engram.
Yeah, probably.I guess Narmer's sine wave is fully bottomed out at FUCK OFF right now.
I've been playing this fucking game since the alpha... I don't even want to know how many hours I've dumped into it.
Still no fucking horn. I've watched countless people get it. Literally every week some asshole gets it to drop while I watch and get shards or some shit vendor auto rifle for my trouble. Unfuckingbelievable.
Oh, you're missing the crux? Boofuckinghoo. I have 3 of them. That Necrochasm is so fucking amazing that I'm not sure how you sleep at night without one. Oh, you're missing Plan C, too? Cool, have one of the 40 that have dropped for me. It's a sweet gun... oh wait, no it's not, it's shit and no one cares about it.
Raids, strikes, chests... you name it, I am dumb enough to keep doing it. I actually want to physically fight Crota, in real life, and torture him until he gives me a Horn. I know he has them, I've seen him give them out.
I am so hung over and pissed off today. Please don't take the aboveseriously.too
On a positive note, I got myThunderlord last night from a legendary engram. I can't remember the last time before that I got an exotic from a legendary.5th
I got a plan c from rahool during the original loot cave era. Since then I have never gotten an exotic from an engram.
Did you see my post from yesterday about the hawkmoon?
I felt the same way dude, sometimes it just helps to vent a little bit. It's frustrating as all hell, especially when your down to one thing you want and people around you constantly get it and don't even want it... week after week.
I feel ya man, you'll feel better though, even without it. I feel better today![]()
I am so hung over and pissed off today. Please don't take the aboveseriously.too