Nope, a chapter of a book about my life.Porn?
Nope, a chapter of a book about my life.Porn?
Nope, a chapter of a book about my life.
Bucks challenging the Briscoes for the Heavyweight tag titles...looks like they're gonna unify the tag divisions, as was reported at the start of the year.
Roode needs a new finisher. Whatever it is it's weak sauce
Don't let Road Dogg hear that.
The other thing I noticed with Nia Jax, and I've noticed it a lot with the women's division but a lot of the younger/newer wrestlers in general, is how choreographed to a tee everything they do is. Their entrances are exactly the same every single time. Does anyone else think that is stupid? Nia Jax comes into the ring, stands on her mark, finds the camera and does that dumb "hand in the fist" thing every single time. It makes them look so robotic and inauthentic as characters to me. It makes me wonder if NXT is in a way the best and worst thing to happen. Getting guys/girls into the "WWE style" earlier in their development than they did before seems to kill any natural charisma or originality they might have.
She had a match where she blatantly faced torward the camera the entire time. It was a squash match ahead of her feud with Asuka. It looked so contrived.
The other thing I noticed with Nia Jax, and I've noticed it a lot with the women's division but a lot of the younger/newer wrestlers in general, is how choreographed to a tee everything they do is. Their entrances are exactly the same every single time. Does anyone else think that is stupid? Nia Jax comes into the ring, stands on her mark, finds the camera and does that dumb "hand in the fist" thing every single time. It makes them look so robotic and inauthentic as characters to me. It makes me wonder if NXT is in a way the best and worst thing to happen. Getting guys/girls into the "WWE style" earlier in their development than they did before seems to kill any natural charisma or originality they might have.
TarpitCarnivore stealing my heat, dude.
I just realized Roode, Joe and Aries are 38/39, Nakamura is around the same age and Itami is 35. Can anyone explain the idea behind signing guys this old and sticking them in NXT? Iget it and I don't, but I'm also highly suspect of them doing well on the main roster.
NXT is it's own brand rather than just being purely developmental now. HHH pretty much said it after The End.
Having guys of that calibur around to train with and have matches with is just going to bring everybodies game up.
Nakamura should just vacate the title and move on to WWE.
If NXT is no longer considered developmental, perhaps they should redesign the championship belts that scream developmental.
Nakamura should just vacate the title and move on to WWE.
NXT has become a way station for guys who belong in WWE. This pay per view highlighted how top heavy the franchise has become. I don't think it serves any purpose except for creating gridlock for the new wrestlers.
Let the newbies learn by competing against one another. Promote the grizzled veterans and free up some roster space.
NXT has become a way station for guys who belong in WWE. This pay per view highlighted how top heavy the franchise has become. I don't think it serves any purpose except for creating gridlock for the new wrestlers.
Let the newbies learn by competing against one another. Promote the grizzled veterans and free up some roster space.
While I think this is a problem, huge roster, let's look back on WCW's hayday with the mid-card. That was a STACKED mid-card and they managed to keep matches entertaining and have minimal story. Look at the TV & Cruiserweight championships just for how diverse and stacked this all was.
Part of it, for me at least, is because WCW (and to an extent NXT) don't do these overly elaborate multi-month stories. They allow matches to just be matches without stipulations. Dean could lose to Jericho one week, but then Jericho would take a loss to Eddie or Ultimo the following week. I dunno, people complain about 50/50 booking but the issue with the current 50/50 booking it's tied to heavily to a story.
That idea can't work in a hypersensitive climate like today's where if you take a clean loss you're immediately "buried" or a "jobber".
Now that kayfabe is dead no match is just a match, everything is an indictment on a characters worth.
It's amazing how much people try to overthink things, wrestlers are happily putting on a fantastic wrestling show, let's nitpick.So maybe just enjoy the matches instead of nit picking everything?
Who cares about its grander purpose. Can't you be entertained by what they present you?
There was a time where we begged to have shows like the NXT ones and now we have them the response is simply "you're doing it wrong WWE".
Fuck's sake.
I still feel that way about Raw, but i'm not nervous about guys getting called up to SD! at this moment.I dont want nakamura to go to the main roster because im afraid the creative team will ruin him
And thats a problem imo
Fuck's sake.
That five star ring gear haha;
It's fake sports. Nakamura has no say in the matter.
The Revival match against Ciampa & Gargano>>>>> both of their matches against American Alpha
Which confirms my original theory:
The Revival>American Alpha
I am now on board with this theory. I still enjoy AA, but it should say something when The Revival keep being involved in these great tag matches
That five star ring gear haha;
I have even worse news for poor Datazord.
Naito says he's committed to going after the IC belt at the Dome and doesn't think it's a step down from the heavyweight one.
Because they need to find someway to put my boy tana in the semi-main.why do i have the feeling somehow Tana ends up winning the IC belt from ELgin and then it will be Naito vs Tana at the Dome
Its really the Revival doing a lot of the dirty work in these matches. Its a lot easier to look good when your teams the one getting the hot tag.
Counterpoint: Americna Alpha did have an excellent match against Baron Corbin and Rhyno tho. Thats gotta count for soemthing.
not enough tag teams for both divisions?
The theme is my least favorite part of The Revival.The Revival deserve the praise they're getting, but man do they still look terrible. And their theme is still the worst. Makes it a challenge for me to get in on the lovefest.