STEAM | October 2015 - You had me at "game ... comes to Steam".

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Why would you do that? It's there to safe energy and that's a good thing. How dare you mock a german WWI invention.

That would be great, but it doesn't work

Also it confuses me for a week every year and so it needs to go away. If you have anything to do with international timezones it's absolutely horrible.


Are you you using mods that somehow prevent the only revenue stream the game creators had in mind? Yeah, didn't think so.
I'm not sure what streamers making stupid faces have to do with game creators. What game creators can do - make their promo materials such as cinematic trailers available in hq cause all I get from yt is blocky lowbitrate piece of shit even though it's suppose to be '1080p' or '4k'.

Panda Rin

Does that new Warhammer game have any kind of single-player?

Kind of. There are 13 "story" missions similar to how L4D is structured lasting anywhere between 10-30 minutes, and I say "story" because there really isn't much there in terms of narrative, but the banter between characters and atmosphere are great. You can tackle the missions with bots, although like L4D bots, they can either be competent or downright stupid.
Usually we at least get a snarky anonymous ModBot message to help us figure out why a thread was locked

I guess people were having too much fun?
People started posting lists of subbers who donated and made fun of them. Maybe that.

That happens in every thread about streamers. People can't handle that someone is making money by "just playng videogames"


I do hope they let us make a new thread when he goes live. There's just so much left to do, and so much left to screw up.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Steam Idle Master 1.4 has been released. This version should automatically update for those that already have 1.3 installed within the next 24 hours.

Here is a list of changes made in this release:
  • Added a new option for idling behavior, where Idle Master will first idle games with more than 2 hours of playtime, then idle games with less than 2 hours simultaneously. This option has been set as the default idling behavior for new installations.
  • Added additional localized languages: Czech, Dutch, Greek, Hungarian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Romanian, Russian, and Thai.
  • Idle Master will now only kill steam-idle processes that have been started by the current Windows user.
  • Idle Master will now fail gracefully if the Enhanced Steam API server is offline when it attempts to get card values for sorting. Rather than throwing an error and crashing the program, it will now simply use the default sorting order.
  • Updated the “Idling Complete” message to indicate that no more card drops are available. This will hopefully reduce confusion for some users.
  • Fixed a bug that caused skipping to the next game or blacklisting the current game to break automation.
A "portable" version is also available for download from If you are currently running the portable version of Idle Master, simply download the new portable version and extract the files over the top of your existing ones to update.

You can also force the update by re-running the setup program from the website.

If you encounter any issues, please use the Idle Master discussion board or this thread and I'll do my best to help. Happy Idling!


I do hope they let us make a new thread when he goes live. There's just so much left to do, and so much left to screw up.

Hahaha, indeed. I'm watching the archive and seeing the highlights.

Boot loop!!

So funny. This guy is hopeless.

Unfortunately once he starts installing the OS that should be pretty slow. I mean, you just watch the progress bar move.
SteamGAF, if you ever play SWTOR, make sure you disable the BitRaider garbage before you start downloading. Otherwise, you'll get to download it fresh afterwards.

The Walking Dead winning GOTYs is still one of the dumbest things that ever happened.

Those games can win "Best Story" awards or whatever, but shouldn't even considered for GOTY


SteamGAF, if you ever play SWTOR, make sure you disable the BitRaider garbage before you start downloading. Otherwise, you'll get to download it fresh afterwards.[img][/QUOTE]

Stopped playing SWTOR ages ago. However how is that story mode supposed to work which is coming out? In curious to try it. But the info in finding is a bit confusing. Are you playing as one of the twins? Is it set like s regular game or do you still have to do mmo stuff? I had a smuggler and ended up stopping at about level 20. Couldn't handle the mmo style missions I kept having to do.

[quote="YianGaruga, post: 182885753"]The Walking Dead winning GOTYs is still one of the dumbest things that ever happened.

Those games can win "Best Story" awards or whatever, but shouldn't even considered for GOTY[/QUOTE]

A games a game in my book. If it wins for story over gameplay oh well.


SteamGAF, if you ever play SWTOR, make sure you disable the BitRaider garbage before you start downloading. Otherwise, you'll get to download it fresh afterwards.

it's too late for me...

at least i haven't had any issues
Stopped playing SWTOR ages ago. However how is that story mode supposed to work which is coming out? In curious to try it. But the info in finding is a bit confusing. Are you playing as one of the twins? Is it set like s regular game or do you still have to do mmo stuff? I had a smuggler and ended up stopping at about level 20. Couldn't handle the mmo style missions I kept having to do.

Story based expansion. you're still playing SWTOR, so you sitll have your MMO gameplay. you are meant to have made a character and taken them through the stories, but you can start with a level 60 as a subscriber or you can buy a level 60 character token.


For you.
I'm not sure what streamers making stupid faces have to do with game creators. What game creators can do - make their promo materials such as cinematic trailers available in hq cause all I get from yt is blocky lowbitrate piece of shit even though it's suppose to be '1080p' or '4k'.

Content creators make content. That content is supported by a revenue stream. Is that hard to understand or?


it's too late for me...

at least i haven't had any issues

Story based expansion. you're still playing SWTOR, so you sitll have your MMO gameplay. you are meant to have made a character and taken them through the stories, but you can start with a level 60 as a subscriber or you can buy a level 60 character token.

Welp looks like that isn't getting touched. Already have enough to play, was only curious if it was bare minimum for getting in. I hope the Bioware working on Star Wars isn't limited to SWTOR. Not necessarily kotor 3, but a new sp Star Wars RPG would be nice.

I don't see where I said it's not a game.

But it sure isn't GOTY material.

That a whole other can of worms.


Still undecided on what system I will buy SFV on. My 660gb would run it just fine and potential for mods and such should be cool. However most of my friends will be on PS4, so id end up having to turn on my PS4 to party chat anyway. Really wish the beta would have let us experiment with that system. Unless cross play is only for random matches, which if that's the case my choice is clear.

Wait, I thought you didn't like it though?


Wait, I thought you didn't like it though?

I'm not digging it yet, but I'm gonna be "forced" to get it for my friends regardless. Though most of my complaints would more than likely be fixed once DLC characters start hitting. The current roster gameplay is where I'm struggling. Was never big on the vets included aside from Zangief for SP cheesing. Havibg tried every character outside of Laura confirms I'm still waiting for someone to click with me.

The Walking Dead is a video game, but it does beg the question:

Is a DVD scene selection menu a video game?

I think so. For example I consider tender loving care a game. Even if you skip out the exploration parts, which you can. If it's interactive to where your choices can affect things I think it counts.
People would probably think that The Order is an amazing videogame if they took out the shooty parts and gave you some dialogue choices

Why even bother with gameplay mechanics when people like your game more when you leave them out?
The Order got a lot of criticism in regards to its story so probably not :p

That game had some fun ideas but the problem was it felt unfinished in every way outside of the general shooting mechanics but that's for another thread.
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