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GTA V PC Performance Thread


formerly sane
I have 2x Titan X and a 5960x and playing at 1440p I get at least 60 FPS (80-90+ in much of the city) most of the time even in the countryside except for the occasional situations it drops to the 50s or even high 40s. I get occasional stuttering but I have a gsync monitor that covers up most of that and makes the worst drops more bearable, but still...

I have almost everything maxed except AA; I only have FXAA enabled right now. It's not ideal. I'm wondering what else I could do here that would make a significant enough impact to keep me above 60 fps without sacrificing too much.

As you and others have shown you will get dips no matter what. Short of much better hardware or more optimization sacrificing too much seems counter productive considering that fact. You can have fidelity and 60fps what most of us want is fidelity and locked 60fps.


I have 2x Titan X and a 5960x and playing at 1440p I get at least 60 FPS (80-90+ in much of the city) most of the time even in the countryside except for the occasional situations it drops to the 50s or even high 40s. I get occasional stuttering but I have a gsync monitor that covers up most of that and makes the worst drops more bearable, but still...

I have almost everything maxed except AA; I only have FXAA enabled right now. It's not ideal. I'm wondering what else I could do here that would make a significant enough impact to keep me above 60 fps without sacrificing too much.

It's either grass or shadows causing those drops I suppose. Shadows very high plus the three advanced shadow options all enabled compound dramatically. You should at least try dropping grass down from Ultra.
Any advance tips of what to turn off / tweek when I finish downloading it and start it? I'm a lazy fuck that usually can't be bothered with checking each setting, nor knows what most things even do :/

My system is i5 4690k, 16GB ram, 2x gtx970 SLI


You could probably afford higher stuff like some MSAA with 2x 970s but its a great post and I agree with his assessment from what I've played so far.


OK, I optimised the game using Geforce Experience and now everything's a different colour in first person mode.
Anyone know what setting to change to get rid of this?


Oh man, that gave us a good hearty laugh here at NV.

In other news, you know what is done, but is first going through peer review and QA as it's 9,000 words across 1650 Notepad++ lines, with over 250 interactive comparisons, 1000 images (fullsize, thumbs, etc), and hundreds of links.


Oh man, that gave us a good hearty laugh here at NV.

In other news, you know what is done, but is first going through peer review and QA as it's 9,000 words across 1650 Notepad++ lines, with over 250 interactive comparisons, 1000 images (fullsize, thumbs, etc), and hundreds of links.
Sweet, can't wait to go through it all
Oh man, that gave us a good hearty laugh here at NV.

In other news, you know what is done, but is first going through peer review and QA as it's 9,000 words across 1650 Notepad++ lines, with over 250 interactive comparisons, 1000 images (fullsize, thumbs, etc), and hundreds of links.

That is a huge work. Props to you mate.


Oh man, that gave us a good hearty laugh here at NV.

In other news, you know what is done, but is first going through peer review and QA as it's 9,000 words across 1650 Notepad++ lines, with over 250 interactive comparisons, 1000 images (fullsize, thumbs, etc), and hundreds of links.

Will read.


Just reporting that on my system (i5-4670, 8 GB DDR3, R9 290 4GB) at 1080p, I'm getting 60 fps with everything on very high or ultra (and high res shadows off, soft shadows on Softer) with ocasional short dips into ~45 fps when driving around some parts of the city. Looks great.


I still have to use a VPN to even install patches with this game, lol. Several tweets and an open ticket to Rockstar later and the only response I've received has been that they see my ticket and are looking into it (yesterday afternoon). Pretty frustrating. There is little to no info on the network ports/protocols being used by this game. If I VPN, I can launch it. If I disconnect after launching the game - it hangs because it can't reach Social Club.

So yes, this game requires online in order to play.

EDIT: My prior posts for full background: 1, 2

There is almost zero info on the network ports/protocols required by this game. I understand it is likely something in my network causing a conflict - but I can't get assistance in the matter from anyone at R*. I've disabled everything and still issues. Every other game works on Steam, Origin, and hell - even shitty Uplay. What funky DRM stuff is R* doing? Ha.


Any ideas how to get rid of screen tearing at sub 60fps without dropping to 30? I can maintain 60fps most of the time but whenever I start racing quickly or flying around, I dip to ~55-58 which is enough to cause a slight yet unnerving tearing. As soon as I stop driving, everything's great and super smooth. I currently have ingame Vsync turned off and use adaptive forced Vsync in teh Nvidia settings.

I don't mind the few dropped frames but I'm sick of the tearing.


Since Andy's guide is just about here I definitely want to add it to the OP.

Can anyone tell me how to create an image link? I want a geforce guide picture/logo and when clicked on takes you straight the the guide :)

Xcell Miguel

Gold Member
Does not fixes the stutters that introduced patch 1.01...

Come on, the game was smooth at launch, now it's not, bad stutter all the way with a GSync screen, even on a 4670K@4GHz it runs better on my 5930K@4.6GHz now...

I just want the performances I had with build 323.


Oh man, that gave us a good hearty laugh here at NV.

In other news, you know what is done, but is first going through peer review and QA as it's 9,000 words across 1650 Notepad++ lines, with over 250 interactive comparisons, 1000 images (fullsize, thumbs, etc), and hundreds of links.

Lol, no idea how I didn't notice that before.
Great job on the Geforce Experience settings, since I optimised its at a pretty much locked 60 with the odd drop to like 57-58


I wonder how Andy will react if the patch promises significant performance gains ...


Since Andy's guide is just about here I definitely want to add it to the OP.

Can anyone tell me how to create an image link? I want a geforce guide picture/logo and when clicked on takes you straight the the guide :)

Like this

Link is to our front page until the guide is live.


This is the first game that makes me really appreciate PCSS.It's a great feature.
Too bad that the real deal comes when you activate High Definition Shadows, in Advanced Options, a setting that I prefere to avoid for performances's sake.


Hey guys I have a question. I have a PS4 and a gaming Laptop from a few years back (the ASUS ROG G75VW). It has the following specs;

Intel Core i7-3610QM Quad-core 2.3GHz Processor
8 GB DDR3 (Upgraded to 16GB)
Nvidia GTX 660M 2G GDDR5 Graphics
120GB SSD (Samsung 840)

Most of my friends have the game on PC, but I don't want to get the game and barely be able to play it.... how well will it run on my Laptop? Will I be able to get 1080p at medium-high settings?
Hey guys I have a question. I have a PS4 and a gaming Laptop from a few years back (the ASUS ROG G75VW). It has the following specs;

Intel Core i7-3610QM Quad-core 2.3GHz Processor
8 GB DDR3 (Upgraded to 16GB)
Nvidia GTX 660M 2G GDDR5 Graphics
120GB SSD (Samsung 840)

Most of my friends have the game on PC, but I don't want to get the game and barely be able to play it.... how well will it run on my Laptop? Will I be able to get 1080p at medium-high settings?

ps4 will perform much better than a 660m


Well, patch seems to stop the game from crashing, but it still becomes an unplayable stuttering mess after like 15 minutes.
So there's that.
This is the first game that makes me really appreciate PCSS.It's a great feature.
Too bad that the real deal comes when you activate High Definition Shadows, in Advanced Options, a setting that I prefere to avoid for performances's sake.

I do like what PCSS is trying to do, and it looks great at times, but this is the second game where I've passed on it because it seems really buggy. In FC4 PCSS is really wacky sometimes, and its the same in GTA V, and it also is a decent performance hit in both titles (5-10 fps in GTA V).


Harsh shadow resolution changes in close distance.
edit: I hope it actually IS a bug, and not by design. But as it stands the "advanced shadowing distance" is broken, so something is up.

Sounds like a RAM or VRAM issue.

Since the game starts to progressively start eating my RAM, I'm saying it's probably a memory leak.
The aiming while driving CTD seems to have been fixed.

I really hope you're right, if that crash were fixed then the game would pretty much be performing perfectly on my end.


For those of you who are bothered by the aliasing on the mini-map, you can turn on Nvidia driver FXAA (I'm guessing that AMD's MLAA would work similarly) and it will get rid of those jaggies. The downside is that it won't show up in screenshots unless you're in (borderless) windowed mode and then take a print screen.


Though now that I'm thinking about it, you could probably achieve the same effect by using ReShade or SweetFX. Plenty of options for those who want to make the map look slightly better.


I do like what PCSS is trying to do, and it looks great at times, but this is the second game where I've passed on it because it seems really buggy. In FC4 PCSS is really wacky sometimes, and its the same in GTA V, and it also is a decent performance hit in both titles (5-10 fps in GTA V).

Ye, FC4 did that exact impression to me.
In GTA V it looks more convincing in my opinion.
Or maybe I have to choose a different area, next time I will tech-bitch with settings. :p
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