Spring Anime 2016 |OT| Get a Season So Complicated

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Maturity, bitches.
I can understand people who gave up with Kagewani II, but they missed the brilliant idol episode. That was like episode of the year. I laugh just thinking about it.


This episode was so great, it kind of sucks that all I can think about is all the awesome characters we can look forward to now we're on the other side of it.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.



I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the Flame of Anor. The Dark Flame will not avail you, Flame of Udun. Go back to the shadow.


Just T

Big Order: 10

Lol well that was shit, all the way through, not one redeeming quality. There are many questions you could ask but why bother with most of them, there is only one interesting one.

Is it possible for Mayoiga to have a worse last episode?
I don't see how Kabaneri can be considered a disappointment on any level. If you liked Highschool of the Dead and Attack on Titan, I don't see how this is any worse really. If you didn't then why would you expect it to be good in the first place given the director? I think it's a bad show, but it's also hilarious, and there are much bigger disappointments this season in terms of shows where people had actual expectations for. This is like saying the next Transformers movie is a disappointment when it turns out to be "bad" (*).

(*) - Bad by the standards of snobs who don't understand the genius of Bayhem and how hard Michael Bay works on his masterpieces.

Highschool of the Dead was so bad it's good material lol. AoT was okay in my books. It dragged at points but it did a lot of things right. Kabaneri started off great and quickly deteriorated because of the dumb script and clichés they started throwing in there. This villain is the shittiest, most hilarious try-hard attempt at making a villain I've seen in a while.

I don't know, I always thought this looked like a dumb summer blockbuster type of show.

I've been more disappointed in Joker Game or My Hero Academia.

Joker Game still the most disappointing. Don't know how you can screw up with that setting.

Well Joker Game rose a red flag for me as soon as it was mentioned that it was going to be episodic. So it wasn't s bad for me, I was ready for it to turn to crap ahaha.


....why? It's cool, but how did this even come about?

Some people like to recite Homer or Shakespeare. But it's not enough, so they find works of higher level, like Fate/stay night or SAO.

Apparently he had an interview on a Chinese site and this was a joke in it. And it went viral.


I don't see how Kabaneri can be considered a disappointment on any level. If you liked Highschool of the Dead and Attack on Titan, I don't see how this is any worse really. If you didn't then why would you expect it to be good in the first place given the director? I think it's a bad show, but it's also hilarious, and there are much bigger disappointments this season in terms of shows where people had actual expectations for. This is like saying the next Transformers movie is a disappointment when it turns out to be "bad" (*).

(*) - Bad by the standards of snobs who don't understand the genius of Bayhem and how hard Michael Bay works on his masterpieces.

It's a bad show, no doubt about it, but I find it a more enjoyable show than Titan, if only because there were a lot of parts of Titan that weren't enjoyable and downright aggravating.

Transformers is terribad, and became shit from that dubstep grenade crap in the 4th movie. Fuck Bay.


Yuuki Yuuna Yuusha #9-10

Suffering is reaching critical mass.
But I have to say the world is really interesting.
This is not going to end pretty, is it?

Anyway, go Tougou!


Most of the shows this season ended up disappointing. Mayoiga, Kabaneri, Joker Game, MHA and more.

On Kabaneri, I was pretty hyped after the first two episodes and I thought that this may end up as a pretty solid show and I'll fondly remember it for its nice looks, its setting and its animation. But, too bad, that's not the case for quite a few episodes now.

I haven't kept up with Lost Village but it looks like it did not go FULL OKADA mode.
Kabaneri started out with guards literally lowering the bridge for a train full of zombies, just after establishing several preventive measures against this cataclysmic threat.

The first episode should have y'all well prepared.


JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond Is Unbreakable - 12

The best stand battle so far and an emotional conclusion to the end of the episode. I'm not going to lie though, I was half expecting
to save the day at the last moment but he really
has deteriorated so it was really touching seeing Josuke help him off the boat.


Well, I made the mistake of actually going to Anime News Network's front page before searching their encyclopedia for info on a director, and now I guess I'm spoiled on the ending of Your Lie in April because they have, as the very first thing you see when the page loads, a giant banner for a feature article on
"The Tragic Girl in Anime" about "terminally ill" characters with a picture of the female MC
. Who the fuck thought that would be a good idea for a banner?

At least I heard the show has a fair amount of needless melodrama though, so I guess I won't miss not having seen it too much. Have a ridiculous backlog of other series I need to watch as is anyway.
Well, I made the mistake of actually going to Anime News Network's front page before searching their encyclopedia for info on a director, and now I guess I'm spoiled on the ending of Your Lie in April

You kinda know what's going to happen to that character 2/3rds into the show anyway.


Most of the shows this season ended up disappointing. Mayoiga, Kabaneri, Joker Game, MHA and more.

On Kabaneri, I was pretty hyped after the first two episodes and I thought that this may end up as a pretty solid show and I'll fondly remember it for its nice looks, its setting and its animation. But, too bad, that's not the case for quite a few episodes now.

Mayoiga has people getting attacked by giant bees, giant grandmas, giant trains, giant blobs of silicone, and giant penguins, all while we have a girl trying to torture everyone and two jackasses firing flaming arrows at random people.

The show delivered.
I thought this season was pretty good. Joker Game and Kagewani II disappointed the hell out of me, but we also had surprisingly good stuff too, like Kiznaiver and Kuromukuro.


You kinda know what's going to happen to that character 2/3rds into the show anyway.
I mean, I can understand your point that it's not a last-second twist or anything, but still -- and not to get into a longer discussion about spoilerphobia or culture or whatnot -- I'm just the kind of person who likes to learn plot details as they are revealed by the story rather than ahead of time. In those studies where they asked people if being spoiled to any non-trivial degree enhances their enjoyment of a story, I would be in the lesser percentage that answers "no".


I need some advice about Berserk. I've been looking at the anime of it that has aired in the past and I want to check it out but I noticed a movie series as well that seems to cover the same stuff. What should I watch? Cheers.


I need some advice about Berserk. I've been looking at the anime of it that has aired in the past and I want to check it out but I noticed a movie series as well that seems to cover the same stuff. What should I watch? Cheers.

Watch the TV anime. Much better than the movies. You can watch the movies after since it does have an important character that the TV anime removes. Mainly the third movie.


I would like you all to view exhibit A

Aww shit


Felix Argyle VOICED by: Yui Horie

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