Yep. You can also shoot exploding boxes to regen health.wat
What is a "spike"??
Why are you even here and not being pummeled to death repeatedly?
I guess all the good players moved onto Bloodborne.
anyone have the NM gorgon's CP that they can share with me?
PSN rasengan1337
Logged in to buy Glasshouse earlier, so I have every exotic now. Woo.
Only 4 people on my friends list were playing lol. Also everyone playing Rumble was terrible. Every match was a breeze. I know I'm good, but not that good.
I guess all the good players moved onto Bloodborne.
Stop pretending you don't care, Todd.
Anyone for a quick VoG Hard? Starting at oracles
Anyone for a quick VoG Hard? Starting at oracles
Been questioning myself. guess I've been kind of playing for the wrong reasons (carrots/loot). Now that I have acquired all the carrots I lack motivation to play
My Hunter soloed the Nightfall. Just stayed on top, but that was still plenty intense dashing to and fro, had several very near misses with the Minotaur on top. At one point I got disoriented and found myself facing a wall as he bore down on me...bonk. Don't Touch Me saved my hide.
Got a sorta crappy looking legendary arc heavy machine gun, which is headed to the vault for my future Titan to use.
I didn't think I'd be able to actually solo it. Was more fun than I thought (though, I'd still rather have had a partner...)
I've been thinking about this a lot since the last time the Nightfall was Omnigul. I was complaining to my wife about having to do the Nightfall because Omnigul is such an awful strike. She stared at me blankly and said, "If you hate it so much, why are you doing it? This is a game, not your job."
I didn't really know what to say. Loot? But I'd lost confidence that RNG was going to give me anything. XP bonus? All my characters were 32. The best answer I could come up with was because Tuesday night is the night that I play Destiny with my friends, and I'm at a point in my life where having time to spend with my friends is a rare commodity.
I'm in a similar position - I've acquired all the carrots. (Well, all the ones I really want.) I've pretty much decided that until HoW comes out, I'm playing socially. I probably won't put hours into the game by myself anymore, but if a raid is forming and needs an extra gun, I'm in. And if I can get a Fang of Ir Yut and a Black Hammer for every character before HoW drops, so much the better.
The best way I find to counter the top Minotaur is to walk past him after he spawns and get out of the cave area. He usually will go to the spot where you're use to jump off, but he will stand there confused. Then take your time taking him down. Once and a while he does chase you out of the caves though, but it happens mostly when hes enraged.My Hunter soloed the Nightfall. Just stayed on top, but that was still plenty intense dashing to and fro, had several very near misses with the Minotaur on top. At one point I got disoriented and found myself facing a wall as he bore down on me...bonk. Don't Touch Me saved my hide.
Got a sorta crappy looking legendary arc heavy machine gun, which is headed to the vault for my future Titan to use.
I didn't think I'd be able to actually solo it. Was more fun than I thought (though, I'd still rather have had a partner...)
I use the Insurmountable Skullfort, which has Infusion (Replenishes health each time you pick up an Orb of Light).I only know rudimentary things about the CE raid anyway (only have WATCHED it played).
Any other viable regen options available for Titans specifically?
Super Good Advice is THE Vault of Glass weapon:Just got the second perk on Super Good Advice and after play testing it for a bit, I must say, its nowhere near as bad as people keep saying. Does it hold a candle to Thunderlord? Of course not, but then no other machine gun except for maybe the Iron Banner one does. Its fun to use, and the recoil is very manageable once you get used to it...
Super Good Advice is THE Vault of Glass weapon:
My usual VoG loadout now is Word of Crota, Swordbreaker, and Super Good Advice. Swap Blackhammer for Swordbreaker as needed.too bad i need to use my exotic slot forgjallarhornliterally anything else for the majority of the raid.
Super Good Advice is THE Vault of Glass weapon:
Shots on Oracles and Detain nets qualify for "missing their target". You rarely have to reload the gun if you use it exclusively for those purposes, and you can easily solo the Oracles when you get teleported away from Atheon.
A baboon keeps attacking me, and he brings his weasel friend.
Man I loved that part and found the thorn bounty to be sooo much easier than the bad juju one. That was crazy. I did it on my titan with the void grenades, that VOG auto rifle (atheon's Epilogue?), Swordbreaker/LD 5001 Void) and a Void dmg Machine Gun. Was done in 2 days of moderate playing. All about the gear thou.Im halfway through the Void Crucible part of the Thorn bounty but it is just so soul destroying and boring.
My Observatory's Feed for the current Lunar Eclipse
We are in Thunder Bay, Ontario. It cycles feeds.
I missed you fig. No one ever responds to me here. They just say, vault of glass anyone? Scrota anyone? And I just sit here and sulk.
Man I loved that part and found the thorn bounty to be sooo much easier than the bad juju one. That was crazy. I did it on my titan with the void grenades, that VOG auto rifle (atheon's Epilogue?), Swordbreaker/LD 5001 Void) and a Void dmg Machine Gun. Was done in 2 days of moderate playing. All about the gear thou.
Edit: Ohh and I played the team deathmatch mode, can't remember the name now.
Mind Blown.
My Observatory's Feed for the current Lunar Eclipse
We are in Thunder Bay, Ontario. It cycles feeds.
Been saying it's VoG MVP for a while now. Used to be even better when you could decide to chose Oracle duty. All of the Oracles with zero anmo lossAnd I just leveled the SGA fully last night because of this, a great weapon.
My Observatory's Feed for the current Lunar Eclipse
We are in Thunder Bay, Ontario. It cycles feeds.
You may struggle to find a game on here for a few reasons. Most people on here play on PSN and a lot of people have taken a break from Destiny at least until HoW drops. That and games are predominantly at USA friendly times especially on X1 . If you don't manage to find a group and are new to raiding you can try destinysherpa on reddit or find an active group on the100, or even just scroll through their public games. Just look out for sherpa sessions. Like you I had no one to raid with but since joining an active 100 group I've had no problems doing raids/nightfalls at a decent GMT timezone. Also everyone I've come across has been friendly and helpful to new raiders.Hello hello fine people of NeoGaf
After what seems like years (really only months) I should probably crack into the raids. Alas none of my current amigos on XBL are able to assist (primarily due to them not having destiny and/or an X1).
Bearing that in mind if anyone needs a new guy to tag along on a raid or two and do his bestest (I'm decent, not great but decent), please feel free to hit me up.
XBL tag is podgek293. Feel free to add and drop a message. Probably the best times to catch me is Saturday mornings till 5pm (GMT) or most weekday evenings after 10pm(GMT).
I can't guarantee perfection but I can guarantee a trier
I've been thinking about this a lot since the last time the Nightfall was Omnigul. I was complaining to my wife about having to do the Nightfall because Omnigul is such an awful strike. She stared at me blankly and said, "If you hate it so much, why are you doing it? This is a game, not your job."
I didn't really know what to say. Loot? But I'd lost confidence that RNG was going to give me anything. XP bonus? All my characters were 32. The best answer I could come up with was because Tuesday night is the night that I play Destiny with my friends, and I'm at a point in my life where having time to spend with my friends is a rare commodity.
I'm in a similar position - I've acquired all the carrots. (Well, all the ones I really want.) I've pretty much decided that until HoW comes out, I'm playing socially. I probably won't put hours into the game by myself anymore, but if a raid is forming and needs an extra gun, I'm in. And if I can get a Fang of Ir Yut and a Black Hammer for every character before HoW drops, so much the better.
Hello hello fine people of NeoGaf
After what seems like years (really only months) I should probably crack into the raids. Alas none of my current amigos on XBL are able to assist (primarily due to them not having destiny and/or an X1).
Bearing that in mind if anyone needs a new guy to tag along on a raid or two and do his bestest (I'm decent, not great but decent), please feel free to hit me up.
XBL tag is podgek293. Feel free to add and drop a message. Probably the best times to catch me is Saturday mornings till 5pm (GMT) or most weekday evenings after 10pm(GMT).
I can't guarantee perfection but I can guarantee a trier
The Solar burn Omnigul goes by easy. Arc burn is a butch though I'll grant you that.Oh noes I hope this week isn't Omnigul. Was going to at least log on for an hour or two but that weekly is the absolute worst one and will keep me away. Guess I could log on and check...
Oh noes I hope this week isn't Omnigul. Was going to at least log on for an hour or two but that weekly is the absolute worst one and will keep me away. Guess I could log on and check...
Man I loved that part and found the thorn bounty to be sooo much easier than the bad juju one. That was crazy. I did it on my titan with the void grenades, that VOG auto rifle (atheon's Epilogue?), Swordbreaker/LD 5001 Void) and a Void dmg Machine Gun. Was done in 2 days of moderate playing. All about the gear thou.
Edit: Ohh and I played the team deathmatch mode, can't remember the name now.
Id did the 10000 Bad Juju Points in around 3 hours on clash today. Was a blast with The Last Word as a primary. Just got my Bad Juju <3
What I really dislike about the thorn bounty is that you lose points when you die. They should really make it that you won't and the crucible part of Thorn would be fun.
Also, because I'm at the top of the page, I'll use this fortuitous position to get back on my soapbox. Our Guardians (even the Exos) need to be able to, retroactively, grow space beards. At this point, even my Exo female Hunter would benefit from the extra frabjous that some quality facial hair would give her.
My Hunter soloed the Nightfall. Just stayed on top, but that was still plenty intense dashing to and fro, had several very near misses with the Minotaur on top. At one point I got disoriented and found myself facing a wall as he bore down on me...bonk. Don't Touch Me saved my hide.
Got a sorta crappy looking legendary arc heavy machine gun, which is headed to the vault for my future Titan to use.
I didn't think I'd be able to actually solo it. Was more fun than I thought (though, I'd still rather have had a partner...)
What console? I'll be home in a few hours if you're playing the xbox versionAnyone want to run the daily heroic with me twice? I hate this mission alone.
What console? I'll be home in a few hours if you're playing the xbox version