Tree of Savior |OT| Free to Play Now Open


Spent 146 hours in the last beta. Kind of wondering if I will just pay to get the earlier access and see what has changed or if I have already done enough of ToS. :D
No, mouse controls definitely go 360 degrees. I know this because I use them.

Just did the first dungeon. It's pure chaos. I opened some box and then it wanted to charge me an absurd sum to open it again. Gained 7 character levels in one go.

I just did that first dungeon for the first time yesterday too. It's got me seriously questioning my archer. I'm just not hitting remotely hard enough; the mage and the swordsman in our party were straight-up murdering everything while us archers were just plink-plunking and not doing very much. Maybe it's a mid-level thing and the class comes into it's own later?


I just did that first dungeon for the first time yesterday too. It's got me seriously questioning my archer. I'm just not hitting remotely hard enough; the mage and the swordsman in our party were straight-up murdering everything while us archers were just plink-plunking and not doing very much. Maybe it's a mid-level thing and the class comes into it's own later?
Archers are considered probably one of the best damage classes in the game at high level so either your class path is sub optimal at your level or you picked the wrong skills. I can't say for sure though as I'm not an archer myself, I just have heard all the waxing from KTos players.
Ayuuup, welcome to Tree of Talt! (Also, never pay to re-open, not worth it)

It depends. Someone on reddit did the math on the reopening chance of getting an Arde dagger, and if you spend the same ammount of money to reopen the box as you would to buy the dagger from the market, you have around 90% chance of getting one, which is pretty good.


No, mouse controls definitely go 360 degrees. I know this because I use them.

Just did the first dungeon. It's pure chaos. I opened some box and then it wanted to charge me an absurd sum to open it again. Gained 7 character levels in one go.

No they don't. Your character never has more than 8 directions of animations.
No they don't. Your character never has more than 8 directions of animations.

No, you do. Just because the animation only faces eight directions doesn't mean the actual motion can't occur in any vector. I don't know why you're insisting on this. Do I need to record a gif to prove this? You can prove it to yourself by clicking the mouse option.


Did anyone said Luchador/Matador?



No, you do. Just because the animation only faces eight directions doesn't mean the actual motion can't occur in any vector. I don't know why you're insisting on this. Do I need to record a gif to prove this? You can prove it to yourself by clicking the mouse option.

Sure, barely moving a bit sideways. The 8 directions are far more sensitive that it never actually feels like the in between direction does anything.

I play mouse, I play keyboard. I one hand eat while mouse clicking. I know what you're talking about, but it really doesn't matter because dpad, wasd, arrow keys are superior for this game as it is how it was designed.


Hmm I am debating on what to take at rank 6.

Cleric -> Krivis -> bokor c3 -> X -> plague Doctor.

Thinking either pardoner, Druid or cleric c2 for pure support
Found a spontoon recipe and just took a few minutes to farm up the wendigo tooths. The crafting is killing me with the low mob count though...


Looks good; I might have to give this a shot when it hits F2P. What's the respec story like? I love seeing all those class options, but if I've gotta reroll to try them out/rectify a mistake I become a sad panda...


Looks good; I might have to give this a shot when it hits F2P. What's the respec story like? I love seeing all those class options, but if I've gotta reroll to try them out/rectify a mistake I become a sad panda...

You can respec skills with a cash shop item. But one stat points reset is the top founder pack item (just one) and none currently in the cash shop.

Changing classes is a complete no.


I heard most of the game's music, but going into Delmore Manor area the first time, man that music is epic. Trying to find the track name.

See post #351. My favorite tracks in Orsha are in that area, see if one of those are the ones you're looking for.


Apparently some guy explained how to reproduce a fraud and get free founder packs on the official forum.
Good luck IMC cleaning that mess if it's true.

EDIT : IMC response

Greetings, Saviors.

It has recently come to our attention through our forums and other channels that some players are allegedly acquiring Tree of Savior DLC and Tokens illegally through Steam.

From the data collected thus far, we do not consider this to be a major concern as of yet, but we are discussing the issue thoroughly with Valve officials to figure out the source of the problem and prevent further cases of abuse from taking place.

What we can say right now is that the problem in question seems to be confined to a few isolated cases processed through Steam's Brazilian store and is related to its payment system, meaning it is out of our direct scope of action.

We will, however, be implementing our own countermeasures to help prevent this type of fraud. More details on this will be announced soon.

Finally, we would like to warn that any users proven to have abused Steam systems with malicious intent will be subject to permanent sanctions.

We sincerely appreciate the concern of those who have been reporting similar cases of fraud and will keep you updated on the issue as soon as new information on it is available.

IMC Staff


Just had to be Brazilians.

You know, I wonder who the hell is buying all this silver. The shit is so easy to make. Why are there so many dumb and lazy people in the world?


I always get disconnected and can't get back on. Is this normal?

The game is sorta laggy and I don't feel the combat.

I'm a bit disappointed but I will try a bit on the weekend. I only played for 2 hours or so


Canadians burned my passport
Levelling a pure support priest is so damn miserable. Took me forever to kill a flying boss
Dropping two spontoon recipes and the 24 tooths needed o craft both, so I could craft a Great Spontoon, was hell.

Yeah luckily i got an another spontoon recipe from the spiders in the next areas but farming the tooths was so hard especially with all the people questing. Kind of sad I don't like seeing people around because they take away my mobs...


Exploit doesn't concern me that much -- super easy to track if Steam provides the tools and it didn't actually add silver to the market. The worst thing that might've happened is some high-end enchanted headgears entered the market, but they're either stuck to a character or will eventually become.

I always get disconnected and can't get back on. Is this normal?

The game is sorta laggy and I don't feel the combat.

I'm a bit disappointed but I will try a bit on the weekend. I only played for 2 hours or so

Being disconnected frequently isn't normal, except maybe if you're trying to enter instance dungeons.


Canadians burned my passport
So when is the discount on the founders packages supposed to go live?

EDIT: I see its the 21st


Is there still an appetite to create a GAF guild? Or are we waiting to see if F2P attracts the numbers? I'd be up for for joining; although I'm playing on Fedimian at the moment and wondering whether it's worth taking advantage of a transfer to Klaipeda.

also: bot ban, hurrahh, hope IMC keep on top of it.

a few more days until f2p. can't wait.

I'm hoping that the 350-400k tokens in my storage box will skyrocket in price. Although having said that, I've struggled to find anything interesting to buy on the market. I mean, once you've got neko mimi what else is there?
Probably gonna stay off the game when it goes f2p. Gonna see what plans IMC has for f2p otherwise theres gonna be some server issues.



Primary things:

1) Acknowledges the removal of regional pricing. For those unaware, the prices for the Founder's Packs were changed to be direct conversion, instead of the previous method where local wages and living expenses were taken into account. This results in a large price increase for some areas.

2) Announces that the 30% discount sale is going to actually be a 50% discount sale now and that the contents of the packs will not be changed. You will also be able to repurchase whatever packs you may have bought already at their discounted prices.

3) Announces a South American server. Once the SEA and EU server transfers are out of the way, Orsha and Klaipeda players will be able to request transfer to the SA server.

4) After F2P launch, prices of things will be altered for the SA and SEA servers. This seems to be in order to account for the negative impact of #1. Since the Tokens from those servers won't be able to make their way to the other servers, the lower prices won't negatively affect the other economies like they technically do now.

5) F2P launch has been pushed back to early-mid May, no exact details yet.


Canadians burned my passport
CAN they fix the performance?

I'm not sure how the teams are distributed, but wouldn't it be up up for the kToS team to do that kind of fix? I have no idea.

But yeah it's a major issue since GvG is basically unplayable right now.

Shame because aside from this, IMC have been doing a great job so far in being open and communicative at resolving issues.



Primary things:

1) Acknowledges the removal of regional pricing. For those unaware, the prices for the Founder's Packs were changed to be direct conversion, instead of the previous method where local wages and living expenses were taken into account. This results in a large price increase for some areas.

2) Announces that the 30% discount sale is going to actually be a 50% discount sale now and that the contents of the packs will not be changed. You will also be able to repurchase whatever packs you may have bought already at their discounted prices.

3) Announces a South American server. Once the SEA and EU server transfers are out of the way, Orsha and Klaipeda players will be able to request transfer to the SA server.

4) After F2P launch, prices of things will be altered for the SA and SEA servers. This seems to be in order to account for the negative impact of #1. Since the Tokens from those servers won't be able to make their way to the other servers, the lower prices won't negatively affect the other economies like they technically do now.

5) F2P launch has been pushed back to early-mid May, no exact details yet.

Boo. Maybe I should just pay for the Founder's thing.
Holy damn. Due to regional pricing being removed, the 50% discount almost has no fucking effect at all.

If it weren't for the fraudalent actions of certain people, this would not have happen.

I am actually a bit happy that they postponed F2P. I can only imagine maps being filled with 100 bots and one human player once it becomes free.

I am predicting about half a year, maybe, before I am out. Unless they add something like an untradable super premium token (Premium-only Channel, +100% EXP, 75% off on Attribute cost or something) etc that doesn't break the wallet.


Regional pricing in Russia/CIS countries is just insane. Full priced AAA games launch anywhere in the 1500-2000 RUB region, yet they've made the highest tier founder pack 3,100 RUB~.


Regional pricing in Russia/CIS countries is just insane. Full priced AAA games launch anywhere in the 1500-2000 RUB region, yet they've made the highest tier founder pack 3,100 RUB~.

Technically, it's removal of regional pricing. It's become direct conversion, with the base price being USD. And the reasoning behind this is there's nothing stopping someone from using a different region to get cheaper stuff, some of the regional pricing was so far removed from the original that it's pretty crazy. On one hand, that's fine because it takes into account cost of living and local wages etc. On the other, like I said people could fake their region and buy stuff for really cheap. This becomes a problem when 1) it's making it that much cheaper for RMT to set up bots, but that would become irrelevant when it goes F2P anyway but 2) it means the value of a Token isn't standardized, despite it having an impact on the economy

If a pack is less than half the base price technically in one region, or even a fourth, then people using that regional price to buy TP and thus Tokens is going to be a problem.

So, the new solution is that when F2P goes live, there will be some special DLC pricing for the SA and SEA servers, where what is purchased can only be claimed on those servers, because the price increase is truly crazy for them. I'm going to assume other situations will likely be handled similarly.

It's tricky, because it does hurt people to go this route. But there are also negative effects if you leave it be. It's not really fair when someone can fake their region and get things for half or less as much as other people. Especially when one of the things you can acquire gives you an advantage in the market. Somebody loses either way, though, which sucks.


Discounts are up. I'll edit the OT later today or tomorrow to reflect a bunch of information changes. When F2P goes live I'll have the OT tagline updated so everyone can see.

Disappointed with the removal of regional pricing; I don't see it as 'unfair'. Other countries have different living standards. I thought Steam made it difficult to fake your region for price manipulation anyways after some issues with Russia or something.

In other news, KR got a big patch with some good stuff. Some highlights:

- Team storage no longer takes a trade and no longer lowers potential
- Buffs to Pyromancer, Thaumaturge, Featherfoot, Falconer, Monk
- PVP specific nerfs to Cryomancer, Plague Doctor, Priest

Haven't had much opportunity to play lately, lots of stuff going on and when I do have time to play games I'm trying to finish Dark Souls 3! Hopefully next month I'll get back into it and finally get to Rank 5.

Does this game have west coast servers? Like physically located.

No, and it likely never will. Sucks for us closer to west but it's still very playable.

I'm not sure how the teams are distributed, but wouldn't it be up up for the kToS team to do that kind of fix? I have no idea.

Well, it depends on what is causing the issue. If it has to do with the infrastructure, then I would assume someone at IMC is dedicated to that work with EC2 and unrelated to the Nexon version of the game. If it has to do with the way the game is coded, then it would be affecting the KR version as well (unless maybe it has way less population than ours) and be fixed by the development team within IMC either way.

At the very least there should be no wait; IMC from Korea is directly supporting the game. There's no middle-man.


Holy damn. Due to regional pricing being removed, the 50% discount almost has no fucking effect at all.

If it weren't for the fraudalent actions of certain people, this would not have happen.


I remember GAF was all about VPNing into India for cheaper games on Origin. This practice ruins it for everyone.
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