Xenoblade Chronicles X |OT| You want a baked Potatsu? http://youtu.be/8qPGXDk23mE

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By the way, is there anything the targeting system this time around is better at than Xenoblade's OoT-style cycling through enemies? It's a train wreck.

Just died because I was trying to target the key enemy of the mob, and it kept cycling to random nearby enemies that weren't even part of the battle.

I need a guide.

WTF was I thinking
Put your faith in the spreadsheet
I compromised and needed to get 14 wiakuea or something. It just makes you go collect more and i don't think you get paid.

I'm not sure about the latter option, but the former has you collecting a certain rare item from the blue drops. Thankfully, it's actually a lot easier than you think, since you can get it on the Nopon merchant camp where you initiated the quest that has about five or six on there, and you can reset them every time you fast travel to that spot. It's pretty painless, all things considered.

I settled for a compromise, but after watching my brother's playthrough, I wished I hadn't done that.
The Ganglions you face there are actually weaker than the grunts surrounding the base.

Sounds like I'll just fight them then.
Particularly if they aren't going to give me anything if I compromise.

Stealth edit: Fought them, real easy fight overall. Didn't get too much from it but at least it's out of the way.


Got my A90 LV60 Skell tonight after a day of farming stuff.

Using it's 1500 fuel main weapon for the first time:


One shot for a lot of enemies now.


Is there any point in redoing the same squad missions you've already done befote?

Should I save the reward tickets for anything?

I'm over 700 and close to my 800 limit.


Use them to cheat past shitty fetch missions. What Chapter are you on? You can stock up for the eventual Skell missions.


I need Shiny Lamp in Noctlium and Spirit Wand in Sylvalum for a quest. I cannot find it :( Anybody know their location?

Edit: Found. Guide in the OP helpful.


Gotta say loving all the side characters so far they are all so interesting, i think my favorites so far are Irina and
Alexa, and Yelv
team side quest go!


Got my A90 LV60 Skell tonight after a day of farming stuff.

Using it's 1500 fuel main weapon for the first time:


One shot for a lot of enemies now.

Jeez, grats on that! I still don't have enough research and storage probes to even have enough miranium to build it. Is there a handy list somewhere of what monsters to farm for craftable stuff?


Neo Member
Is it only the first two weapons companies that sell skells and skell wear (ground gear)?
Or will other do the same once you level them to lvl 5?


Coming a little short on that 70k revenue mission. Maybe finding a few sightseeing spots might do the trick. Research probes are hard to get by.

During my search I found Mia in Oblivia, she's a real piece of work haha.


This story went down the shitter with Chapter 9-11
with this fucking Lao subplot.
This is so goddamn stupid. Everything pertaining to this is stupid.


Neo Member
I was having trouble finding a fourth for the global nemesis. Both times we tried him we timed out and on the 2nd attempt with a 3-man group from GAF we had him to || health. :( Tried advertising in free report but I feel like people just don't have Blade medals. At least you get something for retreating when timing out.


Unconfirmed Member
Coming a little short on that 70k revenue mission. Maybe finding a few sightseeing spots might do the trick. Research probes are hard to get by.

During my search I found Mia in Oblivia, she's a real piece of work haha.

I'm not sure if this will work or if it's a good idea at all, but you could try changing some of your mining probes back to basic probes. Basic probes always add to your revenue so if you're really that close to 70k this could work. It will probably cost you a lot to change the basic probes back to mining probes though.

Just an idea, no idea if it will actually work.


I was having trouble finding a fourth for the global nemesis. Both times we tried him we timed out and on the 2nd attempt with a 3-man group from GAF we had him to || health. :( Tried advertising in free report but I feel like people just don't have Blade medals. At least you get something for retreating when timing out.

Yeah it's kinda annoying. I just wanna time out on it a few times but it's really hard to do so solo.


a bit overwhelmed after finished chapter 3. suddenly 1000 missions everywhere, squads, online stuff etc.

some questions,

- I joined a division, I should get points after killing enemies and completing missions but uh, I haven't seen anything about it. shouldn't I get a rank, rewards or something? Also I can't find any missions related to the division I just joined.

- those basic missions are basically infinite filler fetch quests or what? Every time I check on the board I see 20 new quests. am I supposed to just explore and accept/finish the ones I already have the materials for, and just ignore the rest?

- should I sell all the materials used for the collectopedia? Should I also sell those busted/broken pieces of useless gear I find killing monsters/exploring? Some of them are "prime" or "unique" so I'm not sure.

- again, if I spend 200 BP on one art or skill, and then advance to another class (same branch though), can I still use that art or skill?
and I'm going for Galactic Knight, best arts on this path I should completely upgrade?
I was having trouble finding a fourth for the global nemesis. Both times we tried him we timed out and on the 2nd attempt with a 3-man group from GAF we had him to || health. :( Tried advertising in free report but I feel like people just don't have Blade medals. At least you get something for retreating when timing out.

I'll join you if you're still interested. NNID is Aaronrules380, char name is Aaron


I know that no one could have possibly gone through it all here but how's the postgame content? Is there still a lot to do?

I do this with quite a few games where I get to the last level and just procrastinate a while feeling that the end will be over when I'm done with it. I know about finishing up the affinity quests of certain characters (though it you didn't from the start you'll be overleveled for a bunch of quests) and there's a few more Skells to unlock.

Wonder if I should just hit accept on that chapter 12 mission already. I've saved up over 2 million credits too.


Married Member
Is there some sort of healer character? I have Lin in the best gear I can find and she still gets wrecked sometimes even using a fully defensive loadout.
I just did the Lakeside Getaway and Miracle Maker quests back to back....


I feel that the side missions are much improved from the original's.


Is there some sort of healer character? I have Lin in the best gear I can find and she still gets wrecked sometimes even using a fully defensive loadout.

The Psychoruptor tree has a party-wide heal + evasion aura and single target spells that give single target barrier, physical def up and a 10% heal, but I like mixing it up with the beam arts that get buffed when you've got an aura and the virus-inducing one (it's DoT, right?).


Married Member
The Psychoruptor tree has a party-wide heal + evasion aura and single target spells that give single target barrier, physical def up and a 10% heal, but I like mixing it up with the beam arts that get buffed when you've got an aura and the virus-inducing one (it's DoT, right?).

That's what the one chick you meet early on is right? Her name starts with an I but I'm drawing a blank.
Coming a little short on that 70k revenue mission. Maybe finding a few sightseeing spots might do the trick. Research probes are hard to get by.

During my search I found Mia in Oblivia, she's a real piece of work haha.

Stumbled on Mia while exploring. Was quite the diversion she gave lol.

One thing for sure. This xenoblade hade awesome side quests compared to the first
I'm really disappointed none of the field reports are actually helpful

They're like 90% "Press L+A!" to trick you into liking something, 5% "This game has no story, Xenoblade was better," and then 5% miscellaneous twelve year old Miiverse posts. I have seen one, ever, that mentioned where a Tyrant is and a good level to take it on.

This game's messaging system has made me a believer in Dark Souls' cumbersome and limited messaging.


That's what the one chick you meet early on is right?

Wait, I meant Mastermind. I think Psychoruptor actually is the base class for that tree.

The class also has some nice skills, such as getting +500 HP whenever an aura gets applied on you or 50% secondary CD reduction. I've been playing my MC as it until recently, when I finally maxed Mastermind and went on to the topmost class to get some HP bonuses because +1250 HP from each HP Plus XX enhancement if you're using both +HP skills sounds cool.


Married Member
Wait, I meant Mastermind. I think Psychoruptor actually is the base class for that tree.

The class also has some nice skills, such as getting +500 HP whenever an aura gets applied on you or 50% secondary CD reduction.

Any of the characters that class? I don't think Irwin (I'm sure that's not her name just can't think of it) is mastermind.

Ulysses 31

The survival guide says no skell type is superior but looking at the stats and weapons they can equip, heavies are objectively superior than mediums and lights when it doesn't come to movement?

Or am I missing something here?
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