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Also can we get Nintendo Land and SM3DW stages? Pleeeease? As for 3DS stages I'd like to see: as many of them as you can port. Unova Pokémon League would probably be too difficult since there's lots of moving parts to remake, but that's my #1 most wanted. Otherwise I'm looking forward to getting Corneria back on a console :B

Nintendo Land would be fun but I've never cared over the prospect of a SM3DW stage. You could say it's inevitable but while I may be speaking from my own apathy towards the game, I've never found myself excited when envisioning possible stages. IMO, the most likely two are:

1) Some variation of Super Bell Hill, aka the typical "opening green Mario stage" which has been played out at this point (although I suppose a 3D Land-esque take on it would be interesting).

2) World Bowser, which should be fine based on the aesthetic/concepts involved but I imagine it'd take priority over a Bowser's Castle stage and I've been wanting that forever, so...
Screw new Mario stages, give some other series a chance.
Shit I'll take a Federation Force stage with rising lava at this point to get more metroid in there....okay not quite true.
Nintendo Land would be fun but I've never cared over the prospect of a SM3DW stage. You could say it's inevitable but while I may be speaking from my own apathy towards the game, I've never found myself excited when envisioning possible stages. IMO, the most likely two are:

1) Some variation of Super Bell Hill, aka the typical "opening green Mario stage" which has been played out at this point (although I suppose a 3D Land-esque take on it would be interesting).

2) World Bowser, which should be fine based on the aesthetic/concepts involved but I imagine it'd take priority over a Bowser's Castle stage and I've been wanting that forever, so...

See I would be super down with a World Bowser stage but also I know it wouldn't be fair to expect it to come before a proper Bowser Castle stage.

I think Footlight Lane would be an excellent one, or any of the many pretty settings from that game. I agree that a Super Bell Hill level would be super boring. How about a Mario snow level? Or just more snow levels for that matter.

But yeah I probably don't need to be asking for too many more Mario stages. It'd be cool if some content from Switch games made it in though. A BotW stage would be terrific.
Outside of 3rd party characters there isn't really anyone else I'd want in Smash4 at the moment...

Honestly I'm at a point where if the characters I've mentioned in my post are included, it'll be literally perfect for me. However I guess I can always think of more characters I'd want if I were being greedy lol

Actually one example is Captain Toad (or any Toad). I think it'd properly round out the major Mario characters (plus there could be a Toadette alt). But Mario just got two stellar newcomers so I guess I should just wait til Smash 6 or whatever.

I do hope Sakurai separates Alph into his own character like he intended because Rock Pikmin are my faaaave. It shouldn't be too hard. Also please take the Pikmin limit back up to 6, or I would even settle for 5. Anything but the shitty situation Olimar got stuck with this time because of the 3DS. Taking the total up to 5 or 6 would be totally reasonable, and it would mean playing Olimar isn't an exercise in constantly plucking Pikmin.

As far as third parties go, my biggest hope that will never be fulfilled is the return of Snake. Though, I do understand how much of a long shot that is with how awful Konami is. Rayman would be a great choice, imo. He's a pretty respected platforming legend with a colorful and fun universe that could be represented well in Smash. I have a feeling the only reason Rayman was relegated to a trophy in Smash 4 is because he was (rightly) lower on Sakurai's list of guest characters than all the others that appeared. Rayman and Globox getting trophies makes me think there's something there though. Plus, Ubi and Nintendo have a pretty decent relationship.

As far as other third parties go, I'm not super sure who I would like to appear. Then again, I never anticipated Bayo and I'm thrilled with her inclusion, so I'm pretty open.


As in "Heathcliff"
Honestly, two characters total does kinda make sense to me, even though I wanted a bit more.

You have to consider that Sakurai most likely really, really wants to be done with this game. He first started developing it back in 2012 so he's literally spend nearly half a decade working on it. He's probably aching to move on to something else at this point. But at the same time, he probably feels he needs to give people some sort of incentive to buy this here new Switch version, and also probably feels he owes the Ice Climbers (reoccuring veterans that would of been in, had the 3DS hardware not suck mongo dick) and their fans something.

Besides the time that will most likely go into porting stuff over the 3DS version, we also have to consider that the DLC characters themselves are still incomplete in comparison to the characters to the base in, they still lack their own custom specials and their own Palutena Guidances. Now, it's one thing for these characters to lack this stuff when they're optional DLC, but in this case they're going to be apart of the base roster, so they'll just stick out like a sore thumb completely if they still don't have custom moves or KI codecs. I think it's safe to say the reason why the DLC characters didn't have custom moves to begin with is because, with the downsized development team, working on them probably would of been a development strain and would of resulted in less characters, so it actually does make sense why they wouldn't add too many additional peeps to the Switch version, provided they wanted to finish the DLC fighters. I also wouldn't be very surprised if they secretly recorded new Palutena Guidances behind the scenes when they brought back Brandy Kopp and Antony Del Rio to voice their characters in Bayonetta's trailer.

At the end of the day...two characters is better than nothing. Some cynical farts around here like Professor Beef and Captain Rage Quit 69 thought we'd get absolutely nothing new, so yeah. Would liked a bit more to keep the hype train going, but I guess now we got Marvel vs. Capcom for that.

Well, it's just a rumor so we don't know if it's reliable or not. I meant how often would smash rumors ended up being true? Don't throw a towel into the ring just yet.

Yes, it might be better if we just set our expectation with low numbers as possible so it's good way to get our expectation to be met and being surprised by the announcements.

I would understand that they probably need to get their workers working on many contents Sakurai would like to include in Smash for Switch, like stages, single player modes, story mode, etc. Also, like you said that they need to fill out some missing stuffs for those downloadable characters as well.

If we are getting two characters so I would wage that we might get Ice Climbers and Inkling.

I believe them when they benefit me, you dumb dog!

2 characters + another year of DLC would be alright.

2 characters means the Alph semi-clone dream is dead, though.

What's the source of the two characters leak again? I missed it somehow.

In any case, I think they developed more than two in the year since DLC ended (more than 1.5 years when Fall 2017 rolls around). The only way I see only two new additions is if they added a lot of 3DS stages and new modes or other content.
Where's the 2 characters rumor from? If it's 2 characters then it's ice climber and Inklings.

Staying with this, maybe Inkling subbed for a RH character if Sakurai just finished characters he cut during development since they'd take less time then from the ground up Splatoon rep.


As in "Heathcliff"
I just finished with tally the scores for the Prediction Contest we hosted few years ago, so if some of you were involved, then I suggest y'all to check the thread for your placement.

switch presentation only a month away

i can already taste it

Same here. Time flew pretty fast so I have no doubt we would be there pretty soon.

Source Gaming, who usually know their stuff and don't generally mention stuff without being sure of it

They emphasized that it's rumors, not leaks. You should take it with a grain of salts tho.
Next two characters are actually confirmed, just got a PM from Sakurai on his secret gaf account

They are
Coldsteel The Hedgehog and Mr. Incredible

Shocking I know, but let's be honest we all knew this was gonna happen.


I trust Source Gaming, but I'm having a difficult time believing the two character rumor. It just seems really unlike Sakurai to underdeliver in that regard, especially compared to all of the new content that Mario Kart 8 is rumored to be receiving.
I trust Source Gaming, but I'm having a difficult time believing the two character rumor. It just seems really unlike Sakurai to underdeliver in that regard, especially compared to all of the new content that Mario Kart 8 is rumored to be receiving.

See, here's the thing

Mario Kart is a racing game where adding a new character is as simple as getting the model with the animations, and you're done.

Smash Bros. is a fighting
game where adding a new character requires actual thought put into their animations, moveset, and interactions with the rest of the cast to create a seemingly balanced experience as well as insure we don't get stupid shit like Diddy being immune to grabs or glitching into Mewtwo's nonexistent custom special moves.

One of those things requires significantly more effort than the other.


I know, but Mario Kart will probably get more than two new tracks, which is roughly equivalent in effort to Smash Bros. characters.


As in "Heathcliff"
I trust Source Gaming, but I'm having a difficult time believing the two character rumor. It just seems really unlike Sakurai to underdeliver in that regard, especially compared to all of the new content that Mario Kart 8 is rumored to be receiving.

Yeah, it's just a rumor so people should take it with a grain of salts tho. I meant anything could happens in the development that the sources aren't aware with. I would imagine that Gematsu Leak might be the best example for this situation. Gematsu Leak didn't even leak anything about Duck Hunt and Bowser Jr, along with Chorus Kids being cut and Chrom getting cut. I know the reasons behind latter two characters but I'm saying that it's extremely rare that source(s) or leaker(s) to know everything or having a full leak for certain games during the development (Nintendo-wise).

I'm saying that the source(s) could assume that there would be only two playable characters being added to upcoming Smash due to few reasons because the source(s) probably didn't know everything or received only limited information based on what source could get. Sometime source(s) aren't always come with very detailed and full information about everything. We really got very lucky with the leaks during era of Smash 4 hype.

If we actually got two new characters then that's great. I would rather that we got two more characters, rather than not getting any new characters. If we are actually getting more characters than just two then that's great of everyone involved.

Temper your expectation & Don't count your chickens before they're hatched.

I can imagine 2 new original cups, and 2 more retro cups like DLC 1+2 gave us for MK8.

Or 2 new original cups and 2 more original cups with Nintendo IPs tracks. Either way, I hope the information is 100% accurate because it's going to be first game in Mario Kart franchise to have 64 tracks.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
You know, looking at the roster contest thread, people were really banking on Lucario and Ike being cut as flavor of the month lol

So weird, especially when you consider how unique the two characters are.
I trust Source Gaming, but I'm having a difficult time believing the two character rumor. It just seems really unlike Sakurai to underdeliver in that regard, especially compared to all of the new content that Mario Kart 8 is rumored to be receiving.

I'm personally expecting 5-7 characters.

However, the information I have received indicates that the source believes/ is only aware of two additional characters.

It might be a situation like Corrin where a character(s) was/ were decided late. With the game not supposedly hitting the Switch launch, it wouldn't surprise me if additional character(s) snuck in and my sources are just not aware of them.

Feel free to tag me at anytime with questions (on Twitter would be best). I'll be happy to answer what I can~
However, the information I have received indicates that the source believes/ is only aware of two additional characters.

It might be a situation like Corrin where a character(s) was/ were decided late. With the game not supposedly hitting the Switch launch, it wouldn't surprise me if additional character(s) snuck in and my sources are just not aware of them.

Perhaps your source only knows of 2 characters because they're the only ones decided upon in the very early stages of the port's development.
Maybe they were definitely sure that they wanted, say, do Inkling and Chorus Kids, but indecisive how many additional characters they would want to add on top of that. Or perhaps some information was misinterpreted, and those 2 characters are two veterans OR two newcomers (this would especially fall in line if the phrase that was used to describe this information was "2 new characters").

Personally I'm still banking on the ballpark of 5 characters give or take. I think all things considered that would be the perfect amount to bring in and have the game be fresh, and also allow to cover plenty of bases (characters that had to be cut during development, returning veterans, and new popular games like Splatoon and Pokemon Sun/Moon).
I think the perfect additions to the roster to round it out would be Ice Climbers, Wolf, Chorus Kids, Inkling and a Sun/Moon Pokemon.
Perhaps your source only knows of 2 characters because they're the only ones decided upon in the very early stages of the port's development.
Maybe they were definitely sure that they wanted, say, do Inkling and Chorus Kids, but indecisive how many additional characters they would want to add on top of that. Or perhaps some information was misinterpreted, and those 2 characters are two veterans OR two newcomers (this would especially fall in line if the phrase that was used to describe this information was "2 new characters").

Personally I'm still banking on the ballpark of 5 characters give or take. I think all things considered that would be the perfect amount to bring in and have the game be fresh, and also allow to cover plenty of bases (characters that had to be cut during development, returning veterans, and new popular games like Splatoon and Pokemon Sun/Moon).
I think the perfect additions to the roster to round it out would be Ice Climbers, Wolf, Chorus Kids, Inkling and a Sun/Moon Pokemon.

That's certainly possible. The candidates I'm backing are:
Ice Climbers
King K Rool
Decidueye (or a different Pokemon newcomer)
Retro Rep
3RD party rep (Japanese company)

If it's only two I feel Inkling's and Ice Climbers perfectly balance each other. Old vs New, newcomer and veteran.

I wonder if Sakurai will approach this game as he did with DLC, with each character filling a "theme".
I too think its around 5-7. However, in typical Nintendo fashion, they usually cherry pick new comers based off of IP they want to push out the door.

With that being said, what particular new IP do they have lined up for the Switch, that would make sense in Smash 4? Inklings from Splatoon, I think would be a great addition. At this point in time, outside of not seeing what is coming on Janurary's presentation, it seems like pulling at strings at this point.

Wolf I don't see making a return, not with how Star Fox Zero did. Ice Climbers would be an absolute nightmare from a competitive stand point. I can honestly only see a new Sun/Moon Pokemon or Inkling. DLC for a re-skin of Link sounds like a strong possibility. They are REALLY pushing Zelda with the Switch. Why, I would not even be surprised if one of the new comers was a BoTW character.


Maturity, bitches.
News just in, my source has just revealed to me that the two new comers are Lanky Kong and Chunky Kong
's verses in the DK Rap.


I too think its around 5-7. However, in typical Nintendo fashion, they usually cherry pick new comers based off of IP they want to push out the door.

With that being said, what particular new IP do they have lined up for the Switch, that would make sense in Smash 4? Inklings from Splatoon, I think would be a great addition. At this point in time, outside of not seeing what is coming on Janurary's presentation, it seems like pulling at strings at this point.

Wolf I don't see making a return, not with how Star Fox Zero did. Ice Climbers would be an absolute nightmare from a competitive stand point. I can honestly only see a new Sun/Moon Pokemon or Inkling.
Wolf has veteran status so that makes all of the IP status irrelevant.
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