Fuck, $19.45 for Dr. Mario, Target is such a ripoff! My friend went out in the rain and got me Bowser Jr., awww <3 We always help eachother get amiibo
So I have everything released so far in the US + the 3 yarn yoshi's. Only 11 more for the Smash line... Retro 3 Pack, Mii Fighter 3 Pack, Falco, Mewtwo, Ryu, Roy, and Lucas
My detolf case and the shelves are filling up, gonna have to add the 4th shelf <_>;
Target had so many fucking marios today on the rack and then they stuffed the rest of them near the checkout lines where they usually put new release movies
LOL, I'm sorry but that made me laugh out loud for reals. It's the sort of bad luck trope you would see in a cartoon.I had the worst luck today.
After purchasing a Modern Mario Amiibo as a gift for a friend, someone had bumped into me and I dropped the figurine on the road, and it was promptly run over by a truck.
LOL, I'm sorry but that made me laugh out loud for reals. It's the sort of bad luck trope you would see in a movie or cartoon.
LOL, I'm sorry but that made me laugh out loud for reals. It's the sort of bad luck trope you would see in a cartoon.
Gamestop near me had one last Ganondorf. His amiibo is amazingly detailed and awesome. Finally can display him with link zelda and sheik. Glorious!
Thank you for your recent Walmart.com order. Unfortunately, one or more of the items in your order have been delayed.
1) Zero Suit Samus Super Smash Bros Series
amiibo (Nintendo WiiU or New Nintendo 3DS)
We are working with our suppliers to ship these items as soon as possible, but are unable to provide a revised delivery date at this time. If for some reason we can't ship these items at all, we'll cancel the items from your order and notify you. If you wish to cancel them now, please call Customer Service at 1-800-966-6546 and an associate will try to cancel the items. (Items that are too far into the shipping process may not be cancelable, but you can return them for a full refund.) Otherwise, there is no action needed on your part.
Definitely. That's exactly two weeks from Friday. SMB Mario was sold separably two weeks after the Mario Party 10 bundle.Speaking of Modern Mario, Nintendo.com list its release date as the 25th on the compatibility page. Think that could be the release date for the unbundled version?
I'm just glad to be done with full Smash waves. Everyone that's left is has their own release dates, which makes everything a lot easier.
RIP in piecesIt's all over. Got one for Ganondorf too.
Anyone interested in the following four amiibo for $65? North American versions, still in package:
- Dr. Mario
- Zero Suit Samus
- Olimar
- 8-bit Mario (Classic)
I ordered them from Target, but was able to find them all on Friday. I have ZSS and 8-bit Mario in-hand. Olimar and Dr. Mario are on the way and should be here this week. I'm going to just return them to Target when I have all four of them, but thought I'd give someone here a shot first. $65 would basically be cost + shipping. I paid $55.60 for them, but am adding a little for shipping. ZSS does have a bit of a bend on the cardboard. Can't speak for Dr. Mario or Olimar yet.
I'm impressed by the detail on Ganondorf. I wish they had been this careful from the very beginning, but it's something and I'm really glad to see how well he turned out.
Anyone interested in the following four amiibo for $65? North American versions, still in package:
- Dr. Mario
- Zero Suit Samus
- Olimar
- 8-bit Mario (Classic)
I ordered them from Target, but was able to find them all on Friday. I have ZSS and 8-bit Mario in-hand. Olimar and Dr. Mario are on the way and should be here this week. I'm going to just return them to Target when I have all four of them, but thought I'd give someone here a shot first. $65 would basically be cost + shipping. I paid $55.60 for them, but am adding a little for shipping. ZSS does have a bit of a bend on the cardboard. Can't speak for Dr. Mario or Olimar yet.
Ganondorf and Palutena were the first 2 I wanted since amiibos were announced back in E3 2014, I'm glad at least one of them came out well done.
After Walmart said they couldn't cancel my Splatoon 3 pack and then the next day did anyway I will never buy from them again online.
*Groan* Just received my Dr. Mario from Amazon and it's bent, contacted a rep and got a partial refund. I contact a rep every time I've received a bent amiibo and I get a partial refund while keeping it, but I wonder if I'll get banned for complaining too much.
Walmart posted their Chibi-Robo amiibo, ships on "12/1"--
I think I'm going to stick with my GameStop.com order unless y'all think this is a better idea....
I complain about damaged stuff all the time and I have yet to be banned. There was a point where every single game they sent me over a few month period was damaged because of the shitty bubble mailers they use. I also constantly complained and sent them pictures of the damaged items before I opened them though so maybe that helped.
*Groan* Just received my Dr. Mario from Amazon and it's bent, contacted a rep and got a partial refund. I contact a rep every time I've received a bent amiibo and I get a partial refund while keeping it, but I wonder if I'll get banned for complaining too much.
Don't do it! GS has been A LOT better, so just keep that.
Roger that. Thanks Curler! Just to clarify I did it online for in-store pickup, if that makes a difference at all.
I contacted Amazon about the damaged 8 bit Mario, those crazy cats refunded the whole item price. How can you hate them lol.
I saw a few at Gamestop when I was out looking for Ganondorfs.
2. Is Olimar not rare? He's on amazon right now for for msrb.