"The right way" is going to be different for different people. Sorry but I just don't have time to watch 150+ episodes of stuff at this point in my life. That's why I asked here wanting to get the most out of the story I can in the most efficient way.If you going to watch U.C the right way don't skip.
UC Gundam is a journey. Why see Frodo throw the ring into Mt. Doom before he even meets the fellowship?
I at least like Unicorn better than CCA, but CCA wouldn't be what it was without what happened before it. Without the shows beforehand CCA is nothing more than two motherfuckers beefin'.I agree. Every single main UC show is worth watching. But so many people view those shows as almost obsticles that must be overcome in order to enjoy Unicorn instead of shows that are great in their own right.
I like Unicorn a lot. It's an 8 out 10 series. But frankly if you took out the world building it lifts from older shows, it would be a 6 out of 10. Its great because of the setting.
So yeah that's my point. Watch those shows because you want to, not because you feel it's necessary to watch a show that is just sort of me without its callbacks. First, zeta, zz and cca are all better than unicorn
I guess my initial post sounded that way but I've long been interested in getting into the older Gundam stuff but just don't have the time to sink in to watching EVERYTHING. I've heard the movies for Zeta are no substitute so I'm going to watch the series to get the most out of it and am thoroughly enjoying the original 0079 movies so far too.I agree. Every single main UC show is worth watching. But so many people view those shows as almost obsticles that must be overcome in order to enjoy Unicorn instead of shows that are great in their own right.
I like Unicorn a lot. It's an 8 out 10 series. But frankly if you took out the world building it lifts from older shows, it would be a 6 out of 10. Its great because of the setting.
So yeah that's my point. Watch those shows because you want to, not because you feel it's necessary to watch a show that is just sort of me without its callbacks. First, zeta, zz and cca are all better than unicorn
Is ZZ actually good? Almost every review I've read says it's a mess tonally and doesn't get compelling until after 20-odd episodes.
I guess my initial post sounded that way but I've long been interested in getting into the older Gundam stuff but just don't have the time to sink in to watching EVERYTHING. I've heard the movies for Zeta are no substitute so I'm going to watch the series to get the most out of it and am thoroughly enjoying the original 0079 movies so far too.
Is ZZ actually good? Almost every review I've read says it's a mess tonally and doesn't get compelling until after 20-odd episodes.
There is a right way and an easy way."The right way" is going to be different for different people. Sorry but I just don't have time to watch 150+ episodes of stuff at this point in my life. That's why I asked here wanting to get the most out of the story I can in the most efficient way.
Is ZZ actually good? Almost every review I've read says it's a mess tonally and doesn't get compelling until after 20-odd episodes.
YeaKeep in mind that Unicirn has more meaningful callbacks to ZZ than it does Zeta, though. If your goal is to watch Unicorn you're better off watching ZZ than you are Z.
Shinn acted like a vigilante and broke the rules, should've been court martialed, but he wasn't. Athrun was the only person that ever tried to discipline the idiot. Shinn didn't like it and everybody else coddled him.Gundam Seed Destiny Episode 16
Poor Shinn getting slapped twice by his Athrun in front of everyone. He's still my hero for the day.
You have seen the entirety of Seed Destiny before right?Gundam Seed Destiny 17
Beautiful scene and really well thought out and done to develop Shinn a bit more. Athrun speaking from experience to help keep Shinn from going down the wrong path was needed, especially after they both kept staring at each other (or in Athrun's case smiling at Shinn).
You have seen the entirety of Seed Destiny before right?
Oh dear fucking god you have no idea what's waiting for you in that back half.No, I stopped at around episode 20 two years ago.
What's your problem?There. Now you know enough to watch Unicorn without having to half ass watching three awesome shows and a pretty awesome movie.
Gundam Gaf is um...passionate about Gundam.What's your problem?
Knowing the poster they legit meant it in a way to help and it wasn't meant to be a negative.What's your problem?
Haha yeah I noticed...Gundam Gaf is um...passionate about Gundam.
I mean I've clarified several times that I am interested in watching the older stuff so it just rubs me the wrong way to be told to stop half assing it. I wish I could sit down and just watch all the series in their complete forms but I just don't have time for that alongside everything else these days. For what it's worth I'll probably end up watching ZZ at this rate too so there's that lol.Knowing the poster they legit meant it in a way to help and it wasn't meant to be a negative.
But there's nothing wrong with lesbian slashes.Knowing the poster they legit meant it in a way to help and it wasn't meant to be a negative.
When some of get going though we lose focus when talking Gundam.....or in my case lesbian slashes lol.
"The right way" is going to be different for different people. Sorry but I just don't have time to watch 150+ episodes of stuff at this point in my life. That's why I asked here wanting to get the most out of the story I can in the most efficient way.
0083 doesn't need newtypes, just pure ability. one of the best gundam series ever.I'd consider myself a big fan of Gundam, but I had watched Unicorn before watching Zeta and ZZ... and Igloo if you want to get dirty. It was really good even without all of the backstory filled in. That said, having since watched all the UC series/OVAs/etc. in chronological order, Unicorn was much better that time around.
Pro tip: whatever you read here, understand the opposite is true.
it really rough the first time. i almost didn't make it through... but once you get past the first half you begin to appreciate it more.I guess my initial post sounded that way but I've long been interested in getting into the older Gundam stuff but just don't have the time to sink in to watching EVERYTHING. I've heard the movies for Zeta are no substitute so I'm going to watch the series to get the most out of it and am thoroughly enjoying the original 0079 movies so far too.
Is ZZ actually good? Almost every review I've read says it's a mess tonally and doesn't get compelling until after 20-odd episodes.
In more positive news, my most recent pick up.
that was a pretty good write up =)Fuck it. I'm going to write a Unicorn primer.
Here is all you need to know about the Universal Century in order to understand Unicorn.
Gundam Unicorn takes place in the year UC (Universal Century 0096). Nearly 100 years before, humanity began migrating to space, living in giant space cylindrical space colonies called Sides.
In the year UC 0079, a group of colonies from Side 3 renamed itself the Principality of Zeon and launched a war of independence against the Earth Federation. This war would be called the One Year War. At the start of the war, a revolutionary new weapon called the Mobile Suit, Giant Robots, would be fielded for the first time. Zeon had mobile suits, the Earth Federation didn't. The initial fighting was particularly brutal, with the total human population dropping by half due to wanton use of WMDs. Particularly devestating was when Zeon dropped a colony on Australlia, wiping out Sydney.
Eventually the war settled into a stalemate and the Federation was able to complete development on its own mobile suits. Particularly the prototype mobile RX-78-2 Gundam. While the Federation was prepare to transport this prototype mobile suit from the space colony where it was being developed, it comes under attack. The space colony is heavily damaged and many civillians were loaded up onto a prototype battleship. Its crew was mostly killed or injured, so junior staff and civillians had to fulfill the roles of the crew and protect the battleship and the prototypes from continuous Zeon attacks.
The Gundam was piloted by a civillian named Amuro Ray. He's a bratty selfish little fuck, but he's really good at killing people. He has lightning fast reflexes that border on precognition and he's a natural with machines. The battle ship comes to be commanded by a junior officer named Bright Noa. The two butt heads a lot due to their own youth, but eventually become pretty close friends.
The person who led the initial attack on the Earth Federation is named Char Aznable. He likes to pilot red mobile suits, and he's also really good at killing people. It turns out that he's really the son Zeon Deikun, the original leader of Zeon. Zeon Deikun is a super important figure in the history of the setting but you never see much of him, at least until recnetly with Gundam the Origin. He was a philosopher/politician who preached that the humans who migrated to space would one day evolve into a "New Type" of human, who are better able to understand one another and have better spatial awareness. Zeon Deikun died mysteriously, and rumors persist that he was assassinated by Degwin Zabi, his friend and second in command. Degwin Zabi and his family are the current rulers of Zeon. Char changed his identity and joined the war effort in order get close to the Zabis and take them out from within.
Throughout the war Amuro and Char clash numerous times throughout the war and build a pretty intense rivalry. At first, Amuro is able to survive due to the power of his machine, but over time his abilities develop and he awakens as a Newtype. Their rivalry comes to a head when Amuro accidentally kills Char's protege, a young woman named Lalah Sune. Amuro, Char and Lalah all share a connection as Newtypes and her death is extremely traumatic to both Amuro and Char.
The war ends with the death of the Zabi family. The remaining loyalists flee to an asteroid in the asteroid belt called Axis.
In UC 0083, a new faction within the government is formed. The Titans. They're a fascist force that rules space with an iron fist, committing endless atrocities against the spacenoids. In UC 0086, an anti-Titans force is formed called the AEUG (Anti-Earth Union Group). Both Bright Noa and Char are members of this faction and fight along side each other as they take on the Titans. During the civil war, the Zeon Loyalists from Axis return. The Zeon loyalists are led by a woman named Haman Karn, who is the regent of Mineva Zabi, the sole remaining member of the Zabi family. A three-way battle at a giant laser built within a Space Colony erupts. During the battle, the Titans are utterly annihilated. The AUEG took heavy loses and is forced to lay low. Char goes missing during the battle.
Axis Zeon is in good condition after the battle. With the Titans wiped out and the AEUG in no position to stop them, AZ launch operations on earth, taking control of the Federation's capital at Dakar. Eventually the AEUG is able to rebuild itself and launches a battle ship called the Nahel Argama to stand against the Axis threat.
Despite its victories, Axis defeats itself from within. Haman is betrayed by a dude named Glemy Toto, who has built up his own faction within Axis and cloned a bunch of lolis named Ple (pronounced Pull). Glemy is killed by this chick he's into. Haman kills basically kills herself.
All is peaceful for a few years. Then all of a sudden Char reemerges. In secret, he had been rebuilding Axis Zeon as Neo Zeon. He has owned up to his father's name and came up with a plan to drop Axis on the earth, plunging it into a nuclear winter and forcing all of humanity into space. Amuro Ray and Bright Noa, who are now members of a new Federation unit called Londo Bell, which is made up of mostly former AEUG members attempt to stop Char from achieving this goal. Amuro and Char have a pretty fucking awesome duel, which culminates with Amuro's Nu Gundam (which is the best looking Gundam by the way) curb stomping Char's Sazabi. By this point, Axis is now free falling towards earth. Amuro and Char continue their duel and it comes out that Char basically started this shit because he was still butt hurt over Amuro killing Lalah and she was supposed to be a mother to him. To this, Amuro replies "Wait.. what?"
At that moment,a brilliant green glow erupts from the Nu Gundam. The Nu Gundam's cockpit had been built with something called a psychoframe, which amplifies and enhances a New Type's psychowaves. The green glow is a manifestation of this power and it's enough to push back Axis. The glow is seen all over the Earth sphere.
Unicorn takes place three years later.
There. Now you know enough to watch Unicorn without having to half ass watching three awesome shows and a pretty awesome movie.
just gundam passion =) no harm meantWhat's your problem?
Well I just hope ya enjoy whatever you watchHaha yeah I noticed...
I mean I've clarified several times that I am interested in watching the older stuff so it just rubs me the wrong way to be told to stop half assing it. I wish I could sit down and just watch all the series in their complete forms but I just don't have time for that alongside everything else these days. For what it's worth I'll probably end up watching ZZ at this rate too so there's that lol.
Started on the second movie during lunch and it's good so far. Not gripping me as much as the opening hour of the first did, but it's still a good watch.
What's your problem?
Amuro's Nu Gundam (which is the best looking Gundam by the way)
No worries, I get that you guys are passionate about the series and it's been a series that I've been trying to get into for ages. It is quite a daunting backlog though, which is why it is nice for me to be able to cut corners in some ways (Otherwise I will either be at it for years or just give up in all likelihood).Sorry dude, didn't really mean to sound as rough or pointed as I did with that last comment.
More or less just wanted to write up that because the conversation sparked a fire. It wasn't really you or anything you said that sparked it.
You see a lot of people coming in and saying stuff like "what do I need to see to watch gundam unicorn", which is just so odd to me. Like I mentioned earlier, it's good because it builds upon shows, characters and situations that are all great. Those shows deserve to be wathe in their entirety. To me, this is like asking "which episodes of breaking bad are worth watching so I can understand Better Call Saul".
I mean, I get not having time. I feel that to. But to me, it's just better off watching 1 episode a week than it is watching the movies (particularly the zeta movies) and cherry picking zz. To me, if you're in such a hurry to get to unicorn you might as well read a summary like mine or a wiki article.
This! Don't try to cram more than 2 decades in a year.Sorry dude, didn't really mean to sound as rough or pointed as I did with that last comment.
More or less just wanted to write up that because the conversation sparked a fire. It wasn't really you or anything you said that sparked it.
You see a lot of people coming in and saying stuff like "what do I need to see to watch gundam unicorn", which is just so odd to me. Like I mentioned earlier, it's good because it builds upon shows, characters and situations that are all great. Those shows deserve to be wathe in their entirety. To me, this is like asking "which episodes of breaking bad are worth watching so I can understand Better Call Saul".
I mean, I get not having time. I feel that to. But to me, it's just better off watching 1 episode a week than it is watching the movies (particularly the zeta movies) and cherry picking zz. To me, if you're in such a hurry to get to unicorn you might as well read a summary like mine or a wiki article.
I call Banagher "Banana" for two reason. 1. I'm rarely in the mood to spell his name properly. 2. Dude's fucking boring. Best part of him is his Kamille Bidan haircut, but he's just not as good with the ladies.
Banagher looks amazing cause he's a UC protag, those dudes look awesome by default. All of them are some fly ass motherfuckers. Banagher didn't even have a harem. Go watch Zeta, for the true harem Gundam experience.Banagher is not boring! Hes the most well spoken of the protags Ive encountered. And he looks amazing.
I honestly think Banagher just did stuff to follow a trope. I don't hate him, it's just that none of what he did seemed like stuff he wanted to do, he didn't seem to have any unique quirks or anything like that either like Kamille with hating his fucking name and nail biting.Banagher is alright. He's a little bit too fucking wishy washy though. His actions during the Shamblo battle are frustrating as fuck. Not that I expect him to kill her. BUT he was just standing there. He wasnt taking any action at all, one wat or another. And he certainly wasn't standing up for his ideals. He was indecisive.
The show go's out of his way of making him "right". He's a little too perfect in the context of the show. He reminds me of a CE hero in that regard
Fuck it. I'm going to write a Unicorn primer.
Here is all you need to know about the Universal Century in order to understand Unicorn.
Gundam Unicorn takes place in the year UC (Universal Century 0096). Nearly 100 years before, humanity began migrating to space, living in giant space cylindrical space colonies called Sides.
In the year UC 0079, a group of colonies from Side 3 renamed itself the Principality of Zeon and launched a war of independence against the Earth Federation. This war would be called the One Year War. At the start of the war, a revolutionary new weapon called the Mobile Suit, Giant Robots, would be fielded for the first time. Zeon had mobile suits, the Earth Federation didn't. The initial fighting was particularly brutal, with the total human population dropping by half due to wanton use of WMDs. Particularly devestating was when Zeon dropped a colony on Australlia, wiping out Sydney.
Eventually the war settled into a stalemate and the Federation was able to complete development on its own mobile suits. Particularly the prototype mobile RX-78-2 Gundam. While the Federation was prepare to transport this prototype mobile suit from the space colony where it was being developed, it comes under attack. The space colony is heavily damaged and many civillians were loaded up onto a prototype battleship. Its crew was mostly killed or injured, so junior staff and civillians had to fulfill the roles of the crew and protect the battleship and the prototypes from continuous Zeon attacks.
The Gundam was piloted by a civillian named Amuro Ray. He's a bratty selfish little fuck, but he's really good at killing people. He has lightning fast reflexes that border on precognition and he's a natural with machines. The battle ship comes to be commanded by a junior officer named Bright Noa. The two butt heads a lot due to their own youth, but eventually become pretty close friends.
The person who led the initial attack on the Earth Federation is named Char Aznable. He likes to pilot red mobile suits, and he's also really good at killing people. It turns out that he's really the son Zeon Deikun, the original leader of Zeon. Zeon Deikun is a super important figure in the history of the setting but you never see much of him, at least until recnetly with Gundam the Origin. He was a philosopher/politician who preached that the humans who migrated to space would one day evolve into a "New Type" of human, who are better able to understand one another and have better spatial awareness. Zeon Deikun died mysteriously, and rumors persist that he was assassinated by Degwin Zabi, his friend and second in command. Degwin Zabi and his family are the current rulers of Zeon. Char changed his identity and joined the war effort in order get close to the Zabis and take them out from within.
Throughout the war Amuro and Char clash numerous times throughout the war and build a pretty intense rivalry. At first, Amuro is able to survive due to the power of his machine, but over time his abilities develop and he awakens as a Newtype. Their rivalry comes to a head when Amuro accidentally kills Char's protege, a young woman named Lalah Sune. Amuro, Char and Lalah all share a connection as Newtypes and her death is extremely traumatic to both Amuro and Char.
The war ends with the death of the Zabi family. The remaining loyalists flee to an asteroid in the asteroid belt called Axis.
In UC 0083, a new faction within the government is formed. The Titans. They're a fascist force that rules space with an iron fist, committing endless atrocities against the spacenoids. In UC 0086, an anti-Titans force is formed called the AEUG (Anti-Earth Union Group). Both Bright Noa and Char are members of this faction and fight along side each other as they take on the Titans. During the civil war, the Zeon Loyalists from Axis return. The Zeon loyalists are led by a woman named Haman Karn, who is the regent of Mineva Zabi, the sole remaining member of the Zabi family. A three-way battle at a giant laser built within a Space Colony erupts. During the battle, the Titans are utterly annihilated. The AUEG took heavy loses and is forced to lay low. Char goes missing during the battle.
Axis Zeon is in good condition after the battle. With the Titans wiped out and the AEUG in no position to stop them, AZ launch operations on earth, taking control of the Federation's capital at Dakar. Eventually the AEUG is able to rebuild itself and launches a battle ship called the Nahel Argama to stand against the Axis threat.
Despite its victories, Axis defeats itself from within. Haman is betrayed by a dude named Glemy Toto, who has built up his own faction within Axis and cloned a bunch of lolis named Ple (pronounced Pull). Glemy is killed by this chick he's into. Haman kills basically kills herself.
All is peaceful for a few years. Then all of a sudden Char reemerges. In secret, he had been rebuilding Axis Zeon as Neo Zeon. He has owned up to his father's name and came up with a plan to drop Axis on the earth, plunging it into a nuclear winter and forcing all of humanity into space. Amuro Ray and Bright Noa, who are now members of a new Federation unit called Londo Bell, which is made up of mostly former AEUG members attempt to stop Char from achieving this goal. Amuro and Char have a pretty fucking awesome duel, which culminates with Amuro's Nu Gundam (which is the best looking Gundam by the way) curb stomping Char's Sazabi. By this point, Axis is now free falling towards earth. Amuro and Char continue their duel and it comes out that Char basically started this shit because he was still butt hurt over Amuro killing Lalah and she was supposed to be a mother to him. To this, Amuro replies "Wait.. what?"
At that moment,a brilliant green glow erupts from the Nu Gundam. The Nu Gundam's cockpit had been built with something called a psychoframe, which amplifies and enhances a New Type's psychowaves. The green glow is a manifestation of this power and it's enough to push back Axis. The glow is seen all over the Earth sphere.
Unicorn takes place three years later.
There. Now you know enough to watch Unicorn without having to half ass watching three awesome shows and a pretty awesome movie.
The TV series is just the Unicorn OVAs cut up into episodes. Outside of some very minor cleanups, it's the exact same animation.Great summary. I loved the "Wait...what?" thing.
I never ZZ but I did enjoy the Unicorn movies.
So they're doing a TV series of Unicorn? Does it have good animation like the OVA? Is it worth watching?
Also if anyone wants to have a Gundam chat.
If only more people could understand that.
Hey, people here are rough, have equally good and terrible opinions, but it's a much better place than, say, /m/. Or Gamefaqs, where you'd have to deal with a criticism-deaf piece of shit troll that spams his wishlists, brags about buying kits but never builds a fucking thing, and other stupid shit. Fuck, I'd rather read DTL's posts than deal with that.
... And I had a long day at school and work and had a stiff drink, pardon the rant lol.
Edit: Though sometimes on /m/ you find gems (well, that depends on your sense of humor/irony/ect.) like this:
The TV series is just the Unicorn OVAs cut up into episodes. Outside of some very minor cleanups, it's the exact same animation.
Yup, it's 4chan bad/insensitive joke.
Zeta is still the best Gundam series there is imo. No one should skip that.