I'm looking into building myself a new desktop PC (been mostly a console gamer these past few years) but I'm a total noob when it comes to hardware. My go-to computer tech guy has helped me make a list of some parts that could go into it but he's unsure which graphics card I should pick so perhaps someone on here can help me?
Potential Specs:
CPU: Intel Core i5 4690k (3,5Ghz)
Motherboard: MSI B85M-E45
PSU: Will depend on which graphics card I end up choosing
HDD: 1TB (+ 450GB SSD) (I can't remember the specifics, I'm afraid.)
Graphics Card: So my computer guy's suggestion was to go with a GTX 960 but I'm not sure if that's quite powerful enough.
So the question is if a) a GTX 960 is sufficient for my requirements (see below), b) if the extra power a GTX 970 or 980 would bring to the table is really worth the extra money in my case and c) if I could even use the 970's or 980's full horsepower with the rig described above or if there'd be any bottlenecks somewhere which would render those cards' additional power redundant. (For some reason my computer guy never even mentioned the 970, though, when I talked to him.)
Budget: My budget for the whole thing is around 1000-1200€ but I'd be willing to pay a bit more if I thought it was really worth it. However, according to my computer tech guy the 980 would increase the price from roughly 1100€ (with a 960, again, he never even mentioned the 970 for some reason) to about 1500€ and I'm not quite sure if I'm willing to pay that much. (Country: Germany.)
Main Use: I'd like to be able to play current-gen games with max or near-max settings at 1080p (ideally at 60fps).Additionally, I'll be using the computer to work in Unreal Engine 4, do some sculpting in Mudbox (and maybe ZBrush), modelling in Maya and PBR texturing in Photoshop/Quixel.
Monitor Resolution: 1080p. No plans to upgrade anytime soon.
List SPECIFIC games or applications that you MUST be able to run well:
Games: General current-gen stuff like Witcher 3, Mirror's Edge: Catalyst, Assassin's Creed: Syndicate, Rise of the Tomb Raider, etc. Ideally, I'd like to be able to play at 60fps (though it doesn't need to be rock-solid 60fps). I don't need to be able to do supersampling/MSAA.
Applications: Photoshop/Quixel, Mudbox/Zbrush/Maya, Unreal Engine 4 (working on something linear, non-open-world that's got roughly current-gen-console level graphics, maybe a bit worse).
When will you build?: Soon. Within the next month.
Will you be overclocking?: Maybe, if I find the time (and courage

) for it.
So yeah, my specific questions are the bolded ones in the graphics card paragraph. I hope I didn't forget anything but if I did, please let me know. Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated
