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The UK votes to leave the European Union |OUT2| Mayday, Mayday, I've lost an ARM

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I can't believe we're even entertaining the idea of "send 'em back!" This is what British politics in 2016 has devolved to. I'm ashamed to be British.
Thats even worse than the US. At least here we're just talking about deporting illegal immigrants (which is still terrible)
Good luck with getting NI on board, our leading party, the DUP, were firmly in the Leave camp for seemingly no good reason, and even though their own country voted otherwise, their response has been spineless and pathetic.

Seriously, I implore you to look up some of the repsonses, our first minister Arlene Foster's response has equated to patronisingly chuckling at anyone who voted Remain, saying "It's democracy though" and retweeting far-right leaning Leave voters.

Genuinely disgusting posturing, obviously sucking up to Westminster to become their new favourite home nation since Scotland is busy kicking up a fuss, as we should be too.

The DUP think that they're supporting the Union at all times, and will parrot the most English way of thinking even though Unionists are seen as an aberration by the English themselves. British, but more bastard Irish — same for the Republicans. Not Irish.

Arlene is a terrible successor to Peter whose DUP party famously vetoed same sex marriage after the country VOTED for it.

I guess you only go with referendum results when it suits your agenda.


I can't believe we're even entertaining the idea of "send 'em back!" This is what British politics in 2016 has devolved to. I'm ashamed to be British.

Anyone on the EU negotiating team is going to be laughing in the face of anyone who tables that.

"So you're going to commit the worst human rights atrocity the west has seen since WWII?"
Here's our future guys:


Courtesy of Snooper's charter's

I don't think the CCTV bus poster is too bad... I'd rather have full CCTV on a Croydon bus than without :)

109 & 250 etc yes. But it's not the buses I was talking about. Extrapolate the big brother image + "here's our future guys" + May being a likely successful candidate while also being the one who tried to force Snooper's Charter (Draft communications bill) on us, in here tenure as Home Secretary


CliffyB's Cock Holster
I can't believe we're even entertaining the idea of "send 'em back!" This is what British politics in 2016 has devolved to. I'm ashamed to be British.

Its a total dick-move but its a way of making "our problem" the EU's problem too. Brinkmanship 101: the more unthinkable the zero option becomes, the more it forces everyone to the table in order to avoid it.

From a domestic political standpoint it also works insofar as it makes the exit option even less palatable to all but the most extreme xenophobes. Which is important as sooner or later (surely?) someone must conclude that "ignoring the will of the British people" is a lesser deal than creating a shit-storm of truly biblical proportions.

Essentially all its going to take to make this whole thing "go away" is to engineer a situation where ignoring the referendum result is made to appear the best option to the electorate.


I can understand doing away with freedom of movement no I can't actually, but deporting existing EU migrants who have a life here? That's bullshit !


I think it is worth saying that as creepy as that poster is, CCTV is *hugely* popular with the public in London. It's one of the first things people ask about when we talk to them about making them feel more secure.

Don't like it myself, and it doesn't actually work, but there you go.


Gove can't think he'll win. Has May played an evil blinder? Or is there a third option in here?

Someone has knocked out Cameron, Osborne and now Boris. Whose next?


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
You can bet that May's repatriation threat will be the primary hovering threat during EU negotiations.

Sam Coates said:
T May has thrown into the mix the right of EU migrants currently in UK to stay here. Says negotiation with EU will determine this.

I don't see anything about repatriation there. Looks like simply a question about the rights of EU citizens to remain in the UK, which of course will be settled by negotiation, and of course in their favour, in return for the same deal for Brits in the EU.

Doesn't seem to be any basis for reading anything sinister into this, yet GAF has gone all aflutter.


not tag worthy
Its a total dick-move but its a way of making "our problem" the EU's problem too. Brinkmanship 101: the more unthinkable the zero option becomes, the more it forces everyone to the table in order to avoid it.

From a domestic political standpoint it also works insofar as it makes the exit option even less palatable to all but the most extreme xenophobes. Which is important as sooner or later (surely?) someone must conclude that "ignoring the will of the British people" is a lesser deal than creating a shit-storm of truly biblical proportions.

Essentially all its going to take to make this whole thing "go away" is to engineer a situation where ignoring the referendum result is made to appear the best option to the electorate.

This is my hope. But how long before someone is killed by a race attack ? Is that final straw ??

Before they say no ?

Do we need riots ?


Doesn't seem to be any basis for reading anything sinister into this, yet GAF has gone all aflutter.

Because there are some things you just *do not say* in a civilised society, and even the faintest mention of deporting several million people who arrived here legally is monstrous. Look at people who have partners from the continent here in the UK and their reactions in this thread.


Because there are some things you just *do not say* in a civilised society, and even the faintest mention of deporting several million people who arrived here legally is monstrous. Look at people who have partners from the continent here in the UK and their reactions in this thread.

Cameron said something similar, it has to be cleared up in negotiations. We shouldn't go batshit over everything because it gets used against the remain side.


I wonder, if there's any possibility of salvation from a legal POV? Surely, between the City of London, Scotland, NI and Gibraltar, a case can be made for a judicial review to determine if invoking article 50 on the back of a glorified opinion poll is unlawful on the grounds of:

1. The referendum exercise is nothing but an abuse of democracy, whose original motivation lies not in public interest, but to settle petty politics (which backfired spectacularly) on a political party. Should a nation suffer the consequences?

2. The process in itself is deeply flawed on a fundamental level. The assumption that a majority of the voting public is able to filter out and make rational decisions based on misleading claims and outrageous lies while absolving those from responsibility is just not acceptable. The exercise is a farcical one and to be held ransom to conclusions based on such flawed premises is not democracy.

The irony of your post is frankly hilarious. Not democracy is not having the good grace to accept and acknowledge a decision that doesn't go your way. I voted remain, but we lost. We're a week past now. Time to move on. This notion that somehow the opinions of 17 million people can be discarded without any consideration, and on the basis of what is at best speculative conjecture. People have been pushing to leave the EU for many years (that's why there was the referendum in the first place), so this notion that the campaign was solely responsible is a legal non-starter, as is the assertion that to enact Brexit would be detrimental to the future of the country. As the future cannot be known, it doesn't hold any weight as an argument.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Because there are some things you just *do not say* in a civilised society, and even the faintest mention of deporting several million people who arrived here legally is monstrous. Look at people who have partners from the continent here in the UK and their reactions in this thread.

Reread that Sam Coates tweet which seems to be the sole source at present. Does it say anything about deporting anyone? No it doesn't.

Cameron said something similar, it has to be cleared up in negotiations. We shouldn't go batshit over everything because it gets used against the remain side.

Exactly. For all that people are reading into it a threat to deport, it can just as easily be read as the opposite.


not tag worthy
I'm taking a 2 month ban. Too much time on here. Wasted I should been spending more time with family , and doing constructive actions in regards to Brexit preps. Anyone wanna keep in touch, just to let me know how they getting on can email at my username at hotmail . Com .

Peace out UK gaf. Take care and hopefully we get out of this pickle.
The value of that democratic decision is questionable because the referendum got hijacked by different topics which aren't related to the question of the voting.

The big flaw of such simple yes or no referendums. One of the many reason we are having a representative democracy in the most countries.


I'm taking a 2 month ban. Too much time on here. Wasted I should been spending time with family and doing constructive actions. Anyone wanna keep in touch, just to let me know how they getting on can email at my username at hotmail . Com .

Peace out UK gaf. Take care and hopefully we get out of this pickle.

Back in time for the next round of madness and the new leader.
I don't see anything about repatriation there. Looks like simply a question about the rights of EU citizens to remain in the UK, which of course will be settled by negotiation, and of course in their favour, in return for the same deal for Brits in the EU.

Doesn't seem to be any basis for reading anything sinister into this, yet GAF has gone all aflutter.

I actually joined in mid conversation and guess didn't really study it enough, it could be classed as a bit of a dodgy tweet but too early to say.


Cameron said something similar, it has to be cleared up in negotiations. We shouldn't go batshit over everything because it gets used against the remain side.

Exactly. This going to be a topic that comes up. It's a bit of a leap to presume 'OMG everyone's getting deported'.


Give me theresa may any day of the week over that clown boris. As for Gove, well he's the jeremy hunt of the education sector. Gives me nightmares

Funky Papa

Exactly. This going to be a topic that comes up. It's a bit of a leap to presume 'OMG everyone's getting deported'.
Nobody is going to risk the massive shitstorm that would result from chasing mass deportations, but it's still an utterly despicable thing to say because it emboldens an angry mass of racists that already feel vindicated by the referendum.


Skimming this thread and reading how May wants to use EU nationals as a bargaining chip is making my head spin. It's utterly inhuman, and that I regularly hear people thinking she'd make a good Prime Minister is truly frightening; May is strong-willed, but certainly by no means a good candidate to lead negotiations with the EU powerhouse. A fucking national disgrace — not that the UK hasn't disgraced itself already this last week. But, of course, she's probably going to get to helm SS Great Britain and sail us merrily into a fucking maelstrom, all because nobody in Parliament has the balls to take one for the team, and tell the electorate to take a flying shit and choke on it.

'Oh, but it would be undemocratic.' Tell that to the thousands of immigrants whose livelihoods hang in the balance; tell that to my brother who may have to relocate to mainland Europe, or possibly even lose his job; tell that to Scottish voters who overwhelmingly voted to remain in the EU; tell that to my arse, 'cos I don't give a shit. Voters don't know what is best for them, that's why we elect MPs — to make the hard decisions for us. Then again, the EU referendum was a pretty easy decision, but somehow 52% of you maroons still fucked it up. Don't worry, though, because you got to stick it to the political-class (those guys least likely to feel the brunt of the oncoming storm of arse-chocolate) and experts, whose only crime was being smarter than you.

After this leadership election, whoever is handed the Article 50 hand grenade needs to grow a pair and put it safely away. If Leave voters wish to riot, then let them riot. The police can deal with them the same way they dealt with the miners. Meanwhile, our intelligence agencies should be infiltrating and cracking down on domestic terror groups such as Britain First, because that is what they are — political assassination and training camps are not the tools of legitimate movements, but IRA wannabes.
Skimming this thread and reading how May wants to use EU nationals as a bargaining chip is making my head spin. It's utterly inhuman, and that I regularly hear people thinking she'd make a good Prime Minister is truly frightening; May is strong-willed, but certainly by no means a good candidate to lead negotiations with the EU powerhouse. A fucking national disgrace — not that the UK hasn't disgraced itself already this last week. But, of course, she's probably going to get to helm SS Great Britain and sail us merrily into a fucking maelstrom, all because nobody in Parliament has the balls to take one for the team, and tell the electorate to take a flying shit and choke on it.

'Oh, but it would be undemocratic.' Tell that to the thousands of immigrants whose livelihoods hang in the balance; tell that to my brother who may have to relocate to mainland Europe, or possibly even lose his job; tell that to Scottish voters who overwhelmingly voted to remain in the EU; tell that to my arse, 'cos I don't give a shit. Voters don't know what is best for them, that's why we elect MPs — to make the hard decisions for us. Then again, the EU referendum was a pretty easy decision, but somehow 52% of you maroons still fucked it up. Don't worry, though, because you got to stick it to the political-class (those guys least likely to feel the brunt of the oncoming storm of arse-chocolate) and experts, whose only crime was being smarter than you.

After this leadership election, whoever is handed the Article 50 hand grenade needs to grow a pair and put it safely away. If Leave voters wish to riot, then let them riot. The police can deal with them the same way they dealt with the miners. Meanwhile, our intelligence agencies should be infiltrating and cracking down on domestic terror groups such as Britain First, because that is what they are — political assassination and training camps are not the tools of legitimate movements, but IRA wannabes.

Post of the day for me


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Nobody is going to risk the massive shitstorm that would result from chasing mass deportations, but it's still an utterly despicable thing to say because it emboldens an angry mass of racists that already feel vindicated by the referendum.

Well yes. But bear in mind there's no actual evidence that May said anything of the sort at all.

Skimming this thread and reading how May wants to use EU nationals as a bargaining chip is making my head spin. It's utterly inhuman, and that I regularly hear people thinking she'd make a good Prime Minister is truly frightening; May is strong-willed, but certainly by no means a good candidate to lead negotiations with the EU powerhouse. A fucking national disgrace — not that the UK hasn't disgraced itself already this last week. But, of course, she's probably going to get to helm SS Great Britain and sail us merrily into a fucking maelstrom, all because nobody in Parliament has the balls to take one for the team, and tell the electorate to take a flying shit and choke on it.

That's not what she is reported as saying either.

Look, the rights of EU nationals in the UK need to be secured, as absent the EU treaties there is no such right. This something to be bargained for. I see nothing wrong with that, nor in potentially using this as a bargaining chip to secure identical rights for brits resident in the EU.


Its a total dick-move but its a way of making "our problem" the EU's problem too. Brinkmanship 101: the more unthinkable the zero option becomes, the more it forces everyone to the table in order to avoid it.

From a domestic political standpoint it also works insofar as it makes the exit option even less palatable to all but the most extreme xenophobes. Which is important as sooner or later (surely?) someone must conclude that "ignoring the will of the British people" is a lesser deal than creating a shit-storm of truly biblical proportions.

Essentially all its going to take to make this whole thing "go away" is to engineer a situation where ignoring the referendum result is made to appear the best option to the electorate.

But in the case that solves the domestic problem, the damage to the EU/UK relationship is irrecoverable. No one will trust UK anymore.
kind of surprised, I was hoping it was going to be Boris. didn't think he was going to chicken out.

He didn't so much as "chicken out" as get stabbed in the back by his closest ally, someone who he thought he needed by his side to secure victory.

Boris has fucked up, don't get me wrong, but what Gove has done is beyond your usual slimy politician machinations.


The DUP think that they're supporting the Union at all times, and will parrot the most English way of thinking even though Unionists are seen as an aberration by the English themselves. British, but more bastard Irish — same for the Republicans. Not Irish.

Arlene is a terrible successor to Peter whose DUP party famously vetoed same sex marriage after the country VOTED for it.

I guess you only go with referendum results when it suits your agenda.

The DUP are complete dinosaurs, it sickens me that the party leading my country are an echo chamber with a strange delusion of grandure. And it really doesn't help Sinn Fein is second in command, that makes it so easy for the DUP to soak up votes by saying " we've got to keep them'uns out of power!" Allowing both parties a free ride by doing absolutely nothing, except repeatedly blocking abortion and gay marriage.

I'm personally happy that Alliance, PBP and Greens are slowly making their way into Stormont, but the pace is all too slow for my liking. Hopefully the SDLP and UUP can get the focus back on keeping in the EU by veto, as Scotland, London and Gibraltar seem to be trying, instead of letting the DUP continually distract by saying "Sinn Fein want to get us back to the Republic, so we need to leave!"

God Arlene is an awful first minister.


Man, UK politics are a hell of a ride!

A bit farcical, maybe, so here's something to cheer you up, fellow neighbours.
[img ]http://reho.st/https://odieuxconnard.files.wordpress.com/2016/06/brexityourself1.jpg[/img]

Jokes aside, this is already happening. Now know of several people looking for a primary residence in Paris and Belgium where before that wasn't on the cards or only a second home - and these are people who take jobs and capital with them. They way they see it, even if the best case scenario happens and Brexit is scrapped, the uncertainty here will mean their property will only appreciate over there.


He didn't so much as "chicken out" as get stabbed in the back by his closest ally, someone who he thought he needed by his side to secure victory.

Boris has fucked up, don't get me wrong, but what Gove has done is beyond your usual slimy politician machinations.

Eh, he chickened out of most things before that even. He saw a way out and took it, there's no reason he can't stand right now.


Well yes. But bear in mind there's no actual evidence that May said anything of the sort at all.

That's not what she is reported as saying either.

Look, the rights of EU nationals in the UK need to be secured, as absent the EU treaties there is no such right. This something to be bargained for. I see nothing wrong with that, nor in potentially using this as a bargaining chip to secure identical rights for brits resident in the EU.

But several European leaders have already stated that the rights of UK citizens living, visiting or investing in the EU will be protected. They have signal already that that's not something that could be used in a negotiation. The details and the extent of those rights can and will be debated, but there's a stark difference in tone between: "Every UK citizen in our country will have their rights protected" and "The rights of non-uk citizens to live in the UK will be subject to negotiations with EU". Even more so in the current climate.
Eh, he chickened out of most things before that even. He saw a way out and took it, there's no reason he can't stand right now.

As of yesterday he was going to stand, with Gove, "on a unity ticket".

Gove then sold him down the river and assumed command of the sinking "leave campaign" ship, HMS Royal Fuck-Up.
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