I'm not sure what made me quit raiding PUGs or King's Fall being boring. Either way I think I made the right choice.
I'm not sure what made me quit raiding PUGs or King's Fall being boring. Either way I think I made the right choice.
I raided today and I'm incredibly sick and feel on the verge of madness. Coincidence? I think not.
Have you seen my Spare Change?[IMG]
41/42 Max Crit. I prefer the slower rate of fire so I can't get used to Hawksaw/Suros[/QUOTE]
Yours has braced frame but yet shows 27 rounds? Mine has hand laid but the item viewer on the website shows 24. What is this!
I agree with you though, I don't like the Hawksaw/PDX45.
I'm still waiting for the gunsmith to sell the PDX41, which is the medium tier pulse.
Yours has braced frame but yet shows 27 rounds? Mine has hand laid but the item viewer on the website shows 24. What is this!
I agree with you though, I don't like the Hawksaw/PDX45.
I'm still waiting for the gunsmith to sell the PDX41, which is the medium tier pulse.
Yours has braced frame but yet shows 27 rounds? Mine has hand laid but the item viewer on the website shows 24. What is this!
I agree with you though, I don't like the Hawksaw/PDX45.
I'm still waiting for the gunsmith to sell the PDX41, which is the medium tier pulse.
I'd love to see a Crucible where Pulse Rifles and Shotguns are nerfed into complete irrelevancy along with Sniper Aim Assist. If you aren't playing teams camping the back of the map with Snipers and Pulse Rifles, they're running and jumping around with Shotguns. Used a Shotgun for a several games tonight and it's stupid how easy it is to jump at someone and get a kill. At least in Year One' we could two shot them before they even got close.
Also, lol at Mida Multi Tool being out DPSed by Hawksaw at range and not staggering a Sniper like every other Pulse Rifle. Let's nerf Hand Cannons to make Scouts better...and then buff Pulse Rifles to make Scouts pointless again.
Man, inferno is just so good.
I think I love it less for the no radar, and more for the fact you don't spawn with special, special spawns less, and heavy doesn't spawn at all.
Did well enough with hawkmoon, December patch can't get here soon enough to get rid of disappearing bullets.
ToM get, stabie can't give me shit for that anymore at least![]()
Man, inferno is just so good.
I think I love it less for the no radar, and more for the fact you don't spawn with special, special spawns less, and heavy doesn't spawn at all.
Did well enough with hawkmoon, December patch can't get here soon enough to get rid of disappearing bullets.
Man, inferno is just so good.
I think I love it less for the no radar, and more for the fact you don't spawn with special, special spawns less, and heavy doesn't spawn at all.
Did well enough with hawkmoon, December patch can't get here soon enough to get rid of disappearing bullets.
I've said this plenty of times on this forum and I probably sound like a broken record at this point, but Inferno is the closet thing that Destiny has to a competitive and balanced mode, it is what Trials should be like.
ToM get, stabie can't give me shit for that anymore at least![]()
Trials with no radar would be terrible. The campiness would make me jump off a cliff.
people don't camp with no radar. you have to move and be cautious of your surroundings or you'll be flanked.
anomaly is campy because you know when people are right around the corner and prescope them.
Maybe not in other modes but trials I think would be campy due to the nature of the game type.
no radar + no special spawns
wouldn't see any camping. people camp because you can see them on the radar and prescope them with snipers.
Nah, camping wouldn't work in Trials with Inferno rules, no radar and no special means that people can easily outflank you and get the jump on your team.Trials with no radar would be terrible. The campiness would make me jump off a cliff.
DIS-47 with Hammer Forged, Full Auto, and Small Bore.
Dang son.
PDX-45 with Hidden Hand, perfect balance, and rifled barrel!
Inferno is the closet thing that Destiny has to a competitive and balanced mode, it is what Trials should be like.
ToM get, stabie can't give me shit for that anymore at least![]()
Im surprised that last shot hit
Its crazy just how unreliable TLW is in 2.0. I used to get into 3v1 firefights and be confident that i was gonna win (thats because it was OP but still) if i played it right. Now if i meet more than 1 im running to get a better position and if its just one guy i still dont know if my bullets will decide to hit. Who made these decisions?
I'd love to see a Crucible where Pulse Rifles and Shotguns are nerfed into complete irrelevancy along with Sniper Aim Assist. If you aren't playing teams camping the back of the map with Snipers and Pulse Rifles, they're running and jumping around with Shotguns. Used a Shotgun for a several games tonight and it's stupid how easy it is to jump at someone and get a kill. At least in Year One' we could two shot them before they even got close.
lol at Mida Multi Tool being out DPSed by Hawksaw at range and not staggering a Sniper... like every other Pulse Rifle. Let's nerf Hand Cannons to make Scouts better...and then buff Pulse Rifles to make Scouts pointless again.
On an unrelated note, there's no way I'm giving up Gunslinger. Golden Gun with Symbiote is too clutch.
That's not really a balanced multiplayer mode eithe.
wasn't implying it was.
Morning DGAF!
Last nights raids were a success, pretty happy with all the loot. Hit 318 on my hunter, 317 on my warlock and titan. Good times.
Shelving Destiny until next Tuesday though.... as much as I love this game. I'm having a lot of fun playing through some much needed backlog.
But is that not what we really want? I remember during the Thorn meta everyone was saying the same things about handcannons; 'nerf Thorn into oblivion'. Well that happened and now all handcannons are total dogshit and half of the Destiny population wants the handcannons back. Rightfully so, and it is happening, but let's not destroy another gunclass again in the process. Hopefully Bungie doesn't 'overdo' it (the buffs/nerfs) again like they've done before.
Reddit is full on war with the 99% against the 1% at the moment.
Ooo, drama on destiny subreddit? What's going on?
To be fair the Challenge drop table is the best ever I see in Destiny.Challenge mode happened, according to Reddit its perfect and anyone complaining is an elitist, they also want revives in HM. What really got them riled though was this Datto video
Reddit is full on war with the 99% against the 1% at the moment.
I dont think I could play that, it'll be so slow and have so many camping shotgunners or snipers.
Challenge mode happened, according to Reddit its perfect and anyone complaining is an elitist, they also want revives in HM. What really got them riled though was this Datto video
You can't camp with Snipers and Shotguns when you don't have any ammo for them![]()
am actually kind of surprised this is a controversy. RAF made sense, but this? i guess we've just run out of things to complain about. watch the chrismas event roll around and people complain we don't have santa beards.
Challenge mode happened, according to Reddit its perfect and anyone complaining is an elitist, they also want revives in HM. What really got them riled though was this Datto video
Im actually kind of surprised this is a controversy. RAF made sense, but this?
I'm al for challenging content, but why don't people give Bungie grief over the lack of any interesting weapons dropping from King's Fall to be worth a more challenging mode in the first place?
Watch the chrismas event roll around and people complain we don't have santa beards.