I purchased my key from them a couple hours ago, it's instant delivery. Just check your email and in it there should be a line that says "Download (link)". Click the word "link" and it takes you to the site where you can get the code.
Bought from there for a friend yesterday morning at 6am after work, it was sent to my email at 11am. Not like I was expecting it at 6am and the game was set to come out in the 21st, but yea. They delivered relatively early in the day and before launch.
Right now they are sending the keys right away, they started sending them early this (yesterday now in fact) morning European time I believe.
My friend bought one about 9 hours ago and he also got it within a few minutes.
Thanks guys! Just bought it, and sure enough it was there within seconds of the purchase. Nice, saved $15 bucks!