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I'm truly expecting 4 characters for Smash Switch, but we if got more than that... Fuck yeah.

Wolf I don't see making a return, not with how Star Fox Zero did. Ice Climbers would be an absolute nightmare from a competitive stand point. I can honestly only see a new Sun/Moon Pokemon or Inkling. DLC for a re-skin of Link sounds like a strong possibility. They are REALLY pushing Zelda with the Switch. Why, I would not even be surprised if one of the new comers was a BoTW character.

How so?

They had various types of infinite's using their grab. While Smash4's engine does have a mechanic that prevents re-grabbing the opponent for a select a mount of time, Ice Climbers when de-sync'ed are pretty crafty for getting damage in up close. They have the tools to do it.

Chain grabbing's gone, buddy boy.

Besides, it's not exactly like the competitive scene for this game is Sakurai's #1 priority lol.

Oh, I know.
They had various types of infinite's using their grab. While Smash4's engine does have a mechanic that prevents re-grabbing the opponent for a select a mount of time, Ice Climbers when de-sync'ed are pretty crafty for getting damage in up close. They have the tools to do it.

Yes, I know. Lol

I use Ice Climbers in Melee and Brawl. I was just more of mentioning it because of the whole change to grabs in Smash 4.

Plus who knows what changes they'd even get moving into this game.


As in "Heathcliff"
That's certainly possible. The candidates I'm backing are:
Ice Climbers
King K Rool
Decidueye (or a different Pokemon newcomer)
Retro Rep
3RD party rep (Japanese company)

If it's only two I feel Inkling's and Ice Climbers perfectly balance each other. Old vs New, newcomer and veteran.

I wonder if Sakurai will approach this game as he did with DLC, with each character filling a "theme".

I would love it if Sakurai would able to draw several choices from Smash Ballots, and surprise the fans with the choices of characters. I definitely could see the roster contains the mix of fan favorite characters and new blood characters.

It's going to be very exciting to watch Switch Event so we could get the feeling what they have in their sleeves for upcoming Smash. However it's plausible that we wouldn't hear anything about Smash Bros until E3 2017 but I hope that it wouldn't be in case.

Perhaps your source only knows of 2 characters because they're the only ones decided upon in the very early stages of the port's development.
Maybe they were definitely sure that they wanted, say, do Inkling and Chorus Kids, but indecisive how many additional characters they would want to add on top of that. Or perhaps some information was misinterpreted, and those 2 characters are two veterans OR two newcomers (this would especially fall in line if the phrase that was used to describe this information was "2 new characters").

That's what I pretty much said in previous post. I don't think source know everything tho. Maybe the information came from one of the place that had an accessible to the footage or trailers, they heard something from third party companies or etc. I'm shooting wildly with baseless ammos, so I'm not sure where I'm going with it.

Chain grabbing's gone, buddy boy.

Besides, it's not exactly like the competitive scene for this game is Sakurai's #1 priority lol.

Well, I know Ice Climbers is already labelled as grabber character in a sense because they are famous for chain grabbing. What if the gimmick around Ice Climbers would allow themselves to able to chain grab but not long as it used to be in Melee and Brawl. I know it might sound unrealistic but it would be cool if the developers would allow Ice Climbers to keep it's chain grabbing for like three times before they get hit by cool down.


As in "Heathcliff"
Remember Chris Prangers podcast?

Smash talk starts at around 11:30, lots of cool insight on how Sakurai thinks and feels about the feedback the fans give on his games.
Highlights (I recommend to listen to it, is far better explained):
-He is a perfectionist and feels really sad when his vision doesn´t happen just as he wants too.
-He was devastated with the leaks.
-He asked for hours and hours of footage to make the smash commercials, but he was never satisfied with them. He specifically asked for 8-Player smash to be featured. He wanted Samus to release his Final Smash on the other 7 players, kill at least 3 of them AND for it to look natural and perfect. At the end of the day they told him they had to release the commercial at that moment, so he gave up, saying something along the lines of "Fine, this is acceptable, why even bother" and sounding really disappointed.
-He loves the game too much to move on, so he just keeps on coming back.
-He takes stuff really personal and he kills himself to make the game.
-There is a conspiracy theory that Ness was nerfed on Brawl because a Nintendo employee destroyed Sakurai on Melee.
-They do pay attention to feedback from the community (Neogaf was namedropped).
-At 48:00 they talk about the Fox voice actor for Star Fox 64 and Smash 4 and how he was sad about the fan reaction to his voice on smash 4, but he is extremely excited to come back for Star Fox Zero and according to Chris he did his best work yet.
-Getting all the voices for Brawl was a huge problem because some voices belonged to the Union and others do not, so they had to make deal to make it happen, David Hayter as Snake was the big one.

Yeah, I understand why some people were unsure if Sakurai would come back for Smash for Switch but someone who had an experience with Sakurai, said that he really love the franchise so he would always come back to the franchise. I think it's very likely that he's going to work on Smash for Switch. At least, his workload is going to be very light, comparing to Smash 4's workload tho.

Also on other matters,

“It really is a miracle,” beams an ebullient Sakurai to the gathered room of journalists. “[We have] four of the most famous characters in the video game industry on the same screen battling each other. The only game that makes this possible is Super Smash Bros.”

“And, just between you and me,” he adds, leaning towards the crowd as if to whisper in the ear of each participant, “I’m aiming to make this the number one character game in the world.”

I still remember this quote, and it still make sense when I saw Cloud and Ryu being included in Smash Bros via DLC. It might be a contradiction against two characters only rumors unless they decided to pool the assists to focus on other subjects like stages, single player modes, etc instead of the characters. I think Sakurai always push himself harder to include many characters as he could with his power.

Also I wonder if we are going to get biggest surprise with any third party characters in Smash for Switch again.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I miss Wolf, but hey maybe the disillusionment would mean he's coming back as a snapback, like how people were sure of him returning and so he didn't return!
I'm hoping switch marks the final point in the logical progression for the girl next door living in the haunted mansion:
assist -> mii costume -> playable :3

I'd be happy for inkling to turn up as a character though. I don't know why but for some reason I keep finding myself doubting them getting in though, despite everyone seeming to feel a bit more confident they'll be included :/

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
you know, looking back...

Melee renders look ugly as fuck. Even the "gritty realism" Brawl had doesn't make it look outdated. Melee looked like everyone had vaseline slapped on them.

Also ugly Falco.
It's not being "cynical" to point out how absurd it is to expect 8 new characters.
My prediction is that Sakurai will consider this a full sequel and do a sequel's worth a new characters. Which is why I predicted anywhere bwteen 8-15.

Its more absurd to think they'll only be 5 or something. This is Sakurai. Come on now.

I have been proven wrong on many things but this is one of those things that are such common sense it hurts. Can't wait to be proven right.
smash 4 was the first good looking smash game imo

64 was nice. Pretty much everyone in that game, bar maybe DK, looked basically 1:1 what they looked like in their N64 debuts. The stages were pretty charming as well, and aged really well.

Smash 4's style feels a lot like an evolution of 64's style of being bright and colorful. Smash games decided to up the edge for awhile there for some reason and you ended up with something like Melee Yoshi that's just kind of odd looking.

We often talk about the nicest looking designs in Smash, but what are some of the ugly ones?

Brawl Pikachu always looked really strange to me, because it came out well after FRLG remade Pikachu and doesn't even really look like the anime Pikachu at the time. It's just ugly. It's eyes are strangely spaced apart, it's still fat-chu (half a decade after fat-chu was retired)

Actually, other than Melee Mewtwo and 64, Pokemon in general in Smash were kind of odd looking before 4 made them basically 1:1 their official Pokemon art.


Maturity, bitches.
Melee hasn't aged the best, but it had a rather quick development cycle and at the time it was a pretty big leap on Smash 64.

Also in some ways it was the most imaginative since many of the characters didn't have established 3D models at the time, and even if they did, they were N64 models, so the development team almost had to come up with the look of every character themselves (with some exceptions like the borrowed Ganondorf model).


Maturity, bitches.
Isn't that only applicable to Ice Climbers, GoW, and Fire Emblem gang

It's applicable to almost everything, from stages to trophies.

Brawl and Smash 4 had a lot of assets they could borrow, Melee didn't have that option.

Seeing 2D games reimagined in 3D is something a little lost in the later versions.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I don't get the comparison? I mean you still build them from scratch in Brawl, and back at Melee they still have references regardless.

that n64 gamestop thread just affirms my gladness for not being into Rare
My prediction is that Sakurai will consider this a full sequel and do a sequel's worth a new characters. Which is why I predicted anywhere bwteen 8-15.

Its more absurd to think they'll only be 5 or something. This is Sakurai. Come on now.

I have been proven wrong on many things but this is one of those things that are such common sense it hurts. Can't wait to be proven right.

Let's avatar bet, then.

At launch, if there are less than 8 new characters included (and I'll be generous and let veterans be included in "new"), then I win and you wear an avatar of my choosing for a month. If there are 8 or more new characters (same generosity) included at launch, then you win.



As in "Heathcliff"
Let's avatar bet, then.

At launch, if there are less than 8 new characters included (and I'll be generous and let veterans be included in "new"), then I win and you wear an avatar of my choosing for a month. If there are 8 or more new characters (same generosity) included at launch, then you win.


Wait? So, he don't really pick any choice of avatar for you to wear for a month if he win?
I don't get the comparison? I mean you still build them from scratch in Brawl, and back at Melee they still have references regardless.

that n64 gamestop thread just affirms my gladness for not being into Rare

I have a hard time believing all of Brawl's assets were made from scratch. Mr Game and Watch and Jigglypuff are near 1:1 with Melee. And that's not even scratching the surface for stages, where a good half of them are direct model rips from GCN and Wii games. There's even leftover assets from TP in the Bridge of Eldin map!

For the purposes of this list, I'm counting past Smash games as being in 3D. But these are the Melee new comers who had never been depicted in 3D before

Mr Game and Watch
Dr Mario
Ice Climbers

Newcomers in Smash 4 that had never been 3D before

Duck Hunt

That's one out of a larger pile of newcomers, since Smash 4 had more than Melee.

So with Melee, there wasn't really much of a 3D reference at all for a huge number of new comers. And of Melee's newcomers (and all of its characters except Mario and Luigi), none of them even had GCN models to base off of.


Idk man, Melee's aesthetic has a weird kind of vaporwavey appeal to me lol. It hasn't aged well in a Nintendo way, but it did in a Melee way if that makes sense? It just is what it is, Melee is unapologetically Melee to me and nothing more or less.
Melee does have peculiar art design in some places.

One thing that stands out to me is the Banzai Bill on Peach's Castle. The back part of it is this really weird looking gear thing.


Off the top of my head, I never cared for the Star Fox character designs in Melee. Combined with the Engrish voice work (particularly gruff Falco, which ironically is Sakurai's favorite), they always felt very unfamiliar to me.

Venom also felt off. The crystal cave is gorgeous but there was a lot of emphasis on red/brown colors; meanwhile, SF64's Venom was brown too but there was also a lot of green/yellow colors.

However, pretty much the rest of its stage reiminagings were excellent; in particular, Green Greens/Fountain of Dreams/Brinstar/Temple/Rainbow Cruise and Onett are standouts, although I think it's time Onett had a visual upgrade. It's the one legacy stage in Smash 4 that's had barely any graphical touch-ups and much as I still love it, it really sticks out. Here's hoping we may see a facelift in the Switch version!


Off the top of my head, I never cared for the Star Fox character designs in Melee. Combined with the Engrish voice work (particularly gruff Falco, which ironically is Sakurai's favorite), they always felt very unfamiliar to me.

You know it's funny, I never actually stopped to think about it from this perspective. I always felt the exact opposite lol - in 64, Zero, and even Smash 4 Fox and Falco feel kind of off because in my head I tend to think of them as Melee characters as opposed to Star Fox characters as weird as that is. If you were to ask me to draw something "iconic of Star Fox" my first thought would be the shine.
anything is better that smash 4 fox voice

Ironic, considering it's Fox's original voice actor.

Given they know about the backlash on Fox's voice, and given the relative ease of getting Fox's actor back, maybe they'll re-record them and we won't be stuck with poor delivery being used several games in a row, like how we have to deal with awful Mario.
You know it's funny, I never actually stopped to think about it from this perspective. I always felt the exact opposite lol - in 64, Zero, and even Smash 4 Fox and Falco feel kind of off because in my head I tend to think of them as Melee characters as opposed to Star Fox characters as weird as that is. If you were to ask me to draw something "iconic of Star Fox" my first thought would be the shine.

i'd probably attempt to illustrate "do a barrel roll" somehow, though shine would be the second thing I thought of. I love 64, and loved assault and sfa at the time, but melee has surpassed all the actual star fox series in my brain save that one meme as far as defining the characters.
I'm a little surprised Falco's managed to keep his gimmick of being the highest jumper for this long.

You'd think someone else would come along or someone like Luigi would get a buff. Like how Falcon lost his "fastest character in the game" gimmick when Sonic was added (obviously nobody in the game will be faster than Sonic that would be nonsense).
I'm a little surprised Falco's managed to keep his gimmick of being the highest jumper for this long.

You'd think someone else would come along or someone like Luigi would get a buff. Like how Falcon lost his "fastest character in the game" gimmick when Sonic was added (obviously nobody in the game will be faster than Sonic that would be nonsense).

Luigi has never been known for having the highest jumps, just that he has a high/floaty jump.
You know it's funny, I never actually stopped to think about it from this perspective. I always felt the exact opposite lol - in 64, Zero, and even Smash 4 Fox and Falco feel kind of off because in my head I tend to think of them as Melee characters as opposed to Star Fox characters as weird as that is. If you were to ask me to draw something "iconic of Star Fox" my first thought would be the shine.

LOL, interesting perspective. Kinda reminds me of what Sakurai says about Roy.

Ironic, considering it's Fox's original voice actor.

Given they know about the backlash on Fox's voice, and given the relative ease of getting Fox's actor back, maybe they'll re-record them and we won't be stuck with poor delivery being used several games in a row, like how we have to deal with awful Mario.

I secretly hope for this.
I'm a little surprised Falco's managed to keep his gimmick of being the highest jumper for this long.

You'd think someone else would come along or someone like Luigi would get a buff. Like how Falcon lost his "fastest character in the game" gimmick when Sonic was added (obviously nobody in the game will be faster than Sonic that would be nonsense).
It's all Falco's got at this point considering they seem adamant about removing everything good about him. Hopefully he's at his "Brawl Mario" level right now and they realize he's been shorted pretty bad this time around.
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