ILikeFeet said:
god damn. I go to bed with only 4 pages and now it's 9? wtf GAF?
We're only on page five...
Dascu said:
Easy bosses and enemies mean:
- Short fights.
- Repetitive fights.
- You can just carelessly mess around without really taking the time to study the boss/enemy's behaviour and attack patterns.
So, it's not as much that I want enemy attacks to do more damage, or that Link should have less health. I just want fights that are more interesting and engaging, and upping the difficulty or making the battle require some more strategy is a good way to do it.
I don't think upping the difficulty would change the repetivenes of boss fights, if they all still follow the three-hit rule, then that won't change.
I agree with adding more strategy in fights, but I would rather have an interesting fight that is one hit and the boss is dead, rather then just upping the damage and health of the enemy. I would prefer some epic horse riding fight, dodging trees and so on during it, and then finally landing the hit into the boss and having him die.
But yes, strategy and unique design rather then damage/health difficulty. I just think it's something that needs to be said more specifically. Because many just leaps to "more damage and health" because that is what all games does when you pick the hard difficulty in a game.
Twig said:
You're right. Let's just get rid of health altogether and make Link invincible. Fairies? WHO NEEDS 'EM. In fact, let's just make Link move on his own.
In fact, let's just make a Zelda movie and call it a day. Fuck games. They're not about gameplay at all. They're about experience.
To each his own. I don't care shit about the gameplay and hard boss fights. I care about the experience and making a immersive world with a story that brings emotions and genuine interest in the world to the player. I would always pick story over gameplay in any situation.
Some people are ludologists, others are narrotologists. I'm the latter.