Locked fps on a 144hz G-Sync? Explain yourself! Edit: I see...but fps
I haven't overclocked my 4690k or 970 but as long as I get an average above 80fps I'll be happy.
I was just sitting at my desk doing some work and I felt this huge disturbance in the Force and rushed in here and now I see this game releases at noon on Friday? WTF? Time to do my first Steam refund.
I had that problem too. I'm assuming you're using DS4ForWindows?
1)plug in your DS4
2)start DS4ForWindows
3)THEN start Steam or Origin or any game.
The reason that's happening is because some game bugged out and don't recognize DS4 and emulate it as a Xbox controller, but as a standard controller. So you have to start DS4ForWindows first to not get that bug.
If you still need help. Pm me.
It never ceases to amuse me reading people defending companies. Really getting what we deserve.
KB+M has prompts on the screen? You'll be fine if you don't use a controller.
I really, really doubt that is true. Just in case it is, Steam refunds are a thing nowadays.
Nah, it does have KB+M prompts. It also switches on the fly based on what input method you use without you having to change anything.
wbacon had a post about that somewhere earlier in this thread.
It never ceases to amuse me reading people defending companies. Really getting what we deserve.
Gamekult PC review (in french) : 6/10
They say graphics aint pretty (no hd textures). Even in 4K, its still a ps3 game but 60 fps, no more black bars and adjustable FOV is a good thing.
OG one got a 7/10 (different tester) but this got 6/10 mainly because of the shitty interface and awful AI.
Gamekult PC review (in french) : 6/10
They say graphics aint pretty (no hd textures). Even in 4K, its still a ps3 game but 60 fps, no more black bars and adjustable FOV is a good thing.
OG one got a 7/10 (different tester) but this got 6/10 mainly because of the shitty interface and awful AI.
Gamekult PC review (in french) : 6/10
They say graphics aint pretty (no hd textures). Even in 4K, its still a ps3 game but 60 fps, no more black bars and adjustable FOV is a good thing.
OG one got a 7/10 (different tester) but this got 6/10 mainly because of the shitty interface and awful AI.
Version PC : Il ne faut pas se leurrer, Dragons Dogma est le parfait représentant du plaisir coupable, un jeu tout cabossé quon apprécie malgré ses défauts. Le titre de Capcom nest ni un grand RPG, ni un bon open world, mais le système de combat rattrape le tout, montrant au passage le chemin quil reste à parcourir à des Bethesda/CDProjekt question prise en main. En ayant parfaitement conscience de cette réalité, il est tout à fait possible et plaisant denchaîner les heures de jeux, malgré une interface toujours aussi peu intuitive et une IA honteuse
Haha, actually, that name is my PSN alt because I wanted to make a second Dragon's Dogma character, and Arrogant Smirk is a perfect anagram of my PSN name (which is the same as my GAF name).Arrogant Smirk
I don't know why they'd expect HD textures. It's a port, not a remaster. Christ.
As for the crappy AI, that really depends on your pawn inclination. If they have an ill-fitting one, their AI will suffer greatly. With the proper inclination and knowledge of monsters, a pawn can have some of the most impressive NPC AI I've seen in a game, to be honest.
Haha, actually, that name is my PSN alt because I wanted to make a second Dragon's Dogma character, and Arrogant Smirk is a perfect anagram of my PSN name (which is the same as my GAF name).![]()
BrazilGAF: it's 20% off (R$60) on Nuuvem, comes with the same preorder stuff.
Non-BrazilGAF: don't bother, it's region locked.
The store page says Brazil.Is it a brazil only region lock or a latin america region lock?
The store page says Brazil.
Yes because every company just hates their customers and does everything to spite them.
For real dude, if them choosing to release this at some set date vs. what you expected pisses you off that much, don't buy the game.
There are plenty of companies that deserve hate for stupid shit, but complaining over a release time is fucking baby shit.
This is such a lazy post. What exactly are we "getting"?
The game was ALWAYS scheduled for the 15th of january, and the timeslot is apparently damn common.
Does it suck that others are playing it early than we the legal users will? Yes. But I'm not gonna blame Capcom over it. Well at least not this, fuck them for Megaman Legends 3 though
Neither I said they deserve hate nor I'm pissed about the release date. I'm pissed about the game getting leaked on the internet and them not acting on it, letting their customers (like me) waiting until their scheduled date for the sake of it.
All kinds of mistreatment, this might not be the case but its still hilarious seeing a customer defending a company.
Again, I'm fine with the schedule, dunno why everybody seems to think otherwise, explained already up there.
I will blame capcom on not acting on it tho just to keep their marketing schedule.
Now back to the game. Does anybody know why DSR doesn't work off the bat? Got a gsync monitor and tried several combinations of on/off for settings and cant make the game go over my native 2k resolution to benchmark :C
Is it even possible go get HD texture? Or something? Anything?
Gamekult PC review (in french) : 6/10
They say graphics aint pretty (no hd textures). Even in 4K, its still a ps3 game but 60 fps, no more black bars and adjustable FOV is a good thing.
OG one got a 7/10 (different tester) but this got 6/10 mainly because of the shitty interface and awful AI.
Yeah, after RE4 HD retexture project (i.e. highly unlikely in our lifetime)
So with so many people playing, I'm honestly surprised people haven't compared the x360 save game with the pc savegame already.
Because if they are still using what is basically an xml file, some minor editing should make a save transfer possible.
Could someone do some science?
They didn't license the theme song or the Berserk stuff nor the Japanese voices probably to spend as little as possible.
Wait, this isn't the theme song anymore?
What is the new one?
Probably he was talking about "Into Free" from the original Dragon's Dogma.Wait, this isn't the theme song anymore?
What is the new one?
Wait, this isn't the theme song anymore?
What is the new one?
Gamekult PC review (in french) : 6/10
They say graphics aint pretty (no hd textures). Even in 4K, its still a ps3 game but 60 fps, no more black bars and adjustable FOV is a good thing.
OG one got a 7/10 (different tester) but this got 6/10 mainly because of the shitty interface and awful AI.
Small update to the preload it seems?
E: Wait, I just noticed this now lol, it's 9pm over here already. Larger update then? Weird.
Thanks a bunch. *Whips out Dark Souls 1 & 2 OSTs*I'm just using Audacity. Import the song, set to 48000 khz, split to mono, mirror the left and right tracks for back left, back right, and combine them for center / 5.1, then export as an ogg.
Things are moving on the app, they cleaned everything up and got it ready for release. Just updated some depots about a minute ago.
Keeping my eye on any movement.
Don't forget inclinations. They can make a big difference.I wouldn't worry too much about the "bad Pawn AI" complaints. Pawns become better as they gain experience. By experience I mean the kind gained from fighting monsters and knowing their abilities/tactics, not the kind that leads to level-ups and better stats.
When a pawn witnesses you defeating a monster they'll exclaim something to the affect of "I learned something!". Then, when another player summons this pawn, the information they have learned will be relayed. This also extends to quests, as pawns will point out important artifacts or anything else relevant to the current situation.
Since hardly anyone (aside from reviewers and pirates) is playing Dragon's Dogma right now, there are a severe shortage of not only summonable pawns, but also knowledgeable pawns.
All that said, pawns aren't perfect. They tend to get smacked around a bit by certain bosses.
Oh great idea. I think I know what I'm gonna do to replace the [BBI spoilers]Thanks a bunch. *Whips out Dark Souls 1 & 2 OSTs*
Not a whole lot if you don't want to go for performance-heavy mods like ENB that will eventually be released.Apologies if this is the wrong thread to ask this.
In the event that this never comes to current consoles, how much would a desktop that could run this at 60 FPS cost me?
I had a great time playing through this on 360, and I'd love to revisit it, but those last-gen versions were such a mess, I can't go back.
Boris working on his AO implementation for ENB it seems.
But you can't see what you have bind on those hotkeys. So you gotta remember it? Someone should make a HUD mod so you can see what you have hotkeyed.
I had that problem too. I'm assuming you're using DS4ForWindows?
1)plug in your DS4
2)start DS4ForWindows
3)THEN start Steam or Origin or any game.
The reason that's happening is because some game bugged out and don't recognize DS4 and emulate it as a Xbox controller, but as a standard controller. So you have to start DS4ForWindows first to not get that bug.
If you still need help. Pm me.
Thanks a bunch. *Whips out Dark Souls 1 & 2 OSTs*