So no Mac version?
I think it's a positive sign that Firaxis considers this the core expression of the game and a core franchise in their portfolio.So the title is just XCOM 2.
I guess PC gamers don't need subtitles.
That sounds sort of... ominous. I would like it clarified as to what exactly that means. We have good reason to assume good faith at least, given the prominence of mods for Civ over the years....and how XCOM 2 will be tailored to take advantage of that single platforms strengths followed by Firaxis exciting plans to support modders and their work.
So the title is just XCOM 2.
I guess PC gamers don't need subtitles.
That sounds sort of... ominous. I would like it clarified as to what exactly that means. We have good reason to assume good faith at least, given the prominence of mods for Civ over the years.
Well shit. I had no idea that it bombed so bad. For some reason I though it did well, given the fact they also released Enemy Within for consoles.
Feral Interactive is porting it to Mac and Linux
Honestly PC exclusivity makes a lot more sense in terms of the quality of a game than most other platforms in that there are legitimate benefits, like incredibly easy distribution, no licensing fees, mod support, no need for devkits, radically different control scheme, fast patching and many more.
That sounds sort of... ominous. I would like it clarified as to what exactly that means. We have good reason to assume good faith at least, given the prominence of mods for Civ over the years.
That sounds sort of... ominous. I would like it clarified as to what exactly that means. We have good reason to assume good faith at least, given the prominence of mods for Civ over the years.
I didn't know PC exclusives were met with such vitriol here![]()
I have heard the distraction angle before but it doesn't affect me as much as others. I just play my games.
I wonder if this is really a large budget game or it's going to be an attempt at a smaller budget (which would frankly be smart).
Will they go all out on graphics (as much as they can) or open themselves up to the larger, lower-spec PC market?
If it's a full budget all-out game, that would be the first we've seen from a big studio (& no console version) in... >5 years? I mean Crysis comes to mind but that came to 360 eventually. Crysis Warhead?
If it's a high spec game either I jump back in to PC gaming or I'll play this in 2023 or something.
So in. I'm actually really glad it's a PC exclusive.
I didn't know PC exclusives were met with such vitriol here![]()
Yup I get ya.Yeah, which is alright. Different strokes for different folks and all that. I was just kidding about the trash thing anyway, I'm glad that they're still making the XCom games, they're great.
Unless they weren't defeated? Maybe this sequel is based on the assumption that XCOM failed in the first game? Bad end route.
This especially feels weird now that we're getting games like Divinity: Original Sin and Worlds of Magic on conoles.PC exclusive? Straight to the trash it goes.
Exclusives make sense when they utilize the platform in ways that other platforms can't, and this seems to do so. Very happy.
Console Version will likely come out later and be console-focused instead of cross-platform confinedPC exclusive makes no sense. Even if it didn't do great last time round, this time the incremental cost of porting to PS4/XB1 should be much less than with PS3. Almost insane not to port, unless for some reason it absolutely requires a mouse and keyboard?
Or they're still in negotiations?
PC exclusive makes no sense. Even if it didn't do great last time round, this time the incremental cost of porting to PS4/XB1 should be much less than with PS3. Almost insane not to port, unless for some reason it absolutely requires a mouse and keyboard?
Or they're still in negotiations?
I am excited for procedural maps.
Is that why it's called 2?Yup, looks great. Definitely a sort of take on Apocalypse. I guess Jake Solomon was serious when he said he didn't care for Terror from the Deep? I didn't imagine him saying that before right?
Sub-200,000 sales on debut for both consoles says a lot. The console game population doesn't want TBS, even if it's designed to be fast and fluid.PC exclusive makes no sense. Even if it didn't do great last time round, this time the incremental cost of porting to PS4/XB1 should be much less than with PS3. Almost insane not to port, unless for some reason it absolutely requires a mouse and keyboard?
Or they're still in negotiations?
They honestly shouldn't need a Steam controller for this game. TBS is fairly simple to map to a regular controller, as XCOM: EU proved.I wonder if Firaxis will take advantage of the Steam Controller.