Did I screwed it up on start?
I never played W1/W2 and did simulate saves![]()
I think you're supposed to if want that guy to show up who interviews you, happens after you hunt the Griffin.
Did I screwed it up on start?
I never played W1/W2 and did simulate saves![]()
As much as I love your screenshots, can you please blur out quest tracker?
Have you been using the O / Circle sidestep maneuver. Rather then the diving dodge? I have found it's actually more useful especially on enemies that do lunging attacks like Wolves and Ghouls. Basically the sidestep positions yourself to where the enemy just slips past you and you can do an immediate back attack.
What does that mean?
you'll get an item that breaks them in the main questline
So annoyed I bought this, lesson learnt.
And outside of my inability to understand most of it, the frame-pacing is super noticeable now, makes nauseous after an hour or so.
I would be happy to receive any copy of disapointed players *_*
PM me please!
Go up near the gate and use the little stone fence to separate them. Use Yrden too
Don't target when fighting multiple enemies. Yrden works pretty good against them. Just try to separate one from the pack and take him on.
Hunting monsters, muddy swamps, stormy weather. Yep, this is a Witcher game alright.
Past the first part easily but the second part is still bullshit.Glad I'm not the only one.
My bad, sorry. You get that one super early though, so no spoils.
So annoyed I bought this, lesson learnt.
And outside of my inability to understand most of it, the frame-pacing is super noticeable now, makes me nauseous after an hour or so.
Past the first part easily but the second part is still bullshit.
I need advice for the botchling quest. Fucking wraiths are so annoying with their double attacks. And they thought it would be a great idea for the player to fight multiple wraiths with this shitty targeting system.
There is a old lady cry on the side of the road in the village of Lindenvale in Velen. She gives you a quest called The fall of the House of Reardon. If he isn't dead you will see him. During a fight he asks you to stay out of ot, if you don't and kill the others of he joins you in Kaer Morhen.
whats your problem with the game?
How far in are you? This is just silly. The side content rivals the old days.
The signs are a key part of combat and make things interesting but unfortunately they just add to the tedium given the fact that to switch you have to pull up the radial wheel. There really should have been some kind of quick swap between your last 2 signs to keep things more fluid and on the fly
It assumes a core understanding of the mechanics from other games in the genre.
But that's my fault.
When holding the parry button, you can hit right or left to quickly switch between signs.
When holding the parry button, you can hit right or left to quickly switch between signs.
I've done that quest and didn't see him, gutted.
It assumes a core understanding of the mechanics from other games in the genre.
But that's my fault.
It assumes a core understanding of the mechanics from other games in the genre.
But that's my fault.
It assumes a core understanding of the mechanics from other games in the genre.
But that's my fault.
I'm heading to the second part again. Hopefully I don't die and restart the entire encounter again.Yrden and Quen + spectre oil
Make sure you keep attacking, but if two are near you roll away.
[edit: also remember to use efficient combos. Eg starting with Strong is bad - mix it up with Light-Strong-Strong etc. lets you move faster while dealing high damage. This technique pretty much won the fight for me.
When one teleports away, get ready to roll away from your position as theyll probably appear behind you. THEN they'll do their double spin attack, and this is pretty formulaic, so roll away then wait for the last swipe then strong attack in
This fight took me a full 90 minutes or so to get down. The thing that realky kills it is the terrible checkpoint back before you meet the botchling. I'd call this game a masterpiece if it werent for a few encounter design missteps like this
It doesn't I'm afraid. All the controls and many of the mechanics have been very revamped or are entirely new.
Some strategic concepts - potions, sign systems - are unique to the series but the game teaches you how to use them.
Read through all the tutorials and the manual maybe. I know a lot of non-Witcher players who are doing fine with this.
If it just doesn't gel with you, though, then fair enough
gameplay is drastically different in both previous games.
Stuck on a scavenger hunt quest.
Anyone know what to do?I can't figure out how to get into the ruins by the lighthouse for the Griffon gear.
Stuck on a scavenger hunt quest.
Anyone know what to do?I can't figure out how to get into the ruins by the lighthouse for the Griffon gear.
, watch out for the drowners.Swim
Thanks for the replies.This one took me a while.
Underwater passage near the place of power
What are y'all favorite signs?
1. Quen
2. Yrden
3. Igni
4. Axii
5. Aard
Stuck on a scavenger hunt quest.
Anyone know what to do?I can't figure out how to get into the ruins by the lighthouse for the Griffon gear.
I really enjoy the detective like preparation Geralt does at the beginning of a quest, especially since it can add to the dialogue options depending on what you find.
Is this one of those nuggets people just happened to find out about like the hold start to go straight to the map or was this advertised somewhere and i missed it? That may make all the difference for me in terms of warming up to the combat although i'd still pretty a quick swap between the last two recent signsWhen holding the parry button, you can hit right or left to quickly switch between signs.
What are y'all favorite signs? WIthout having buffed too many of the spells (I'm going for a sign/light swordsman build, but I'm only level 6 right now), I really like Yrden (It wasn't that great in W2), and Quen, of course, is still the crutch to lean on in harder difficulties. Yrden, especially after its duration is increased, is great against almost everything. Those drowners that keep charging? Slow 'em down. Those bears? With more reaction time, their attacks are clearly telegraphed. Those wraiths that can dissipate at will? Get up close and personal and finish them off before they can react. My magic build in Witcher 2 used Heliotrope sign (effectively a large-range Yrden) a lot, so it's nice to see it translated into W3.
Quen is still the beast it was in W2. I especially like that you can see an enemy in the distance, cast Quen before entering combat, and then have another sign at your fingers before the first blow has even been landed.
Igni is only really useful when in the bogs, or if there's an explodeable barrel nearby. Although, early White Orchard tip for the herbalist:I wish Igni was more reliable, for example, drowners are supposedly extremely susceptible to fire, and yet they don't consistently go up in flame. Considering they're so fast and cumbersome at lower levels, it can be a waste.Igni burns down the beehives, allowing you to farm all the comb you need and then sell it back to the herbalist. If you wanna really abuse the system, turn off the music in game...you'll hear the bees in the open world ~15 feet away. Then, if you want to invest in crafting, go to the herbalist, sell enough comb until she is broke, then buy all the crafting materials you need off of her (refilling her bank) and the sell more comb to her to get your money back. In effect, you're getting crafting materials for free.
Axii seems to have improved quite a bit, but I've never really liked it as a spell. I usually use it when I'm down to one enemy and feel like ending the fight quickly. I also appreciate that Axii as a dialogue option seems to have more negative potential than it did in W2. With a couple of exceptions (literally two), Axii was a "win" option in dialogue in W2. Now it can breed contempt, which is more in line with its use in the books.
And Aard is nice especially since the world seems much less physically tied down, but I wish its knockdown rate was a little more obvious. Still, using Aard in a cave with breakable stalagtites...or on a bog where the water ripples out...such a sweet effect. I was disappointed when I tried to use Aard on some deserters on a hilltop in White Orchard, seems like only Geralt can fall to his death.
So it goes:
1. Quen
2. Yrden
3. Igni
4. Axii
5. Aard
Honestly this is my favorite part of his characterization and is really keeping me involved in the plot.
Yup. Agree with you on all fronts, and I'm also aiming for a light armor + sword + signs build. Quen alone is worth all the points put into the signs tree since you'll most likely be regenerating stamina real quick later.
Don't even know how many times I would have died already if Quen wasn't there to back me up. I love you, Quen.