I'm really interested to see whatever it is. Looks like a lot of work has gone into that set so I'm guessing it's going to be a regular thing.
Edit: I've decided that I hope it's just an hour every week of Pablo Hidalgo debunking fan theories.
Edit2: Star Wars Twitter says it's 7 minutes every Wednesday.
Anyone read Darth Vader #20? Very dialogue heavy but also very good.
I love hamill
Gillen: [Laughs] I'm not even sure how I said it. Black Krrsantan is even worse. My biggest probable regret of the entire series is that I called him that, and I'm like, "I can't even say this character's name, and I named him!" I probably should have called him something else. [Laughs] I had trouble even spelling it to begin with. I had to look it up every time. [Laughs]
Adam Driver & Daisy Ridley trying to hide:
Their attire makes them look like they're suffering a bad hangover
Just finished Bloodline and really enjoyed it. That was probably the best Star Wars side story I have experienced so far. Author put a lot of thought and heart into the whole book. Reading the words on the pages was a movie in my head.
This is my first book since Disney took over. What other books out there would you consider essential reading?
I don't know why they couldn't have found Luke's *green* lightsaber he used in RotJ as opposed to the old blue one which Obi-Wan picked up after he defeated Anakin and later gave to Luke, which Luke lost in Empire strikes back, I believe.
Because it's the old blue one which Obi-Wan picked up after he defeated Anakin. It's "the" Skywalker saber, which Kylo feels is owed to him, with his bloodline and all.
Lost Stars by the same writer, Dark Disciple, New Dawn, and aftermath
has anyone done a 4-5-6-7 watch, not necessarily in one sitting but over a short period? Planning to do one too but im intrigued to see how tonally ep 7 sinks up or differentiates when viewed as part of the whole.
Aftermath really? I heard it was terrible from a few.
Aftermath really? I heard it was terrible from a few.
Ok, gonna read Lost Stars next. Bought the Kindle version. Anyone read Lords of the Sith? Love me some Vader.
Hey guys, the shitty EU Tie-Fighter are about to get canon again:
That Rogue One droid's body is giving me a serious Super Battle Droid vibe.
Yeah, the body looks very similar.
Hey guys. I've been looking for an image of a certain character from the EU. He was basically in full armor with lasers coming out of everywhere on his body, even his knees. It was completely ridiculous, over the top garbage but it looked hilarious and I can't find him on google.
Ok, gonna read Lost Stars next. Bought the Kindle version. Anyone read Lords of the Sith? Love me some Vader.
Episode 2 of The Star Wars show is up. CHVRCHES are on it this week.
Oh hey, so the Star Wars Show gave us our first official art of Ciena Ree.
Oh hey, so the Star Wars Show gave us our first official art of Ciena Ree.
I just checked out the first Season of Star Wars Rebels. It's ok, it definitely feels like a Disney show, but it's still Star Wars.
I assume you have already watched The Clone Wars?
Oh hey, so the Star Wars Show gave us our first official art of Ciena Ree.