I think MS is quite happy to keep selling every month. For the most part they don't give a shit what Sony sells. Their job is to maximize their sales and then have each one of those units keep generating more sales and revenue. The mentality in here that they are watching the sales like we do is wrong.
They have internal sales numbers and trends. They can watch the market change real time. They also have to plan these holiday seasons years in advance. They give almost zero shits what Sony or Nintendo do.
I would even venture a guess and say the people that work at these companies own the competition consoles too. Unlike most commenters in this thread.
Spencer knows that the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 will continue to be compared. "We shipped at the same time and we're in direct competition with the PS4," he admits. "I'm not going to duck that. I want to win. I want to win this generation, but I want to win more than I want the other guy to lose. I own a PS4, and it's not like I want it to get dusty or not have games. But I do want to sell a lot of Xbox Ones, and for many people that's a direct competition with the PS4. As the Xbox team, we are the underdog."