Destinycon sounds like an amazing idea.
On it.
I can stay away from Destiny just fine. I just can't stay away from DGAF. You guys are awesome and it's what keeps me coming back to this game.
Anyway, last week I only played on tuesday and did a few bounties on saturday. No trials.
On the other hand I've platinum'ed Infamous First Light (PS4), Danganronpa (PSV) and got 100% on Infamous Festival of Blood (PS3).
This week I wanna platinum Transistor, Rocket League, South Park Stick of Truth and re-start Persona 4 (now I'll paltinum this!).
Rushing through backlog has been fun.
The fastest / most efficient way is to do the following, courtesy of Zoba:
1) Get 7 Wins in Trials of Osiris (or 5 with the first free win and getting a win with the double-win buff)
2) Buy the ToO weapon from BroVance and dismantle. Repeat until no glimmer
3) Farm Gatekeepers for Glimmer, preferably with 3+ people. The more, the better.
4) Repeat steps 2 and 3 as needed.
Whats the deal with Dry Rot? Is it worth grinding strikes for?
Not all Exotic Armors are created equal, and should all be leveled for testing purposes before judgment.
It is... the last week map was the worst.After going 27-0 on Cauldron again. I can't see why everyone complains about the map.it is way better than some others
Someone make me a celestial nighthawk cosplay for destinycon. 3d printers pls.
I expect you to wear the HoPF and nothing else.
What should I be spending motes of light on? I have almost 200.
Oh thats a really interesting way to do it. I actually did Trials of Osiris for the first time this week (probably never will be able to do that again lol). I assume he leaves tomorrow so I'll have to get my grind on tonight. Thanks!!
After going 27-0 on Cauldron again. I can't see why everyone complains about the map.it is way better than some others
I'm saving as many motes as I can for taken king. Xur sees me high rollen. He haten. He taken
Hmmm ok I might just save them then.Save save save! If you're looking for a particular exotic, you can gamble with Xur if he has that armor type. Otherwise, it's really good for rerolling legendaries.
There are nerfs/buffs coming, mostly nerfs, so I'd be cautious about rerolling unless you want to enjoy a particular weapon before September when the weapon balance patch takes place.
If you don't care that much, I'd save them up for TTK to reroll all the brand new stuff as much as you want!
If it comes true, I'll buy the first ticket to your DestinyCon.
Post saved.Save this post nami.
Not impressed: you can buy it again at will.I am done with the side arms grimoire. Dismantling Vestian in celebration.
Exactly! It's taking up space.Not impressed: you can buy it again at will.
I'm watching a friend of mine streaming himself on Destiny; he hasn't played a lot, and is just doing the HoW story missions: remember when we didn't know the patrol bounty signs by heart and were surprised by the ones asking us to change zone? ^^
Wondering if it's worth getting back into destiny right now or just wait till the taken king.
Hmmm ok I might just save them then.
Wondering if it's worth getting back into destiny right now or just wait till the taken king.
Not to mention to gamble via Xur for all the brand new stuff
That was really fun when HoW came out. Bought 50 engrams in 2 of the first 3 weeks to get Ram, Nighthawk, Titan Statue Helm, and Purifier robes. ( I think week 2 was gauntlets and I didn't try for those)
Not to mention to gamble via Xur for all the brand new stuff
That was really fun when HoW came out. Bought 50 engrams in 2 of the first 3 weeks to get Ram, Nighthawk, Titan Statue Helm, and Purifier robes. ( I think week 2 was gauntlets and I didn't try for those)
Wondering if it's worth getting back into destiny right now or just wait till the taken king.
its pretty good right now, when did you stop? depending on your character you might want to get them at least to 34 to be ready for new content.
Don't remind me.. I gambled 30 engrams and didn't get a single new exotic. 12 obsidian minds FTW.
That's 1150 Motes of Light for 4 Exotic armor pieces thoughXur is a highway robber I swear. The Cryptarch is just a buddy in on the scam.
Mmmm.nipple chain
Pretty sure being as leveled up as possible won't really matter that much when TTK comes since we will actually be able to level up and probably get new gear. maybe
Also, I'm in love with my Pilgrim. Small bore is perfect on it.
The thing is so stable that I have not been able to use "headseeker" effectivily tho. I just keep getting 3 headshot instead of 2 bodyshots and 1 headshot.
If that really is the case going foward I might re-roll to try and get hidden hand instead of headseeker.
I got pretty lucky with my engram rolls.
-Rolled 5 helm engrams week one and got Nighthawk and Glasshouse which I also didn't have.
-Then rolled Chest twice when it showed up and got Purifier robes.
-Rolled the next helm engram 12 fucking times to try to get the Ram, however I was also missing 4 other helms as well and I got 2 of those. (Eternal Warrior, Skullfort).
-A week later I roll ONE helm engram just because, it's the Ram. Lol.
If you have the DLC, now is a fun time to jump back in. If you don't, wait for the Taken King.
its pretty good right now, when did you stop? depending on your character you might want to get them at least to 34 to be ready for new content.
Where did you leave off? I'd say it's worth it to give it a shot. Also, Etheric Light from PoE34 I'd grab some to get your chars to L34, assuming they're not there yet, in preparation for TTK. Plus, I think the story missions are quite fun this time around. You can ascend your Fatebringer, GHorn, etc. and be as ready as possible for TTK.
I'm missing the new exotic hunter boots, and i'd kinda like a solar hand cannon but not sure if its worth getting any legendaries with the new weapon balance changes and what ever bungie comes up with for weapon damage in the Taken King.
I've got every other exotic, 8 NLBs, 2 Gjallarhorns, too many passage coins to count. only thing left for my grimoire is rumble wins, salvage wins, hydra kills, and ogre kills.
haven't been on in like 2 weeks, and the last time was to do 1 nightfall.
Wondering if it's worth getting back into destiny right now or just wait till the taken king.
Get back in it with me right now. Let's grind for grimoire