JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable OT What a Beautiful Duwang

solid episode. that cliff hanger was great! i dont remember this fight from the manga at all. the enigma effect looked amazing! butdid they really have to change the name Enigma? like come on, its just a word!! dota2 has a hero named enigma and nobody sued them for it. and what the hell is a misterioso?
solid episode. that cliff hanger was great! i dont remember this fight from the manga at all. the enigma effect looked amazing! butdid they really have to change the name Enigma? like come on, its just a word!! dota2 has a hero named enigma and nobody sued them for it. and what the hell is a misterioso?
Probably wanted to make damn sure Marvel didn't sue them.
I only know of Yu-Gi-Oh in anime form, they posing in that too?

The pre-Duel Monsters stuff is crazy. Yami Yugi just breaking people's minds because they lost to him in a game, hypnotizing some greedy dude into thinking leaves are money. Also, shit like freezing a test tube of a volatile chemical into a puckshaped block of ice, and knocking it back and forth trying to make the ice break when it reaches your opponents paddle.

There's a part where they play D&D and their souls/bodies/whatever inhabit their figures so it's like literally a death game of D&D


I didn't mind the abrubt end to Superfly because I never liked the fight anyway. The way it ended here did feel really odd though. I don't like how rushed it was. Enigma is starting off amazingly though, which is the other fight I didn't like whatsoever.
The pre-Duel Monsters stuff is crazy. Yami Yugi just breaking people's minds because they lost to him in a game, hypnotizing some greedy dude into thinking leaves are money. Also, shit like freezing a test tube of a volatile chemical into a puckshaped block of ice, and knocking it back and forth trying to make the ice break when it reaches your opponents paddle.

There's a part where they play D&D and their souls/bodies/whatever inhabit their figures so it's like literally a death game of D&D
This doesn't sound safe 4Kids.


Enigma was the last name I expected them to censor. They got away with Love Deluxe, Heaven's Door, and Superfly, but not Enigma?



That guy who went to visit Rohan is nightmare fuel with that face and his back weirdness.

I still want a whole series about a serial killer like Kira trying to be a family man and holding back his desires, it's hilariously fun.
The pre-Duel Monsters stuff is crazy. Yami Yugi just breaking people's minds because they lost to him in a game, hypnotizing some greedy dude into thinking leaves are money. Also, shit like freezing a test tube of a volatile chemical into a puckshaped block of ice, and knocking it back and forth trying to make the ice break when it reaches your opponents paddle.

There's a part where they play D&D and their souls/bodies/whatever inhabit their figures so it's like literally a death game of D&D

You're missing some of the best ones, like that time Yugi basic blinded a guy for life into seeing nothing but mosaic patterns, the one where Yugi just straight up lights a dude on fire (who, to be fair, WAS a goddamned escaped serial killer), or the time Kaiba, after losing his first game of Duel Monsters against Yugi and spending some time trapped in a card, built a freakin' tower of deadly games to put Yugi and the gang through, including (IIRC) a game of Lazer Tag against a bunch of ex-military guys where the vests explode and another where they just start dropping blocks on them with them having to avoid them all and get to the door before it gets blocked off (with Tristan seemingly dying to ensure everyone else makes it).
You're missing some of the best ones, like that time Yugi basic blinded a guy for life into seeing nothing but mosaic patterns, the one where Yugi just straight up lights a dude on fire (who, to be fair, WAS a goddamned escaped serial killer), or the time Kaiba, after losing his first game of Duel Monsters against Yugi and spending some time trapped in a card, built a freakin' tower of deadly games to put Yugi and the gang through, including (IIRC) a game of Lazer Tag against a bunch of ex-military guys where the vests explode and another where they just start dropping blocks on them with them having to avoid them all and get to the door before it gets blocked off (with Tristan seemingly dying to ensure everyone else makes it).
Why was none of this animated?
Why was none of this animated?

A decent chunk of it WAS animated, just by another company. The reason it wasn't part of the 2nd, more well known series, though is simple: Besides the 2 games with Kaiba, it had jack shit to do with Duel Monsters, which they decided to make into an actual game to sell to kids and the second anime was designed to sell. Most of the games they played during that period were either other Tabletop standards (like the aforementioned D&D game) or were improvised on the fly (such as "stab the pile of money on your hand without stabbing your hand" or "air hockey on a giant grill with a ice block with a bottle of nitro glycerin in it for the puck").
It was, by Toei for 27 episodes before the more well known YGO anime by studio gallup was made.

Fans refer to it as "Season 0"
This wasn't what I grew up with. How much did they chop out of the Yu-Gi-Oh anime? I know it was edited a lot but outside of a gun or two that's all I really know about.
A decent chunk of it WAS animated, just by another company. The reason it wasn't part of the 2nd, more well known series, though is simple: Besides the 2 games with Kaiba, it had jack shit to do with Duel Monsters, which they decided to make into an actual game to sell to kids and the second anime was designed to sell. Most of the games they played during that period were either other Tabletop standards (like the aforementioned D&D game) or were improvised on the fly (such as "stab the pile of money on your hand without stabbing your hand" or "air hockey on a giant grill with a ice block with a bottle of nitro glycerin in it for the puck").
But the Yami No Game is serious business...
This wasn't what I grew up with. How much did they chop out of the Yu-Gi-Oh anime? I know it was edited a lot but outside of a gun or two that's all I really know about.

Pretty much the entirety of the first 7 volumes of the series besides the second Duel Monsters game against Kaiba (which became the first episode of the second anime) and a HEAVILY retooled version of Bakura's introduction arc (which, in the manga, was the aformentioned D&D game and took place before Duelist Kindgom, but became a Duel Monsters game slotted into the middle of DK in the anime). Can't tell you much past that since I didn't read the manga past that point since I'd seen the anime before reading the manga and didn't really feel the need to read stuff I already watched.

PK Gaming

I already know what happens i'm on the edge of my seat for the next episode, lmao

Can't believe they strung a bunch of disparate arcs together and made them cohesive and tense
Rohan, why aren't you abusing Heaven's Door?

Just Heaven's Door him then look at his back. Problem solved.

That was another cut line: Rohan thinks to himself that he could use Heaven's Door and easily see it, but it would feel cheap and not like a real victory in tricking Kinoto.
That was another cut line: Rohan thinks to himself that he could use Heaven's Door and easily see it, but it would feel cheap and not like a real victory in tricking Kinoto.
Shouldn't Rohan think a man that fucking awkward has some type of stand bullshit that even the owner himself doesn't know about though? Just because Heaven's Door says he's not a stand user doesn't mean he's not a stand user. Didn't this happen with RPS Kid?


I like Enigmisterioso's power, though strangely it's giving me déjà vu. I just realized it reminds me of Tamami/The Lock, but with fear as the trigger instead of guilt.

It was, by Toei for 27 episodes before the more well known YGO anime by studio gallup was made.

Fans refer to it as "Season 0"
Holy fuck, got eeeeeeeem 😂
A decent chunk of it WAS animated, just by another company. The reason it wasn't part of the 2nd, more well known series, though is simple: Besides the 2 games with Kaiba, it had jack shit to do with Duel Monsters, which they decided to make into an actual game to sell to kids and the second anime was designed to sell. Most of the games they played during that period were either other Tabletop standards (like the aforementioned D&D game) or were improvised on the fly (such as "stab the pile of money on your hand without stabbing your hand" or "air hockey on a giant grill with a ice block with a bottle of nitro glycerin in it for the puck").

Real talk, this shit is better than all that card stuff that followed. Except for Bandit Keith.
Not a big fan of the conclusion to the Superfly fight. I was mildly confused by how Josuke knew how long it would take the reflected energy to hit him, but then I realized it's JoJo and talking is a free action.
And he was wearing a mask the whole time? lol

Yuya was the best part of the episode. lol Dat narcissism

And if you guys haven't seen Doctor Strange yet, get ready for a bunch of (Doc Strange spoilers)
Za Warudo
memes in the future
Episode 32

I liked this a lot. The second half, as well as the opening to the Cheap Trick encounter, were great and well animated. Even the first half had some great scenes in it, even though some of the animation wasn't the best. All and all, despite looking a little rough, the storyboarding in this ep was back to greatness that was early DiU. My personal favourite was Okuyasu spinning around, and his hand turning into Josuke's for the scene with Yuya.

I'm really liking how DP is combining these arcs, even though I hope that from now on, they stick to 2-cour runs.
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