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XCOM 2 (PC/Mac/Linux, Firaxis, November 2015) announced [Up: New info/screens in OP]

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This is going to be good ! :D

Can't wait for more Xcom ! will certainly do another run at EW this summer in the meantime !
...and how XCOM 2 will be tailored to take advantage of that single platform’s strengths – followed by Firaxis’ exciting plans to support modders and their work.
That sounds sort of... ominous. I would like it clarified as to what exactly that means. We have good reason to assume good faith at least, given the prominence of mods for Civ over the years.


So the title is just XCOM 2.

I guess PC gamers don't need subtitles.

There will be a subtitle for every single mod no doubt :p

That sounds sort of... ominous. I would like it clarified as to what exactly that means. We have good reason to assume good faith at least, given the prominence of mods for Civ over the years.

Of course that depends on how you look at it. I really welcome this kind of thing, but ultimately will judge it when the explain it in more depth. Any modding support or something like paid mods can only work from the game's outset and for content that is large enough to be worth a damn, and that demands curation. The only way to do anything like that outside of that, is if the game is multiplayer and competitive, at which point small customisations like skins do have value.

Most of all I am hoping for greater mechanical depth and hopefully an ever evolving game that is really well supported for a long time, at which point modding could become integral


Unlimited Capacity


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Well shit. I had no idea that it bombed so bad. For some reason I though it did well, given the fact they also released Enemy Within for consoles.

Odds are that Enemy Within, being an expansion, was well into development by the time 2K realised that Enemy Unknown wasn't quite hitting the desired mark on consoles and it made more sense, financially, to finish the console versions and recoup some of that investment than cancel them entirely and see no return at all. February 2013 is when EW first reared its head publicly.
Honestly PC exclusivity makes a lot more sense in terms of the quality of a game than most other platforms in that there are legitimate benefits, like incredibly easy distribution, no licensing fees, mod support, no need for devkits, radically different control scheme, fast patching and many more.

The difference between a PC 3rd party exclusive and a console 3rd party exclusive is the motivations. The decision is typically based on strength of the platform, ease of distribution, control options, infrastructure options, modding potential, etc., and not financial incentives by a 1st party. It makes me especially curious when it's a major publisher.


That sounds sort of... ominous. I would like it clarified as to what exactly that means. We have good reason to assume good faith at least, given the prominence of mods for Civ over the years.

Most likely they mean they are going to build up the game around being easily moddable.

EU was notorious for being very annoying and difficult to mod for. It took awhile for stuff like Long War to get developed, and they still cant add completely new stuff, its all based on whats already in the game.
That sounds sort of... ominous. I would like it clarified as to what exactly that means. We have good reason to assume good faith at least, given the prominence of mods for Civ over the years.


Faraxis loved Long War, and that was made without proper modding tools iirc.

Having mod tools be released would be an amazing way to help sell the game, get PC gamers hyped about a company supporting modding, increase the longevity and interest in the game for more proper expansions to be made.
I hope the focus on PC means that the interface will be usable with a mouse and keyboard this time. I played the last one on PC with a controller because it was just so obviously designed for one.


I didn't know PC exclusives were met with such vitriol here :p

You should have seen the Civ Beyond Earth reveal thread, first entire two pages were port begging. Say what you want, console peeps port begging get so much worse than Vita or PC port beggars in many situations, primarily because this is such a console-oriented forum.
I can tell right now that the snakemen are going to be a pain to fight... ugh. Constrict an ally, then you have the fun-fun chance of killing the snakeman or your squaddie! Woo...hoo... :(

PC exclusive is good; I'm curious to see how that helps XCOM 2. In spite of Civilization: Beyond Earth and Firaxis' other missteps, I think I'll be there day 1. I mean, I was already welcomed back and everything... how could I not?

In Jake Solomon & co. I trust.


I have heard the distraction angle before but it doesn't affect me as much as others. I just play my games.

Yeah, which is alright. Different strokes for different folks and all that. I was just kidding about the trash thing anyway, I'm glad that they're still making the XCom games, they're great.


I wonder if this is really a large budget game or it's going to be an attempt at a smaller budget (which would frankly be smart).

Will they go all out on graphics (as much as they can) or open themselves up to the larger, lower-spec PC market?

If it's a full budget all-out game, that would be the first we've seen from a big studio (& no console version) in... >5 years? I mean Crysis comes to mind but that came to 360 eventually. Crysis Warhead?

If it's a high spec game either I jump back in to PC gaming or I'll play this in 2023 or something.

Even pc exclusives need to consider the range of hardware out there. Generally strategy games have lower system requirements (the one exception being the Total War series)
Love how for Firaxis announces games. Nothing until about mid year, then they announce a game for later in the same year.

I'm stupidly excited for this game. Said it in the speculation thread - it's one of my most played games last gen. Great to hear about mod support from the get go since full on revamps like Long War really lengthened the lifespan of EU


Stoked! I put hundreds of hours into the original (thanks Long War mod!) and will probably do the same with this.

Especially now that they're supporting mods.
Gameplay elements suggested by available media: snakemen, stealth, hybrid human-sectoids, melee combat, grenade launcher, laser weaponry as standard, mobile base.
I didn't know PC exclusives were met with such vitriol here :p

I can understand the frustration by people who played the first game on console and don't have a decent PC. However, there are a few things to consider:

- The game isn't a moneyhatted exclusive. The developers apparently decided that going PC only is the best way to move the franchise forward, for reasons that we will soon know. It is possible that we will get a better game out of it.

- The game is unlikely to be very demanding in terms of graphical horsepower, so any decent PC with a good CPU should be able to offer a playable experience.

- You can connect a PC to the TV and play with a controller. The "couch experience" thing is so 1999.

- Steam Machines are coming this November. They are console platforms and they will be able to play the game.


I think many fail to realize how much a difference focusing on PC makes to the overall design of the game, user-interface, mechanics, etc. This isn't just your arbitrary exclusive of one console over another, but one which simply allows the developers to do more. Xenonauts is a decent example as a comparison of the priorities game design can often take when platform, target audience, input method, etc. are changed.
Huh, I must be one of the only people not excited for this. I put X-Com: UFO Defense in my top five games of all time, but Enemy Unknown was such a tremendous disappointment. I felt EU was just a castrated version an X-Com game that lacked a lot of the depth of the original. Maybe by making it PC-only they can reintroduce some of that depth and also make a interface that actually works properly with a keyboard and mouse.


PC exclusive makes no sense. Even if it didn't do great last time round, this time the incremental cost of porting to PS4/XB1 should be much less than with PS3. Almost insane not to port, unless for some reason it absolutely requires a mouse and keyboard?

Or they're still in negotiations?
Unless they weren't defeated? Maybe this sequel is based on the assumption that XCOM failed in the first game? Bad end route.

Two scenarios that don't involve the losing scenario from EU/EW:

The Uber Ethereal and the Temple Ship ending still happened, but that force was merely exploratory. When the Temple Ship got smoked, the aliens sent a force that even XCOM couldn't handle to investigate and the whole operation went underground. The aliens demanded the council nations cough up everything that XCOM had researched and developed, so we're starting from scratch.

The Council was betrayed from the inside after the events on the Temple Ship, XCOM was disbanded and were powerless to stop the events in 2015 from playing out as they did.
It's coming in november? WOW! I'm a bit shocked, usually these games are announced like 1 year in advance! And then PC version has to wait months/years after the console version is released.

I'm very pleasantly surprised. Day 1 buy, I really, really liked XCOM and EU.
PC exclusive makes no sense. Even if it didn't do great last time round, this time the incremental cost of porting to PS4/XB1 should be much less than with PS3. Almost insane not to port, unless for some reason it absolutely requires a mouse and keyboard?

Or they're still in negotiations?
Console Version will likely come out later and be console-focused instead of cross-platform confined


PC exclusive makes no sense. Even if it didn't do great last time round, this time the incremental cost of porting to PS4/XB1 should be much less than with PS3. Almost insane not to port, unless for some reason it absolutely requires a mouse and keyboard?

Or they're still in negotiations?

"And, later this week we’ll go in-depth with Solomon and DeAngelis on the reasons behind the bold move to take XCOM from a multiplatform series to a PC exclusive, and how XCOM 2 will be tailored to take advantage of that single platform’s strengths – followed by Firaxis’ exciting plans to support modders and their work."

Find out this week I guess

I am excited for procedural maps.

Yeah definitely, it was what pretty much everyone wanted. I'm hoping the PC focus leads to a much more iterative kind of game that develops more over time
That red and grey armor is straight out of Apocalypse. Oh God, the memories!

I wonder if Firaxis will take advantage of the Steam Controller.
PC exclusive makes no sense. Even if it didn't do great last time round, this time the incremental cost of porting to PS4/XB1 should be much less than with PS3. Almost insane not to port, unless for some reason it absolutely requires a mouse and keyboard?

Or they're still in negotiations?
Sub-200,000 sales on debut for both consoles says a lot. The console game population doesn't want TBS, even if it's designed to be fast and fluid.

I wonder if Firaxis will take advantage of the Steam Controller.
They honestly shouldn't need a Steam controller for this game. TBS is fairly simple to map to a regular controller, as XCOM: EU proved.
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