According to who?
See, it's useless.
It is well established that overrated is shorthand for "I don't like this thing".
According to who?
See, it's useless.
It is well established that overrated is shorthand for "I don't like this thing".
There's not much to go on, but Little Stone is the developer responsible for the PC port of Valkyria Chronicles, so those various LS-branded "test apps" could be other Sega PC ports.
According to who?
See, it's useless.
Resonance intensifies (?)
Ooooh bro thats the worst dlc between fo3 and nv by a long shot, its a shame too cause it has the most interesting idea too. Get a mod to remove the collar, it helps a lotMy Fallout New Vegas completionist playthrough is stalled for the moment as I try to come to terms with how gofawful Dead Money is. It's not the radio emitters or the lethargic pace of the story - it's the fact that it's a chore to play through. Every building and intersection look exactly the same, and yet the best outcomes rely on your meticulously exploring every path to do optional objectives for each companion.
Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies,
Oh no, no, you can't disguise,
Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies,
Everything everyone says is a opinion.Useless according to who? We can play this game forever and not once reach a destination.
Do we really have to start qualifying everything we say here with IMO or can we accept that natural implication when reading or posting an opinion?
Do we really have to start qualifying everything we say here with IMO or can we accept that natural implication when reading or posting an opinion?
Everything everyone says is a opinion.
Everything everyone says is a opinion.
Dsyndrome, The Dear Leader, Henry Swanson, Dio Brando, Stallion Free, Corpekata, Monooboe, ricochetguro, Lain, Kurt Russell, Raxanas, Jawmuncher, AHA-Lambda, dirtywhirlwind, Baron von Loathsome, pahamrick, Tektonic, Turfster, Anteater, spindoctor, texhnolyze, Uraizen, tuxfool, Smash88, TetraxShards, MMBosstones86, Sch1sm, Shantom, Khronico, Stumpokapow, jshackles, Locust, SilentMatthew, Vlad, septicore, Nete, Stronghammer22, yuraya, KingKong, Shadownet, Knurek, Se7enSword, Leafhopper, Iron Badger, Jadax, def ault, Wok, Copons, Maxwood, Messiah, Phinor, cyba89, Large Professor, The_Super_Inframan, ussjtrunks, ctw0e, Haunted, Tizoc, shortsFortallPeople, Dragon1893, Hektor, Atraveller, Chairmanchuck, the_firewithin, fantomena, Rockin' Ranger, Man Puncher, Ludens, Backlogger, Ruruja, PandaPedinte, Black Soma, KenOD, neoemonk, Teggy, thesaucetastic, laserlaser, arbok26, Parsnip, BinaryPort2737, Shalashaska, Adry9, YianGaruga, Baron_Calamity, Gintoki, Amzin, QFNS, Chariot, Kyougar, AsfaeksBR, dot, garath, WinterDemons, zkylon, Kriken, The Red Wizard, Htown, Roboleon, Ozium, Oreoleo, Arthea, spinalscratch, NightmareTrigger, NingenJanai, Yakkue, milena87, Zeknurn, ScreamingTrees, Uzzy, CecilRousso, DillonMabry, electroflame, Widdly Scuds, bigzgod, Japle, TheLetdown, Nillansan, William Bonney, Durante, BernardoOne, fernandes, vermadas, Lomax, gurm3n, Nabs, brau, FiveElementNinja, EmergentFocus, Terra_Ex, Eila, maty, Jazz573, FLD, Flandy, madjoki, pantsattack, bobnowhere, Adnor, LurkerPrime, blackcrane, PetriP-TNT, mrgone, oipic, Jiggaloboy, Mivey, MakeshiftChef, fenners, Maniac, r3n4ud, gelf
That's like, your opinion, man.This is provably false.
Ooooh bro thats the worst dlc between fo3 and nv by a long shot, its a shame too cause it has the most interesting idea too. Get a mod to remove the collar, it helps a lot
The collars are bad, but they're not the only part. Whoever scripted the frequency of companion chatter fucked up. Every 15-20 seconds, I'd hear Dog say, "Maybe I should rip that collar off you and wear it on my arm," and he never shuts the fuck up. Either due to programming quirks or bugs, Christine often stares at me in this half-grin, like she's the victim of cerebral palsy or something. Dean is such a pussy that he won't stand on a roof and pull some wires unless I get holograms to protect him, even though I killed all of the Ghost People in all of the areas.
It's a shame, because it actually does companion dialogue between missions really well (when you return to the fountain after doing a task, you'll sometimes see two characters talking to each other). It's just that I have no desire to search for the extra weapon mods (which is something I do religiously in every other DLC) and just want to get it over with.
That's like, your opinion, man.
There's not much to go on, but Little Stone is the developer responsible for the PC port of Valkyria Chronicles, so those various LS-branded "test apps" could be other Sega PC ports.
There are now only 8 hours left to vote in the 3rd annual SteamGAF GOTY awards.
I currently have votes for 150 of you!
Thank you to everyone who has voted so far! The winners will be revealed tonight at 7PM PST (just 3 hours after voting closes) right here in the Steam thread - you won't want to miss it.
If you haven't voted yet, now is the time!
Paid mods are back in 3, 2, 1 XD
The problem with using comparative words like overrated, implies that there is some set standard on what rating should be. Lots of people don't like the game, so what happens now? Is the game overrated and who is doing the rating.
Ultimately what it boils down to is the poster is saying too many people like X, and according to me they shouldn't.
Wow. That was a big jump over the last day. Added almost 80 votes? Very cool. Can't wait to see the results.
Neither of which tell us why Undertale is overrated or why it isn't.
Was this bundle posted?
Painkiller: Black Edition
Planetary Annihilation - Digital Deluxe Commander Bundle
100% Orange Juice
Universe Sandbox
Silence of the Sleep
Rise of the Triad (2013)
Town of Salem
A huge RPG fan eh? I shall check The Age of Decadence and UnderRail out when I got the chance.(5 Points) - The Witcher 3
(4 Points) - Pillars of eternity
(3 Points) - Age of decedance
(2 Points) - Shadowrun Hong Kong
(1 Point) - Underrail
I don't think so.Cogito Ergo Est.
Is it possible to rectify our GOTY choice?
Thats honestly the first thing i thought of when i saw that newsPaid mods are back in 3, 2, 1 XD
Is it possible to rectify our GOTY choice?
One time only.
SteamGAF are a bunch of procrastinators, confirmed.
Seriously though, there's still time to vote and we're about 25 votes down from what we ended up with last year.
Sent.Yep, just send me a second PM with your new choices. For simplicity's sake please put "re-vote" (or something similar) in the PM title.
A huge RPG fan eh? I shall check The Age of Decadence and UnderRail out when I got the chance.
Your number 5 is not eligible.1. Rocket League
2. Huniepop (LETS GOOOOOO)
3. Assault Android Cactus
4. Wolfenstein: Old Blood
5. Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition
The rest I didn't have the time to play (Mad Max, OlliOlli2, Ronin, Hotline Miami 2) or too disappointing (Fallout 4, Broforce). Sorry.![]()
They've been a thing at least since Killing Floor 1 back in 2012 to be honestPaid mods are back in 3, 2, 1 XD
Killing Floor - Community Weapon Pack
Straight from the talented community modders of the IJC crew comes the first DLC weapon pack for Killing Floor. Featuring a diverse set of new weapons the Community Weapon Pack brings new game play options for your favorite perks. Best of all the community modders in the IJC crew are going to be making real money from the sale of this pack – a first for the Killing Floor community.
(5 Points) - Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
(4 Points) - Contradiction - Spot The Liar!
(3 Points) - Resident Evil HD Remaster
(2 Points) - Guilty Gear Xrd
(1 Point) - Undertale
MGSV was a great sandbox to play in, the shear number of ways the game allows you to complete the objectives was a joy to experiment with. It has some downsides with the poor boss fights and the mother base development with all the timers but because they can be mostly ignored I feel the highs of MGSV outweigh any of its flaws and thats why it's my GOTY.
Your number 5 is not eligible.