Xenoblade Chronicles X |OT| You want a baked Potatsu? http://youtu.be/8qPGXDk23mE

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Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
holy crap I'm an idiot, I though complete "Blade Level Basics" as a preq to chapter four was complete all basic level blade missions... xD Guess what I've been doing all night


I'm bored, here's a random ass strawpoll: favorite continent

granted I'm not sure how many of you guys have even really explored all of them lol

Sylvalum is basically Ash Lake so easy choice for me, though almost 60 hours in and I still haven't seen Cauldros.

At 55 hours in at level 31 I finally decided to beat Chapter 6 and get a mech -- pretty useful thing. And the story sure got a lot better by the end of Chapter 5.
So, uh, I choose the Curators division, but where are they? :0

And does it really matter? Do I have different missions based on what I choose or are they all the same for every player?


I just beat the game and i gotta say, it's one of the most disappointed game i have ever played.

It's fill with all sorts of flaws and questionable design decisions,can't cancel affinity quest, not telling you where to find items for fecth quest, the Skell license been a side quest (seriously WTF!?) the half ass online features and a bunch of other things.

The combat is somehow not as good as the original as it requires less strategy. Skell combat is even LESS strategic so it's not quite as fun as on foot combat. Really, it felt like a dumb down version of the original's combat.

By far the biggest flaw is the main story. Because of the open world structure and the focus on side quests, it's a mess and it's not even close to be as good as the original. There's actually very little of it and things aren't explain until the very end. Well, MOST things anyway, some plot points are never explain which leaves us in the dark and what does it all end with? A fucking cliff hanger that sets up a sequel.

I feel like Monolith try to do to much with this game and ended doing none of them well. It's a game that was made with a quantity over quality mentality. There's hundred of side quests sure but since that their not all that good to begin with does it really matter? It's sad that this is how most open world games are made these days.

Also, the final boss is fucking stupid.


Neo Member
does anybody know how i can get my Field Skills up to lvl 5? my Blade level is maxed out and this is the only thing currently keeping me from getting my 100% survey rate done.


does anybody know how i can get my Field Skills up to lvl 5? my Blade level is maxed out and this is the only thing currently keeping me from getting my 100% survey rate done.

There are basic quests that sometimes appear at the board to get lv 5 for each skill, the one for mechanical is called Off the Record.


Just a fucking warning

Elite Supercivillian gear is literally just Celica's outfit. Not even in different colors.

What the fuck. All those tickets, just fucking gone.


Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
My problem with the combat in this game is that I never feel like I'm engaging with it strategically. I'm always in one of three modes:

1. There is no way to win. The enemy is just too strong. (I actually really like this element, and love the way they've managed to incorporate some interesting high risk->reward alternate paths through some missions. Probably the best thing about the moment-to-moment act of playing the game.)

2. The enemy is below or around my level and I can just let the combat play itself. Soul voices and the like are purely aesthetic/for my own enjoyment: I'd win anyway.

3. I'm at the mercy of the soul voice system and by extension my party's RNG. The enemy or boss might be beatable and I usually will get them after a few tries, but I feel no satisfaction because it's not clear to me what I did differently in order to win. This is frustrating.

I've been playing with soul voice settings, classes and different skills, but in the end I can't reliably stop Lin and co from dying and often have no way of responding to the drama that occurs during a battle. I just have to kind of flail around hoping the HP bars start refilling in response to some lucky soul voice shenanigans.

I'm not sure if I'm doing this wrong or if this is a failing of the design. This game is so close to being really cool, but that third mode means the only reliable way to beat bosses and tough enemies is to over level them and push them into category 2, and that just sucks.


I just beat the game and i gotta say, it's one of the most disappointed game i have ever played.

It's fill with all sorts of flaws and questionable design decisions,can't cancel affinity quest, not telling you where to find items for fecth quest, the Skell license been a side quest (seriously WTF!?) the half ass online features and a bunch of other things.

The combat is somehow not as good as the original as it requires less strategy. Skell combat is even LESS strategic so it's not quite as fun as on foot combat. Really, it felt like a dumb down version of the original's combat.

By far the biggest flaw is the main story. Because of the open world structure and the focus on side quests, it's a mess and it's not even close to be as good as the original. There's actually very little of it and things aren't explain until the very end. Well, MOST things anyway, some plot points are never explain which leaves us in the dark and what does it all end with? A fucking cliff hanger that sets up a sequel.

I feel like Monolith try to do to much with this game and ended doing none of them well. It's a game that was made with a quantity over quality mentality. There's hundred of side quests sure but since that their not all that good to begin with does it really matter? It's sad that this is how most open world games are made these days.

Also, the final boss is fucking stupid.

I pretty much agree with everything you said here, but ended up enjoying myself in spite of it. The boss fights in general were poor and all seemed built around filling the screen with adds rather than making the bosses themselves challenging. Even though I waited for this game longer and loved the original Xenoblade more, I'd say MGSV is the more disappointing as far as suddenly open world sequels go. And yeah, the plot kind of takes a back seat and I pretty much called every twist before chapter 5 but I liked the characters enough, good dub overall. On the plus side the creator, or someone on the team has said that if they ever made a third game it would be much closer to the first in overall design.


Unconfirmed Member
does anybody know how i can get my Field Skills up to lvl 5? my Blade level is maxed out and this is the only thing currently keeping me from getting my 100% survey rate done.

I haven't reached/completed them myself yet, but there are special missions posted on the mission board that get you to level 5 for each of the skills. For mechanical level 5 there's a mission called "Off the Record", for example. If you google around you'll find the other ones, I'm sure.

Also, if the quest doesn't show up, leave the menu and open the mission board again. It reshuffles the available ones.

shark sandwich

tenuously links anime, pedophile and incels
I just beat the game and i gotta say, it's one of the most disappointed game i have ever played.

It's fill with all sorts of flaws and questionable design decisions,can't cancel affinity quest, not telling you where to find items for fecth quest, the Skell license been a side quest (seriously WTF!?) the half ass online features and a bunch of other things.

The Skell license side quests were the most baffling part for me. I finally finished chapter 6 and was DYING to get my hands on a Skell. Then. . . here are 8 generic MMO quests thou must complete before you get your license! Including one fetch quest that had me dicking around for 4 hours trying to find some stupid rare collectible.

I'm still enjoying the game, but damn, there really are some terrible design decisions on display here.


Neo Member
There are basic quests that sometimes appear at the board to get lv 5 for each skill, the one for mechanical is called Off the Record.

oh thats what those quests are? I couldnt figure out what they were asking me to do for those so i just ignored them. Thanks for the info.


3. I'm at the mercy of the soul voice system and by extension my party's RNG. The enemy or boss might be beatable and I usually will get them after a few tries, but I feel no satisfaction because it's not clear to me what I did differently in order to win. This is frustrating.

Soul Voice shouldn't be the make or break for encounters. Something is definitely wrong either with your build or with you team comp.


I hope people are able to beat the final boss comfortably. If you aren't, expect to see the title screen a lot. It sets you back at the start of the fight, doesn't return your skells, and doesn't give you an option to leave. Awful.
I need to discover 15% of the first area before I can unlock the 4th story mission. What does this mean exactly? I've gone to a bunch of unmarked hexagons and nothing changed. I've looked around on the grid positions with probe icons and couldn't find anything.


Ugh...I'm so under-leveled for Chapter 5...
Level 19 against Lv.21+ enemies is no fun. And the random characters for a 4th member are so under-leveled. I ran into a Lv.10 drifter. A LEVEL TEN DRIFTER! >_<
Well I finished the Yelv recruiting and I guess my thoughts on character starting levels are wrong. Yelv is a lowly level 15 yet Hope was level 25 shortly before.

I then continued the Mia quest line the level 29 bird boss battle wasn't happening with the party I had. I think getting in my Skell made things worse as I aggrod a much stronger enemy. I'm not really feeling the Skells so far. Maybe it'll change when I reach level 30 and get a better frame.

Ugh...I'm so under-leveled for Chapter 5...
Level 19 against Lv.21+ enemies is no fun. And the random characters for a 4th member are so under-leveled. I ran into a Lv.10 drifter. A LEVEL TEN DRIFTER! >_<
You're not. The idea is you have to sneak up on the objectives as all of them have routes with very few or no enemies. Also you can take on individual smaller enemies at that level.

Believe me learning to sneak around will help in the next chapter and exploring in general as well.


Ugh...I'm so under-leveled for Chapter 5...
Level 19 against Lv.21+ enemies is no fun. And the random characters for a 4th member are so under-leveled. I ran into a Lv.10 drifter. A LEVEL TEN DRIFTER! >_<

No you're not, that's a good level for the chapter.

Those are other players, not random characters.


I need to discover 15% of the first area before I can unlock the 4th story mission. What does this mean exactly? I've gone to a bunch of unmarked hexagons and nothing changed. I've looked around on the grid positions with probe icons and couldn't find anything.

Just get the survey rate past 15% in Primordia. I think that you can get a good chunk of the probes installed to put you there without having to engage in anything else, but it would be worth doing some of the extra stuff to help you out, like finding the treasure chests (grids with a sparkly rectangle icon) or take on the lower level Tyrants (grids with the lionhead icon).


I just beat the game and i gotta say, it's one of the most disappointed game i have ever played.

It's fill with all sorts of flaws and questionable design decisions,can't cancel affinity quest, not telling you where to find items for fecth quest, the Skell license been a side quest (seriously WTF!?) the half ass online features and a bunch of other things.

The combat is somehow not as good as the original as it requires less strategy. Skell combat is even LESS strategic so it's not quite as fun as on foot combat. Really, it felt like a dumb down version of the original's combat.

By far the biggest flaw is the main story. Because of the open world structure and the focus on side quests, it's a mess and it's not even close to be as good as the original. There's actually very little of it and things aren't explain until the very end. Well, MOST things anyway, some plot points are never explain which leaves us in the dark and what does it all end with? A fucking cliff hanger that sets up a sequel.

I feel like Monolith try to do to much with this game and ended doing none of them well. It's a game that was made with a quantity over quality mentality. There's hundred of side quests sure but since that their not all that good to begin with does it really matter? It's sad that this is how most open world games are made these days.

Also, the final boss is fucking stupid.

Whatever the other points but I will always argue that this is absolutely wrong. Unlike XC I'm actually fully enjoying the combat in this game, and I don't feel like the stupid topple mechanic is just tacked on as a near requirement. There's no awful vision mechanic that 99% of the time locks you into having shulk in the party. I can actually attack things more than 3 levels higher than me without fearing for my life most of the time. I don't have to run around boosting my team's morale every 3 seconds because the enemy breathed in their direction. I actually feel like I'm getting things done, and Overdrive/secondary/tetriary cooldowns as well as soul challenges and voices add their own depth.

As for skells being overpowered, that's a bit of a joke. Your starting skell is bad, the 30 skell you buy is 'alright' to the end of the game. The 50 skells are okay. The crafted skells are the important ones, and not to mention how you need to find actual gear for them to make them good.At the moment, postgame, but barely anywhere, I'm stronger than my skell in most situations.

Oh the crafted skell, however, will outdamage me by a LOT later on, but still.


No you're not, that's a good level for the chapter.

Those are other players, not random characters.

Oh, I know they're other players, but that's what I'm calling em. I just can't find a good way to the 2 locations on the right. There's a big Lv.22 Boss in my way that I can't get past atm. On the other side is a Lv.65 King Dodongo...yeah...

taking a break for now. Need to re-group and hopefully get a better pool for a 4th member.


I took the "Backup request" quest from the board.

But when i go to the spot i have this;

Anyone else having trouble with this one too?
For landmarks just use the FrontierNAV view with the recon icons and check (every hex has one landmark or probe).

For stuff I assume you mean items, and in that case you better start registering things in the collectopedia.

No, I mean the actual landmarks you find and what they're called, like the lake, etc. The named places.


Is there a way to cycle through targetable areas on enemies? I swear I can't target this goddamn duogill's tentacles -- I haven't once gotten the prompt to lock in to it, just the tail and mid/front section of the body. Shit's getting frustrating.


I took the "Backup request" quest from the board.

But when i go to the spot i have this;

Anyone else having trouble with this one too?

You have four people in your party when the max size is three. It tells you what you're doing wrong in those screenshots.

OK, but this is the mad monk, and not Backup request , is that ok?

Yes. The guy who gives you the affinity quest is looking for backup hence the quest that leads you there being called Backup Request.


OK, but this is the mad monk, and not Backup request , is that ok?

Backup Request leads into Affinity Mission. Characters like Phog or Hope have these, except for Hope it's called "Marry Me!"

You'll find times where you have to accept those board missions before being allowed to do the affinity mission.

Is there a way to cycle through targetable areas on enemies? I swear I can't target this goddamn duogill's tentacles -- I haven't once gotten the prompt to lock in to it, just the tail and mid/front section of the body. Shit's getting frustrating.

Targetable areas are tied to position. You'll also find that sometimes you have to break one thing before the other. I don't mess with duogills often but I'd imagine the sides would do it or you have to break something first.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
I made it into I guess the heart of rockmole's burrow, and this huge ass level 77 tyrant is just in the middle, just sleeping, but he is non-aggressive, theres alot of mechanical 2 crates and stuff right infront of him, which I did slowly, and expecting him to suddenly wake up and aggro if I collect all of the field crates, but nothing hapened, theres also a bunch of level 50+ crabs around, that are non-aggressive but their font on their levels are yellow and i have no idea what that means.
and there it is, the probe site, I stroll right up to it, even leveled up as it read a new landmark but....freaking thing is a mechanical level 4, and i am a mechanical level 3, spent my last field skill on archaeological so i can actually gets some stuff from noctilum for once.

son of a bitch


I made it into I guess the heart of rockmole's burrow, and this huge ass level 77 tyrant is just in the middle, just sleeping, but he is non-aggressive, theres alot of mechanical 2 crates and stuff right infront of him, which I did slowly, and expecting him to suddenly wake up and aggro if I collect all of the field crates, but nothing hapened, theres also a bunch of level 50+ crabs around, that are non-aggressive but their font on their levels are yellow and i have no idea what that means.
and there it is, the probe site, I stroll right up to it, even leveled up as it read a new landmark but....freaking thing is a mechanical level 4, and i am a mechanical level 3, spent my last field skill on archaeological so i can actually gets some stuff from noctilum for once.

son of a bitch

If you are in a skells he will mess you up.


I haven't felt as overwhelmed by a world since Final Fantasy XII... I didn't even know where to start when finally got the chance to explore NLA because I felt so lost so I went to the wilds with some side-missions LOL at me feeling more in control in the wilderness than in NLA.

oh God! I'm haven't even met Tatsu and I'm Level 12 with more than 10 hours in this game, HALP!

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