Melty Blood: Current Code |OT| So that's where those Saltybet characters came from!


Wow. Totally forgot this was dropping. Will buy soon as I get home. SFV and my limited play time will keep me from really digging in, but still gotta support it. Great game.


Unconfirmed Member
Looks like mad scientist, the developer of cccaster, is trying to get in contact with ASW about implementing his rollback code lol


Hopefully ASW listens to the cccaster def and puts that in. No reason to have poorer net code if it doesn't have to.

I'll probably be joining you all shortly, I'm busy at the moment.


Unconfirmed Member
Ok so this was super confusing, but the HIGHER the delay number it shows the better the connection. It's actually supposed to be a connection quality number.
Ok so this was super confusing, but the HIGHER the delay number it shows the better the connection. It's actually supposed to be a connection quality number.

Yeah. I played a 0 bar connection that was horrible. Fought a 2 bar right after and it was decent.

Made a room and limited it to 3 and up. Played a match and it felt good. Like around 1-2 frame delay.
Went through the story mode. So far the only things left untranslated was the credits screen.(Not the conversations during credits only the actual credits.)


Already noticed a typo in a win quote.

Ryougi vs Shiki

You're a decade to early.

It seems credits are untranslated too. All the dialogue is translated though which is so nice to see :)


Already noticed a typo in a win quote.

Ryougi vs Shiki

You're a decade to early.

It seems credits are untranslated too. All the dialogue is translated though which is so nice to see :)

How's it flow? Curious to see some screens and how good the localization is.


Wow, a 3 style system like MKX? I need to dig into this one. I've never gotten to play a Melty Blood game before and I love the French Bread stuff I've played so far.


Okay just how many changes we talking here between styles? Do you have different specials depending on whether you choose crescent, half or full moon? I read the bit on the meters in the OT and the counter stuff which sounded cool, but do I get different specials in different styles?


Courtesy of Magikarp and some editing from me:

In celebration of the much awaited STEAM release of MBAACC, I've decided to highlight some ancient MB CMVs and point out how things have changed and how things have stayed the same. Sadly, embedding videos doesn't quite seem to work here, so you guys will have to bear with my wall of text.

He'll be making another post in an hour.

And here we go.

Next on the list is MBRMOVIE_15, circa MBR:FT 2.501a by M.O.O.N .

MBR:FT was a free patch for MBR that brought it close to the arcade release of MBAC Version A, with some differences such as Kouma and Aoko being unavailable. Until the release of MBAC PS2, almost all combo videos were based on this release. Sadly, most combo videos produced in the MBAC PS2 era were hosted on various defunct websites such as Google Video and DivX.

0:40 – The game finally starts to resemble modern gameplay. The OTG system was first implemented in MBAC/MBR:FT, although gravity scaling was only introduced from MB:AA onwards.
1:33 – The inspiration for half-moon mode’s 1-2-3 combos likely came from Ciel’s 5a6a6a chain, of which the first two parts can be seen within the combo here. The dash link after her 5c5c command chain is also uncommonly seen today, but prevalent in the older versions.
2:29 – Shiki Tohno’s hitbox was ridiculously wonky in MBR:FT/MBAC Ver.A. Wallslams or other forms of forward movement could easily clip into him and cause a 2a to hit crossup, resulting in a infinite.
3:53 – Sion’s 421b loops were limited by the number of 5a/2a/22d cancels you could do in each repetition, but functioned as a clean reset in MBAC. The infinite was infamously used in the first MBAC Tougeki Finals
4:17 – Kohaku’s command grab was freshly introduced in this version. The ability to combo into the grab is only retained by her Half-Moon version today. Her 236c cancel on whiff properties was shared with Ciel’s 22c; both of these unique properties were removed in MBAA.
6:24 – The Tohno j.[C] relaunch combo is on debut here. Despite various adjustments and changes to the character, this combo tool is still available to C-Tohno today
6:31 – The first iteration of a 2c Loop. Affectionately referred to as the ‘Beautiful Legs Combo’, it was the precursor to many other gravity-related loops in MBAA onwards
6:40 – Quite possibly one of the most obscene and epic combos ever recorded in Melty Blood history. It is impossible to replicate today, due to nerfs to both EX Dust and EX Cactus. Comboing into Drug-On Install, then using the meter for an AAD assist is a feat that is difficult to top.
7:24 – One curious feature of this version was that certain characters would have throws that would deal the same amount of damage, regardless of scaling, character defence or reverse beat penalties. Akiha’s ground throw is one such variety.
8:00 – One of the first documented instances of IABD used in combos for air attacks. Perhaps the inspiration for sandoori or other Akahoshi setups later on in the game’s life?
8:25 – Arc demonstrating why her divekick-like version of j.2b had to be modified to her modern version. The fast recovery of the move easily lends itself to infinites such as these.

For a more rounded experience, here’s AVALON by MetalNakahara, with footage from MBR:FT, MBAC Ver.A and MBAC PS2. It is both a tutorial and a combo video, featuring some heavy duty editing and stylistic choices.

1:13 – One of the defining features of the MBAC era, the bunker cancel. One can kara cancel the startup of a bunker into any command move, but the input can only be accepted during hitstop. Allows for fancy punishes of careless blockstrings that would otherwise be safe.
1:18 – A simple option select that will clash against wakeup heat activations
1:24 – EX Shield into 5a was an assured counter-hit in MBAC. This became dependent on the speed of the normal later in MBAA
1:35 – A safe-jump into bunker cancel punish for a counterhit combo starter
1:55 – One of the unique MBR:FT only colour schemes that never returned, likely due to its similarity to a certain To Heart character
5:17 – A dead-body crossup using the forward momentum of Akiha’s low air flametongue

The final vid for today is 朱い月の輪舞【Last waltz】circa MBAC Ver.B by Crimson Air. It is the 5th in a series of combo videos during the waning period of MBAC.

1:36 – VAkiha’s 6c loop doesn’t quite exist anymore; neither does the untechable property of the second 2b after a first 2b. Both combo options created unique juggle effects that are only rivalled by F-VAkiha’s combos in MBAA.
1:56 – Linking off C-Sion’s 5 clip warning shot was already possible in MBAC, buffed slightly in MBAA to allow 2b to link, then re-nerfed back to its MBAC frames back in MBAACC
3:16 – Len demonstrating an extreme low air Ice, cancelling all air recovery by landing.
4:16 – The MB:AC Satsuki infinite. Practical in real matchups, character dependent, and likely the main reason MBAA implemented its gravity system and meter scaling system (meter gain while in hitstun increases with number of hits of the combo). Note how Satsuki’s meter goes back into HEAT as she cancels into her EX Grab. The use of 5[c] into 2[c] 2c is also extremely prototypical and reminiscent of Satsuki’s combos later in the series

That’s all the material for today. I hope you guys had a fun trip down memory lane as I did. Depending on your feedback, I may continue to annotate and review other combo videos in my collection. Go forth and enjoy MBAACC’s STEAM release!

Many thanks to Dio and T3U for proof reading my work. Special Thanks to Irysa for independently testing information written within to ensure veracity.


Unconfirmed Member
Okay just how many changes we talking here between styles? Do you have different specials depending on whether you choose crescent, half or full moon? I read the bit on the meters in the OT and the counter stuff which sounded cool, but do I get different specials in different styles?
Yes, different specials and normals. The play style can be completely different (rushdown vs zoning) between two moons of the same character.
Okay just how many changes we talking here between styles? Do you have different specials depending on whether you choose crescent, half or full moon? I read the bit on the meters in the OT and the counter stuff which sounded cool, but do I get different specials in different styles?

Different normals and specials yeah. It's really cool.
Okay just how many changes we talking here between styles? Do you have different specials depending on whether you choose crescent, half or full moon? I read the bit on the meters in the OT and the counter stuff which sounded cool, but do I get different specials in different styles?

There are some pretty significant changes between styles. Someone more experienced with melty can probably give you some good examples.


How's it flow? Curious to see some screens and how good the localization is.
i could hardly understand any of the dialogue in arcade mode. it doesn't read naturally at all

Can anyone tell me how's the netcode? I'd buy it right now, but if the netcode is bad then i'll buy it later.
every match for me has been literally unplayable. a wired connection in the same region may yield better results
Holy shit...that means there are like 93 movesets in this game.
I am on this shit.
EDIT: Installing! AHAHAHA!

Yeah you'll like it since you like Arcana Heart. Even shared special moves can function differently or have different properties across the moons. For Ryougi, for example, you can catch her knife midair with Half-Moon but not the other styles.


I will buy this. Hope I can get my arcade working with it.

And I hope I can get at least a few good matches over the online.


Unconfirmed Member
Yeah if you can find 3+ rated connections it's playable, feels like around 2 frame delay. Less than that gets pretty crappy.

Have also had a weird phenomenon where the match starts off fine and by the second round the frame delay increases to something ridiculous like 7 or 8.

Edit- scratch 7 or 8, more like 30-60
Holy shit...that means there are like 93 movesets in this game.
I am on this shit.
EDIT: Installing! AHAHAHA!

There are universal mechanics changes depending on which moon you choose, but characters straight up get completely different movesets depending on which moon you choose.

Just look at this wiki I'm using to figure out how to play H-Satsuki.

Yeah if you can find 3+ rated connections it's playable, feels like around 2 frame delay. Less than that gets pretty crappy.

Have also had a weird phenomenon where the match starts off fine and by the second round the frame delay increases to something ridiculous like 7 or 8.

Edit- scratch 7 or 8, more like 30-60

I think that's actually a bug, where the frame delay keeps adding onto itself after every round.
Yeah if you can find 3+ rated connections it's playable, feels like around 2 frame delay. Less than that gets pretty crappy.

Have also had a weird phenomenon where the match starts off fine and by the second round the frame delay increases to something ridiculous like 7 or 8.

Edit- scratch 7 or 8, more like 30-60

I've definitely had that happen to me. Started off fine for a few matches and then it got really bad all of a sudden.


The game is selling well (at least in my region)


Edit: F5 and now its on 4th place haha.


Man, am I terrible at this so far. Working with some guides and trying to get the initial combos for Shiki Ryougi and I'm just all thumbs. Think I need to borrow a friend's fightstick.
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