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What we know about Legend of Zelda Wii prior to E3 2010


ShockingAlberto said:
I doubt we'll ever get another cel-shaded Zelda on consoles, not after Wind Waker's backlash.

It came at a bad time and basically confirmed all the "Nintendo is kiddy" complaints people had.

I really really hope not, Nintendo has never listened to its fans, it would be even sadder if they decided to listen only this one complain which is the most asinine you can give about the game.


I'll just post this for zhe lulz, don't know if it's old


User: If you could have one game company release any game you requested, what would it be?

G4: More than anything we like to see interesting new IPs. The games that have gotten people the most excited around here are game changers like LittleBigPlanet and the first Gears Of War. But if we had to pick a game, then we would want BioWare to make an RPG based on the Zelda series. Nintendo waters down their RPGS whereas BioWare excels at fleshing out an RPG into a 80 hour game. It would be Zelda but for a more mature gamer.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Vinterbird said:
Gears tried to be mature with the Maria sub-plot, and by positive direction I do indeed mean selling well and getting picked up by the general gaming popolus, and not just being banished to a corner of GDC where everyone forgets about them half an hour after the GAF thread has been made.

Yeeaah, and so what if Gears tried to be mature? Tons of games have, since forever, and most have failed. Its no different from the film industry. Immature rubbish will still sell extremely well, while the deeper stuff will rarely eclipse it regardless of its quality.

I just dont see your point. I can see your preference, and your taste, but I dont see the impact on maturity, or the industry, that you're hoping will happen.

You either want mature stories, in which case I tell you they already exist, and have for a very long time, long before the likes of Heavy Rain and Braid. And the mature story games of the past have still, in many cases, sold very well and been appreciated in the right circles.

Or, you want deeper, philosophical games like Braid that explore creative ways to tell interesting stories and send a message. In which case Heavy Rain is not an example of this in the slightest, as its a pretty by-the-books story, and again games in the past (see: Silent Hill 2) have done extremely similar things and sold well.

And in neither case is the industry moved significantly forward towards maturity, because in both cases the situation now is no different than it was years ago.

If you dream of a day where immature gore-filled teenage wank like Gears wont be in the spotlight, then I'm terribly sorry to disappoint you but its never going to happen, just like it has never happened in any other entertainment medium.

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
Dungeon design. Dungeon design. Who in the world could ever develop a dungeon like the 3D Zelda team. Certainly not Bioware.


Dascu said:
Jesus fuckity Christ

Are these guys for real?

Afterall, Mario needs a story.

Edit: maybe we should make G4 a drinking game. Everytime they something stupid, we take a swig. But that's dangerous cause we would get alcohol poisoning
Sadist said:

I'd love to give a "lulz", but my lord, this is the most terrifying (Zelda-related) idea I've ever seen. Please note, I'm not saying Bioware makes bad games. I find them boring beyond belief, but my brother swears by them. But we'd both agree that Bioware is completly inappropriate for creating a Zelda game. It's not an RPG, and thank God for that.

A GOOD idea might be for Nintendo to collaborate with Capcom on a full-fledged console game. Their 3 portable Zelda games were quite good, and so was Okami.


I want my Zelda to be as hard as Demons Souls, with zero opportunities for cheesing bosses and such.

No fucking "go here", "do this", "waggle like so".
No fucking overworld map.
No fucking dungeon map.
No fucking infinitely-spawning rupees.
No easy enemies.
Lots of dying.

Just fucking tell me that Ganon's up to his usual bullshit again, and I'll handle the rest.
Leondexter said:
I'd love to give a "lulz", but my lord, this is the most terrifying (Zelda-related) idea I've ever seen. Please note, I'm not saying Bioware makes bad games. I find them boring beyond belief, but my brother swears by them. But we'd both agree that Bioware is completly inappropriate for creating a Zelda game. It's not an RPG, and thank God for that.

A GOOD idea might be for Nintendo to collaborate with Capcom on a full-fledged console game. Their 3 portable Zelda games were quite good, and so was Okami.

Nintendo should co-make a game with the director of Resident Evil 4.

It could be edgy without being too gory.


so g4 suggest to kill off the zelda series entirely in the japanese market

by letting it be made by a gaijin company and letting it being published by EA

good suggestion g4 good suggestion

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
A GOOD idea might be for Nintendo to collaborate with Capcom on a full-fledged console game. Their 3 portable Zelda games were quite good, and so was Okami.

Do you know that Hidemaro Fujibayashi, the director and lead designer of the Oracle and Minis Cap series joined EAD like 4 years ago? Another guy from the team did too.


Mudkips said:
I want my Zelda to be as hard as Demons Souls, with zero opportunities for cheesing bosses and such.

No fucking "go here", "do this", "waggle like so".
No fucking overworld map.
No fucking dungeon map.
No fucking infinitely-spawning rupees.
No easy enemies.
Lots of dying.

Just fucking tell me that Ganon's up to his usual bullshit again, and I'll handle the rest.
Demon's Soul? Fuck that.

I want Zelda to be like Zelda and be the best action-adventure series in gaming.
Mudkips said:
I want my Zelda to be as hard as Demons Souls, with zero opportunities for cheesing bosses and such.

No fucking "go here", "do this", "waggle like so".
No fucking overworld map.
No fucking dungeon map.
No fucking infinitely-spawning rupees.
No easy enemies.
Lots of dying.

Just fucking tell me that Ganon's up to his usual bullshit again, and I'll handle the rest.
You can actually cheese several bosses in Demon's Souls (maybe you meant "...as hard as Demon's Souls, but with zero...")

Demon's Souls has rather linear levels so a map isn't really necessary but I think a 3D Zelda with multiple floor dungeons should have maps, though I wouldn't be against creating them yourself as you play, so you have to explore to make the map but once you do you have a reference.

I'd welcome more difficulty (more aggressive enemies) and more possibilities as far as choosing your next goal (dungeon).
Shikamaru Ninja said:
Do you know that Hidemaro Fujibayashi, the director and lead designer of the Oracle and Minis Cap series joined EAD like 4 years ago? Another guy from the team did too.

No, I didn't. Interesting.

methodman said:
Demon's Soul? Fuck that.

I want Zelda to be like Zelda and be the best action-adventure series in gaming.

He's just talking about difficulty. And Zelda most certainly needs a difficulty boost.


Zelda is difficult enough. People should keep in mind that difficulty for Nintendo is not more damage and less hearts, is puzzles and item use. The temple of the ocean King is the example of Zelda being difficult, and unfortunately is not the kind of difficulty people like.


Leondexter said:
No, I didn't. Interesting.

He's just talking about difficulty. And Zelda most certainly needs a difficulty boost.

Ah yeah, I always overreact when it comes to Zelda. Sorry about that Mudkips.


mantidor said:
Zelda is difficult enough. People should keep in mind that difficulty for Nintendo is not more damage and less hearts, is puzzles and item use. The temple of the ocean King is the example of Zelda being difficult, and unfortunately is not the kind of difficulty people like.
The puzzles are as easy as connecting the dots on my freshman roommates's zit-ridden back.

It makes a dong.

The puzzles are dong easy.

(They are not hard for anyone who's played Zelda games since the beginning. At all.)


methodman said:
Demon's Soul? Fuck that.

I want Zelda to be like Zelda and be the best action-adventure series in gaming.
As someone else stated, I'm talking about difficulty.

MvmntInGrn said:
You can actually cheese several bosses in Demon's Souls (maybe you meant "...as hard as Demon's Souls, but with zero...")

Yes, that's what I meant, but the "but" isn't necessary. I've got a comma there. It's a list. Take each item at face value, and recognize the contrast (Demons Souls, lack of cheesing) as the reason for inclusion. The statement is in no way claiming Demons Souls to lack cheesing, it's a list of wants for Zelda. It's a very short list, sure. But I'm confident it'll be fun and polished, I'm just concerned about it being too easy or, if they make it hard, too cheesable.

mantidor said:
Zelda is difficult enough. People should keep in mind that difficulty for Nintendo is not more damage and less hearts, is puzzles and item use. The temple of the ocean King is the example of Zelda being difficult, and unfortunately is not the kind of difficulty people like.

The puzzles are all a joke. The item usage is so obvious.
This may come from having played games for decades, but surely they can think of ways to make me think differently.

I want to walk into a room and be presented with a few torches. If I light them, I want to be utterly destroyed by an army of ridiculous foes. I want to be punished for trying to push a conspicuous block. I want my old habits to be beaten out of me forcibly.

You don't have to make puzzles ridiculously hard to make them decently hard for Zelda fans. You just have to make them decently hard, stop relying on traditional Zelda puzzle mechanics, and eliminate the hand holding.

Torches? Light them.
Colored orb? Hit it.
Blocks in your way? Walk into them for a bit and one of them will move.
Protrusion on a wall? Grapple that bitch.
Switch? Move a statue on top of it.
Ice? You're gonna be sliding statues around on it.
Water? You're gonna be raising and lowering it.
Cracks in the wall or floor? Get your bombs.

I want to have to stop and think again.

Combat difficulty is separate, and that should be a user-selectable option.


Gold Member
I would be very disappointed if this game doesn't have a high quality orchestrated soundtrack, after hearing the amazing results in the Galaxy games. Zelda is Nintendo's big epic fantasy series, and its atmosphere would gain so much from great sounding music. The MIDI in previous games just doesn't sound good.

It wouldn't necessarily have to be recordings of a live orchestra, though. Software instruments nowadays can sound amazingly life-like (the main difference being that music made with software instruments can sound a bit too "perfect"), and I bet 99% of players wouldn't know the difference.
It would still have to be prerecorded tracks though, since the Wii could never handle playing back such high quality samples in realtime (these software instruments demand a lot of CPU power and more memory than the Wii has in total). MIDI doesn't have to sound bad at all (actually, MIDI has no "sound" - it's just a digital instruction "language" for digital instruments, the sound quality depends completely on what's being used to play back the instructions); the reason it does sound bad in most Nintendo games (TP, etc.) is that the Wii simple can't handle high quality samples while playing back realtime, dynamic music.

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
As someone else stated, I'm talking about difficulty.

While Zelda's action portions could use a bit more difficulty, the perplexing dungeon design and Demon Soul like enemy difficulty just wouldn't work.


mantidor said:
Zelda is difficult enough. People should keep in mind that difficulty for Nintendo is not more damage and less hearts, is puzzles and item use. The temple of the ocean King is the example of Zelda being difficult, and unfortunately is not the kind of difficulty people like.

Difficulty is relative to the person. For me, Zelda puzzles aren't anywhere near difficult, once you've played through a Zelda game all subsequent ones become even easier. Zelda II was the only one that really gave me issues.

That being said, they're still fairly satisfying. But when Nintendo puts out something like Wind Waker, it feels like they're catering their puzzles to people who are borderline retarded. OoT, MM, TP all had reasonable difficulties.


Twig said:
They are not hard for anyone who's played Zelda games since the beginning. At all.
Mudkips said:
This may come from having played games for decades, but surely they can think of ways to make me think differently.
Well, yeah.

That said, I found the item use in PH's and ST's dungeons pretty damn ingenious.


Sadist said:

Everything that's wrong with everything condensed into one line. Good job, G4.


I'd love to have a great battle system a la Zelda II. I still hold that it has the best battle system fir any NES game.
I don´t think we'll get that with M+ implementation though.


Boney said:
I'd love to have a great battle system a la Zelda II. I still hold that it has the best battle system fir any NES game.
I don´t think we'll get that with M+ implementation though.

If anything, Zelda Wii should be the most combat-focused Zelda sind Zelda 2 THANKS to MotionPlus.


mantidor said:
Zelda is difficult enough. People should keep in mind that difficulty for Nintendo is not more damage and less hearts, is puzzles and item use. The temple of the ocean King is the example of Zelda being difficult, and unfortunately is not the kind of difficulty people like.

TotOK wasn't difficult, it was just incredibly tedious.

Really, Zelda doesn't need to be super difficult, but there should at least be a risk of dying. The bosses in Twilight Princess looked great and had the potential to be the best in the series, but they were boring as hell because they were just so ridiculously easy.


selig said:
If anything, Zelda Wii should be the most combat-focused Zelda sind Zelda 2 THANKS to MotionPlus.
I'm thinking it'll have simplified mechanics. Hopefully I'm wrong and you are right though.
Swordplay in WSR works really good, having all angles of attack and blocking. But I don't think they'll incorporate such a slow system in Zelda Wii.
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