If this guy can run Toronto...
Then Trump can easily run the United States.
Oh man, i hate that guy... And i don't even live in Canada!
If this guy can run Toronto...
Then Trump can easily run the United States.
He raised his stock based on his racism, the bar has been at his lowest since day one for him and everyone that supports the fucker.Wait, so a bridge to far for Erickson is someone implying someone had PMS/was on her period/some variant thereof? Seriously? All the vile shit this guy comes out with and that's too much? LOL
This Megyn Kelly shit is making me so conflicted, on one hand Trump is a mysoginist probably rapist bigot piece of shit,on the other hand Kelly facilitated the discourse that allowed the guy to get there in the first place. Its karma, but its still shit.
Yep, that crappy generic sleazy piece of shit is the only character the Houser brothers can do right.
He'll bail, but not before having established "trumpism" as a viable electoral strategy. If you thought Tea Partiers were bad, wait until state legislature and congress candidates run (and win) on stuff like mexican are rapists.
I think Trump will be the first ironically elected president of the US
She's in her 40s, dude ...Isn't she too old for that?
Wait, so a bridge to far for Erickson is someone implying someone had PMS/was on her period/some variant thereof? Seriously? All the vile shit this guy comes out with and that's too much? LOL
Isn't she too old for that?
Fuck it I'll vote for him. 4 years of comedy gold.
Honestly, I'm a liberal but if I was American and it came down to Trump vs Hillary, I'd vote Trump.
Honestly, I'm a liberal but if I was American and it came down to Trump vs Hillary, I'd vote Trump.
Honestly, I'm a liberal but if I was American and it came down to Trump vs Hillary, I'd vote Trump.
It's Trump's super power. He literally makes people less intelligent the more they listen to him.Does this sound intelligent to you?
So is that how harper was elected then? Moves like that really seem to boost the economy.Honestly, I'm a liberal but if I was American and it came down to Trump vs Hillary, I'd vote Trump.
Thankfully it only seems to affect people from other countries.It's Trump's super power. He literally makes people less intelligent the more they listen to him.
This makes no sense whatsoever.
This makes no sense whatsoever.
Just like when people were hoping for The Last GuardianPeople are just saying this for attention. Don't give it to them please.
As a Canadian if I could I would vote for Trump. I mean I don't support the guy, nor do hate the US. I just really enjoy the Daily Show and want to loft one out to Trevor Noah.Honestly, I'm a liberal but if I was American and it came down to Trump vs Hillary, I'd vote Trump.
Anyone else tired of republicans treating political correctness like it's some kind of nation-destroying bogeyman? Oh no! It's frowned upon to say openly sexist, misogynistic, homophobic, racist remarks! The country is doomed!!
Fuckabee calls transgender soldiers "science experiments" and there's zero reaction from the GOP.
Rubio talks about wanting to ban all abortions, even abortions that come from rape, stripping raped woman of their free will and giving them a constant reminder of their rape, support from the GOP.
Trump makes a (admittedly terrible) comment about a woman being on their period, GOP acts offended.
This party isn't even trying to hide how much they hate Trump. He's a loser, but so are Scott Walker and Fuckabee and several of the other guys.
Finally, a president that we can talk about more than Bush Jr.
I am convinced now this guy is written by the creators of South Park.
Cause this is faux outrage in an effort to get Trump out of the race, this will be what they push. Screw being hypocritical they don't know what that is.
Oh wow, just thought about upcoming episodes of South Park with Trump in them now. They will be glorious lol.
A Hilary win is a temporary victory that will only strengthen Republican resentment. Dems will get murdered in midterms under 50-foot waves of vitriol for a president that a huge segment of the people that actually vote in midterms already went in hating.Does this sound intelligent to you?
A Hilary win is a temporary victory that will only strengthen Republican resentment. Dems will get murdered in midterms with on 50-foot waves of vitriol for a president that a huge segment of the people that actually vote in midterms already went in hating.
A Trump win, on the other hand, will only work to destroy Repubs. They'll get their monkey paw wish of having their man in the White House, and that wish will turn oh-so-wonderfully sour. I'd put good odds on an impeachment if he poisons the well for some fragile international relations with insults and grandstanding, which wouldn't be a matter of if with him, but when. He could salt the earth for Republican electability for years.
Sometimes the best weapon against backseat drivers is to let them take the wheel. Their criticism loses its teeth real fast when the critic just ran off the damn road.
Please dont be american.A Hilary win is a temporary victory that will only strengthen Republican resentment. Dems will get murdered in midterms with on 50-foot waves of vitriol for a president that a huge segment of the people that actually vote in midterms already went in hating.
A Trump win, on the other hand, will only work to destroy Repubs. They'll get their monkey paw wish of having their man in the White House, and that wish will turn oh-so-wonderfully sour. I'd put good odds on an impeachment if he poisons the well for some fragile international relations with insults and grandstanding, which wouldn't be a matter of if with him, but when. He could salt the earth for Republican electability for years.
Sometimes the best weapon against backseat drivers is to let them take the wheel. Their criticism loses its teeth real fast when the critic just ran off the damn road.
Anyone else tired of republicans treating political correctness like it's some kind of nation-destroying bogeyman? Oh no! It's frowned upon to say openly sexist, misogynistic, homophobic, racist remarks! The country is doomed!!
Please dont be american.
I find myself saying/thinking that a lot, lately.Please dont be american.
I don't want Trump to win, really. But I do think, should it happen, it might turn out to be a good case of losing the battle, winning the war.Please dont be american.
Except not at all. That is seriously the dumbest sentiment I've heard in ages.I don't want Trump to win, really. But I do think, should it happen, it might turn out to be a good case of losing the battle, winning the war.
A Hilary win is a temporary victory that will only strengthen Republican resentment. Dems will get murdered in midterms under 50-foot waves of vitriol for a president that a huge segment of the people that actually vote in midterms already went in hating.
A Trump win, on the other hand, will only work to destroy Repubs. They'll get their monkey paw wish of having their man in the White House, and that wish will turn oh-so-wonderfully sour. I'd put good odds on an impeachment if he poisons the well for some fragile international relations with insults and grandstanding, which wouldn't be a matter of if with him, but when. He could salt the earth for Republican electability for years.
Sometimes the best weapon against backseat drivers is to let them take the wheel. Their criticism loses its teeth real fast when the critic runs off the damn road.