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Star Wars Mafia |OT| A Wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy

The description for "hutt armourer" should read, counts against johnny's win condition and doesn't have the exact same abilities as the other armourers (just a similar hutt focused ability tangentially related to boasters and shields)
Seriously people, I'm neutral. I don't even mind suspicions about my specific neutral role, you'd be dumb not to doubt me to some degree. I've admitted I'm withholding some info. I could claim further, but it's not going to have much impact since my client has admitted their role already. The people that trust me will continue to trust me, and the ones that are suspicious will assume I'm lying. Regardless, I've now been confirmed through Traube, via Blarg. If you don't trust one of them, then please explain why. You and TWE have acted so fucking irrationally towards me. Is it just a grudge from TWE cause I nearly got him lynched Day 1? You gotta move the fuck on and start playing for town. Otherwise, it just feels like you two are sandbagging us.

Hilarious man. One of the Neutrals just won okay. Do we want that again...nah. Its okay.
Unless Johnny winning doesn't end the game, in which case Johnny gets off this blasted rock, wins the game and The hutts work to kill the rest of us.

I mentioned it previously but it's this one. Town or Mafia, and presumably Palmer, can still meet their win conditions as well.
I've met mine and will be forcibly dragged to the dead thread at sundown.
OMG you guys move so fast during my sleep time :O

First of all, I did say that I was actually in favour of OceanicAir explaining himself first, I only voted for him because Palmer was urging for a quick execution, so:


So, I'm back where I had started with my doubts about Setre and Makai.

Setre claimed he was a cop at first
Later, he claimed that he was simply new at the game and was quoting the wrong role

! However, during the night after he claimed he was a cop and before anyone knew he was not, the Hutts did not kill him. I am still combing through the past pages, but I noticed this to be at least a funny occurrence.

I still need to see how I feel about Makai... He confirmed Setre's note that there was some activity with him last night, but there has not been further information on this.

At least this confirms that Setre does have an ability to monitor people's activities. If I was a Hutt, this is concerning since he can report on 'suspicious' individuals. Unless Setre was bluffing and picking Makai by chance since he was hounding him to reveal the name of who he was monitoring last night. I noticed that Setre's reveal came right after Makai's demanding and insistence.

Continue to backread on this, I shall.

We're just at a weird point in the game. We have 1 clear action, which is to leave Johnny and OA alone.

Someone else we shouldn't let off the hook too easily is our replacement, YesNo(I'm not spelling out his full name). He could be the other imperial, and so far, he's only made a few vague posts with nothing really concrete. At some point, we need to know where he really stands if we want to get a read off him.

YesNo is fine. Or ynnny. Or "that person with a painfully long name and nux avatar".

Mega post incoming. As I'm catching up on a lot of stuff, I apologize if some of this has been covered or is now moot.

Firstly: RIP QuantumBro. As a *Bro bro, your death hits me hard. ;_;7

Secondly, I'm not really sure why, but I felt compelled to share a few (now old) notes. I will warn up front that they are incomplete, but I feel like the demonstrate the veritable insanity of this game.

This shows who voted and unvoted on whom, for night 3. If you see an (R), it means it was a retraction. I was trying to see who got piled on, and by whom.

This is also from night 3. The numbers show the order the votes happened in. Left side is who voted, right side is how. If the arrow points to an 'x', it means they unvoted but didn't immediately vote for someone else.

This is night 2. *sob*

If I were better at any sort of pattern recognition this might be more useful. I will also now reiterate that it is incomplete, as towards the end the votes were simply coming too fast for me to keep up with. So if you see something that didn't get counted on there, that's why.

Anyway, onward with day 4!

Damn that sucks. I still don't like how Palmer is still in this but whatever. Will have to vote someone else if no one else is going to vote Palmer.
I'm just curious if you have any reason beyond "gut feeling" for being this suspicious of Palmer at this point? I have to admit, I'm still a little suspicious of you and Zubz, but I myself don't have anything beyond "gut feeling" to go on.

Oh and @OceanicAir: Last day I thought his role claim seemed sincere.

But after some thinking there is good chance he is the Thief. Would explain why he has a shield.
I have to admit I was more than a little shocked that after gunning for OA for the majority of the game, when it came time to completely override, you went with Barrylocke. I know you've given your "he hasn't posted as much" reasoning somewhere, but that felt a little weak after being so vehement about OA all game.

Just noticed there is more to the message:
"Anyone who gets my message and dies on same day can send ME message next day // BLARG: Palmer is neutral"
Some sort of Force Spirit? I have to admit I find the fact that the messenger has gone to three different people, three different power roles no less, three different nights, very strange. Is it possible the role requires that they go somewhere different each time?

Hold off just a tad so we can get more input, but if you looked at any of these people I don't think there's a reason to hold back:

I find it odd you included yourself in that list. I mean, wouldn't you know if you had visted or been visited? I wouldn't think you would need setre to tell you that.

I guess technically theres an outside chance he's not, but it's a very, very outside chance in my opinion. But he could be lying about 2 different things for 2 different reasons.
Well the Hutts have to know that there's a switcher out there. They went after Palmer and got TB instead, so there's no way they can't know. If two different thieves (why not, we had 2 armorers after all) targetted OA, is it possible you redirected one and the other still got him? Or would every single action targeted at him bounce?

The remaining options that we know of are the mystery messages or quantumbro. Since traube received a message, last night, im inclined to think quantum gave makai a shield or gun. A shield im not concerned about, but a gun is dangerous. Even if you assume he's town, we know that theres a thief who is probably immune, and id guess some ither nk-immune roles exist. Hes far likelier to kill a townie than a mafia.

How does everyone feel about Traube's move and claim? Anyone distrust him in particular?
If the visitor was QuantumBro, we can probably be assured it was a shield. I think QuantumBro realized after Day 2's mess that a gun would be more dangerous than useful.

As for traube, I'm inclined to agree. I think I have an idea of his 'recharge' condition, but obviously I have no way to know and wouldn't ask him to verify my idea.

As for Setre's report, one has to keep in mind that it only detects power roles; the Rebel Armorers probably would have triggered him, while the Undercover Imperials probably wouldn't. In my eyes, this means that Palmer or eJawa might be the remaining Undercover Imperial, or that Makai might not be an Ordinary Rebel
Why would setre seeing activity make you think they're the UI? The UI, at least from swamped's role reveal, has no night power that would trigger setre's ability. Am I missing something?

Yes Friendly Neighbor is the role, and one I considered. I have 2 problems with this: Why on Earth would this person choose Mak to reveal himself to last night? Of all the people in this game, why him? Why last night?
Is it possible we have a sleepwalker; one that leaves a trace? I mean, we had two last game...

My role was smuggler and I had the ability to swap players during the night with the aim of disrupting deliveries from armourers.
My win condition was to either disrupt enough deliveries or to outlast the armourers, and they basically did my job for me.
Grats on escaping this insanity!

On night 1 I swapped myself and AbsoluteBro. No real ulterior motive it was mostly because I felt I was a target and chose a fairly nondescript player to hide behind.
... ya know what, I take it back. I hope a krayt dragon eats you on your way out. :p

Night 3 is the interesting one. I swapped myself and OceanicAir. My reasoning was that by now I was pretty sure I just had to outlive quantum so I'd use my skill to hide at night. Oceanic claimed to have a shield so I thought there was a high chance he would be targeted by the thief and mafia wouldn't waste a kill on him, so swapping us was win-win. The thief would fail to steal a shield and if they did try to kill me, then Oceanic would still be shielded.
I'm kind of curious of the wording of his "shield steal", if any exists.

I initially thought Johnny was saying the thief hit him last night, and I was trying to think if 2 thieves made sense. But 1 thief and a smuggler makes sense too.
Like I said somewhere above, we have 2 armorers, 2 cops (role and faction), and 2 sets of lovers/masons. At this point, I'm will to believe a lot of roles suddenly popping up.

The reason I wasn't in a rush was because Matt Attack and AbsolutBro have not posted in this day cycle yet.
Yeah, sorry about that. Especially after my trepidation of surviving. The last few days have been sort of insane.

Because we have an even number of players right now, it should not change our remaining mislynches.

But that said there is a possibility we could lose this game on day 6.
Doing the math here:

We have 18 players.
Johnny will escape tonight, leaving us with 17.
We will most likely lynch someone today, 16.
If the hutts kill TWE or Zubz, and they're telling the truth, both of them die. Leaving 14.

Assuming the worst, that the game started with 4 hutts and 2 Undercover Imperials, they currently have 5 Hutt-aligned left. They'd be in a pretty strong position. :-\ I think it most likely they'll kill 1 tonight (leaving 15), let us lynch (14) and then get the double kill in the night to clinch a win on their terms.

>snipped SK stuff<
Re: a 3rd party killer. I honestly think that MattyG expected more blasters to go around, making a 3rd party killer almost unnecessary. I certainly don't think he expected an armorer to get detained right from the start.

A lot of the discussion on night 2 was based on protecting Worthy and Zubz. If (and I still think its a very outside chance) the thief did target me last night instead of them I would definitely question why?
All I can think is that the Rebels KNOW that Quantum gave out a shield to someone. They probably have as little information about who as we do. Random choice, based on them thinking Quantum would want to protect a vocal and so Rebel considered player maybe? Good a reason as any I suspect.


would probably like a hook in his jaw for that matter
To anyone who doubts me - wait until tomorrow morning. I think you will change your mind :]

Thinking out loud here for a second. There are 3 prime suspects. Me, Makai and OA. The general consensus so far seems to be in favor of waiting and seeing with OA. Now we have a reason to wait for Makai too. Sure, you could vote to detain me, but I will be revealed as a rebel. Now the next morning it's time for you to hear what Makai has to say. What if it ends up being nothing useful after all? Sure you might detain him, but now you have to choose between him and OA.

I'm not convinced this is the actual scenario, but it was what popped into my head as soon as I say this claim. Also trying to lay seeds in case I get detained, that might help the rebels after I am gone.


AB went old school, I just use a google doc spreadsheet to track votes and take notes.

I find it odd you included yourself in that list. I mean, wouldn't you know if you had visted or been visited? I wouldn't think you would need setre to tell you that.
Obviously :p That was a list of all the claimed Ordinary Rebels, I felt it would be weird to leave myself off the list as the point was these are people who have no reason to have an action at night. In hindsight I should have put zubz and worthy on there as well. Traube got the message so it would have been useless to get a report on him. And I wasn't sure how to handle OA. I think Setre made the right choice though.
Is it possible we have a sleepwalker; one that leaves a trace? I mean, we had two last game...
You don't think someone would have mentioned that by now?
Doing the math here:

We have 18 players.
Johnny will escape tonight, leaving us with 17.
We will most likely lynch someone today, 16.
If the hutts kill TWE or Zubz, and they're telling the truth, both of them die. Leaving 14.

Assuming the worst, that the game started with 4 hutts and 2 Undercover Imperials, they currently have 5 Hutt-aligned left. They'd be in a pretty strong position. :-\ I think it most likely they'll kill 1 tonight (leaving 15), let us lynch (14) and then get the double kill in the night to clinch a win on their terms.
I don't think we have 6 hutts and 2 3p. Even 5 is pushing it for a 23 player game, but with the IAs split, it kind of makes sense.



would probably like a hook in his jaw for that matter
Thinking out loud here for a second. There are 3 prime suspects. Me, Makai and OA. The general consensus so far seems to be in favor of waiting and seeing with OA. Now we have a reason to wait for Makai too. Sure, you could vote to detain me, but I will be revealed as a rebel. Now the next morning it's time for you to hear what Makai has to say. What if it ends up being nothing useful after all? Sure you might detain him, but now you have to choose between him and OA.

I'm not convinced this is the actual scenario, but it was what popped into my head as soon as I saw Makia's claim just now. I'm also trying to lay some seeds in case I get detained, that might help the rebels after I am gone.

Quote edited the last 2 sentences to clarify what I was trying to say.
AB went old school, I just use a google doc spreadsheet to track votes and take notes.

I don't think we have 6 hutts and 2 3p. Even 5 is pushing it for a 23 player game, but with the IAs split, it kind of makes sense.


Haha, I don't have Office at home and find actually writing things out still works best when I'm thinking. When I play all my RPG campaigns I write everything out by hand and then transfer the notes to my tablet or phone. I'm old school like that.

The third party players don't really count against the Rebels, they just have to get rid of the Hutts. With 2 of the Hutt players being incommunicado with the rest of the team, 3 actual hutts feels a tad light. I mean, the hutts could almost just as easily target the Imperials at night, depending on their power roles (which are fairly limited if they had only 3 active players). That's why I was leaning towards 4 actual hutt players, with the two UIs basically counting as 1/2 a player. Factoring in the sheer number and power of the power roles we've seen for the rebels so far...




Before reading this post, I want to note that I do not want anyone who has not claimed yet to claim. I am only using the fact that these people haven't claimed to make a point.

None of the currently alive claimed players could fit into Mak's claim of a visitor. This leaves the unclaimed:

Matt Attack

Let's see their opinions on Mak, shall we?

Is it possible we have a sleepwalker; one that leaves a trace? I mean, we had two last game...

Listing potential options.
VOTE: Makai

Between OceanicAir, eJawa, and Makai, this is the detain I think I'd be most comfortable with.

Votes Mak

Hang on a sec - assuming Makai isn't lying and there's another power role out there that is pro town, would we want the Hutts to know?

Makai, don't post anything for now - We need more opinions here, where is everyone?

Doesn't want Mak to claim, but asks others as if this is a good idea. Seems weird to ask other's opinions if he knows.

Thinking out loud here for a second. There are 3 prime suspects. Me, Makai and OA. The general consensus so far seems to be in favor of waiting and seeing with OA. Now we have a reason to wait for Makai too. Sure, you could vote to detain me, but I will be revealed as a rebel. Now the next morning it's time for you to hear what Makai has to say. What if it ends up being nothing useful after all? Sure you might detain him, but now you have to choose between him and OA.

I'm not convinced this is the actual scenario, but it was what popped into my head as soon as I say this claim. Also trying to lay seeds in case I get detained, that might help the rebels after I am gone.
Says Mak's info tomorrow could be useless.

So, I'm back where I had started with my doubts about Setre and Makai.
Doubts Mak


Now we have 4 options:

1. Someone above is lying to cover themselves.
2. Someone who claimed Ordinary Rebel is lying and has a town power role.
3. QB visited Mak.
4. Mak is lying to buy himself some time.

1 is certainly possible, and I apologize if it is. 2 I hope is not true, because lying as town hurts town. 3 I don't think is the case for reasons previously stated. 4 imo is most likely.

So based on this and the fact that I can't think of a town role that a VT would know visited them that we haven't already heard about but can't reveal today but can totally reveal tomorrow, I'm going to:

Vote: Makai


I guess this is another way to possible prove Setre is what he is. So for that, and all the reasons I listed yesterday.

Vote: Makai


I guess this is another way to possible prove Setre is what he is. So for that, and all the reasons I listed yesterday.

Vote: Makai
Lynching me does not confirm Setre's role. My role will flip, but my visit won't be explained until post-game.


Hey, I voted for Makai yesterday, and unlike some of you crazy people, I stuck with that vote. :p

Specifically your opinions on his claim today as it's possible you have a role that visited him last night. My point is that everyone who has not claimed a role seems to not believe him except for maybe raindoc's post is borderline. So who is this person who visited him then?

And why will we "find out" tomorrow?


Lynching me does not confirm Setre's role. My role will flip, but my visit won't be explained until post-game.

At best, I feel like you were given a gun, and I'm worried you'll shoot my client or me with it. At worst, you're a Hutt with a gun. The safest bet for me is to eliminate the threat.


I say this because Shields are a losing proposition until we've killed the thief. Hutts will probably have the Thief make a run on someone the night before they plan to kill them anyway. A gun at least has a chance to get used before the Hutts get to them. If I was Quantumbro, that would have been my logic last night. Why you? I'm not certain.
Specifically your opinions on his claim today as it's possible you have a role that visited him last night.

Ah, I misunderstood what you meant.

I do think it's somewhat odd that Makai admits to being visited, but not what happened or why. Then again, I think raindoc has a point: we've lost and/or revealed a ton of power roles:

2 Armorers (confirmed)
1 Trigger Happy Rebel (confirmed)
1 Force Sensitive Rebel (confirmed)
1 Former Senator (suspected; power used)
2 Battle Buddies (suspected)
1 Rebel Officer (suspected; power mostly confirmed)

That's 8 power roles so far. I honestly don't know how many the rebels/town would normally have in a game this size; this is literally my second game of mafia ever, the first being When Death is on the Line.

2 neutral players (both mostly confirmed, JQK should be confirmed tonight)
2 Undercover Imperials
3-4 direct hutt players

out of 23, you're looking at what, less than half being Ordinary Rebels? And that's before our mystery visitor, assuming it wasn't Quantum Bro who for some inexplicable reason gave Makai a gun or shield.

IF, and I stress, IF, we have any rebel power roles left, revealing them doesn't do a lot of good when, as we've seen, Hutts can win in 2 days if they play their cards right and we don't catch a Hutt tonight or tomorrow night.

and I've lost my train of thought. Sorry, we're getting thunderstorms and my dog (80ish pound mastiff/dane mix) is terrified of loud noises.


would probably like a hook in his jaw for that matter
I do think it's possible that Makai is trying to buy time, but a bigger part of me is worried he is telling the truth.

vote: OceanicAir

I'm going with this for now. I think his last minute claim to have a shield, then loss of said shield is too convenient. I'm inclined to believe Johnny's story as well, which would mean we would most likely end up voting for Oceanic tomorrow anyways.


AbsolutBro: I'm sorry, I mean that the UI wouldn't be active in the night. Setre said Palmer and eJawa were inactive. I was pointing out that there's still a known Hutt who's inactive at night out there, so that neither of them were inherently safe. And if it makes you feel any better, the current situation has us feeling uneasy, too.

To anyone who doubts me - wait until tomorrow morning. I think you will change your mind :]

It has to be something good at this point; even with the revelation that OA probably lied about his/her shield, I still trust you the least due to your role/lack of Gun Kill contradicting Setre's report.

I say this because Shields are a losing proposition until we've killed the thief. Hutts will probably have the Thief make a run on someone the night before they plan to kill them anyway. A gun at least has a chance to get used before the Hutts get to them. If I was Quantumbro, that would have been my logic last night. Why you? I'm not certain.

Oh, wow! I mean, there's a chance that the Thief's third party, too, but yeah... I guess this means shields are useless until the Thief's gone (For the record, I don't have one; if Edge does, he hasn't told me). Well, there goes that line of defense.


Ah, I misunderstood what you meant.

I do think it's somewhat odd that Makai admits to being visited, but not what happened or why. Then again, I think raindoc has a point: we've lost and/or revealed a ton of power roles:

2 Armorers (confirmed)
1 Trigger Happy Rebel (confirmed)
1 Force Sensitive Rebel (confirmed)
1 Former Senator (suspected; power used)
2 Battle Buddies (suspected)
1 Rebel Officer (suspected; power mostly confirmed)

That's 8 power roles so far. I honestly don't know how many the rebels/town would normally have in a game this size; this is literally my second game of mafia ever, the first being When Death is on the Line.

2 neutral players (both mostly confirmed, JQK should be confirmed tonight)
2 Undercover Imperials
3-4 direct hutt players

out of 23, you're looking at what, less than half being Ordinary Rebels? And that's before our mystery visitor, assuming it wasn't Quantum Bro who for some inexplicable reason gave Makai a gun or shield.

IF, and I stress, IF, we have any rebel power roles left, revealing them doesn't do a lot of good when, as we've seen, Hutts can win in 2 days if they play their cards right and we don't catch a Hutt tonight or tomorrow night.

and I've lost my train of thought. Sorry, we're getting thunderstorms and my dog (80ish pound mastiff/dane mix) is terrified of loud noises.

It depends on the game, really. I sat out for that one, but I saw a 20-person game where only one person was Vanilla/Ordinary, and everyone else was a different faction of Wolf/Demon. Some people hate being Vanilla and won't put effort into a game if they are, so it's always possible Matty stocked this game with Power Roles.


Time remaining in the current day phase:

Current votes
9 votes are needed for a majority descision

Makai - 3 votes (Matt Attack, CzarTim, Palmer_v1)

OceanicAir - 2 votes (TheWorthyEdge, eJawa)

Johnnyquicknives - 1 vote (traube)
AbsolutBro: I'm sorry, I mean that the UI wouldn't be active in the night. Setre said Palmer and eJawa were inactive. I was pointing out that there's still a known Hutt who's inactive at night out there, so that neither of them were inherently safe. And if it makes you feel any better, the current situation has us feeling uneasy, too.

Oh, wow! I mean, there's a chance that the Thief's third party, too, but yeah... I guess this means shields are useless until the Thief's gone (For the record, I don't have one; if Edge does, he hasn't told me). Well, there goes that line of defense.
Ah, that makes more sense then. Having lost the faction cop, finding the other UI will be the hardest thing I think. They have no action for Setre to spot. Other hutts don't know who they are either, so we can't really look for a lack of hutt targeting on someone either.

At this point, we can only really be sure of 1 shield being out there: the one QuantumBro gave away night 2. Hopefully the Hutts target that person and we get an extra night's reprieve. :-\
Palmer, I noticed that you have the habit of changing your votes on the frequency of a hobbit consuming meals in a given day's duration.

There was one occasion in which you used a different wording, as per below:

So you're all going to think I'm insane, but I need us to Detain eJawa to prove a theory I have that might point to several more Hutts.

For Oceanic Air, I think we're okay leaving him alone temporarily. I don't think he's a hutt power role. At worst, he's a Paranoid Hutt and just changed his flavor text quickly to avoid detainment yesterday. At best, he's town-aligned and was bluffing.

Detain: eJawa

You usually use "Vote: Lamb for the Slaughter's Name Here" (about 30 times so far, actually)

But that one time you used "Detain:" (and only this one time you deviated)

Is it related to your role's ability or just me looking too hard into things?


Palmer, I noticed that you have the habit of changing your votes on the frequency of a hobbit consuming meals in a given day's duration.

There was one occasion in which you used a different wording, as per below:

You usually use "Vote: Lamb for the Slaughter's Name Here" (about 30 times so far, actually)

But that one time you used "Detain:" (and only this one time you deviated)

Is it related to your role's ability or just me looking too hard into things?

Ive been swapping votes all game to apply pressure to inactive players. Once it gets a reasonable response, i drop it. Yesterday, inwas swapping purely to keep myself alive. Today im swapping because i want ejawa and makai detained, in that order. I will cotemfor whichever has the most votes in the hope that we hit manority and move on.

As for my verbiage, youre reading too much into it. I keep swapping back and forth between the the theme and basic mafia.

Another reason to vote makai or redhood is that they are the two closest to being lynched. If tbey turn out to be mafia, we can look at who didnt vote them.


Specifically your opinions on his claim today as it's possible you have a role that visited him last night. My point is that everyone who has not claimed a role seems to not believe him except for maybe raindoc's post is borderline. So who is this person who visited him then?

And why will we "find out" tomorrow?
Just to make this clear: I did not visit Makai last night. All I said was that a possible power role that has not been claimed yet should not be revealed without all players getting a chance to "vote" on said reveal.
After reading all the posts, theories, and general craziness of our thread, I would probably vote Makai right now. I am still sort of nervous about one of the top posters in the thread (my theory on role yesterday) but they are posting differently today and the theory doesn't quite fit anymore. I'll keep my eyes on that person for tomorrow.

However, I have said I'm only voting once today, none of that flip flopping from yesterday. So I will monitor and post throughout today, and if that doesn't change I plan on voting for makai tomorrow.


would probably like a hook in his jaw for that matter
Another reason to vote makai or redhood is that they are the two closest to being lynched. If tbey turn out to be mafia, we can look at who didnt vote them.

Speaking of redhood. Way back at the beginning, you said redhood was in your circle of trust, then with little explanation, you started voting for him, based on inactivity. Is that still your reason for bringing up redhood as a detainee candidate? Also, what if they (or I) don't turn out to be mafia? It seems your theories rely on us being confirmed mafia. Asking people to detain me for a mysterious personal theory is all well and good, but I hope your theory still applies when I am revealed as a rebel and it was worth losing another rebel.


Just to make this clear: I did not visit Makai last night. All I said was that a possible power role that has not been claimed yet should not be revealed without all players getting a chance to "vote" on said reveal.

Thanks for clarifying. This makes me feel even more comfortable with my vote.

Just to recap for everyone:

- Every single unclaimed player either doubts or is confused about Mak's claim. Who could have visited him then? It's possible one is pretending, and I apologize if that's the case, but imo it's more likely no one visited him.

- Why would any positive town role visit the player with the most votes last night?

- What role visits an Ordinary Rebel, has them know about it, we need to keep secret today, can reveal tomorrow, and no one else has mentioned this entire game? The only answer to that is the armorer. Do we think there are 3 armorers in this game? Do we think the night order of operations puts armorer before the night kill AND quantum decided to give Mak a gun?

- If some mystery town power role did visit Mak, does this confirm he is a Rebel?


Speaking of redhood. Way back at the beginning, you said redhood was in your circle of trust, then with little explanation, you started voting for him, based on inactivity. Is that still your reason for bringing up redhood as a detainee candidate? Also, what if they (or I) don't turn out to be mafia? It seems your theories rely on us being confirmed mafia. Asking people to detain me for a mysterious personal theory is all well and good, but I hope your theory still applies when I am revealed as a rebel and it was worth losing another rebel.

Honestly, I can't remember what was going on with redhood any more. I will always prod low activity posters though.

I gave MY reasons for being willing to detain you and then specifically told people NOT to bandwagon blindly. Only vote for you if they had their own suspicions. I'm not certain you'll flip Hutt or not, but either way, I'll personally gain some knowledge. I don't feel strongly enough about it to really go after you, obviously.


Just to make this clear: I did not visit Makai last night. All I said was that a possible power role that has not been claimed yet should not be revealed without all players getting a chance to "vote" on said reveal.

Thanks for clearing that up!


Do we think the night order of operations puts armorer before the night kill AND quantum decided to give Mak a gun?

FWIW, most night actions will resolve as long as they don't directly conflict. The only time order matters is when you start adding in switchers, role blockers, doctors, and killers. They resolve in roughly that order.

I don't doubt at all that Quantum was able to give out an item. Problem is we can't confirm it without providing the thief info.


FWIW, most night actions will resolve as long as they don't directly conflict. The only time order matters is when you start adding in switchers, role blockers, doctors, and killers. They resolve in roughly that order.

I don't doubt at all that Quantum was able to give out an item. Problem is we can't confirm it without providing the thief info.

Ugh, okay. That makes me feel less confident. Let me think on it.
Thanks for clarifying. This makes me feel even more comfortable with my vote.

Just to recap for everyone:

- Every single unclaimed player either doubts or is confused about Mak's claim. Who could have visited him then? It's possible one is pretending, and I apologize if that's the case, but imo it's more likely no one visited him.

- Why would any positive town role visit the player with the most votes last night?

- What role visits an Ordinary Rebel, has them know about it, we need to keep secret today, can reveal tomorrow, and no one else has mentioned this entire game? The only answer to that is the armorer. Do we think there are 3 armorers in this game? Do we think the night order of operations puts armorer before the night kill AND quantum decided to give Mak a gun?

- If some mystery town power role did visit Mak, does this confirm he is a Rebel?

Little confused here. If you think no one visited Makai, then you would also believe that setre is lying, right? Or are you suggesting that Makai has a role that can take action at night, and that action is what setre saw?

As for "why visit Makai", I agree that it's very suspicious. Like you said, he was on the chopping block last night, so what good does a Rebel visiting him do for us now?

One possible thought: we suspect (or at least suspected earlier) that the Hutts have a role that brings the Undercover Imperials into the "Hutt fold" so to speak. Is it possible that person (if they exist) was fishing for the UI?

Keeping in mind that they couldn't have predicted today's insanity with JQK/OA, or that setre would watch Makai-

Case 1: they discover Makai is the UI. The Hutt players can then try to influence voting towards one of the numerous people who were on the line last time, getting voting away from their new-found compatriot.

Case 2: they discover Makai isn't the UI. The hutts can then press to detain him, even if there are more obvious choices, knowing full well that he was all but detained the previous night.


Little confused here. If you think no one visited Makai, then you would also believe that setre is lying, right? Or are you suggesting that Makai has a role that can take action at night, and that action is what setre saw?
The latter.
Case 2: they discover Makai isn't the UI. The hutts can then press to detain him, even if there are more obvious choices, knowing full well that he was all but detained the previous night.
Why would Mak want to keep quiet about this?


Little confused here. If you think no one visited Makai, then you would also believe that setre is lying, right? Or are you suggesting that Makai has a role that can take action at night, and that action is what setre saw?

As for "why visit Makai", I agree that it's very suspicious. Like you said, he was on the chopping block last night, so what good does a Rebel visiting him do for us now?

One possible thought: we suspect (or at least suspected earlier) that the Hutts have a role that brings the Undercover Imperials into the "Hutt fold" so to speak. Is it possible that person (if they exist) was fishing for the UI?

Keeping in mind that they couldn't have predicted today's insanity with JQK/OA, or that setre would watch Makai-

Case 1: they discover Makai is the UI. The Hutt players can then try to influence voting towards one of the numerous people who were on the line last time, getting voting away from their new-found compatriot.

Case 2: they discover Makai isn't the UI. The hutts can then press to detain him, even if there are more obvious choices, knowing full well that he was all but detained the previous night.

If it's case 1, they're doing a terrible job of it. I tried to get eJawa detained, and hardly anyone bit.
If it's case 1, they're doing a terrible job of it. I tried to get eJawa detained, and hardly anyone bit.

That would assume eJawa isn't a Hutt though. If he is, I doubt they'd jump on a "detain one of our own" train.

That said, as Czar points out, my theory has a hole big enough for a rancor.


Thanks for clarifying. This makes me feel even more comfortable with my vote.

Just to recap for everyone:

- Why would any positive town role visit the player with the most votes last night?

one with investigative capabilities.

- What role visits an Ordinary Rebel, has them know about it, we need to keep secret today, can reveal tomorrow, and no one else has mentioned this entire game?

that's the crux.

The only answer to that is the armorer.

Or holoprojector dude. If he is town. Maybe that's what Makai meant? we kill him, giving him the chance to communicate with that guy and we'll get the message ("proof") tomorrow?
That would mean traube is lying... but why? Make's no sense in my book.

Short recap for myself:
  • Makai (claims OR) showed suspicious activity according to Setre (claims motion detector) - Makai says he can proof his innocence tomorrow, hasn't posted yet how.
  • OceanicAir (claims Paranoid Rebel w/ shield), says that his shield was stolen last night
  • johnnyquickknives (claims Neutral Smuggler) says that he switched himself and OA last night AND that he has met his winning condition and will be gone by the end of the day

What to do?
  • Johnny's claim is easy to confirm by just waiting for the next day.
  • Same might go for Makai, assuming he tells us what happened and how he wants to prove it.
  • OceanicAir will be pretty much cleared, if Johnny turns out lying (the opposite is not the case, strictly speaking: there remains a chance that both of them tell the truth)

IMO Makai is the best choice for a lynch today - out of the three above mentioned candidates - since his story is missing the most interesting part ("How?"), but if he delivers a convincing story, maybe we should let him live another day still.

B-line suspects (according to me or other players):
Low-activity posters that like to ride on bandwagons:
  • eJawa - Flew under my radar to be honest
  • redhood - Almost got lynched on the last day (yeah, many were), "today" he only showed up after the mob had formed around other players.
  • ...?

High-activity posters that just love to detain (and never seem to hesitate, no matter how many times they're wrong):
  • Palmer_v1 - IMO pretty much cleared by tomorrow too, depending on Johnny's outcome (who claims to have switched Palmer and Terrordactyl in N2, meaning Palmer was targeted)
  • CzarTim - Always ready for a good lynching. Did never show any sign of remorse, never hesitates, even after yesterdays clusterfuck he wants this day to end with a quick lynch, despite the problems we're facing.
  • ...?


Always ready for a good lynching.
You're still bitter about me pushing a day one lynch. Well, as you'll see when the game ends or I die, I am 100% town and I still 100% support day one lynches. Whether you want to admit it or not, it is a pro-town move. In fact please go find me an active forum mafia community that doesn't routinely lynch day one. I'll wait here.

Only 3 people did not vote to detain day one, you, Mak, and OA (who didn't vote). I don't know why I'm getting the blame for it. I defended ex a bunch day one.

Did never show any sign of remorse
Remorse for what? The only person I've ever voted for who died is blarg, and I don't think anyone showed remorse for that.

never hesitates
This is just blatantly untrue. I've hesitated twice this page much less the whole game. You're projecting.

Being wrong doesn't mean you're mafia. Of course I've been wrong. You've been wrong, everyone's been wrong. That's part of the game. I've done what I've felt is in the town's best interest, and I've explained why I've done everything.

even after yesterdays clusterfuck he wants this day to end with a quick lynch, despite the problems we're facing.
No one was in any danger of getting hammered. We're still talking.


Anyway, look, I'm sorry we play this game differently, but I'm kind of sick of slap fighting with you every day. I'm only responding to this because you keep bringing it up.

Also I am well aware I am a candidate for the IA because of my fuck up with swamped day one. When we get a couple main hutts, I'm okay with being detained. I don't need to be around for a LYLO situation. But I am an Ordinary Rebel and right now we don't have the spare mislynches to waste on me. I will feel much better about this game once we get a main hutt.


would probably like a hook in his jaw for that matter
I had a look at the votes of day 1 and 2.

Day 1
Day 2

eJawa and redhood had a place on both bandwagons.

I still kinda trust redhood at the moment.

You forgot about my day 3 vote for Barry. I voted for all 3 detainees. If you think that is enough to detain me, that is fair enough. People need to focus on the fact that we have two prime suspects, with evidence against them. There is a very good chance one of them is a hutt and a small chance they are both hutts. To just let them both sit tonight and hope you can pick another hutt based on loose theories, is a bad idea at this stage. Depending how we play, we could only have a couple days left, until the hutts win.


Hello! I admit to riding the bandwagons which I shouldn't have done. I have been trying to be more reserved. Like I said yesterday I am an Ordinary Rebel and I don't know what else to say about this.


You forgot about my day 3 vote for Barry. I voted for all 3 detainees. If you think that is enough to detain me, that is fair enough. People need to focus on the fact that we have two prime suspects, with evidence against them. There is a very good chance one of them is a hutt and a small chance they are both hutts. To just let them both sit tonight and hope you can pick another hutt based on loose theories, is a bad idea at this stage. Depending how we play, we could only have a couple days left, until the hutts win.

Sorry. But the votes on day 3 were such a mess that I did not look it up.

I just think that there is good chance that we have at least one Hutt player who jumped the bandwagon both times. Redhood an you are the most suspicious ones in my opinion.

Raindoc did also vote against exmachina but decided to leave the bandwagon before the day ended.
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