Melty Blood: Current Code |OT| So that's where those Saltybet characters came from!


Wow, a 3 style system like MKX? I need to dig into this one. I've never gotten to play a Melty Blood game before and I love the French Bread stuff I've played so far.
Fam pls
Mkx uses a multi style system like melty and arcana :v
Somehow I can still do all the inputs, from all the random offline grinding I did in Act Cadenza all those years ago.

And now I remember why I got into fighting games with this game in the first place. You can do just about anything you want and it looks kind of like a combo.


Yeah you'll like it since you like Arcana Heart. Even shared special moves can function differently or have different properties across the moons. For Ryougi, for example, you can catch her knife midair with Half-Moon but not the other styles.
Kickass! I loved Arcana Heart's combo systems and mechanics. The ability to customize a character's style of play is a big thing I love. Be it assists, crazy shit like Arcanas, or style changes I'm down for it.
There are universal mechanics changes depending on which moon you choose, but characters straight up get completely different movesets depending on which moon you choose.

Just look at this wiki I'm using to figure out how to play H-Satsuki.
Thanks man! I plan to dig deep on this one. I know its a legend and now its time to find out what earned it that praise.
Fam pls
Mkx uses a multi style system like melty and arcana :v
Yeah, MKX was definitely cool with how it had style switches and I knew it wasn't the first. Didn't know Melty had that though. Arcana is crazy though...less a style switch and more an "equip and extra moveset on your moveset" bag of crazy. I love shit like that. Can't wait to find out what each moveset has!


Kickass! I loved Arcana Heart's combo systems and mechanics. The ability to customize a character's style of play is a big thing I love. Be it assists, crazy shit like Arcanas, or style changes I'm down for it.

Thanks man! I plan to dig deep on this one. I know its a legend and now its time to find out what earned it that praise.

Yeah, MKX was definitely cool with how it had style switches and I knew it wasn't the first. Didn't know Melty had that though. Arcana is crazy though...less a style switch and more an "equip and extra moveset on your moveset" bag of crazy. I love shit like that. Can't wait to find out what each moveset has!

Actually, I always referred to it as the "Groove System" because of Capcom vs SNK 2 having this, but it was called the Groove system back then. In that sense, I think of everything after it as having copied that.

There might be something before that, but still.


Man, the bug in online play where it keeps adding input delay to the game is some shit. I wasn't expecting the online to be any good and I still wasn't expecting that.

Actually, I always referred to it as the "Groove System" because of Capcom vs SNK 2 having this, but it was called the Groove system back then. In that sense, I think of everything after it as having copied that.

There might be something before that, but still.
I suspect it was inspired by SFA3 more than anything, especially since that game did change normal properties for some characters based on the Ism selected. Melty Blood is far more thorough in regards to mode changes, though (even when compared to something like MKX).
Actually, I always referred to it as the "Groove System" because of Capcom vs SNK 2 having this, but it was called the Groove system back then. In that sense, I think of everything after it as having copied that.

There might be something before that, but still.

Back in 1995 Samurai Shodown 3 had a Slash and Bust system which let you choose between two versions of every character. The Last Blade in 1997 had a similar mechanic, you could choose if your character was Speed (more combos) or Power (nasty super moves).

I wouldn't be surprised if there's an earlier version of this, but SS3 is the first I know of.

It's a cool mechanic, I wish more fighters used it.


It's been a bit but I can do Ryougi loops kind of sort of in one corner. I'll need a minute.

Edit: I bought this full well knowing online would suck tbh. Just want to actually own Melty Blood after all these years.
i could hardly understand any of the dialogue in arcade mode. it doesn't read naturally at all

every match for me has been literally unplayable. a wired connection in the same region may yield better results

『Inaba Resident』;201427362 said:
I'm hearing mostly bad impressions but I've had some really good matches with 3 and 4 bar connections from the same region. 2 and down seem bad though. Like unplayable.
Thanks for the impressions, I ended up buying it anyways even though it would be smarter not to >_>


Edit: I bought this full well knowing online would suck tbh. Just want to actually own Melty Blood after all these years.

Yup; I knew what to expect in both best and worst case scenarios. I'm just glad it can finally be purchased.
Anyone have any trading cards they dont want? trying to get one of the emoticons or backgrounds for this.

It's been a bit but I can do Ryougi loops kind of sort of in one corner. I'll need a minute.

Edit: I bought this full well knowing online would suck tbh. Just want to actually own Melty Blood after all these years.

Yup; I knew what to expect in both best and worst case scenarios. I'm just glad it can finally be purchased.

Yeah, it sucks but its not unexpected. Currently, madscientist is trying to get in touch with Arc sys right now so, while its unlikely, maybe something good will come from that.

Edit: I'm hearing that online performs better if you turn off stage animations. Gonna try it out.


It's been a bit but I can do Ryougi loops kind of sort of in one corner. I'll need a minute.

Edit: I bought this full well knowing online would suck tbh. Just want to actually own Melty Blood after all these years.

CCCaster with rollback netplay will eventually be made compatible with Steam version too.

Also a complete English translation for the story mode is a bonus. If mods release an OP with subs too in the future as well, the better


CCCaster with rollback netplay will eventually be made compatible with Steam version too.

Also a complete English translation for the story mode is a bonus. If mods release an OP with subs too in the future as well, the better

I mean, I already have caster set up elsewhere so it's kinda whatever. If it does end up working with the steam ver at some point though that would be convenient. The translations are pretty neat at least yeah haha

Just super surreal going from "what is that game" on somebody's porch to the game being on steam years later. If a netcode solution pops up I'll be really happy but I mean yeah expected.


Unconfirmed Member
CCCaster with rollback netplay will eventually be made compatible with Steam version too.
Did mad scientist say something new about this? As of a few hours ago there were no plans for caster compatibility and he was trying to contact ASW about helping out.

Even if they can't implement rollback I hope they at least fix the gradually increasing delay bug. I can adapt to 5 delay but it's completely unplayable when that bug occurs.


Left is Steam version, right is the PC version that already existed.


The number on meter doesn't incrementally increase. Fucking why?

Left is old PC version, right is Steam. This one's a lot worse and is a video. Broken combos?

What is going on with the Steam release of Melty? Generally buggy from the looks of it.

By the way, several people including a friend of mine are testing and finding a lot of weird little problems (you can find more on that twitter feed in Japanese.)


Because of reasons I'll probably not play much of this. But I feel obligated to give $20 to one of the reasons I'm into fighting games. Legally owning it feels nice.


Huh, I've gotten an update. Anything in it?

Also, I'd be willing to render much better looking stick-and-buttons for the OT, if anyone wants. Can't do it right now, though.

Nyoro SF

It is absolutely unreal to change moon styles with a character and seeing their entire moveset change. I am surely very spoiled!

I'm trying out Kohaku at the moment, lots of fun. Crescent style is too difficult for me however, so I've switched to Full Moon.


Switched to Ciel's Crescent Moon Style. Mother fucking flash kicks and sword throws. Half moon has jumping sword throws and flash kicks for a more in and out style so I got a rush down, a zoning and an in and out style here.

Game if friggin dope. BTW how the hell do you block the Dust of Osiris super with the red pillars exploding? I've tried low and high both. Do I need to perfect guard it or counter super or something to avoid it?

Also I still need to understand heat...I have no idea how to use meter yet. Also are their standardized launchers in this game like in Marvel 2 and 3 or do I just need to figure out per moveset how to get them airborn to do these really nice double jump combos I'm finding.


Sketchbook Picasso
Feels really weird to own this properly now. Last I played it was all the way back when... I guess White Len and Aoko were first introduced as bosses or something?

I do miss the old VS screen music, as it was one of the things that stuck in my head (along with the moonlight stage's funky tunes, which I'm glad are still here.)

It doesn't feel as daunting to get back into thanks to UNIEL. Though I still feel like I have endless stuff to learn.

And I think Banderas' multi-slash attack in the latest KOF trailer reminded me of Shiki's Stab EX move.

I really love the animation and music in this game (series) too, always have. It's also nice getting to retroactively see how many moves in fighters since probably draw inspiration from many of the special, supers, and gameplay ideas have been inspired by this once-doujin game. Getting so many flashbacks to Chizuru in Aquapazza it's not funny, heh.


Unconfirmed Member
Switched to Ciel's Crescent Moon Style. Mother fucking flash kicks and sword throws. Half moon has jumping sword throws and flash kicks for a more in and out style so I got a rush down, a zoning and an in and out style here.

Game if friggin dope. BTW how the hell do you block the Dust of Osiris super with the red pillars exploding? I've tried low and high both. Do I need to perfect guard it or counter super or something to avoid it?

Also I still need to understand heat...I have no idea how to use meter yet. Also are their standardized launchers in this game like in Marvel 2 and 3 or do I just need to figure out per moveset how to get them airborn to do these really nice double jump combos I'm finding.
Heat is different for each moon so it's best to focus on a single moon when learning the mechanics to reduce confusion. Launchers are character specific, you can take a look at the MBAA PS2 page for ciel for combos

Left is old PC version, right is Steam. This one's a lot worse and is a video. Broken combos?
This one is actually a bug fix apparently. The left (old pc version) is a training mode-only bug. In normal matches ex ice combos so the right video (steam version) is working as it should.
I bought this stupid animu fighter because I think it's cool as hell (I've fiddled around with older versions) even though the only Nasu I've watched is KnK.

I played like 4 online matches which involved me getting bodied until the connection dropped and I got kicked back to the menu. A netcode patch would be a godsend.

We sharing steam id in here, can you even use them in matchmaking? I didn't bother to notice.
So it seemed interesting but wasnt sure to get it, until i saw shiki and it was 20 bucks. I have no regrets, its my first experience with the game and im absolutely loving the combat with the fun combos. I love parries and love the special where you parry in blood heat after a knockdown.Would any of you guys also recommend 'Under Night in Birth Exe Late' to me after enjoying this?


Unconfirmed Member
So it seemed interesting but wasnt sure to get it, until i saw shiki and it was 20 bucks. I have no regrets, its my first experience with the game and im absolutely loving the combat with the fun combos. I love parries and love the special where you parry in blood heat after a knockdown.Would any of you guys also recommend 'Under Night in Birth Exe Late' to me after enjoying this?

Absolutely, UNIEL is one of my favorite fighters of recent years. Although a revision is coming out soon, UNIST, so you might wanna wait for that.

On the topic of the game, I'm mostly here for the arcade story but I'm so lost, is there a summary I can read somewhere? Like, what the fuck is a TATARI?


For some reason, I always thought this game had characters from the Fate/ universe. Now that I actually watched Fate Stay Night and Fate/Zero, I wish it did. I remember playing a Japanese version of this on PC years and years ago, but it kept crashing and all the errors were in Japanese so I gave up. I put it on my wishlist, but definitely going to wait for a sale.

I heard they used delay based netcode instead of rollback too because of steamworks or something. That stinks.
Absolutely, UNIEL is one of my favorite fighters of recent years. Although a revision is coming out soon, UNIST, so you might wanna wait for that.

Im glad i asked because i was about to get it. Im always down to wait for a revised version and i hope itll have a chance to get on the ps4.
So it seemed interesting but wasnt sure to get it, until i saw shiki and it was 20 bucks. I have no regrets, its my first experience with the game and im absolutely loving the combat with the fun combos. I love parries and love the special where you parry in blood heat after a knockdown.Would any of you guys also recommend 'Under Night in Birth Exe Late' to me after enjoying this?
Absolutely. One of my favorite fighting games. Its fantastic.
I'm sad Steam is getting vanilla UNIEL

It sucks but ST isn't even announced for console at this point.
you know its happening tho
If any newbies want to pwn me play with me, feel free to add me on steam, iRAWRasaurus. However I prob wont start playing till next week :/


Fantastic, I just remembered to buy this before I went to work.

Went to start it up and nothing happened, it launches, the icon is down at the bottom saying it's running, but nothing happens.

Edit: Oh hey, it only took a whole 4 minutes for it to launch.


Transcendental Orchestra, one of two of the big Melty Blood tournaments in Japan will be taking place in a couple weeks.

The qualifiers have been basically set and there should be a stream and I will post it or make a thread if people are interested in seeing some of the best player teams, such as GO1, go head to head in MBAACC.

There is youtube footage and nico footage of past Transcendental Orchestra if you search for it.


Er... this just isn't my cup of tea. Sorry guys, I'll stick to fighting games that are slow and simple enough for my dumb bear-brain to keep up with.


It feels so good to dunk with Kouma again. I don't have time to try out any of the netplay today though, so that'll have to wait.


Holy Shit this Nrvnqsr Chaos guy is like Zato 1 and Testament's moveset blended together! His normals are enormous and his launcher combos are sweet! Plus the crow super after a knockdown is just nasty because I can throw it and lock them down and teleport with his forward dash behind them for a mixup. And the damage is solid. Enjoying his Fullmoon the most right now though Crescent Moon's combos felt nice too.

Definitely a dude I'm marking as one I'll be using often.


irresponsible vagina leak
Er... this just isn't my cup of tea. Sorry guys, I'll stick to fighting games that are slow and simple enough for my dumb bear-brain to keep up with.

Is not that complicated. Give it a bit more time to let things sink.
I've been messing with the arcade mode and the game just crashed after I beat the final boss >.>

So I was playing with P. Ciel using Crescent Moon style and just decided to change to Full Moon, and was surprised by how different her moves were. There is a lot of depth to this game.


Sketchbook Picasso
Holy Shit this Nrvnqsr Chaos guy is like Zato 1 and Testament's moveset blended together! His normals are enormous and his launcher combos are sweet! Plus the crow super after a knockdown is just nasty because I can throw it and lock them down and teleport with his forward dash behind them for a mixup. And the damage is solid. Enjoying his Fullmoon the most right now though Crescent Moon's combos felt nice too.

Definitely a dude I'm marking as one I'll be using often.

He really reminds me of Kudlak from Chaos Code, if you've ever played that. The rhythm of some of his combos sound almost exactly the same, lol.

Today's toying for me was with Aoko. So far liking whichever form gives her lasers. There's something oddly pleasing about watching a casually dressed woman punching and kicking lasers at you, all fairly effortlessly.
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