Canadian Gaming Deals and Discussion Thread 7: More Shipping Talk than Anime & TV GAF

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Amazon free shipping threshold is now $35.



For people that play SFV, Capcom is using the current exchange rate now for DLC.

The good news is the older DLC is grandfathered in, so those remain at the cheaper prices.

The bad news is DLC going forward is a lot more steep.

So if you want the CPT costumes, the bundle is definitely a better deal considering that CPT Necalli by himself is $7.99.



Chapters Indigo gift card is having a 20% discount (Sep 23 to 29) at Rexall and RCSS (and loblaws?)

Perfect time to stack up!!! And use it when theres another 15-20% discount at chapters.


The Source has some solid deals on current gen games (all online, in stock):
CoD: Advanced Warfare PS4/X1 - $19.99
The Last of Us Remastered - $19.99
Dead Rising 3 X1 - $9.96
Sunset Overdrive X1 - $9.96
Thief PS4/X1 - $4.96
Dragon Age: Inquisition X1 - $9.96
Resident Evil: Revelations 2 X1 - $9.96 (PS4 cheap too at $14.96)
Final Fantasy: Type-0 X1 - $6.96
Halo: Master Chief Collection - $19.96
Rayman Legends X1 - $9.96

Some more stuff too but that was what looked potentially interesting to me. They also have some last gen games on clearance for anyone still interested in that. Some good games for below $10 if you dig around a bit.


VIP Event. Get 40% extra credit when you trade in PS4/Xbox One games. Might be a good time to trade towards my PS4Pro.

Anyone know if EB credit transfer between stores? I'm in Montreal and have a game on me that I'd be willing to trade in but by the time PS4 Pro comes out I'll be back home.


Still not buying Paper Mario: Color Splash. Will wait until the library gets it.

I might do the same. I was hesitant to keep my pre-order even with the 20% off, and then Amazon went and botched the promotion, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Will try it out from the library and if I enjoy it I'll buy it down the road


For the first time in about 3-4 years in going to do this. For the life of me I cannot sell Deus Ex MD and I'm listing for $40.

Yeah, no one wants it for some reason. I gave up two or three weeks ago and traded it in for some eshop cash toward Phoenix Wright 6.


The Source has some solid deals on current gen games (all online, in stock):
CoD: Advanced Warfare PS4/X1 - $19.99
The Last of Us Remastered - $19.99
Dead Rising 3 X1 - $9.96
Sunset Overdrive X1 - $9.96
Thief PS4/X1 - $4.96
Dragon Age: Inquisition X1 - $9.96
Resident Evil: Revelations 2 X1 - $9.96 (PS4 cheap too at $14.96)
Final Fantasy: Type-0 X1 - $6.96
Halo: Master Chief Collection - $19.96
Rayman Legends X1 - $9.96

Some more stuff too but that was what looked potentially interesting to me. They also have some last gen games on clearance for anyone still interested in that. Some good games for below $10 if you dig around a bit.

Stocking stuffers. Thanks!
The Source has some solid deals on current gen games (all online, in stock):
CoD: Advanced Warfare PS4/X1 - $19.99
The Last of Us Remastered - $19.99
Dead Rising 3 X1 - $9.96
Sunset Overdrive X1 - $9.96
Thief PS4/X1 - $4.96
Dragon Age: Inquisition X1 - $9.96
Resident Evil: Revelations 2 X1 - $9.96 (PS4 cheap too at $14.96)
Final Fantasy: Type-0 X1 - $6.96
Halo: Master Chief Collection - $19.96
Rayman Legends X1 - $9.96

Some more stuff too but that was what looked potentially interesting to me. They also have some last gen games on clearance for anyone still interested in that. Some good games for below $10 if you dig around a bit.

Grabbed Style Savvy for... hmmm... collection purpose I guess.


The Source has some solid deals on current gen games (all online, in stock):
CoD: Advanced Warfare PS4/X1 - $19.99
The Last of Us Remastered - $19.99
Dead Rising 3 X1 - $9.96
Sunset Overdrive X1 - $9.96
Thief PS4/X1 - $4.96
Dragon Age: Inquisition X1 - $9.96
Resident Evil: Revelations 2 X1 - $9.96 (PS4 cheap too at $14.96)
Final Fantasy: Type-0 X1 - $6.96
Halo: Master Chief Collection - $19.96
Rayman Legends X1 - $9.96

Some more stuff too but that was what looked potentially interesting to me. They also have some last gen games on clearance for anyone still interested in that. Some good games for below $10 if you dig around a bit.

Picked up a bunch of games and was able to use the $10 off newsletter code for $50 purchase. Thanks for posting this.


my hard graphic balls
Why is the Best Buy site so fucking slow arrghhhhh

Edit: Okay it finally went through with PayPal, order came to $27 because of the $3.99 shipping with Canada Post Express (they're functional now, right?).
The order confirmation email is missing the item ordered though, doesn't say Destiny - The Take King, just says the total value lmao.


Hmmm... so that Taken King being $20 + ROI being $30 = $52.60 for the physical version.

Destiny The Collection = $51.19 of actual money spent on it (20% off PSN cards, 20% off PLAY coupon).

If this were any other game I'd go for the physical version, but I think I'll go digital as I have no intention of selling it off now and having quick access to it would be nice.

Also, physical version is really just vanilla Destiny disc + codes for the expansions anyways right? Yeah, no point in getting that for resale value. Still a great deal for anyone who didn't get the PLAY coupon and those PSN cards via the $20 off $100 visa checkout promotion.
Just another reason for me to wait for the "season 1" or "2017 edition" release now, rather than spend anything on DLC at the moment.


Will QA for food.
I've sunk a lot of hours into the 3DS version of Hyrule Warriors so I'm not sure if I want to double-dip. Better graphics and co-op though...

If you have some one to play with, I think co-op improves the experience greatly, even at the sacrifice of that better performance on Wii U. But it is basically the same (really even less) content, so you better have loved the 3DS version.


So just a month later a $50 off sale on the Xbox One S 1TB bundles and the 2TB edition across retailers. I'm guessing this is more a "sale" as in an official Canadian pricedrop to this is going to happen sooner or later with this sale pretty much being active until that happens.
So just a month later a $50 off sale on the Xbox One S 1TB bundles and the 2TB edition across retailers. I'm guessing this is more a "sale" as in an official Canadian pricedrop to this is going to happen sooner or later with this sale pretty much being active until that happens.

Reminds me of when Ps3 slim came out, started a sony comeback. The S is like a re-launch of the xbox. Surprised no forza bundle though.


Hey, guy, I recntly got my hands on a PS3 FAT 60GB model and want to upgrade the HDD to something more substantial. Any recommendations/suggestions?

Also, if the FAT ever breaks down, can I just take out the HDD and stick it into a PS3 SLIM model? If not, would an external HDD like the WiiU be a better idea?


Found Lego Dimensions locally for $60.

Some old dude was selling them on Kijiji. Boxes were dinged up but still sealed and everything was there.


Just cancelled a PSVR order on BB. No idea if that will free up a slot.
I'm thinking about it as well. I'd really like to try VR, and I don't have a powerful desktop to run the PC options, but given how much money I'm putting into my house right now I'm not sure if almost $800 plus a couple hundred in games is in the books right now.


I'm thinking about it as well. I'd really like to try VR, and I don't have a powerful desktop to run the PC options, but given how much money I'm putting into my house right now I'm not sure if almost $800 plus a couple hundred in games is in the books right now.

To be fair, house stuff is important.


Hey, guy, I recntly got my hands on a PS3 FAT 60GB model and want to upgrade the HDD to something more substantial. Any recommendations/suggestions?

Also, if the FAT ever breaks down, can I just take out the HDD and stick it into a PS3 SLIM model? If not, would an external HDD like the WiiU be a better idea?

When you put a hard drive into the PS3 for the first time, it gets formatted - so no. The PS3 itself doesn't support external hard drives for games like the Wii U and Xbox One do. You can back data up to a external HDD, but you can't play games off it. This means you're going to want to get both an internal HDD and an external HDD to back things up to.
Hey, guy, I recntly got my hands on a PS3 FAT 60GB model and want to upgrade the HDD to something more substantial. Any recommendations/suggestions?

Also, if the FAT ever breaks down, can I just take out the HDD and stick it into a PS3 SLIM model? If not, would an external HDD like the WiiU be a better idea?

You can take it out and put it in a slim, but you will have to wipe it unless you can at least still booth the fat to do an HDD transfer. Had this exact situation happen to me. But thanks to PS+ cloud saves it wasn't much worse than having to reinstall everything.


To be fair, house stuff is important.
For sure, we've already spent quite a bit so far this year on our home reno and we still have a bunch of stuff we want to do. Well, mostly my wife and our designer, but there are things I want as well.

I'll probably cancel the PSVR order and wait to see how it pans out.
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