Until 2.0 is out and we are playing it we know nothing.
You know nothing.
Until 2.0 is out and we are playing it we know nothing.
Namikaze was taken dammit!
What if Lakshmi-1 is still around, waiting to terminate Lakshmi-2? What if it turns its sights on us for allying with Lakshmi-2?
Other bladedancer was a red bar warrior?Why is it when I am a Bladedancer I go down with a single shotgun blast, but when someone on the other team is a Bladedancer 4 people on our team can be unloading shotgun blasts into them and they never die?
Destiny |OT29| The Taken ♦
Destiny |OT29| Taken, Not Xur'd
Destiny |OT29| A Vault Divided
Destiny |OT29| Arc Edge of Tomorrow
Terrible top of page post, fig.You know nothing.
You know nothing.
Bones of Eao better have a year 2 upgrade...
Same for Saint-14.
Actually, fuck the bones! Give me that year 2 Saint-14!
Destiny |OT29| Taken, Not Xur'd
Destiny |OT29| The Taken ♦
Destiny |OT29| Taken, Not Xur'd
Destiny |OT29| A Vault Divided
Destiny |OT29| Arc Edge of Tomorrow
Destiny |OT29| What The Häkke
I think the hints point to rampancy. Others suspect that the Exos are so old (Golden Age) that they've been wiped to keep certain things out of the light...
Not much to say, but I would read this grimoire card if you haven't:
"Often I kill people I don't know, but like most of us I think I knew them once, in the time before one reset or another, when my mind was younger and less terribly scarred."
Terrible top of page post, fig.![]()
I know.
+1 for Destiny |OT29| Taken, Not Xur'd
Makes me feel bad for them, but gotta stop them going on killing sprees. :/
You can still blind, just use version 1.0 until you are 40IF I CAN'T BLIND DAY 1
Got my Hands on Thorn Today, and what should i say.. my K/D Ratio is normaly around 0,6-1,0 in Crucible.
Now with Thorn i have in every Match a K/D Ration above 3.0
Such a op Weapon, even noobs like me get kills with it![]()
We have a winner.
+1 for Destiny |OT29| Taken, Not Xur'd
Yup. It has to be this.
Shaken not Xûrd
+1 for Destiny |OT29| Taken, Not Xur'd
Or to keep them killing before their guilt, remorse, and innate "humanity" overcomes them.
+1 for Destiny |OT29| Taken, Not Xur'd
If it isn't this I'm deleting all my characters.
Was tempted to post in that thread explaining there is no skill gap, then thought better of it.
All year 2 exotics are confirmed level 40 needed to use.
Or to keep them killing before their guilt, remorse, and innate "humanity" overcomes them.
If it gets used, Tecnniqe gets credit for inspiring the name.
If it isn't this I'm deleting all my characters.
Anyone want to do PoE or Nightfall?
I'm looking for someone to do POE 34.
EDIT: I need 2 people I mean.
What will happen to my old Vanguard and Crucible Marks from Year One?
When The Taken King is released, blocks of fifty Vanguard and Crucible Marks will be converted into one reputation consumable
For example: No Backup Plans has been redesigned
We significantly extended the duration of the old perk “Improved Disintegrate”
Now, Shotgun kills will also trigger Force Barrier when its off of cooldown
And yes, when triggered via Shotgun, Force Barrier also gets the benefit of the selected perk (Shotgun kills can trigger War Machine)
Ok, my PSN is SuperHattrix.