Screaming Meat
Unconfirmed Member
What's wrong with him?
Scrap him. They can always activate another one from the vats.
What's wrong with him?
More time to get everything lined upI'm happy with it happening next year, more time for people to regret it and problems scuppering the start.
More time to get everything lined up
.... I'm pretty sure this stupid referendum is going to bring England to it's proverbial knees anyway.
England doesn't have literal knees.
No Article 50 this year yet no second ref nor GE in a period whereby we can't negotiate?!?
Fucking good luck with that
So can the UK gov just not push the big article 50 button and just use it to be pissy to the EU indefinitely?
May said this morning Brexit means Brexit.
So much for being the best out of the bunch. She's willingly going to invoke article 50, destroy the economy of the country all for the sake of a glorified opinion poll. Screw everything.
England doesn't have literal knees.
So can the UK gov just not push the big article 50 button and just use it to be pissy to the EU indefinitely?
So I know the FTPA is basically brand new and I don't know much about the actual regular order in the House of Commons.
Basically, as I understand it, the only way for there to be elections under the FTPA, outside of the five-year term, is for the Commons to explicitly pass a no confidence motion, or to pass a motion with a supermajority calling for elections. (I don't understand why this second clause exists, since presumably if you could pass an election resolution with a supermajority you could just pass a no confidence motion with a regular majority.)
In practice, how plausible is it to pass a no confidence motion? I understand that the Tories would whip hard against it to prevent it from passing, but how hard is it to actually bring the motion up for a vote?
It wont happen until after the German elections.
I'm sure the British press will be just as critical of a Tory PM who hasn't won a GE as they were of Brown.
No Article 50 this year?
I wonder what this means for businesses, will many of them continue to hope we don't leave the EU or just move to another EU country anyway due to how much uncertainty there is before Article 50 is even triggered.
Is there even a reason for Article 50 being put off for so long? Or have they admitted that "I'll put it off so we can get our act together before we negotiate"
or something like that. Either way, the longer this goes on, the more of a joke we look to both the EU and the rest of the world.
UK: The Ultimate British Sitcom.
It's hard to know where to start with Theresa May's awful, ugly, misleading, cynical and irresponsible speech to the Conservative Party conference today.
If you haven't seen reports of it, allow me to summarise: "Immigrants are stealing your job, making you poorer and ruining your country. Never mind the facts, just feel angry at foreigners. And make me Conservative leader.
The problem with May saying things like that from a political POV is that she seems like she wants to reach out to moderate voters / disaffected Labour. That explains her signalling that she at least wants austerity-lite. Repatriation is the kind of thing that would turn off those voters really hard.
I fucking died at 'J'attends la fin de la grève' ('I'm waiting for the strike to end').Man, UK politics are a hell of a ride!
A bit farcical, maybe, so here's something to cheer you up, fellow neighbours.
Exactly. Even mentioning it is utterly vile to me. It's disgraceful that we should be playing politics with this.
So if May, Gove, Crabb - every single option is fucking awful.
Thanks a fuckload, David Cameron.
It seriously seems like they'd do far less damage if they just vetoed the referendum. Some damage is already done, but it just looks like they're willingly walking into an incinerator.
I think that mostly depends if their darling Gove wins or notI'm sure the British press will be just as critical of a Tory PM who hasn't won a GE as they were of Brown.
If EU refuses to negotiate before UK has exited and UK has to go WTO terms, it's check mate for UK.
Is he their darling?I think that mostly depends if their darling Gove wins or not
It seriously seems like they'd do far less damage if they just vetoed the referendum. Some damage is already done, but it just looks like they're willingly walking into an incinerator.
Yeah, you know what, I have absolutely no trouble imagining the tories doing this. They're already trying/have tried pretty hard at 3/6 so far!
Alot of disaffected labour want exactly that though.
Very true, silly of me to say.
Is he their darling?
Christ. For all the shit Ed M. got for being "weird", Gove can barely classify as human.
My fellow Scotsmen:
A survey from SNP on our place in Europe. The more data they have the better. Takes two minutes.
Just heard on BBC world that an MP said he would rather vote for Pol Pot than vote for Gove. lol
It seriously seems like they'd do far less damage if they just vetoed the referendum. Some damage is already done, but it just looks like they're willingly walking into an incinerator.
I really don't think Gove has any intention of winning. He's only in this race to stick the boot in Boris.
Not sure why he's done it though. As revenge for Dave and George? Because May promised him Chancellor/Foreign Sec/Brexit Tsar? Because he really was worried Boris would back down on freedom of movement?
I really don't think Gove has any intention of winning. He's only in this race to stick the boot in Boris.
Not sure why he's done it though. As revenge for Dave and George? Because May promised him Chancellor/Foreign Sec/Brexit Tsar? Because he really was worried Boris would back down on freedom of movement?
Man, UK politics are a hell of a ride!
A bit farcical, maybe, so here's something to cheer you up, fellow neighbours.
I wonder, if there's any possibility of salvation from a legal POV? Surely, between the City of London, Scotland, NI and Gibraltar, a case can be made for a judicial review to determine if invoking article 50 on the back of a glorified opinion poll is unlawful.