Canadian Gaming Deals and Discussion Thread 7: More Shipping Talk than Anime & TV GAF

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When you put a hard drive into the PS3 for the first time, it gets formatted - so no. The PS3 itself doesn't support external hard drives for games like the Wii U and Xbox One do. You can back data up to a external HDD, but you can't play games off it. This means you're going to want to get both an internal HDD and an external HDD to back things up to.

You can take it out and put it in a slim, but you will have to wipe it unless you can at least still booth the fat to do an HDD transfer. Had this exact situation happen to me. But thanks to PS+ cloud saves it wasn't much worse than having to reinstall everything.

Hmm, alright, thanks for the info guys. I think I'll just stick with the 60GB for now and download/delete as I play. I have PS+ so I can keep all my saves backed up there.


thanks for the heads up on The Source

picked up Style Savvy 2 (for collection purposes >_>) and Resident Evil Revelaitons 2 for $20 total


E3 2016 discount strikes again!

Those were actually good in the end for me. Got SMT IV Apocalypse for 28$ + tx

Screw ups work in our favor anyway, because next year Amazon probably won't screw it up again like that since it pissed off a lot of their customers.


Anyone want a code for Mega Man Legacy collection on PSN? It's 50% off and it'll expire October 2nd I think.

It's free, not asking for anything.
I noticed my Amazon order hadn't changed, so I spoke to customer support again and got it fixed. It was nice of them to offer one-day shipping, I just don't know why it took more than one discussion to get it set up.

Ah well. No big deal. I'm glad that I won't have to wait until April for books released in September and October.


Screw ups work in our favor anyway, because next year Amazon probably won't screw it up again like that since it pissed off a lot of their customers.
Next year Amazon will simply cover their bases by not offering an E3 pre-order promotion in the first place.


is everyone cancelling psvr now, cuz i'm thinking of cancelling as well
thinking of keeping it and try to flip it as well, but i've never tried to sell something so expensive before and i feel it's kinda risky/dangerous


is everyone cancelling psvr now, cuz i'm thinking of cancelling as well
thinking of keeping it and try to flip it as well, but i've never tried to sell something so expensive before and i feel it's kinda risky/dangerous

Canceled mine a long time ago. I just don't see the worth in the entry price


is everyone cancelling psvr now, cuz i'm thinking of cancelling as well
thinking of keeping it and try to flip it as well, but i've never tried to sell something so expensive before and i feel it's kinda risky/dangerous

I'll be canceling mine. If you want piece of mind, go the safe route and cancel. You don't know how well this thing will do in the market the first few months out; there is little guarantee you would be able to flip it for profit.

Next year Amazon will simply cover their bases by not offering an E3 pre-order promotion in the first place.

This is highly unlikely. They'll keep doing it OR they'll bake it into prime and match the US year long promotion

Either way, that's money saved for me. I can wait for discounts and clearances. My poor student-ass ain't getting Prime either.


I'll be canceling mine. If you want piece of mind, go the safe route and cancel. You don't know how well this thing will do in the market the first few months out; there is little guarantee you would be able to flip it for profit.

Yup, it's also just the regular price too.


is everyone cancelling psvr now, cuz i'm thinking of cancelling as well
thinking of keeping it and try to flip it as well, but i've never tried to sell something so expensive before and i feel it's kinda risky/dangerous

I just cancelled mine earlier this week. The games didn't appeal to me, it's a bit expensive and I don't think I would make a profit from it.


Even if they did sell out (which I don't see), I don't envision the demand for PSVR being so high that you'd be able to command a huge markup for it anyway...

I'm in the same boat as a lot of others, planning to cancel... but for me it has less to do with the price of the hardware, though, than it does with the software prices.

I played the Battlezone demo and I liked it. No way I'm paying $80 for it. (Really, there's precious little I"m willing to pay $80 for... but for any game to fit that bill I need to be confident it can capture my attention for hours.... and I'm not sure that describes any VR game for me, where part of the appeal is the novelty of VR).


Man - just realized why I don't trade games in at EB anymore. $22 for Deus Ex MD and I only get the extra 40% if I pay $14.99 for an upgraded membership.

Used BB and got $35 as someone else suggested in this thread.

Such as shame this excellent game has failed to get much interest from gamers.

I would imagine so. The return policy on the site has Oculus Rift as that, which I imagine is a poorly-worded catch all for VR headsets

Yeh - I don't want to cancel but I'm very concerned that it I won't get much use out of it.
I was at an eb games 20 min ago and there was a psvr demo going on. Kids were having a lot of fun with the shark demo but dreams were shattered when parents asked for the price...
Those were actually good in the end for me. Got SMT IV Apocalypse for 28$ + tx

Screw ups work in our favor anyway, because next year Amazon probably won't screw it up again like that since it pissed off a lot of their customers.

I just realized Amazon never got back to me about my SMT4: Apocalypse discount. Just had to send them another email today. Can't possibly imagine how you continue to get these ridiculous discounts. There is some insane voodoo going on there, whether you have the magic words to unlock discounts or Amazon killed your dog in a previous life and is making up for it, or SOMETHING.

Which leads me to my next point: I actually think Amazon fucked the E3 promo this year BECAUSE of people constantly contacting CSRs last year demanding their orders change to reflect price drops even though the system was already set up to do so a few days after the fact. Now it's way, way worse. I half-expect that next year Amazon won't even bother, instead discounting specific game pre-orders like they did with Gears of War 4 and Watch Dogs 2 (but only in response to the Walmart promo that did the same), or just putting up a "FUCK OFF, PAY $79.99 AND GET TWO WEEKS AFTER RELEASE" sign on their front page.

Next year Amazon will simply cover their bases by not offering an E3 pre-order promotion in the first place.



Those were actually good in the end for me. Got SMT IV Apocalypse for 28$ + tx

Screw ups work in our favor anyway, because next year Amazon probably won't screw it up again like that since it pissed off a lot of their customers.

That's not so bad, then!

I ended up with No Man's Sky for $73.19... file that under worst deal of the year. The next thing from that specific order is Persona 5, so I have a while to see if the discount is wonky on everything.

is everyone cancelling psvr now, cuz i'm thinking of cancelling as well
thinking of keeping it and try to flip it as well, but i've never tried to sell something so expensive before and i feel it's kinda risky/dangerous

Best to take the Vita approach. See what comes out for it once it's been out for six months. I love the Vita, but if it's a slow beginning with output and sales like that, it'll be a slow trend of cool games that will eventually also be non-VR as well.


I just realized Amazon never got back to me about my SMT4: Apocalypse discount. Just had to send them another email today. Can't possibly imagine how you continue to get these ridiculous discounts. There is some insane voodoo going on there, whether you have the magic words to unlock discounts or Amazon killed your dog in a previous life and is making up for it, or SOMETHING.
I had priority shipping on my order (I wanted to play LoH ToCS 2 on release day) but when I canceled Battlefield 1, I lost it (for whatever reason) so I contacted Amazon and the CSR couldn'T change it back so he asked me to create a new order, issued a 14$ credit to compensate me for their fuckup and instead of applying 20% on 60$ he applied 30% (thus making the game 42$).

No voodoo or tricking whatsoever.

Sometimes the simplest explanations are the more likely.


Does anyone remember the details of Amazon's E3 preorder deal from the summer? I have an order with three games, the first one shipping in a couple weeks. I want to cancel one game through the app, so will I still get the discount on the other two?


Does anyone remember the details of Amazon's E3 preorder deal from the summer? I have an order with three games, the first one shipping in a couple weeks. I want to cancel one game through the app, so will I still get the discount on the other two?
Yes, promotion didn't requiere minimum amount of games purchased
There's no way I'm spending that kind of money on PSVR/VR. It'll need to drop in price and prove it's not a gimmick.

I've tried two games using it and was impressed, but it still felt more gimmicky than a real game.
There's no way I'm spending that kind of money on PSVR/VR. It'll need to drop in price and prove it's not a gimmick.

I've tried two games using it and was impressed, but it still felt more gimmicky than a real game.

I'm hoping Rez Infinite (area x?) is that game for me.

Still debating keeping my preorder..
I'm looking to get the PSVR, but I won't have a PS4 until I get my Pro on Nov. 10th. So I'll just wait and hopefully grab one around that time, or maybe in January.


my hard graphic balls
I was at an eb games 20 min ago and there was a psvr demo going on. Kids were having a lot of fun with the shark demo but dreams were shattered when parents asked for the price...
$699 before tax, almost $800 with tax... shit's insane.


My cat broke my Xbox chatpad (knocked it off the bed), and the headphone jack is all loose now so the sound is all muffled and far, so I have to use my soundbar like some crazy person. Now I have to consider buying another one or a new Xbox controller (since the new ones have the headphone jack), during fall game season, no less!

In short, Microsoft is stupid for never having a headphone jack in the launch Xbone controller.
Wow. doesn't want to give me the extra $4 on SMT4: Apocalypse. Two emails back saying basically "fuck you, we applied the promotion properly."

Fuck Amazon. Time to cancel a whole bunch of pre-orders.
$699 before tax, almost $800 with tax... shit's insane.

Ya that's nuts, I ended up cancelling my PS4Bro preorder too, I still have my PS4, and they claim it's gonna play everything still so I figured might as well stick it out.

Hopefully between the PCs doing PC/MS stuff and PS4 for exclusives I can manage until either the dollar becomes worth something (lol as if) or PS5 and Xbox Two come out xD


Which phone carriers have student plans?

I'm in Manitoba and while MTS has great speeds, HSPA÷ (3G) has really downgraded over the last two years. Fails to stream 240p video and can't stream music. Sometimes internet yet refuses to work entirely when over HSPA+. My phone bricked itself so I have an opportunity to change carriers before the Bell buyout goes through.

I hear Fido has spotify includes in plans, but I really hate supporting Rogers in any way. Not like I have a lot of choice in Canada...


does anyone know if will list Root Letter any time soon :/ ? I don't wanna preorder it from from .com since it will take too long to arrive >.> .. not that im saying i will get it day 1 from with their crap shit service for non prime members. but still better than importing imo

The probably won't carry it. Other games from PQube (Steins;Gate etc) that were exclusive in the US never came to

I recommend you order from VideoGamesPlus, they are carrying it


Thanks for reminding me about the psvr pre-orders...I ended up canceling mine this morning.

$800 can go toward a new phone, pc upgrade, 4ktv, or scorpio later this or next year.

$800 is just too expensive for me to participate at the ground floor.
Anyone have the link to look up your Futureshop orders on the BestBuy website? I remember doing it earlier this summer, was not easy to find the link and I am not able to find it anymore. Thanks!


Anyone have the link to look up your Futureshop orders on the BestBuy website? I remember doing it earlier this summer, was not easy to find the link and I am not able to find it anymore. Thanks!

My last order with future shop was mgsv. I remember I had to dig out the original "futureshop will transfer all your order to BB" email to find the link.

If you have the order # you can always give BB customer service a call tho.


Anyone have the link to look up your Futureshop orders on the BestBuy website? I remember doing it earlier this summer, was not easy to find the link and I am not able to find it anymore. Thanks!

Sign out of your BB account before clicking the link cuz it'll link you to your BB orders. don't press Enter after putting in your info, or it will go to the newsletter sign up; instead, atually press the "Check Order Status" button with your mouse or something. dunno about that last bit if it's the same for everyone else because for me it always sends me to the newsletter crap after pressing the Enter key


Wow.. seems like Farisr and I are the only ones on here keeping our PS VR aren't we?

Guess I can stop worrying about receiving it on the 13 with everyone cancelling.
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