NCR Redslayer
NeoGAF's Vegeta
I wonder who they will have next on the guest cast.
I think I've now been listening to the podcast for a full year, wow
A whole year and they still haven't fixed the player on the website
Started the podcast. Next week is the 100th. I can't believe I've listed to this shit for 99 weeks since it began...
It's gonna be real fun next week when Pat's trying to squee about the end of Heavensward while not being able to explain on the podcast why he's squeeing because of spoilers.
But a 100 podcasts, yo. That's quite a milestone.
"back in my day the podcast was only an hour long and they talked about the W101 demo"
"Well back in my day they didn't do any of this podding shit and only played garbage Silent Hill games"
poor pitiful Farebear
all the marriage in the world could be legalized and youll still never see Ultimax
its like the Agent of Fighting games for the channel
Shenmue 3 exists and gay marriage is legal in every state.
Ultimax is coming!
Huntin' and Killin' - Duck Dynasty
"back in MY day they just did one offs and yelled a lot and pretended to be retarded""Well back in my day they didn't do any of this podding shit and only played garbage Silent Hill games"
"back in MY day they just did one offs and yelled a lot and pretended to be retarded"
I like the Machinima episodes though.
Don't still items that are 100% spirit bond that can be converted into materia. Make materia whenever you can.So I kind of may have given in to my mmo thirst and bought FF14. Anything I need to be aware of as a new player?
So I kind of may have given in to my mmo thirst and bought FF14. Anything I need to be aware of as a new player?
Don't still items that are 100% spirit bond that can be converted into materia. Make materia whenever you can.
Also try to level up your companion chocobo as you level. It may not seem like it but they are pretty useful.
You can access the world with triple triad when you hit level 15. Might have to google where the quest is to go to that world since I forgot which one it was.
Triple Triad is good.
Thanks! Finally found a server I can download with a proper speed from. Wasted half a day downloading at .25Mb/s. Only 20 minutes left now though!
I can imagine Woolie is gonna be hyped for X-23 being the new Wolverine.
Swear he said ages back he hoped that'd happen... They don't talk about comics much so I forget things ;-;
The most uninterrupted discussion about FFXIV we got in the podcast was the Billy sagaAnd Woolie needs to talk about fighting games and the FGC more, if Pat can talk for hours about FFXIVnobodygivesafuck, surely there are no rules anymore. Did he talk about CEO in the podcast? I haven't listened yet.
Also forgot to mention to play on the Ultros server. Its where most GAF people and Pat are.
They need to talk about comics more
And Woolie needs to talk about fighting games and the FGC more, if Pat can talk for hours about FFXIVnobodygivesafuck, surely there are no rules anymore. Did he talk about CEO in the podcast? I haven't listened yet.
I'm trying but it's not allowing me to make new characters there. :/
Seems like most of them probably don't have the time or care enough for Non-EVO tourneys to really talk about it.
A shame too because the ultimax finale was super hype.
Well it is Tuesday so it could be server maintenance at the moment. Might have to try again later.
They need to talk about comics more
And Woolie needs to talk about fighting games and the FGC more, if Pat can talk for hours about FFXIVnobodygivesafuck, surely there are no rules anymore. Did he talk about CEO in the podcast? I haven't listened yet.
After finishing the latest episode of the podcast, I now want Takahata101's voice to narrate my life. Would make things all the more entertaining.
My post was unclear, obviously if Woolie doesn't care enough to talk about CEO he shouldn't talk about it, I'm just assuming that he is.I like it when they talk about anything they're that deep into, even if I don't really care about it. (As an example, while I like fighting games and even tournaments the FGC itself is of less-than-no interest to me, but I still like hearing Woolie talk about collusion and how Filipino Champ is the best villain or whatever.) The podcast is at its best when they're ranting madly about something they're passionate about, rather than doing navel-gazing speculation about something that's super "topical" but that they're barely familiar with. (MOBAs, for example.)
About how much are the custom cartridges? I tried asking them on twitter, but it seems that they aren't replying. I'd expect they're extremely niche to have a lot of them around.I wasn't aware how rare those custom cartridges were, that they talked about on the podcast.
I live in the southern Ontario, and every year we have the KW video game swap, where there are a number of vendors that have those games. Last time I went I had to fight the urge to buy a translated Secret of Mana 3, and a redone version of Link to the Past called master quest that's just supposed to be much harder.
I thought a place like Montreal would have tonnes of events like that, where things like that would happen all the time.
I don't know why but the term GBAGTA made me lose it.
I think Matt's really fallen into this SU hole. Good on him, can't wait until he gets to the best song ever.
About how much are the custom cartridges? I tried asking them on twitter, but it seems that they aren't replying. I'd expect they're extremely niche to have a lot of them around.
Glitchesarecool said:think Matt's really fallen into this SU hole. Good on him, can't wait until he gets to the best song ever.
Really nice he's getting into it.
Now we wait for the weird gemsona fanart.
Lapis is best gem