What we know so far about the Nintendo NX with sources

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Eddie Nash

Neo Member
If we stick to the facts you're left with what's in the OP. The tl;dr version being

"We are working on a new dedicated gaming platform called NX" and "we want to provide new experiences for players".

That's it.

If you considered only the facts, then all we know is:

1) The NX exists.
2) The NX involves hardware, so it's not JUST a cloud app.
3) We know absolutely nothing else about the NX for sure.

We don't even know what NX stands for if it even stands for anything.

My guesses are:

New Xperience-->Self explanatory.
Nintendo Cross (X)-->Because it will combine home and handheld consoles in a "brotherly" way.
Nintendo Xtreme-->Because of...reasons.
NeXt-->Self explanatory.

If anyone has any other idea, I'm all ears.


If you considered only the facts, then all we know is:

1) The NX exists.
2) The NX involves hardware, so it's not JUST a cloud app.
3) We know absolutely nothing else about the NX for sure.

We don't even know what NX stands for if it even stands for anything.

My guesses are:

New Xperience-->Self explanatory.
Nintendo Cross (X)-->Because it will combine home and handheld consoles in a "brotherly" way.
Nintendo Xtreme-->Because of...reasons.

If anyone has any other idea, I'm all ears.

Nothing at all. Codenames usually dont mean anything.


Speculation: Macquarie Report Suggests NX Portable In 2016 And NX Console 2017


The details of the Macquarie Capital Securities report has found its way online and interestingly it suggests that the Nintendo NX portable and the NX home console will be two separate devices. This slightly goes against the notion of a ‘fusion machine’ that combines both a handheld and a home console. The report suggests that the NX portable will come first in November and will be competitively priced at around $200. The report then expects a ‘console partner device’ in 2017 with potential AR features.



could never
NX is a great name, shame it'll probably never be kept.

Can also see the silly Wii name returning in some shape or form instead :/


I mean, all this talk must surely be making Nintendo consider pushing a statement, even something as bland as "expect more news in the future"? Even if this is all nothing, the amount of different 'nothings' we are seeing all adds up, people will start getting notions (and indeed, already have) of what this device/devices is/are.

It's a shame speculation threads are a no go anymore, I had a great subtitle

Nintendo Speculation Thread |OT| Floating around NX-tasy


Nintendo won't use an off the shelf part. Despite their "semicustom" status, neither the PS4 nor the Xbox One APU have the exact layout and configuration of a commercial AMD product. Xbox One's APU, in particular, is pretty much as custom as it gets these days. The only thing that made it "semi" was that it relied on AMD IP for most of the blocks (although MS provided some of their own custom blocks as well, in audio processing and RAM management for instance).

Fair enough. I was thinking Nintendo could ask AMD to prepare a new semicustom APU in the vein of those but with the consequent architecture improvements and being a bit more like a "lite" version. Would it be too far-fetched to think that AMD could do so?


If they mean AR, will it not be cool if it has some kind of 3d projectionball or projectionbar that can fill your room with extra level environment?

For example metroid in a lava-cave area, arround you and just before te TV you will see extra laval/stones projection.


It's a kind of AR, it makes the game bigger.
(I know that the ball looks like ****) :)

Microsoft did something like that before, but not exactly:

But it wasn't perfect.

more like this demo from zelda:

If tge library is truly shared I can see NCL releasing only the handheld sku only this year in Japan (maybe a sift launch of the console) and have both skus available in the biggest western markets. With simultaneous releases in remaining territories in early 2017 (both skus) as well as a full home sku launch in Japan.
If tge library is truly shared I can see NCL releasing only the handheld sku only this year in Japan (maybe a sift launch of the console) and have both skus available in the biggest western markets. With simultaneous releases in remaining territories in early 2017 (both skus) as well as a full home sku launch in Japan.
Yeah, could make sense to release the handheld first in Japan this year and maybe the console in the west based on how the console missing the holidays would be bad in the west with all major titles releasing by then.
Though it can miss the Japanese release of a few major titles like FFXV (unless it doesn't get that game which is understandable)
Edit; I wouldn't look too into the Macquarie Capital Securities report seeing as that sounds like speculation even if IGN reported it as "details" or insider knowledge


We don't even know what NX stands for if it even stands for anything.
Neither does Nintendo's current president.
If there was a meaning to it, the only person who would know would be Iwata.

I hope this isn't serious.

"As for the codename NX, I don’t believe that there’s any real meaning behind it, and to be perfectly honest, I don’t know where it came from. Or perhaps Mr. Iwata had meant to tell me and then never got the chance." — Tatsumi Kimishima
Neither does Nintendo's current president.
If there was a meaning to it, the only person who would know would be Iwata.

Impossible. Takeda and Miyamoto would have to know. Either it means something (like the cross platform theory), and Kimi is lying in order to keep it under wraps, or Iwata simply chose it because it sounds cool and they don't want to say that.


Rösti;192852590 said:
Nintendo's FY 2015 Third Quarter Financial Results Briefing

Time: February 3, 10.00 AM (JST) / February 2, 08.00 PM (EST)
Location: Hotel New Otani Tokyo (likely in the Tsuru banquet hall)


TSE operating hours are 09.00 - 15.00 (JST). I believe the earnings release will come on February 2 after the market closes.

Tsuru banquet hall:


Hero of Legend, feel free to include this in the OP if you like.

Shame Nintendo doesn't offer webcasts of these presentations. Sometimes other firms film their events, but it's not common.

Anyone in the area wanna plant some hidden cams and microphones? Thanks. I owe you one buddy (whoever you are).


Impossible. Takeda and Miyamoto would have to know. Either it means something (like the cross platform theory), and Kimi is lying in order to keep it under wraps, or Iwata simply chose it because it sounds cool and they don't want to say that.

Its not like the Wii U is meant to be played in a cafe, or while drinking coffee. I dont think it means anything.


Junior Member
Anyone in the area wanna plant some hidden cams and microphones? Thanks. I owe you one buddy (whoever you are).
We'll probably get live tweets from the event. And if they announce plans for an NX Platform Direct, it'll likely set Twitter ablaze. All we can do now is wait.
The one thing I love about all this speculation is that Nintendo has literally only confirmed two things, one the code name and two that it'll be a new concept. Apart from that, the internet has pretty much done all the marketing for them. This is great for Nintendo though. Interest in a new console from them appears to be high and as long as they deliver on some key ingredients, then their new system could very well become a success.


So this could be a SoC for the NX. Looking at AMD's roadmap it could be the Bristol Ridge APU that is coming Q1 2016, 28nm, 4 cores with Next Gen GCN or some custom variant of that platform. Am I wide of the mark?
I was thinking more along the lines of Puma APU clocked to the max (2.0Ghz I think?)

Do they have a source for that?
I've been saying the same thing for years, and while it'd be nice to be right, it's probably just speculation on their part based on some fairly obvious patterns and taking statements from Nintendo at face value rather than looking for the 'WiiU is DEAD' angle on everything.

The only thing I KNOW about the NX is that it already has some of the most talented people in the industry working on games, and given my personal GOTY for the last three years have been SM3DW, MK8 and Splatoon, it's safe to say I'm buying whatever system those guys are working on.

Off topic: I genuinely can't remember my personal GOTY the year before that. Was that Darks Souls year?
2012 was Xenoblade in NoA, Mass Effect 3, etc.


Junior Member
The one thing I love about all this speculation is that Nintendo has literally only confirmed two things, one the code name and two that it'll be a new concept. Apart from that, the internet has pretty much done all the marketing for them. This is great for Nintendo though. Interest in a new console from them appears to be high and as long as they deliver on some key ingredients, then their new system could very well become a success.
That's the thing, though. If Iwata's wording on unifying the console & handhelds is to be taken literally, then we aren't just looking at a single home console, but rather multiple devices. I'll stop here before I go too far into speculation territory beyond interpretation of the sources listed in the OP.



I said it before, it's impossible that nobody know what nx stands for.
It's not that Iwata said, hey I will call it NX and nobody at Nintendo says why NX?
This even when the names used more then 1 year.

The hardware dev team should know, even Miyamoto


I said it before, it's impossible that nobody know what nx stands for.
It's not that Iwata said, hey I will call it NX and nobody at Nintendo says why NX?
This even when the names used more then 1 year.

The hardware dev team should know, even Miyamoto

99/100 times project code names mean nothing

or does the 3DS have a nitrous oxide injector I don't know about
the GameCube might be waterproof
only one to actually be descriptive is the DS because what else do you name that project


99/100 times project code names mean nothing

or does the 3DS have a nitrous oxide injector I don't know about
the GameCube might be waterproof
only one to actually be descriptive is the DS because what else do you name that project

Nitro was the original DS.
3DS is CTR which I'm not sure if it stands for anything


99/100 times project code names mean nothing

or does the 3DS have a nitrous oxide injector I don't know about
the GameCube might be waterproof
only one to actually be descriptive is the DS because what else do you name that project

I'm trying to think of any software projects I've worked on where the code/development name had any real meaning (beyond 'this is a new thing') and I can't think of a single one. We've named things after seafood, birds, what was sitting on our desk at the time, song lyrics, etc.

The military, with exceptions, uses random names for operations to avoid the name having any real meaning. I know they sometimes name things in a specific fashion for PR reasons, like 'Operation Enduring Freedom' and stuff like that, but I think they still use random names for other stuff.


I was thinking more along the lines of Puma APU clocked to the max (2.0Ghz I think?)

2012 was Xenoblade in NoA, Mass Effect 3, etc.
I'm in the UK, so Xenoblade was likely my 2011 GOTY, which somewhat underlines my original point. It was bugging me so I checked back and 2012 was a transitional year for Nintendo and I was playing a lot more PC stuff that year as well as Dark Souls on 360. FTL was probably my favourite game released in 2012.

Back on topic, I should clarify that I was talking about the release timing mentioned in the IGN quote, not the vague wording that kinda implied it could be one system with handheld/home SKUs.

It's virtually unthinkable that Nintendo won't launch a handheld device in Japan before the end of the year. n3DS has been out there for a long time now.
Following from that, the odds of a full worldwide launch of both a handheld and home console in 2016 is virtually nil as Nintendo would struggle to support it logistically, meaning the WiiU probably still has a year left to run. Maybe more if the US/EU handheld NX release is pushed back to 2017, but getting into that level of detail is where logical thought ends and arbitrary speculation begins. We'll know more soon enough. :)
I figure with unified being their focus here we're going to get a handheld that will sort of function like a WiiU gamepad or a Vita/Xperia phone with remote play - possibly without buttons, or with the ability to twin it to an NX console controller down the road - that will be as portable as a 3DS or cellphone instead of the brick of lead the WiiU gamepad is.

The initial software will be smartphone games which will run on anyone's phone, but also run on the portable, and then a console will be released which will have dedicated controllers with a control scheme similar to the portable, and it will run the same software only on your TV. The console will play console games, but because of their architecture it will also run on the portable. This way they maintain a console and smartphone game business with a portable device that links the two.

They get their foot in the door with smartphone games for sustain in the Japanese/casual market, they get a console for sustain overseas/hardcore market, and they have a device that connects the two which has appeal to both demographics without compromising either, but which of course you'd have to purchase if you wanted to play your smartphone games on your TV or take your console games with you.

Then maybe somewhere down the road, the portable becomes the method of delivery for their QOL stuff.


Unconfirmed Member
Why on earth would they have any old meeting in THAT?! o_O They usually have them in any decent room, but a BANQUET HALL? o_O
I thought of their recent meetings (the DeNA event and the press conference on September 14, 2015, when Kimishima was announced as president). Those took place in rather large venues.

Well, let us look at the other offerings Hotel New Otani Tokyo has in terms of meeting spaces:

Large size Banquet Rooms



Maximum capacity: 1404 (Tsuru is at 2184)



Maximum capacity: 1014

I know they have used Fuyo before, as evidenced by this pic David Gibson took in 2014:


Medium size Banquet Rooms

Largest: Orizuru Rei


Maximum capacity: 360

Smallest: LAPIS L


I don't think it's farfetched to believe they will use a large banquet hall for this. Perhaps not the one I originally suggested however.

For reference, Nintendo's most recent Corporate Management Policy Briefing / Second Quarter Financial Results Briefing (for FY 2015) was held at the Imperial Hotel Tokyo.

Additionally, I noticed that the Japanese IR Forum used to provide webcasts of Nintendo's briefings up to and including 2011. Here's for example a webcast of Nintendo's Financial Results Briefing for FY 2010: http://www.irwebcasting.com/110426/78/0ea2aadb21/index.html

I find it strange that there appears to be no live webcast of Nintendo's briefings nowadays.


I dig that logo. I wouldn't even be mad if they keep the "Nintendo NX" and "Nintendo NX Pocket" name for the console/s.

Yes. NX is my favorite codename of a Nintendo console. Hope they put it on the final name. Nintendo NX. Sounds cool, simple and it doesn't create any kind of confusion with any other console.
I don't think they'll keep the NX name. And there's a lot of trademarks with NX in them, so it could be a tricky one to get as is.

My guess is that it'll be a name based on the Japanese word for a positive emotion, or something along those lines.


Membero Americo
This slightly goes against the notion of a ‘fusion machine’ that combines both a handheld and a home console.

There is no enough desks in the world for me to hit my face with...


Rösti;192960284 said:
I thought of their recent meetings (the DeNA event and the press conference on September 14, 2015, when Kimishima was announced as president). Those took place in rather large venues.

Well, let us look at the other offerings Hotel New Otani Tokyo has in terms of meeting spaces:

Large size Banquet Rooms



Maximum capacity: 1404 (Tsuru is at 2184)



Maximum capacity: 1014

I know they have used Fuyo before, as evidenced by this pic David Gibson took in 2014:


Medium size Banquet Rooms

Largest: Orizuru Rei


Maximum capacity: 360

Smallest: LAPIS L


I don't think it's farfetched to believe they will use a large banquet hall for this. Perhaps not the one I originally suggested however.

For reference, Nintendo's most recent Corporate Management Policy Briefing / Second Quarter Financial Results Briefing (for FY 2015) was held at the Imperial Hotel Tokyo.

Additionally, I noticed that the Japanese IR Forum used to provide webcasts of Nintendo's briefings up to and including 2011. Here's for example a webcast of Nintendo's Financial Results Briefing for FY 2010: http://www.irwebcasting.com/110426/78/0ea2aadb21/index.html

I find it strange that there appears to be no live webcast of Nintendo's briefings nowadays.
Nintendo is just using the meeting as an excuse to look at the venue for a potential love hotel acquisition.


All of those hotel banquet halls are fucking GORGEOUS!

Those halls are pretty much all nicer than the one I got married in, though mine had a better view.

The corporate meetings I attend are relegated to a break room. Guess I need to work for a bigger company...


Junior Member
Seriously, though. Are we expecting any NX Platform info that could be added to the OP from the meeting?


I can dig a handheld NX release this year and a console NX release next year. Sure, the Wii U needs to be "replaced", but they have Star Fox Xero still this year, Zelda U, etc. They ahve end of life games that will likely keep the system floating this year with "nothing" next year.

Meanwhile, the 3DS has been out since early 2011. We're very close to hitting the 5 year mark and this holiday is 5.5 years virtually. Sales have been on the decline in most regions it's clear the 3DS's legs are dwidling. It would be good to get a fresh product out there for handheld gamers rather soon. While it's going to suck seeing the console NX launch in the same fashion the Wii U did (IE, a dead year for the prior platform, a year removed from a major zelda console release) - of the systems are truly brothers - the handheld NX could be a massive convincing point for people to buy the home console NX.

Unlike all other generations where the platforms stood alone, that doesn't appear to be the case and they can increase each other's sales. If the NX handheld impresses and they market it right - it could increase sales of console NX in 2017.

I am liking this idea more and more. Get your best foot forward.
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