Xenoblade Chronicles X |OT| You want a baked Potatsu? http://youtu.be/8qPGXDk23mE

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Neo Member
so i was in a global nemesis mission today, the telepathia one.

Anyway, we had some level 60 guy in the squad but when he went in , the game didnt sync his level?? he just kept 3/4 shotting the boss. we (he) killed him like 14 times before the timer finished!

anyway so now i have loads of galactic items. do i keep them for crafting? trade for reward tickets ??


I made it into I guess the heart of rockmole's burrow, and this huge ass level 77 tyrant is just in the middle, just sleeping, but he is non-aggressive, theres alot of mechanical 2 crates and stuff right infront of him, which I did slowly, and expecting him to suddenly wake up and aggro if I collect all of the field crates, but nothing hapened, theres also a bunch of level 50+ crabs around, that are non-aggressive but their font on their levels are yellow and i have no idea what that means.
and there it is, the probe site, I stroll right up to it, even leveled up as it read a new landmark but....freaking thing is a mechanical level 4, and i am a mechanical level 3, spent my last field skill on archaeological so i can actually gets some stuff from noctilum for once.

son of a bitch

The color coding serves the purpose of informing you of what kind of threat level the enemy presents. It works on a reverse ROYGBIV system (minus indigo), so a purple is going to be much simpler to fight than a green, since the green will have a nastier bag of tricks at their disposal (and, typically, more limbs to destroy to disable those attacks). These do scale with your level, so if you've leveled past the point where they would present a threat, they'll generally show up as grey numbers instead.


so i was in a global nemesis mission today, the telepathia one.

Anyway, we had some level 60 guy in the squad but when he went in , the game didnt sync his level?? he just kept 3/4 shotting the boss. we (he) killed him like 14 times before the timer finished!

anyway so now i have loads of galactic items. do i keep them for crafting? trade for reward tickets ??

dude probably had an ares 70 or 90 which do loads of damage. But yeah those items are for trading for tickets which you can use to make crafting stuff.


so i was in a global nemesis mission today, the telepathia one.

Anyway, we had some level 60 guy in the squad but when he went in , the game didnt sync his level?? he just kept 3/4 shotting the boss. we (he) killed him like 14 times before the timer finished!

anyway so now i have loads of galactic items. do i keep them for crafting? trade for reward tickets ??

It likely didn't scale his Skell.

He's probably well into post game with a 70/90-Frame.


I pretty much agree with everything you said here, but ended up enjoying myself in spite of it. The boss fights in general were poor and all seemed built around filling the screen with adds rather than making the bosses themselves challenging. Even though I waited for this game longer and loved the original Xenoblade more, I'd say MGSV is the more disappointing as far as suddenly open world sequels go. And yeah, the plot kind of takes a back seat and I pretty much called every twist before chapter 5 but I liked the characters enough, good dub overall. On the plus side the creator, or someone on the team has said that if they ever made a third game it would be much closer to the first in overall design.

I had a good time with it as well. It's by no means bad, it's a good game, it's just that it's many flaws prevents it from achieving true greatness.


Google failed me.. where can I find Placid douguills?

Go out of NLA using the east gate, go past the probe location straight to the east (past that small military base where you can change the in-game time) and you'll find the beach to the southeast from there. I think the one placid duogill that shows up there only spawns at night (from 19 PM to 6 AM, I think) and is level 17.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
If you are in a skells he will mess you up.
Duly noted
The color coding serves the purpose of informing you of what kind of threat level the enemy presents. It works on a reverse ROYGBIV system (minus indigo), so a purple is going to be much simpler to fight than a green, since the green will have a nastier bag of tricks at their disposal (and, typically, more limbs to destroy to disable those attacks). These do scale with your level, so if you've leveled past the point where they would present a threat, they'll generally show up as grey numbers instead.

ah, strangely i dont remember seeing higher level enemies with different colored fonts exactly, either i was colorblind or the font was too small for me to make out the difference between white and yellow


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Guys, noctilum is seriously huge, and its so freaking varied. Like its clear the most work went into this place.
Go out of NLA using the east gate, go past the probe location straight to the east (past that small military base where you can change the in-game time) and you'll find the beach to the southeast from there. I think the one placid duogill that shows up there only spawns at night (from 19 PM to 6 AM, I think) and is level 17.

Thanks for this. I found 2 of them from a location other Gaffer's gave me but after I killed them they didn't drop the item I needed to complete the mission. Do I keep waiting for them to respawn and keep killing them until I get my drop?


Thanks for this. I found 2 of them from a location other Gaffer's gave me but after I killed them they didn't drop the item I needed to complete the mission. Do I keep waiting for them to respawn and keep killing them until I get my drop?

Fast travel to the closest spot and they'll respawn. The drop is not common so you'll be there a bit unless you get lucky from the get go.
So I'm on Chapter 5
trying to destroy the 3rd turrent unsuccessfully
, and I JUST realized that I can play as the other characters.


This is why I can't have nice things.


I'm having a really hard time with this game with no direct control over healing. Repair heals for so little it's not helping at all. I guess I have to rely on the Soul Voices and B button prompts to heal. My reflexes are so slow though...

Am I supposed to just save my arts for soul voice? If I just use them on cooldown then I often don't have it available for soul voice.
So I'm on Chapter 5
trying to destroy the 3rd turrent unsuccessfully
, and I JUST realized that I can play as the other characters.

Don't forget too that you can change Classes anytime you want, this worked for me when I was having difficulty with a certain monster, changed my class to another, killed the monster and went back to my other Class no problem.
I'm rocking a longsword/sniper build now and it's amazing. I hated the assault rifle and javelin skills in the normal classes, but this combination is perfect for me.


Am I supposed to just save my arts for soul voice? If I just use them on cooldown then I often don't have it available for soul voice.

IMO only use arts if it's a soul voice, or if the secondary cooldown is done (ideally both), or if it's triggering a combo.
This customization is super weird. Like, the hairstyles are attached to faces that you can't alter?

I mean, it doesn't really matter I just found it odd. I wanted the mature woman face with drill hair but I can only have anime bug-o eyes and fatty cheeks with drill hair.

Odd. But whatever, the color options are kinda astounding.
So I'm currently doing the Nopon delivery quest in Oblivia (The one where the Nopon merchant has to deliver food to the Gagnlion). What happens if I try to settle things with a compromise or if I fight them right away?


So I'm currently doing the Nopon delivery quest in Oblivia (The one where the Nopon merchant has to deliver food to the Gagnlion). What happens if I try to settle things with a compromise or if I fight them right away?

I'm not sure about the latter option, but the former has you collecting a certain rare item from the blue drops. Thankfully, it's actually a lot easier than you think, since you can get it on the Nopon merchant camp where you initiated the quest that has about five or six on there, and you can reset them every time you fast travel to that spot. It's pretty painless, all things considered.


Anyone found Scales of Justice in Noctilum? Its the last item I need on the collectopedia for the region!

In case you are still looking for it: It can be found in in the South Forest Area according to the guide. That's the area where you enter from Primordia up to the "bridge".


I have not used cocaine
So I'm currently doing the Nopon delivery quest in Oblivia (The one where the Nopon merchant has to deliver food to the Gagnlion). What happens if I try to settle things with a compromise or if I fight them right away?

I compromised and needed to get 14 wiakuea or something. It just makes you go collect more and i don't think you get paid.


In case you are still looking for it: It can be found in in the South Forest Area according to the guide. That's the area where you enter from Primordia up to the "bridge".

Excellent thank you. I was all the way up north thinking it had to be there.


Now that I'm understanding this game more (currently just past Chapter 4) I'm really enjoying it. So much more to take in compared to Xenoblade.

Also L has the best quotes. I particularly love "It's not over until the fat baby sings!"


So I'm currently doing the Nopon delivery quest in Oblivia (The one where the Nopon merchant has to deliver food to the Gagnlion). What happens if I try to settle things with a compromise or if I fight them right away?

I settled for a compromise, but after watching my brother's playthrough, I wished I hadn't done that.
The Ganglions you face there are actually weaker than the grunts surrounding the base.


Unconfirmed Member
Google failed me.. where can I find Placid douguills?

If you're going after the Blue Electrical Tentacle (or whatever it's called) you need to target the tentacles on the underside (press R3) of the Placid Douguills, otherwise you will never get it.

An easier way to get the tentacle is to buy it with tickets that you get from squad missions. Press the start/+ button and it will tell you how many tickets you have in the bottom right of the screen. IIRC you only need 50 or so tickets to buy the tentacle.

Don't ignore squad missions, you can literally buy ANY material item in the entire game with them. Earning these tickets will save you a lot of head aches. Oh, you can spend your tickets at one of the terminals in the Blade Barracks btw.


Anybody knows where in Cauldros I can fin Evil Mephites and Gadolinium Petramand ?

Never seen an official guide as useless as this one. The goddamn beastiary should also put coordinates to monster we already killed.


Just finished Chapter 5. Story is getting better every chapter, don't put off doing them, they are a blast and unlock so much more of the game!

That said I also got my Strategy guide from Amazon yesterday (finally) and it is a great book. Very nicely laid out. Most of the more difficult quests are laid out in the book. Collectible locations, maps etc. Will be very useful after I beat the main story!

I think I need to spend some time exploring Noctilum and Oblivia though. As my level was barely good enough to finish Chapter 5.
Doing the "A False Hope" affinity quest.

This is such bullshit. Run around commercial district for thirty minutes, bupkis (actually, I've discovered quite a bit, but not enough to trigger the next scene!).

This game does not value the player's time in any way, shape, or form. Thank god for youtube
Is there any point in redoing the same squad missions you've already done befote?

Should I save the reward tickets for anything?

I'm over 700 and close to my 800 limit.



Thanks for this. I found 2 of them from a location other Gaffer's gave me but after I killed them they didn't drop the item I needed to complete the mission. Do I keep waiting for them to respawn and keep killing them until I get my drop?

You can warp back to the nearest fast travel point and then go back to where enemies are. If you've already got a skell, you can just get off of it right where enemies spawn and select "warp to skell" to reload the area and have enemies respawn once again.

How does the squad mission thingy on the lower right work? I see some icons (beasts?) and a timer.

You can hold R (not RT) and then press L to toggle between each mission, so you can tell what each of them wants (say, killing enemies from a specific species, a specific tyrant or gathering a number of crystal items from walking around particular areas).


Unconfirmed Member
I'm having a really hard time with this game with no direct control over healing. Repair heals for so little it's not helping at all. I guess I have to rely on the Soul Voices and B button prompts to heal. My reflexes are so slow though...

Am I supposed to just save my arts for soul voice? If I just use them on cooldown then I often don't have it available for soul voice.

One tip for the Soul Chance (the B button prompts) is to zoom the camera out (hold L and push down on the right analogue stick) enough so you've got a clear view of the battle. By doing this you can always have your thumb over the B button and not on the right analogue stick, adjusting the camera, trying to see what is going on.

Don't feel to discouraged if you miss the really REALLY quick Soul Chances, they're just plain unfair, lol.

How does the squad mission thingy on the lower right work? I see some icons (beasts?) and a timer.

A good tip is to check the Enemy Index (I think that's what it is called) under the "Intel" option of the start menu. If you have the enemy indexed you'll at least know what the enemy looks like and you may remember where you have seen it before. To index enemies you just have to fight them ( you don't have to win, although you won't be able to see their stats if you lose), so a good tip is to fight every enemy you see. Yes, even enemies you have no chance of beating.

One more thing, enemies you need to exterminate for Squad Missions are marked with an "S" icon above them.


How does the squad mission thingy on the lower right work? I see some icons (beasts?) and a timer.

Hold R and press L to see what's highlighted there. The enemies that are meant to be defeated also have a blue "S"-like emblem above them when you see them. Anyway, defeating them gives you tickets, but if the overall squad actually accomplishes one of the objectives completely you also get tickets.

Accomplishing those objectives also open multiplayer missions (base console, the room with the other players' characters) where you can get more tickets and materials. Those tickets can be exchanged in that same console for basically any monster material drop in the game.


Is there any point in redoing the same squad missions you've already done befote?

Should I save the reward tickets for anything?

I'm over 700 and close to my 800 limit.


Reward tickets get you monster parts so you don't have to go farm them. I wish Monster Hunter would add a similar system so everything isn't completely left to RNG.
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