Haven't the soma jokes in here been kinda lower quality lately
I'm sorry U__U
Haven't the soma jokes in here been kinda lower quality lately
if dtl could make a BL joke out of the title for Dance-bu he'll probably like it too
Basically shipping. People keep saying that they want her to turn out to be related to Soma, but also don't like Erina, except making her related to Soma would make her far more relevant than she already is. Therefore, you can guess why: shipping. As though Tadokoro is going to do anything ever.Why are some of you obsessed with Erina and Soma being brother and sister? Her role is to be the tsundere/winner in his harem. I know you all like Megumi but she's got no real chance to win. Are you hoping that by shonen magic they're siblings that Erina won't win? Or are you hoping for incest end you lewd fans![]()
I've been away from Manga for a couple years now, at least it feels like it, is there any new Molester Man or Onani Master style series that's popped up recently?
Great stuff, thanks for posting this! I probably wouldn't have seen it till the Re volumes start coming out over here, which probably won't be for years.
I want to live in a world where volumes are simultaneously released here.![]()
These aren't very new, but have you read Prison School and Hinamatsuri?
There's also Hatarakanai Futari, which is more recent.
Thanks. The first two don't really seem similar, but Hatarakanai sounds interesting. I'll check it out.
I figured it out.
Azami is Aizen.
Azami -> Aizam -> Aizen
This explains all the chiaroscuro and keikakus.
Black Haze 125
wtf, selling him to a slave dealer as a joke
also lol @ the reasoning he used
wonder how rood becomes how he is now then, i had first assumed he would be sacrificed for the tower thing
I think it's possible that the slavers sold him to the tower before they got killed.
I don't understand foster dad's reasoning, here's hoping Kiel killed him off or something.
BokuHero 59
Fuckin' Grape Kid.
I wonder what the reasons the Elite 10 had for doing the switch, other then Rindou who apparently did it because it's OMOSHIROI. I don't know what Aizen could give them since they already have executive power, I guess it had to be per individual?
Also the third seat, guy in the beanie with the huge stature didn't vote for it, who knows why. It's not just the 6-10 group either since 9 voted for it but not 3.
I half expect Soma to get 6 other people and do a massive Shokugeki, Megumi, Hisako and Alice would probably be 3 of them. I don't know how though since Erina is better then Soma and still the lowest rank and they don't have much of a reason to accept anyway.
He beats her because the pressure of her father and his ideologies force her to overthink/over prepare her dish and be beaten by Soma's more pure and naive cooking making her realize her tsun love for him.
Do you think Erina's father is the same guy that was listed when Dojima found out who Soma's father is? Obviously his last name is not a Nakiri but can't be a coincidence they listed that name there.
I wonder what the reasons the Elite 10 had for doing the switch, other then Rindou who apparently did it because it's OMOSHIROI. I don't know what Aizen could give them since they already have executive power, I guess it had to be per individual?
Also the third seat, guy in the beanie with the huge stature didn't vote for it, who knows why. It's not just the 6-10 group either since 9 voted for it but not 3.
I half expect Soma to get 6 other people and do a massive Shokugeki, Megumi, Hisako and Alice would probably be 3 of them. I don't know how though since Erina is better then Soma and still the lowest rank and they don't have much of a reason to accept anyway.
He beats her because the pressure of her father and his ideologies force her to overthink/over prepare her dish and be beaten by Soma's more pure and naive cooking making her realize her tsun love for him.
Do you think Erina's father is the same guy that was listed when Dojima found out who Soma's father is? Obviously his last name is not a Nakiri but can't be a coincidence they listed that name there.
He married into the family, didn't he? Makes sense.
yeah but isn't it usually the wife would take the name of husband's family?
Maybe not when the name in question is Nakiri.
yeah but isn't it usually the wife would take the name of husband's family?
Maybe they changed his name in the records when he was exiled. They did say they erased all mention of his name, but maybe they just changed it in this case for the purpose of not leaving a blankDo you think Erina's father is the same guy that was listed when Dojima found out who Soma's father is? Obviously his last name is not a Nakiri but can't be a coincidence they listed that name there.
The only reason Senzubean is in Soma's dorm room is to tell him about this, I imagine. But I doubt he's there to tell him to save the Princess, he's probably there to tell him that Azami has an ax to grind with Joichiro which is going to affect Soma.
If she and I could talk with each other well it would surely be conveyed to her.
Because Ive masturbated, thinking of you, countless times.
Friend sent me a get well image, didn't know how to feel since I like the series but do not like the pairing...neat doujin tho